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- Calendar
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- 2025 School Fees
- Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Classroom Support with Mrs Nicola Spackman
- School Sport with Miss Croker and Mr Edwards
- Representative Sport with Mr James Edwards/ Miss Annie Croker
- P & F News
- Library News with Mrs. McCormack
- Counsellor Corner
- Class Awards
- Trinity Catholic College 2026 Enrolment
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Term 1 2025 | |
Week 5 | |
Friday 7 March |
Tuckshop- Nicole, Jodie, Tristan Welcome function- Trivia night |
Week 6 | |
Monday 10 March |
Tuckshop- Tash, Carina Kindy Crookwell Library visit |
Wednesday 12 March |
NAPLAN commences Year 4 Art Focus Day Reconciliation session #2- 3.30pm at school |
Friday 14 March |
Tuckshop- Ally, Georgia, Libbie |
Week 7 | |
Monday 17 March |
Tuckshop- Kylie, Lisa, Elizabeth |
Wednesday 19 March |
Kinder Art Focus Day Reconciliation Session #3- 3.30 at school |
Friday 21 March |
Tuckshop- Reane, Jackie, Mat |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Our Northern Region swimmers achieved commendable individual results on Monday from the Carnival. With respectable finishes within their heats and personal bests for final results, we couldn't be prouder of their efforts on the day. Thank you to the parents who supported them with this representative event.
Our huge CONGRATULATIONS goes to Lucas Charnock, who finished 2nd in his 50m Freestyle race. This now qualifies him as a member of the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese Team, and he will compete at the Mackillop Championships at SOPAC on April 2.
This is an outstanding result for Lucas as a competitor in the Junior Boys category and for St Mary's. We are proud to have you representing us at this level, and we wish you all the best with your preparation.
We are stoked with our numbers for our Welcome to 2025 "Family Trivia Night". A night of fun is definitely on the cards !!!
Below you will find a link to a google form where you are requested to RSVP numbers for attendance.
Families are encouraged to form teams or turn up on the night and create a team.
Plates of nibbles are encouraged.
Last week we sent out a request for some help to erect the frame for our School sign. I am grateful to the parents who answered my call and dug holes, transported the frame across the road and poured cement in to secure the frame. Special thanks to Tennille who had the sign taken in to Studio4 last December to be updated with our current details.

We have a very proactive and productive Parents and Friends association who could always do with more support in whatever capacity you can offer.
Currently our Tuckshop has a small team of volunteers who would appreciate some support. If you are able to offer the odd day or would like to part of the roster, please contact the Front Office.
Students in Years Three and Five will take part in NAPLAN testing this Term from Wednesday 12 March to Monday 24 March.
Included below is a timetable of when each class will be engaged with an element of the test.
Catch-up sessions will be available for students who are absent due to illness within that timeframe.
and numeracy.
School Hours
Student supervision commences at 8.40am and concludes at 3.30pm. The first morning bell rings at 9.00am and the students are dismissed, at the end of the school day, at 3.10pm. For students requiring earlier morning supervision, Morning Club is available from 8.00am in the Library every Monday - Thursday ONLY. Please complete the following booking form if your child will be attending Morning Club.
Absence from School
If your child is away from school due to illness, an appointment or other pressing family necessity, please fill in the absentee form via the Compass parent portal (this is the preferred method).
If you are unable to access this, please contact the School Office via email or phone, or send in a note as soon as possible.
Change of Arrangement
Please notify our Office Manager Belinda via a phone call, email or note if there are any changes in routine, such as how your child is travelling home, day-time appointments, etc. This information will be passed on to your child’s teacher and placed in the 'Bus Book'. This notification can also occur via the Compass parent portal.
Crossing/Parking/Drop off and Pick up
Please help us keep our students safe with your diligence to road rules and safe use of the pedestrian crossing. You will notice signs to assist you with the drop off and pick up regulations as directed by NSW Government. Please note the PDF attached for clarification of the driver obligations.
Teachers are your first port of call for questions and queries pertaining to the classroom. Appointments can be made with your child's classroom teacher by calling the Office.
I am also happy to support you in any way I can. Typically problems that are addressed quickly, in partnership, are the easiest to solve. I will be available on the school phone (48321 592) for calls usually from 8.30am - 4.30pm daily or via email within similar hours. The email address to be used to contact any staff member is
Emails sent out of hours may not be responded to until the following day.
If you wish to make an appointment to see me, please contact Belinda in the Office.
2025 Dates for your Calendar
Friday 7 Mar - Welcome Function - Trivia Night
Wednesday 12 - Monday 24 Mar - NAPLAN
Friday 28 Mar - School Cross Country
Monday 7- Thursday 10 Apr - Year Six Camp
Friday 11 Apr - Pupil Free/ end of TERM ONE
The Term 1 fees were distributed by Head Office last week. Thank you to those who have already made payments, we appreciate your prompt attention to your account.
Please note, whilst using CompassPay for excursions and events is compulsory, we do encourage using BPAY to pay school fees.
This is because there is a surcharge applied to the school with each payment, which can result in a significant bill for us monthly.
For your reference, please find a breakdown of the 2025 fees if you wish to pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly (please note based on 52 week year).
As always, we are available for a confidential conversation about your school fee account, should you need.
Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
RESPECT - for our Environment
Tomorrow, St Mary’s will help to ‘Clean Up Australia.’ This annual event reminds us of our responsibility to respect God’s gift of creation. From the beginning of time, human beings have been tasked with being the ‘keepers of creation’.
‘So God created humankind in his image… God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.’ (Book of Genesis, New Testament)
The words subdue and dominion, do NOT mean that humans have the right to overpower the earth for their own ends. The author of Genesis was referring to stewardship. Our planet is fragile, and it is Humankind’s role to care for it.
The two Genesis stories of Creation are not historical, scientific truths but, rather, deep religious truths about God, the meaning and purpose of the cosmos and the role of humanity. They are Sacred Myths. God said… And God saw that it was GOOD’. Catholics believe that although the world was not created in six ‘24-hour days’, the creation stories reveal to us these divine and sacred truths:
- All of creation stems from an original act of God. God said ‘Let there be … light, day, night, sun, stars, moon, land, sea, nature, creatures and humankind…’
- God intended creation to be GOOD (‘And God saw that it was good’ – this phrase is repeated 6 times in Genesis 1)
- God placed the responsibility of managing it and caring for it on humankind.
Human beings are ‘made in God’s image’; and each one has a spirit, the capacity to love, a conscience and unbound intelligence. The Catholic Church teaches that all humans have a responsibility to the land and all living beings, including fellow humans.
The theme for Project Compassion in 2025 is Unite Against Poverty. Our school community will unite to help provide change for those living in poverty.
This week we commence the season of Lent, which is for 40 days and culminates with the Easter celebration. Easter will soon be upon us and it is meant to be a joyful time when we celebrate God’s love for us.
In these troubling times, it is sometimes difficult to remember just how much God personally loves each one of us. Where is God when we are suffering? Where is God in what is happening to Australia with natural disasters? Where is God in the war torn countries? God certainly isn’t the cause of any suffering …but we may wonder, if God truly loves us, why doesn’t He intervene?
Well… just imagine if He did. If God took away our free will and ‘fixed’ all of our bad choices, and intervened and stopped all suffering, there would be no such thing as compassion, empathy, forgiveness, courage, tolerance, patience, mercy, justice … all of the things which make humanity beautiful. There would be no need for any of these in a perfect world! We would also have no sense of responsibility, no sense of empathy or the joy that comes from giving, no deep relationships built on shared joys and sufferings.
Jesus (God born into our world as the perfect human) displayed all of the best human qualities. Yet even He suffered by being crucified for our sins. God knows first-hand about our suffering! Jesus’ crucifixion shows us that even in the midst of suffering, God’s love is ever-present. Jesus died because of God’s love for us. And Jesus’ death showed that life and love ultimately triumph over suffering and death. Just as Jesus rose to new life, God promises us life after death.
During the season of Lent, May we take time to really know this in our hearts…
- God loved us into being.
- We are God’s most precious creation.
- God never stops loving us... regardless of what we do or even whether we love Him back!
