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Term One Dates
Friday 25 February |
Gymnastics Program Tuckshop - Eleanor, Catherine F, Volunteer needed |
Monday 28 February |
Tuckshop - Elise, Belinda and Tennille Counsellor visit |
Tuesday 1 March |
Year Four Art Focus Day |
Wednesday 2 March |
Ash Wednesday Mass 12pm |
Friday 4 March |
Gymnastics Program Tuckshop -Claire, Pip and Rebecca |
Leadership Induction
Last week we held our Opening School Mass and Presentation of our Captains' badges. I would like to congratulate all our student leaders, including all the Year Six students, on the exemplary way they have started the year.
Northern Region Swimming
Congratulations to the St Mary's team of swimmers who competed at Yass today. Thank you to Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker for her team coordination and to Mrs. Rie O'Brien and our parent helpers who jumped in as the St Mary's timekeepers on the day.
I would like to congratulate Harry Price, Sophie Culley and Rory Bensley who will now be representing the Northern Region at the Archdiocesan Swimming Championships on 8 March in Queanbeyan.
Restrictions for Schools - Update
As Premier Dominic Perrottet announced yesterday, COVID Smart settings in NSW schools have been revised.
Core COVID Smart measures will remain in place, including enhanced cleaning and maximising natural and mechanical ventilation in line with health advice.
From Monday 28 February:
- Cohorting requirements and activity restrictions will be relaxed - enabling students to engage and interact more freely across classes and year groups.
- Schools will be able to welcome more visitors onto school grounds, including parents, and will resume activities such as assemblies and school camps.
From Monday, 7 March:
- Mask requirements will be lifted for primary school and early education staff.
Three-Way Conversations and Interim Reports
You are invited to attend a ten-minute face-to-face or telephone three-way (parent/student/teacher) conversation on Monday 14 or Tuesday 15 March. This conversation will provide you with an opportunity to discuss how your child has settled into the new school year, their social development and engagement with learning.
At this meeting, the teacher will also provide you with your child's Interim Report. The Interim Report gives you an indication of your child's enjoyment and interest in learning new things, ability to ask and answer questions, perseverance with tasks, work habits, ability to avoid distractions, follow school rules and collaborate with others.
Students in Years One - Six are to attend the meeting with their parents. Kindergarten students are not required to be part of the interview process.
If you have any concerns before these Three-Way Conversations please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher.
To book a time slot please use the link below. If you have trouble booking through the digital Session Keeper please contact Belinda. Likewise, if none of the appointment times suit, please contact Belinda to arrange a more suitable time.
At the end of Term Two, you will receive your child's Academic Report.
P&F Meeting & AGM
Thank you to all the parents who came along to the P & F AGM and General Meeting on Tuesday night. Once again a strong P & F Executive team has been formed.
Congratulations to Daniel Walsh who has been re-elected to the position of President and Reané Strode, who has accepted the role of Secretary. We thank our outgoing secretary Mel Haynes for her years of dedication to the role. We also welcome back Allison Hewitt, who is continuing in the Treasurer position.
We welcome Rechell Naughton, Catherine Culley, Mel Haynes, Sally Galland, Paul Millet and Jolene Grove to the Executive Committee. Our sub-committee coordinators are James McCormack- Cattle Committee, Catherine Culley, Jolene Grove, Dave Culley and Daniel Tarlinton - Sheep and Wool Committee and Alison Hewitt, Pip Frost and Tennille McIntosh- Tuckshop coordinators.
At this meeting, classes were allocated a fundraising event for the year. (See the 'P&F News' section in this newsletter.) You will receive information about your class event from the coordinator as the year progresses.
Thank you to all our parents for your consistent support of St Mary’s P & F events.
Local Excursion Consent
This afternoon you will receive a Local Excursion Consent Form. This general consent form allows your child/children to take part in local excursions. Examples of a 'Local Excursion' could include going to the showground for our Cross Country Carnival or Todkill park for our Athletics Carnival, a visit to the Senior Citizens centre, planting with Landcare at Kiamma Creek, and the like.
Please complete and return the form to school as soon as you are able.
Medical Action Plans
If your child has an Anaphylaxis or Asthma Action Plan, please ensure Belinda has the most up to date copy.
A "Consent to Dispense Medicine" form must also be completed for students who require regular medicine. If you haven't completed one of these, please see Belinda or go to the Parent Page of our website to find the form.
All medicine must be kept at the office, not in students' bags, please.
Commonwealth Bank National Teaching Awards
The Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards are open to teachers and school leaders in all Australian schools until 27 March. Nominating an inspirational and dedicated teacher is a great way to recognise and celebrate their efforts. The nomination process is fast and simple and anyone in your community can nominate a teacher or teachers can self-nominate. The Catholic Education Office has encouraged all Principals to share this opportunity with our communities. Further information, including the steps for nomination, can be accessed via
Farewell Stevie
It is with sadness that we bid farewell to ex-student, Stevie Hunt. Stevie was a student at St Mary's from 2002.
We remember Stevie for his determination. He always tried his hardest regardless of the serious health conditions he battled every day. Stevie never gave up.
A ceremony of Christian burial will be held at St Mary's Church on Friday at 12pm. Our senior students (Year 5 and Year 6) are invited to take part in a Guard of Honour at the end of Mass. If you would prefer your child not to participate in this, please contact the school.
Introducing Mrs Sarah Lowe
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Ash Wednesday – the beginning of the Church Season of LENT
Next Wednesday our school and Parish community gather for Ash Wednesday Mass in the Church. We will receive a cross symbol with ash on our heads. Ash Wednesday begins the Church season of Lent, when for 40 days, we are called to take stock of our lives and our relationship with God. The ash cross on our foreheads reminds us that we are God’s children, called to follow Jesus and live his way of love, peace, justice, compassion and mercy. The ashes remind us that we need to ask God’s forgiveness for the times we don’t act as Jesus calls us to; and we need to have a change of heart, so that we can live in good relationship with God and each other.
We are now in The Church Season of LENT
Following Ash Wednesday, we enter into the Church season of LENT. The word Lent means springtime – the time of lengthening days. For Catholics, this 40 day period has always been a time for self-reflection and turning back to God. The number 40 is significant because it is how long Jesus fasted and prayed for in the desert (cf. Luke 4:1-13) to prepare for his upcoming mission to spread God’s Word.
During LENT we are called to take a good hard look at ourselves… How are we living our lives? Are we really trying to be like Jesus? Do we practise… compassion, mercy, Justice, humility, forgiveness, prayerfulness?
Catholics are asked to practise three things during Lent to get them back on track
- PRAYING – Catholics believe in the need to be spiritually fed/nourished with prayer, God’s Word (in Scripture) and the Sacraments. Praying is spending quality time with God. Pray the ‘Our Father’ or ‘Hail Mary’ really thinking about the words in the prayer; have a conversation with God; reflect on the Scriptures; or simply sit in a quiet place and BE with God. Take time to just BE in God’s presence, experience His love and receive His blessing by attending Mass. There are many websites dedicated to short daily prayer and meditation. Sign up for free and receive daily emails. A couple of great ones are:
- 3 minute retreat; and Lenten Moments of Mercy
- Daily prayers and Scripture;
- FASTING – fast from those things that keep us from being close to God and from being the best person we can be (favourite treats, TV, computer, overindulgence, gossiping, selfishness).
For Catholics, fasting is a reminder that food and material things alone cannot make us happy. Fasting from things we enjoy can build will-power for the times in our lives when we need it most.
- ALMSGIVING – Reach out to help the poor - support Project Compassion; look for works of love and mercy you can do every day; go out of your comfort zone, go over and beyond to spread Jesus’ message of hope, love and joy.
PROJECT COMPASSION … Showing RESPECT through Almsgiving
Lent also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal. Donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work with local communities around the world to alleviate poverty, hunger, oppression and injustice. As a school community, during the six weeks of Lent, we will be learning about the needs of these communities and giving to this appeal. You can learn more about Project Compassion here -
Our Mini Vinnies team will be working to help us answer Jesus’ call to give alms (almsgiving). Let us all support PROJECT COMPASSION through raising money for ‘the least of our brothers and sisters’.
Please support PROJECT COMPASSION by sending along ANY coin change you can spare for the classroom Project Compassion boxes.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Sporting Schools Gymnastics Program
All our students from Kindergarten to Year Six, have enjoyed the first few sessions of their gymnastics sports program. The lessons are run by Vaughn from Invert Gymnastics, Goulburn.
Students have focused on core gross-motor skills of balancing, stretching, movement at different heights and hand-eye coordination.
Hayden getting ready for a full body stretch
Anna demonstrating her high level of skill using the low beam
Students warming up under the guidance of Vaughn

Save The Date
School Cross Country- | When: Friday 18 March |
Time: 11am-1pm | |
Where: Crookwell Showground | |
Who: K-6 | |
School Athletics Carnival- | When: Friday 6 May |
Time: 9am-3pm | |
Where: Todkill Park | |
Who: K-6 |
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Sport Trials
- Mackillop Cricket Trial is scheduled for March 11 in Gundagai. Nominations close 4 March. Registered students to date include: Sophia Galland, Henry Galland, Saxon Greenwood, Ava Nicholson and Toby Charnock
- Mackillop Hockey Trial is paper only at this stage. Nominations close 10 March. Registered students to date include: Henry Galland, Sophia Galland and Naomi Picker
- Mackillop Rugby League Trial is scheduled for April 1. Nominations close 10 March. Registered students to date include: Saxon Greenwood.
- Mackilllop Soccer Trial is scheduled for March 14. Nominations close March 7. Registered students to date include: Saxon Greenwood and Ava Nicholson
- Mackillop Rugby Union Trial is scheduled for 30 May. Registered students to date include: Finn McCormack
- Golf - NSWCPS18 Hole Tournament (Pathway to MacKillop Selection) and 9 Hole Tournament (non-pathway participation). Register through the portal. Monday 1st August at Blackheath. (Ages 8 - 13)
- Girls Rugby 7s - MacKillop and Polding selections. Students nominate individually. Complete online registration. 9th August Santa Sabina College, Strathfield (Ages 11 & 12 Years only)
Students in NSW Catholic Primary Schools are invited to register to trial for the Primary All Schools regional teams. These are cross-sector.
To register - To apply for the Primary All Schools Selection Trial in your area, complete the relevant online registration form ( and payment by the closing date, Friday 11 March 2022.
- Southern Inland - 24 March 2022 - Bolton Park, Wagga Wagga
Teams selected will attend the All Schools Selection at Coffs Harbour International Stadium 23 & 24 May 2022.
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are..
Kindergarten: Jack McCulloch, Hendrix McWilliam and Hadléy Reynolds
Year 1- Joshua Fraser, Cooper Sims and Elizabeth Walsh
Year 2- Harry Frost and Flynn Storrier
Year 3- Sophie Croker and Harley White
Year 4- Henry Galland and Lucas Plumb
Year 5- Riley Haynes and Ava Hewitt
Year 6- Caitlyn Hogan and William Millett
Japanese Award:
Year 6 for being actively involved in learning
School Spirit Award:
Owen Moorby for caring for the environment
Harper Seaman for caring for the environment
Xavier Stallard for great responsibility taken with his jobs
Rory Bensley for being a great role model to our Kindergarten students
Joe McCormack, Jesse Costello, Flynn Storrier, Connor Plumb and Donovan Francis for caring for the environment
Term One P&F Meeting
Thank you to our parents and carers who attended our Term One AGM and General Meeting last night. It was a very productive meeting. Our 2022 events and dates are drafted below.
Date |
Event |
Coordinator |
Term 1 |
12/13 February |
Crookwell Show BBQ |
Craig & Elise Croker Brendan & Allison Hewitt Daniel Walsh |
22 February |
P&F Meeting & AGM |
End T1 Date TBC |
Family Fun Run & BBQ |
Year 3 Coordinator - