Filter Content
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- School Fees
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- Classroom Support with Mrs. Spackman
- Child Safe Advocate with Mrs. Sally Croker
- School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- P & F News
- Student Awards
- Counselling Corner with Sharyn Lynch
- Trinity Catholic College 2022 Information
- Community News
Upcoming Events
Monday 1 March | CG Swimming Carnival at Narooma |
Tuesday 2 March | Year 3 Art Focus Day |
Wednesday 3 March | Year 4 Art Focus Day |
Tuesday 2 March - Friday 5 March | Mrs Lowe at Northern Region Principal's Association Meeting and the Archdiocesan Principal's Conference |
Friday 5 March |
Clean Up Australia Day NSW Hockey Coaching Workshops continue |
Monday 8 March - Tuesday 9 March | Three-Way Conversations and Interim Reports |
Tuesday 9 March | Kindergarten Art Focus Day |
Wednesday 10 March | Hockey Gala Day Year 5/6 Goulburn |
Friday 26 March | School Athletics Carnival |
Thursday 1 April |
Holy Thursday Service - Details TBC Stage 3 Showcase of Learning - Details TBC |
200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia
2021 Swimming Age Champions
Congratulations to our 2021 Swimming Age Champions and winning house Aloysius!
12 Years - Sethan Grove and Bridie Croker
11 Years - Finn McCormack and Sommer-Lee Gann
10 Years - Addin Grove and Chloe Bensley
9 Years - Andrew Lawson and Sophie Culley
8 Years - Chase Lucock and Elkie Storrier
Please see the online version for the full gallery of photos.

Three-Way Conversations and Interim Reports
You are invited to attend a ten-minute three-way (parent/student/teacher) conversation on Monday 8 or Tuesday 9 March. This conversation will provide you with an opportunity to discuss how your child has settled into the new school year, their social development and engagement with learning.
At this meeting, the teacher will also provide you with your child's Interim Report, and Personal Plan, for children accessing additional support programs. The Interim Report gives you an indication of your child's enjoyment and interest in learning new things, ability to ask and answer questions, perseverance with tasks, work habits, ability to avoid distractions, follow school rules and collaborate with others.
If you have any concerns before these Three-Way Conversations please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher.
If you have not booked a time slot yet, please use the link below. If you have trouble booking through the digital Session Keeper please contact Belinda. Likewise, if none of the appointment times suit, please contact Belinda to arrange a more suitable time.
At the end of Term Two, you will receive your child's Academic Report.
Medical Action Plans
If your child has a medical condition, such as allergies or asthma, an updated Medical Action Plan is required.
A "Consent to Dispense Medicine" form must also be completed for students who require regular medicine. If you haven't completed one of these, please see Belinda or go to the Parent Page of our website to find the form.
All medicine must be kept at the office, not in student's bags, please.
The Term 1 school fee statements were emailed out on Tuesday, please check to ensure you received yours.
For this term only, a print copy has also been sent home. If you would like to receive a print copy each term, please contact Belinda.
Please check your direct debits are covering the minimum amounts required. This will ensure your account does not end up with outstanding amounts owing.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Some thoughts on Lent from Pope Francis:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Jesus revealed to his disciples the deepest meaning of his mission when he told them of his passion, death and resurrection, in fulfilment of the Father’s will. He then called the disciples to share in this mission for the salvation of the world.
In our Lenten journey towards Easter, let us remember the One who “humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Phil 2:8). During this season of conversion, let us renew our faith, draw from the “living water” of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God, who makes us brothers and sisters in Christ.
Fasting, prayer and almsgiving, as preached by Jesus (cf. Mt 6:1-18), enable and express our conversion. The path of poverty and self-denial (fasting), concern and loving care for the poor (almsgiving), and childlike dialogue with the Father (prayer) make it possible for us to live lives of sincere faith, living hope and effective charity.
Every moment of our lives is a time for believing, hoping and loving. The call to experience Lent as a journey of conversion, prayer and sharing of our goods, helps us – as communities and as individuals – to revive the faith that comes from the living Christ, the hope inspired by the breath of the Holy Spirit and the love flowing from the merciful heart of the Father.
Our school value RESPECT fits right in with the season of LENT.