- We are unconditionally and eternally loved every minute of every day
- Even through human pain and suffering, there is God’s love
PRAY - Your way through Your day… Say a little prayer whenever someone or something makes life difficult; when someone does you a favour; when you experience great service; or when something joyful happens—you will soon find yourself praying your way through the day. This habit will make you aware of God’s constant presence in your life and bring you peace.
We may not be able to physically attend Mass, but the Scriptures are a great way to pray and reflect on God’s loving presence in our lives. The following link will take you to Mass online as well as other online spiritual reflection tools:
GIVE - GIVE of Yourself as Jesus did.
Weave moments of service into even the busiest moments of your daily life. In this way you open your heart to God. Listen to others. Reach out in kindness. Help someone. Give encouragement to the doubting. Give praise to the insecure. Be kind to someone who could use a friend. Give thanks to those whose services often go unappreciated. Give attention to someone who simply wants to be noticed. Smile at everyone you meet.
FAST - Have you ‘fasted’ this Lent?
Fast every day from… self-doubt, intolerance, impatience, criticism, gossip, judging others, or passing on rumours?
Classroom Support with Mrs Nicola Spackman
Happy children make for happy learning!
Children need guidelines at school and at home. They respond positively to clear boundaries. Children respond well to praise rather than criticism. Children also respond to calm environments. Learning happens best when children are happy and engaged. Learning happens at home as well as at school.
Here’s to a HAPPY year of learning!
Students with additional needs are granted the use of appropriate disability adjustments for some assessments. Some children are exempt from one or more tests on the grounds of English language proficiency or disability. Students may also be withdrawn from the testing program by their parent/carer. Some students are able to access adjustments for NAPLAN, including extra time, rest breaks, a scribe, assistive technology, different coloured texts, larger font, Braille, a support person and oral signing. All adjustments are discussed with parents, applied for by the school, and approved well before NAPLAN commences.
There are so many fabulous resources online for parents to access. There are some free information resources on the following site on ADHD, Auditory Processing, Memory, Dyslexia, Learning Difficulties, as well as many other learning processes.
Sometimes, students who struggle with reading and spelling have Dyslexia. The main areas they struggle with are learning sounds, decoding words, fluency and spelling. Dyslexia occurs on a continuum from mild to severe. The Australian Dyslexia Association may have some information on their website that might benefit your child. SPELD also has some great resources for students struggling with reading and spelling.
Students who have dyslexia often have an inquiring mind and are very intelligent. They can problem solve, comprehend new ideas and are creative, analytical thinkers. Many of our teaching staff have participated in a 16-hour online dyslexia course. This professional learning benefits many children, not just those with Dyslexia.
School Sport with Miss Croker and Mr Edwards
In an exciting new addition to our sports program, the students in Years 5 and 6 had the fantastic opportunity to attend their very first lawn bowls session! This session is part of a two-week program aimed at introducing the students to a unique and inclusive local sport.
Each student participated with enthusiasm, learning valuable new bowling skills while supporting and encouraging one another. It was truly wonderful to see everyone getting involved, showing great teamwork, and developing new talents in a supportive and fun environment.
The afternoon was made even more special thanks to the expertise and generosity of Dan Hartwell, who volunteered his time to run the session. Dan’s knowledge of the sport, coupled with his approachable teaching style, made for an engaging and memorable experience for all.
Lawn bowls is a sport that embraces inclusivity and caters to all levels of ability. The impeccably maintained lawn bowls field provided a perfect setting for our students to practice and improve their skills, regardless of their previous experience with the sport.
We look forward to the continuation of this program and the opportunity for our students to build on what they’ve learned over the next session.
A big thank you to April from the Crookwell Services Club, to Dan Hartwell for making this such a fabulous event, to Mrs Knight who organised this opportunity for the students, and to all the students who participated with such great spirit.
If your child enjoyed the session and would like to continue learning, Dan runs junior training sessions (10-18yrs) on the weekends. For more information, please contact Dan directly at 0456 074 113, or reach out to April at the Services Club on 4832 1265.
