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Upcoming Events
Friday 15 November | Kindergarten Showcase of Learning 12.30pm |
Friday 22 November | Mission Day - Come 'Dressed by Vinnies' |
Monday 25 November | Kindergarten 2020 Orientation Day |
Wednesday 27 November | Well-being Parent Workshop 2.15pm - 3.00pm |
Wednesday 4 December | Christmas Concert Matinee 12pm |
Thursday 5 December | Family BBQ 5.30pm and Christmas Concert 6.30pm |
School Counsellor visit- bookings through the Office | |
Thursday 12 December | End of Year Mass and Leadership Changeover Ceremony |
Helpers Morning Tea 10.30am | |
Monday 16 December | Movie Excursion |
Year 6 Farewell Dinner | |
Wednesday 18 December | Year 6 Final Assembly and Awards Presentation |
Last day of school for the term |
Showcase of Learning
This Friday we look forward to Kindergarten presenting some of their learning from this semester at 12.30pm in the Hall.
All welcome.
Mission Day
On Friday 22 November, our Mission Day timetable will be as follows;
9:30am – Mass
11.15am – Lunch - Hot chips ($2) Poppers ($1) Zooper Doopers (50c)
1:00pm – 1.30pm – Second Break - K/1 Cake stall (50c)
1:30pm – 2.45pm Mission Day activities
Yr 6 – Hair, Nails, Lolly Jar Guess, Novelty activities
Yr 2 – Hoop-La
Yr 3 –Ice-creams
Yr 4 - White Elephant
Yr 5 – Novelty activities
Activities range from 20c to $1. Please send in small change (10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $2) with your children. All money raised goes to Catholic Missions.
It is a uniform free day. We encourage staff and students to come on this day 'Dressed by Vinnies'. We look forward to seeing the stylish and wacky treasures students can find at our local and nearby St Vincent De Paul stores. This could be a full outfit, part of an outfit or an accessory. No thongs or shoestring straps are permitted.
Donations of pre-loved items in very good condition for the White Elephant Stall and new small toys and treats for the Hoop-La activity would be appreciated.
Silent Auction
The P&F is conducting a silent auction for a beautifully framed signed 2019 Manly Warringah Sea Eagles jersey. It would make a great Christmas present for your favourite Manly supporter! If you would like to make a bid on this item, contact Belinda in the Office. The jersey will also be placed on Facebook and an updated current bid (but not the bid holder) will be advertised weekly. The current bid is $300. The auction will close on Wednesday 18 December and the prize will be presented at the Year 6 Final Assembly and Awards Ceremony.
You may call into the School Office to view the jersey during office hours.
Congratulations to Lachlan Nagle who has been awarded a Scholarship at the Hume Conservatorium (formally known as the Goulburn Conservatorium of Music) for 2020!
Congratulations to Bella Croker who was presented with a NSW Government State Representative Award by Wendy Tuckerman for her outstanding representative hockey achievements in 2019.
We are proud of you both!
Parent Well-Being Workshop
We would like to invite our parents and friends to a free well-being workshop hosted by Amy Hanger on Wednesday at 2.15pm - 3.00pm.
Amy has spent several years working with many groups, individuals and families to help them improve their general well-being. She has a personalised approach to Food, Movement & Mindset, offering coaching in these areas.
Amy's presentations cover three of the main foundations of good health and well-being - Food, Movement & Mindset. A general presentation will introduce strategies that support good nutrition, discuss how movement counteracts stress and tension and how to cultivate a positive and healthy mindset.
The presentation will include take-home recipe cards, some food tasting options and a take-home healthy mindset checklist. Presentation of essential oils and how they can be used to support a healthy lifestyle is also included.
If you are interested in attending this workshop please RSVP to Belinda by 48321 592 or utilising the attached form.Parent well-being workshop
The staff will also have a chance to participate in a workshop with Amy after school.
Expressions of Interest: Junior Basketball Sessions
If anyone is interested in their children participating in some after school junior basketball skills sessions, and assisting with these, please contact Sam Simmons 0436918147.
The Magical Christmas Jigsaw
This year our Christmas Concert will be a performance of The Magical Christmas Jigsaw. This musical involves each class, piecing together the Nativity story.
The children will present two performances, a matinee on 4 December at 12pm for our local preschools and anyone who can not make the evening show, and an evening performance on Thursday 5 December at 6.30pm. All students are required for both performances. Please contact me if this is an issue.
Before the evening performance, families have the option of joining us for a Family BBQ from 5.30pm, hosted by our Year 6 families.
To assist with catering and preparation, an invitation with an RSVP slip and food order form have been sent home this week. Please return them, with cash payment, to the School Office by Friday 29 November.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Striving for Peace and Justice at St Mary's
Remembrance Day
Last Monday we commemorated Remembrance day. In November 1918, after more than four years of continuous warfare, the Germans called for an armistice (suspension of fighting) in order to secure a peace settlement. At 11 am on 11 November the guns on the Western Front fell silent. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month became known as Armistice Day and was universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war. After the end of the Second World War, the Australian and British governments changed the name to Remembrance Day. It is a day to remember those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts.
For us at St Mary’s, and for all Christians, Remembrance Day is also a day to pray for peace and justice and to think about how we can work for these in our world today.
Year 4 reflected on this by writing poems

St Mary's Primary Mission Day- Next Friday 22 November
The Lord has told us what is good.
What he requires of us is this:
to do what is just, to show mercy,
and to live humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)
Please join us for Mass at 9.30am to pray for those who do not have enough and for peace and justice in our world.
DONATIONS – Please help us to raise money for those who are much less fortunate than ourselves.
WHITE ELEPHANT–Please send any unwanted items (but in reasonable condition) into school. Items may be left in Mrs. Skelly’s office. Items may include things like: toys, kitchenware, clothes, drawing sketching materials, books etc.
“In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
School Refusal and Transition to High School
The following articles on school refusal and transition to high school, may be useful for some parents and have been extracted from the following newsletter, with permission from Learning Difficulties Coalition.
Learning Difficulties Coalition of NSW Inc., Member Newsletter, Issue 4 2010 (02 9806 9960
Comic books wanted!
If anyone has any old comic books they would like to donate to our weekly reading intervention program, it would be greatly appreciated!
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs Sally Croker
TikTok is taking off!!
TikTok is one of the fastest growing social media platforms on the planet, with more than 500 million active users.
This app, which we once knew as, is massively popular with kids and in Australia it's estimated that it has 1.4 million users. Whilst this pales in comparison to Instagram at 9.7 million and Snapchat at 6.4 million, the data from TikTok indicates that each of the 1.4 million monthly users are consuming a whopping 1,300 video views with an average watch time of 46+ minutes.
Parents are your children using TikTok? The app is for 13+ but did you know you can view TikTok without an account. It's not uncommon for popular or trending videos to have swearing, sexual references, drug or alcohol references and more....
Check your child’s device to see if they have this app downloaded. Then check and see if they have an account. Attached is a handy fact sheet so you can get the heads up on what you need to know about all things TikTok
Source :
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Logan Anderson and A'dee Reynolds
Year 1 - Charlie Bensley, Sophia Foran and Sienna Gann
Year 2 - Lauren Fraser, Joe Hayes and Ava Hewitt
Year 3 - Marlie Selmes
Year 4 – Charlie Cramp and Olivia Pursell
Year 5 - Rosa Blowes, Madeline Fraser and Ellie McCormack
Year 6 - Adelaide Halse
School Spirit Awards
William Croker for showing pride in the appearance of our School
Riley Haynes for demonstrating compassion and concern for his peers
William Millett for showing respect demonstrated through his beautiful and welcoming manners.
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Roster
17 November- Regan Picker & Olivia Anderson
24 November- Nathaniel Waters
1 December- Regan Picker
8 December- Phoebe Selmes & Oliver Gray
15 December- Regan Picker & Nathaniel Waters
22 December- Oliver Gray, Skyelah Gray & Abigail Gray
29 December- Regan Picker
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help Father prepare.
It is important that you contact another server to arrange a swap if you are unable to make it on your rostered day.
We would love it if some more children could join our Altar Serving team. Please contact the Parish Office if your child is interested. Training is provided and new children are rostered on with experienced servers.
Christmas Masses
By popular request, we now stock a trendy pair of St Mary's sunglasses. The sunglasses are manufactured by a Bowral-based school teacher who recognises the need of protecting our children's eyes from harmful UV rays. More about his business is below.
The glasses come with a hardy protective case and a space for their names so they can't be lost. These will be available for $15 per pair and can be ordered by Qkr.
Thanks to Sienna and Madeline for their excellent modelling.
Opening Days
The uniform shop will open as normal every Tuesday and Thursday until the end of term.
We will have the uniform shop open for appointments only on Wednesday 22 January from 10am-2pm, however bookings must be made via:
It will also be open on Tuesday 28 January from 12.00pm to 3.00pm. No appointments are necessary.
Tuckshop Roster
Remember more hands means lighter work, so if everyone was able to do one day per term it would reduce the load for others. The children appreciate your time!
Dallas Atkins
Dallas has been a wonderful help recently fixing our audio equipment and sourcing our requirements. For all your audiovisual needs we can highly recommend Dallas!
Trinity Uniform For Sale
Gillian McCann has a girls winter and summer (to come at the end of term) size 14 Trinity Catholic College uniform for sale. If you're interested, please contact Gillian on 0419 402 898
Music in the Park
The Kiamma Creek Landcare Group presents "Music in the Park" at the Pat Cullen Reserve on 16 November 11am until 4pm. Lots of things exciting things are planned for the day, so ensure to get down and check it out!