What does the word RESPECT mean? The dictionary says…
…to take notice of;
to regard with honour and special attention;
to regard as worthy of special consideration;
hence, to care for; to heed.
Some quotes from Scripture calling us all to respect and honour one another…
- God created human beings in his image. In the image of God he created them. Genesis 1:27
- For everything created by God is good 1 Timothy 4:4
- Show respect for all people. Love the brothers and sisters of God’s family. Respect God. 1 Peter 2:17
- Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' Luke 10:27
- Love your neighbour as yourself. Luke 10:27
Please remember to give what you can to Project Compassion to help those who do not have enough to live life to the full. There is a Project Compassion box for donations in each classroom.
Classroom Support with Mrs. Spackman
Maths Extension for Years 5 & 6
Please visit the below website for Maths Extension work for Years 5 & 6 students.
Volunteers Needed for our Intervention Programs
If you would like to assist with any of our intervention programs at school, please complete the form below or contact Belinda at the office. Grandparents and other community members are very welcome to help. We would like to offer intervention programs in Spelling, Reading and Numeracy. Volunteers will need a Working with Children Check.
Please click here: Intervention Program Volunteer Form
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs. Sally Croker
10 Questions to ask your child after a busy day at school.
It’s not always easy to get information from your child about how their school day was or how they really felt about how their day went. A typical after-school conversation might go a little something like this:
“How was your day?”
“What did you do?”
“Nothing much.”
You continue on with your afternoon or evening with no further information than that, feeling frustrated or disappointed that your child doesn’t want to talk to you about school at all.If you’re tired of repeating this process each day with no change, it might be time to start thinking about some other questions to ask instead. Leading with a question that requires more than a simple yes or no is a great way to open a conversation and get your child talking about their day.
Try one or more of these 10 questions tomorrow and see how your child reacts:
- What was the best thing you did today?
- What was something different that happened today?
- What made you laugh?
- Who did you play with?
- What are you looking forward to about tomorrow?
- What did you learn about in music/PE/library?
- What’s something your teacher said to you today that made you think?
- If you could change one thing that happened today, what would it be?
- What part of your day went the slowest? Why?
- What games did you play at lunchtime?
Of course, if your child doesn’t want to talk about school, you should respect that too. Some children need a little space and time to relax after school before they are ready to talk about it and by giving them a little space, they might be more willing to open up later.
By asking meaningful questions and really listening to the answers you can get to know a lot about your child and how they are doing at school. It also creates a great connection between you, showing your child that you care about their wellbeing and are taking time to hear about how their day has gone.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Canberra Raiders Program
We welcomed Aaron from the Canberra Raiders to run our Primary students through some skills and drills. The inclusive program was thoroughly enjoyed by all the students, and their skills were impressive.
Hockey Program
Nicky introduced our students to the 'Indian dribble', and moving with the ball both forwards and backwards. Students will NOT need their sticks this Friday 26th, but they can bring them along next week.
Save the Dates
Wednesday 10 March- Years 5 and 6 NSW Hockey Gala Hockey Day at Goulburn
Friday 26 March- School Athletics Carnival
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
The month of March is a busy one for Representative Sport Trials. Beginning Monday, we have our NR Swimmers competing at Narooma. Best of luck to our swimmers and their support crews.
Soccer, Cricket, League and Hockey trials also occur within March. (see below)
Registrations received to date include:
SOCCER - 12 March Southwell Park
Saxon Greenwood
Charlie Cramp
Kiowa Morning
CRICKET - 19 March Gundagai
Saxon Greenwood
Sophia Galland
Max’e Reynolds
Nate Kemp
Toby Charnock
HOCKEY - 29 March- Venue TBA
Henry Galland
Sophia Galland
Nate Kemp
George Skelly
RUGBY LEAGUE - 29 March Queanbeyan
Saxon Greenwood
GOLF - 26 July Blackheath
Nate Kemp
Registrations for the following NSW Primary Sports Canberra Goulburn Trials are now OPEN;
Football (Soccer) - Close 5th March
Hockey - Close 15th March
Cricket - Close 15th March
Rugby League - Close 23rd March
Touch Football - Close 27th April
Please head to the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage for information regarding the trials and the link for registration.
