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Birth Announcement
Congratulations to Ashlee and Ben Picker on the safe arrival of their gorgeous baby girl, Claire Maddison, born on 27 March weighing a healthy 8 pounds and 3 ounces. Both mum and bub are well!
Cross Country Carnival

Year 4 Fundraiser - Rugby Barbeque
A huge thank you to our Year 4 coordinators, Catherine and Dave Culley, Craig Croker, Marty Reynolds and Daniel Walsh, and all the families (Year 4 and other), for supporting our fundraising barbeque on Saturday. Unfortunately, the weather kept the crowds away and all of your efforts did not reap the usual benefits. Your time and effort is very much appreciated though!
Showcase of Learning
Tomorrow at 12.30pm Year Five and Year Six will present our first Showcase of Learning Assembly. This will be held in our Old Hall. All welcome.
Year 6 Camp
Next Tuesday 9 April, Year 6 head off with Mrs Croker and Mrs Spackman to The Academy of Sport, Narrabeen. They are leaving from Trinity Catholic College at 7.45am and I would like to thank them for the kind donation of their bus, with Mrs Tarlinton at the helm. This has helped reduce the final cost of the camp.
We wish them a wonderful week full of safe adventures! We can't wait to hear all about it next term.
ANZAC Day is during the last week of the school holidays on Thursday 25 April. We invite all students to participate in the ANZAC Day events, commencing with Mass at 9.00am and then followed by the March at 10.30am. The wreath is presented by our Captains and blessed at the Mass.
Students are asked to come along dressed in their full winter uniform. They are to assemble for the March in the RSL Car Park. The March moves down Goulburn Street to the Memorial Park for the ANZAC Day Commemoration Ceremony. Students remain assembled until this Ceremony concludes.
It would be wonderful to see many of our students at this special ceremony.
Uniform Matters
As our weather starts to cool the students are able to wear their full winter uniform, if required. It has been pleasing to note that students have not been wearing a mixture of our summer and winter uniforms this week, thank you.
Next term the students are to wear the winter uniform, however, a two-week leeway is given if the weather is still warm enough for the summer uniform.
In preparation for the cooler months, you might like to order our school coat, which is a warm bottle green parka style coat, from our Uniform Shop. No other coats will be permitted, however, bottle green gloves and beanies may be purchased elsewhere.
Some other reminders about our school uniform- hair accessories must be in the school colours only, earrings must be sleepers and studs only and no nail polish is to be worn to school.
Term 2 Dates
School commences for students - 30 April
Northern Region Cross Country - 3 May
Catholic Schools Week - 6 - 10 May
Scholastic Book Fair - 7- 9 May
Open Week Tours - 6 - 9 May
League Shield Gala Day - 7 May
Mothers Day Mass - 9 May
NAPLAN - 14 - 16 May
School Photos - 15 May
Athletics Carnival - 17 May
Dental Check - 30 May
Arch Cross Country - 4 June
School Explorers Program - 31/5, 7/6, 14/6 & 21/6
Stage 2 Showcase of Learning - 5 July
End of term - 5 July
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Lent- A time to love and serve
Last week’s Gospel message was about God’s never-ending love, compassion, forgiveness and mercy for us. As followers of Jesus we are called to love God in return. And we are called to love and serve others with compassion just as Jesus did. We are called to make Jesus real and present to everyone we meet.
Who have you ‘served’ this week?
Have you taken time to listen to others? Have you reached out in kindness? Have you helped another? Let us take time out from busyness and over-indulgences to serve others compassionately as Jesus did… GIVE of Yourself… Give encouragement to the doubting, give praise to the insecure, show kindness to someone who could use a friend, and offer thanks to those whose service to others often goes unappreciated. Give the gift of your attention to someone who simply wants to be noticed. Don’t be stingy with your smiles—give them freely to everyone you meet. And most important, give your love to those close to you. Hug them, hold them, and tell them what they mean to you.
Weave moments of service into even the busiest moments of your daily life. See Lenten practice as part of, rather than in addition to, your ordinary hectic day. In this way you open your heart to God and others.
Have you made room for God in your life?
PRAY Your way through Your day… Say a little prayer whenever someone or something makes life difficult; when someone does you a favour; when you experience great service; or when something joyful happens—you will soon find yourself praying your way through the day. This habit will make you aware of God’s constant presence in your life and bring you peace.
Have you ‘fasted’ this Lent?
FAST every day from… criticism, gossip, judging others, or passing on rumours?
No matter how busy you are in life, with some greater awareness and new perspectives you can consciously pray, fast, and give of yourself for the remainder of this Lent—and you will be ready to celebrate joyfully on Easter
St Mary’s School will be leading and participating in Stations of the Cross next Friday 13 April in the Church at 9.30am. All are welcome to attend.
Project Compassion
Our Mini Vinnies committee would like to report that so far we have raised $238 for our brothers and sisters in need. Thank you for your continuing support.
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Cross Country
We were certainly blessed with perfect weather for our Cross Country Carnival last Friday.
