For Parents

Catholic School Parents Archdiocese Canberra Goulburn (CSPACG)

Absentee Form

Please head to the Compass App to submit your absentee form.

Change to Travel Arrangements

Please complete this form if you require changes to your child/ren's normal routine for travel.

Morning Club registration

Please complete the below form to register for Morning Club, which is run Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 8.30am.

Tuckshop Roster

Attached is the latest Tuckshop roster. Please check the dates and coordinate a swap with someone yourself and then advise Pip or Allison as soon as possible.

Tuckshop Helper

If you would like to assist in the Tuckshop, please complete the form.

Uniform Shop Order Form

Orders can be completed via Qkr and will be distributed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Extended Leave Application Form

Please note there are 2 forms- one for 10 to 24 days and then extended leave for 25+ days.

Consent to Dispense Medicine

Please complete this form if you require your child to be dispensed medicine during the school day.

Counsellor Referral Form


Term 1 Tuesday, 3 February  - Thursday, 10 April

Term 2 Tuesday, 29 April  - Thursday, 3 July

Term 3 Tuesday, 22 July - Thursday, 25 September

Term 4 Tuesday, 14 October - Thursday, 18 December

* Correct as at 2 February 2025. Subject to change