Cross Country
Who’s ready to run like the wind? Our School Cross Country is fast approaching. It will take place on Friday 28th March at Crookwell Showground. Students will be dropped to the showground via their regular morning bus. If students do not catch a bus to school, they will need to be dropped off at the showground via private transport. Supervision will commence at 8:40am. Races will commence at 9:20am and the carnival will conclude at approx 11:15am. The race distances are as follows;
- 5,6,7 years - 600m
- 8 years -1000m
- 9, 10 years - 2000m
- 11,12 years - 2000m
Students (Year 2 & up) will have the chance, during their sports session on Friday the 7th of March to walk to the Showground and walk the course they will follow on the day.
The program of the day is as follows. Please note that the times are approximate.
Gilbert/Croker Cup Expressions of Interest (Year 3 & up)
The Gilbert/Croker Legends Day is coming up. The details are as follows.
- Date: Thursday, May 15th
- Venue: North Park, Goulburn
- Time: Students are to arrive at 9:30am for a 10:00am start
On the day, we are able to nominate mixed tag and tackle teams. The students will play in age groups of years 3 & 4 (tackle or tag) and years 5 & 6 (tackle or tag). Can you please express your child’s interest and what they would be most comfortable playing (tackle or tag) using the link below. Expressions of interest will close 31st March. More details to come closer to the date.
Representative Sport with Mr James Edwards/ Miss Annie Croker
Archdiocese Swimming Carnival
Hats off to our splash-tastic swimmers who made a splash into the Archdiocese Swimming Carnival this week! Sidney, Lucas, Sophie, Tommy C, Tommy P, and Cooper all dove back into Boorowa Pool and swam like super fish. They came away with some pleasing results in their events. We’re bursting with pride for your hard work, efforts and success!
A special mention to our fantastic swimmer Lucas Charnock, who magnificently secured 2nd place in the Junior Boys 50m freestyle event. With a dazzling swimming display, he trimmed a second off his seed time, completing the race in a remarkable 46.84 seconds flat. This sees Lucas advance to the MacKillop Swimming Carnival as part of the Arch (Canberra/Goulburn) Swimming team. The MacKillop Swimming Carnival will be held on 2nd of April in Sydney. We are super proud of you and your achievements, Lucas. We wish you the best of luck.
Upcoming Trials
- Canberra Goulburn Netball – nominations close 18th March
- Canberra Goulburn Rugby League - nominations close 18th March
- Canberra Goulburn Football (Soccer) – nominations close 2nd April
- Canberra Goulburn Touch Football - nominations close in May
- NSWCPS (MacKillop) Golf - nominations close 15th August
Where do I Find Trial Dates
The Canberra Goulburn Sports webpage has the full calendar for Primary, Secondary and SSA events. Please click on the link below:
- Northern Region Cross Country: Braidwood, 2nd May
Bulb fundraiser
P&F Working Party Meeting
Thank you to everyone who attended our meeting and for their contribution.
Tuckshop Roster Term 1
If you cannot do your rostered date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form. More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Library News with Mrs. McCormack
Premiers Reading Challenge is a great way for your child to engage with reading. The challenge will open on Monday 24 February and close on August 22 2025. If your child is interested in participating in this year’s challenge, please come by the Library and discuss with Mrs McCormack how they can take part. There will be a showcase of Premiers Reading challenge books, on display in the library that children are welcome to borrow and log in the challenge.
To have access to the Information and Communication Technologies at St Mary’s, children in Years 3-6 are requested to read and sign the Acceptable Use by Students Policy Form sent home. Parents/Guardians please sign the Acknowledgement section and return to the office. This is an annual requirement.
Book Club
All orders must be completed by LOOP please and entered by next Friday 14 March.
Please join us at 9:05 am tomorrow, Friday 7 March.
K - Ruby Collins, Sophia Doran
1 - Piper-Lea Chapple, Noah Wilson
2 - Lukus Hall, Jack Gerathy
3 - Gabriella McDonald, Adeline Millett, Archer Moloney, Flynn Pascoe
4 - Karin Gerathy, Riley Plumb
5 - Jobe Seaman, Max Strode
6 - Owen Moorby, Ruby Pappalardo
Congratulations to Flynn Doran and Alexander Waldron for proudly wearing our St Mary's uniform.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Natasha works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)