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Term 3 Key Dates
September | School Explorers Program - School Readiness Hub with digital resources and activities now available on See-Saw. See the Office if you need assistance |
Friday 4 September |
Father's Day Stall - Items $5 (correct coins/note please to eliminate handling) |
Monday 7 September |
School Counsellor visit, contact the Office for bookings |
Tuesday 8 September |
St Mary's Feast Day - Students wear blue |
Wednesday 9 September |
Cricket NSW Gala Day Years 3-6 - CANCELLED |
Friday 25 September |
End of term |
Thank you!
Thank you to our P&F Executive who organised a recent Wood Raffle to raise funds to support our school. Thank you to the Culley family for donating the wood and to the Culley, Walsh and Naughton families for cutting and delivering the loads.
Thank you to all the families who bought and sold tickets.
Congratulations to Ange O'Brien, who was the winner of the ute load and who kindly directed this to her parents and to Jan Culley who was the winner of the trailer load.

Satisfaction Survey Results
I am very pleased to share with the community the results of our recent school satisfaction surveys. These surveys help inform the development of our Annual Improvement Plan.
The parent survey attracted 56 responses which is a 63% completion rate.
The student survey attracted 68 responses from all students in Year 3 to 6, this is a 96% completion rate.
These completion rates are considered excellent.
An overview of the results is presented in an executive summary. This is formed by collating the results in the following manner:
Thank you to everyone who completed these surveys. We would like to assure you that even though they are relatively positive responses, we are still able to ascertain from this data the target areas that require further strengthening. At St Mary's we are dedicated to striving to achieve the best possible educational outcomes for each student.
Please make an appointment to see me if you made a suggestion or comment in your Parent Survey that you would like to discuss further.
Uniform Reminders
- All uniform items must be purchased from our uniform shop. Please do not purchase items from other suppliers as the colour and style do not match. Our uniform items have our school logo on them.
- All boys should be wearing our school socks - grey with a green and gold stripe and the girls should be in black tights.
- Black school shoes are to be worn by all students. If your child is unable to wear their black shoes they will need a note explaining why. If you are shopping for new shoes please remember that the vans or sandshoe style does not fit with our Uniform Policy.
- A bottle-green coat is the only acceptable additional outer item.
- Please remember that no nail polish can be worn to school and hair accessories should only be in our school colours.
As the weather starts to warm up, students will start to take off their winter woollies, so to ensure we can return them to their rightful owner, please name them on the side tag so that it is easy to read.
We have some families who are missing items that are named, so please check what your child brings home to ensure it belongs to them.
Maybe now is the time to start planning for your summer uniform to check it all still fits correctly and you have enough. Place orders through Qkr for distribution on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
A reminder that for the first two weeks of Term Four, students may still wear their full winter uniform if they wish.
Change to Student's Afternoon Transport Arrangements
The staff have a transport listing which we refer to each afternoon to know if students have a change of mode for their travel home. If your child/ren are going home differently to normal or with a different person, please complete the "Change to Travel Arrangements" form found on the St Mary's website or the St Mary's SZapp app, or phone or email the Office so it can be noted down. This is also for the safety of the students.
Students need to report to the bus duty teacher before they leave the school grounds, even if they are being collected and can see their parent waiting. This will ensure that our bus or walking lines are not held up waiting for students to arrive that have already left the premises. It also helps us monitor the student's safety.
School Photos
Our 2020 School Photo day is booked for 22 October in Week 2 of Term 4.
Devices Brought to School by Students
A reminder that if iPod's, iPads, phones, or any personal devices are brought to school, they must be given into the Office at the start of the day and collected at the end of the school day. The devices are not to be left in the students' bags or taken into classrooms.
As the weather warms up some of our older students are finding the need to apply deodorant after our play breaks or sport activities. If your child requires this, please ensure that only roll-on deodorant is sent to school.
Happy Father's Day
I would like to wish all of our fathers and grandfathers a very happy Fathers Day on Sunday.
2021 Enrolments
I have begun conducting our 2021 Kindergarten Interviews with our new students and their parents. This process helps us ensure that we cater for each of our incoming student's individual needs.
If you are intending on enrolling your child at St Mary's, but have not yet done so, could you please complete this process as soon as possible.
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to or collect an enrolment form from Belinda in the Office.
For assistance with the application process please contact Belinda.
A reminder that the Term 3 school fees are due.
For those who do not have a current direct debit arrangement in place, please organise payment as soon as possible. Thank you.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Happy Father's Day
This coming Sunday is Father’s Day. It is a day to give thanks for the gift of fathers and grandfathers everywhere and the gift they bring to family.
St Mary's School Feast Day – Next Tuesday 8 September
Next Tuesday we celebrate the Church feast of the birthday of the mother of God, Mary.
Mary was the very first saint – the first follower of Jesus - from the moment she said “YES” to God’s request to become his mother on earth.
On this special feast day we give thanks for Mary (the patroness of our school and Parish); and we celebrate her being welcomed into heaven body and soul. What a beautiful image this is, Jesus welcoming his beloved mother back into his presence.
We are all called to be saints, and so we ask Mary to pray for us that we may follow her example in better devoting our lives to God.
From MARY we learn to be…
HUMBLE – to surrender to God’s will and say “Yes”.
COURAGEOUS – when faced with tough times and decisions
TRUSTING - when all hope seems gone
COMPASSIONATE - We learn to go out of ourselves and reach out to others just as she did with Elizabeth
FAITHFUL - We learn to love Jesus her Son
From 12pm to 1.30pm the children will join together in stage groups to participate in prayer and a number of special ‘birthday’ activities to celebrate and honour Mary.
The children are asked to wear BLUE clothing to school next Tuesday.
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
5 tips for Positive Parenting!
I have shared this before but once again I would like to acknowledge the work of Glenn Gerreyn the founder of the above institute. These images come from his webpage below.
Identify your child’s strengths and work on fostering and developing them.
Be present in the moment with your children, actively listening and communicating with them.
Share with your children the times you have failed. Allow children to learn strategies to be resilient.
It is okay not be perfect. It is okay not to win. Teach them to be gracious in defeat.
Home should be a happy place. You want your children to feel safe and loved. Tell them you love them. Tell them you are proud of them and tell them why.
Australia Teacher Aide Appreciation Week

Thank you, Gwenda Romer!
Thank you, Elizabeth Webber!
Thank you, Shauna Hewitt!
Thank you, Rie O’Brien!
Thank you, Tory Simmons!
Thank you, Brad Hayes! (work placement student)
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
This year has certainly been very different for us all, especially with restrictions placed on carnivals, Gala Days, in-school visits, representative sport and even local competitions. This has had an impact on all students from Kindergarten through to Year 6, and we have worked hard at St Mary’s to provide opportunities for students through Zoom presentations and coaching programs to cater for all ability levels.
Hopefully Term 4 will see some of the current restrictions lifted and our students being able to return to ‘regular’ school sport.
Father's Day Stall
Year Six Fundraising for our end of year celebrations involves hosting a Father's Day Stall. This will be held next Friday morning, 4th September.
Gifts will all be $5:00 and will include a BIC A4 Compendium, a Giant Calculator, a Notebook, Mind Puzzles and a Secret Bird House!!! It would be appreciated if you could please send in the correct coins or note so that we do not have to handle the money.
St Mary's Cookbook
Wouldn’t it be great to have an easy to use and refer to cookbook of family favourites?
Well, what if we had our own St Mary’s Cookbook? With anything and everything ranging from quick, simple and easy to throw together meals for those days when you just don’t feel like cooking, to more elaborate dishes when you feel like entertaining and impressing.
The book release is planned towards the end of Term 4, just in time for Christmas.
If you, or anyone you know, are willing to share your favourite recipe(s) that would be fantastic!!! Please email them to Belinda Tarlinton at
Coordinator's Daria Lawson & Tash McCormack
If you would like to volunteer your time to assist on either a Monday or Friday and your name is not down on our list already, please click on "Tuckshop Helpers" link below and fill in the form .
Remember, many hands mean less work!
If you have a date that you can or cannot do for Term 4, please let Rechell Naughton early so we do not have too many changes to the roster.
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are:
Kinder - Flynn Doran and Connor Plumb
Year 1 - Imogen Hewitt, Ned Mallinson and Harley White
Year 2 - Alice Frost and Alexander Storrier
Year 3 - Mia Butler
Year 4 – Caitlyn Hogan and Saxon Greenwood
Year 5 - Aylish Parsons and George Skelly
Year 6 - Will Fraser and Darcy Simmons
School Spirit Awards
Sophie Culley for Service to others
Lucinda Fannin for striving to act like Mary MacKillop
Donovan Francis for always acting with justice and compassion
Sacrament Program
First Holy Communion preparation for Year 4 will continue for the next 4 weeks.
Weekend Mass times through September will be at 5pm, including the Mass for First Holy Communion on 19 September.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Waste, Plastic & Bees Wax Wraps
Free School Holiday Landcare Workshop
Find out how you can do your bit to get rid of plastic pollution by making your own bees wax wraps. All materials included!
Learn all about composting and recycling in this interactive online activity.
Tuesday 29th September 11am-12pm
Please register by 22/9/20 to receive your workshop kit.
For ages 6 and up.
To register please contact;
Crookwell: 0447 242 474
Gunning: 0488 027 653
Second Hand Uniform for Sale
Jenny Gay has some second hand girls size 6 & 8 winter uniform for sale. If you are interested, please contact her directly on 0438 321 267.
Crookwell 200 Years Celebration Calendar-
If you would like to buy the Crookwell 200 Years celebration calendar, you can purchase at the school office for $10, cash only please.