Congratulations to all of the students who took part, you all showed determination and great support to one another.
Students who placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd were presented with their certificates and ribbons at Monday’s Assembly, as well as notes for students who had progressed onto the Northern Region level.
This year there was a VERY close House Point tally, with only 8 points difference. The winning house on the day was Lawrence, congratulations!
I would like to thank all of our staff and school community volunteers who assisted on the day. Your continued support at such events is greatly appreciated.
As this was the first year trialling the use of the bottom playground, we are seeking feedback from our school community about the carnival. If you have any commendations or recommendations about the 2019 Cross Country Carnival, please email me at
6yr Boys ready to tackle to 600m.
Legends of League Shield 2019 Rugby League
Canberra Raiders have invited St Mary’s to take part in the Legends of League Shield 2019 at North Park in Goulburn. The date is Tuesday 7 May, Week 2 of Term 2.
This year will see a new format for the Gala Day, with the option of students taking part in a Touch Football team no longer being an option, only tackle teams.
I have sent home notes today with students who have expressed interest in being a part of a 3/4 or 5/6 tackle team. All notes are due back by Tuesday 9 April, no entries will be accepted after this date.
Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
Representative Sport- Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocese
This year there is a new format for registration of students at Diocesan and Archdiocesan level and for individual nominations for Sports, eg. Rugby Union
The website is up and running and all trial nominations for Archdiocese Representative sports trial must be completed by the parents/carers by the due date advertised on the website.
Registrations received and Principal approved to date:
Isabelle Galland |
Charlie Cramp |
Jake Cosgrove |
Bella Croker |
Georgina Culley |
Billie Skelly |
George Skelly |
Ellie McCormack |
William Heffernan |
Isabelle McCormack |
Nate Kemp |
Bree Hearne |
Boys/Girls Rugby
As well as Boys Rugby, MacKillop will be having trials for individual students for a Girl’s Rugby 7’s team.
Students who are interested in either BOYS or GIRLS are to register on the CSSS Website under Rugby.
Dates to Note for Cross Country
Northern Region Cross Country – Braidwood FRIDAY 3 APRIL
Archdiocesan Cross Country – Mt Stromlo TUESDAY 4 JUNE
Mackillop Cross Country – Eastern Creek FRIDAY 15 JUNE
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Autism is different for every person on the Autism spectrum. It presents in a wide range of ways.
People diagnosed by professionals must meet a number of criteria. Sometimes ASD students can struggle with social skills and communication. Sometimes they have repetitive behaviours or strong areas of interest and knowledge. Early diagnosis of Autism is important as research shows that early intervention assists in the facilitation of positive behaviours. This early intervention helps lead to better educational outcomes for students with Autism.
What is Attention Deficit Disorder?
Attention Deficit (Hyperactive) Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is made up of three core behaviours:
- Inattention
- distractability
- impulsivity
- and in 60% of cases hyperactivity.
There are other behaviours that can be associated with ADD/ADHD including:
- Social awkwardness
- Poor co-ordination
- Disorganisation
- Mood swings
- Poor self-esteem
- Specific Learning Disabilities
- Language difficulties
ADD can be hereditary and is six times more likely to occur in boys than girls.
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Imogen Hewitt
Year 1 - Olivia Millett & Tahlia Naughton
Year 2 - Riley Haynes & Ava Hewitt
Year 3 - Tahlia Anderson & Harry Price
Year 4 – Aylish Parsons
Year 5 - Sienna Charnock, Ellie McCormack & Chloe Salt
Year 6 - Isabelle McCormack & Fynella Parsons
School Spirit Awards
Archie Pursell for demonstrating responsible behaviour.
Fynella Parsons for always showing care and concern for others.
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Friday 5 April: Jackie Blowes, Angella Cuskelly, Claire McCormack
Monday 8 April: Jenifer Heffernan, Dave Culley, Jo Grove
Please remember it is your responsibility to find a replacement if you cannot do your allocated shift.
Term 2 roster is available on Skoolbag or attached below. Please review it early and find a replacement if you cannot do your allocated day. Any changes to the roster are to be advised to Rechell Naughton who can be contacted via email on
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Roster
7 April- Ashleigh Bachta & Olivia Anderson
14 April- Nathaniel Waters & Oliver Gray
21 April- Bella Croker
28 April- Eliza & Chloe Kemp
5 May- Ashleigh Bachta & Olivia Anderson
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help Father prepare.
Kids On Keyboards
Vacation Care provided by Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre
School Holiday Craft at Crookwell Library
Archdiocesan Marriage Family Relationships
The Archdiocesan Marriage Family Relationships team sees great value in providing opportunities for women, be they teachers, parents or local parishioners, to relax and connect with each other. There are several opportunities currently on offer in the local Archdiocese for women to connect & reflect.
Billeting can be arranged for women from regional areas
For more information see or contact
Ability Links
If you are interested in a Government iniative called "Ability Links", please see below. Belinda has the details of the local Ability Linker. Please note this service is available to all.