The full 2021 NSW Primary and Secondary Sports Calendar is now available. It includes dates and information or links to further information for Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop, CCC, NSW All Schools, NSWPSSA and School Sport Australia trials and Championships.
Available at:
Reconciliation meetings will commence on Thursday 25 February at 6.30pm at school. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Tuckshop News
Welcome to the new school year. We would like to invite our new and existing families to join us for a shift volunteering in our school tuckshop this year.
If you are able to assist please fill out the eform here: Tuckshop Helpers
If your child is an existing St Mary's student please remember to change the Year level on their lunch order bag.
Term One Roster
Please try to organise changes with other parents before contacting the School Office. It is your responsbility to find a replacement if you cannot do your date.
A full copy of the roster is on the St Mary's website in the Parent Page
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Henry Butler and Abigail Crosbie
Year 1 - Harry Frost, Georgia Proudman and Payton Selmes
Year 2 - Logan Anderson and Riley O'Brien
Year 3 - Sophie Culley, Henry Galland and Madeleine Strode
Year 4 – Archie Foran and Ava Hewitt
Year 5 - Saxon Greenwood and Marli Selmes
Year 6 - Aylish Parsons
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Counselling Corner with Sharyn Lynch
Tips to promote the social and emotional wellbeing of children
Separation Anxiety
It’s natural for your young child to feel worried when you say goodbye. In early childhood, crying, tantrums, or clinginess are healthy reactions to separation and a normal stage of development [1] A little worry over leaving mum or dad is normal, however some kids, experience separation anxiety that doesn’t go away, even with a parent’s best efforts. These children experience a continuation or reoccurrence of intense separation anxiety during their primary school years or beyond. Both the intensity level and timing of separation anxiety vary tremendously from child to child, and their behaviour/response to separation will also vary. If separation anxiety is excessive enough to interfere with normal activities like school and friendships, and lasts for months rather than days, it may be a sign of a larger problem.[2]
Tips to help
- Practice separation. Leave your child with a caregiver for brief periods and short distances at first. As your child gets used to separation, you can gradually leave for longer.
- Tell your child when you’re leaving and when you’ll be back. Your child might feel confused or upset when they realise you’re not around and might be harder to settle the next time you leave.
- Telling your child you will be back will also support your child to develop the confidence that they can handle separation. (Remember: it’s import you return at the time you promised.)
- Develop a quick “goodbye” ritual. Rituals are reassuring and can be as simple as a special wave through the window or a goodbye kiss. Keep things quick, though, so you can:
- Leave without fanfare. Tell your child you are leaving and that you will return, then go—don’t stall or make it a bigger deal than it is.
- Keep a relaxed and happy look on your face when you’re leaving. If you seem worried or sad, your child might think the place isn’t safe and can get upset too.
No matter how frustrated you feel, avoid criticising or being negative about your child’s difficulty with separation. For example, avoid saying things like ‘She’s such a mummy’s girl’ or ‘Don’t be such a baby’.
Make a conscious effort to foster your child’s self-esteem by giving them lots of positive attention when they're brave about being away from you.
REMEMBER You know your child best. If you’re worried about their separation anxiety, consider seeking professional help. Here are some places to start:
- your child’s teacher at preschool or school, or a school counsellor
- your child’s GP or paediatrician, who will be able to refer you to an appropriate mental health practitioner
- your local community health centre
- your local mental health service.
Books to Help Kids Build a Growth Mindset
“The Invisible String!” by Patricia Karst
"That's impossible," said twins Jeremy & Liza after their Mum told them they're all connected by this thing called an Invisible String. "What kind of string?" They asked with a puzzled look to which Mum replied, "An Invisible String made of love." That's where the story begins.
Consider pointing out: That even though the characters in the book couldn’t always be with a loved one, they are always in their heart!
“The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn
School is starting in the forest, but Chester Raccoon does not want to go. To help ease Chester's fears, Mrs. Raccoon shares a family secret called the Kissing Hand to give him the reassurance of her love any time his world feels a little scary.
Consider pointing out: Chester the raccoon was brave and went to school by carrying his mother’s love with him. We can all do that!
Useful Websites and Reads: