Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Happy Father's Day
This coming Sunday is Father’s Day. It is a day to give thanks for the gift of fathers and grandfathers everywhere and the gift they bring to family.
St Mary's School Feast Day – Next Tuesday 8 September
Next Tuesday we celebrate the Church feast of the birthday of the mother of God, Mary.
Mary was the very first saint – the first follower of Jesus - from the moment she said “YES” to God’s request to become his mother on earth.
On this special feast day we give thanks for Mary (the patroness of our school and Parish); and we celebrate her being welcomed into heaven body and soul. What a beautiful image this is, Jesus welcoming his beloved mother back into his presence.
We are all called to be saints, and so we ask Mary to pray for us that we may follow her example in better devoting our lives to God.
From MARY we learn to be…
HUMBLE – to surrender to God’s will and say “Yes”.
COURAGEOUS – when faced with tough times and decisions
TRUSTING - when all hope seems gone
COMPASSIONATE - We learn to go out of ourselves and reach out to others just as she did with Elizabeth
FAITHFUL - We learn to love Jesus her Son
From 12pm to 1.30pm the children will join together in stage groups to participate in prayer and a number of special ‘birthday’ activities to celebrate and honour Mary.
The children are asked to wear BLUE clothing to school next Tuesday.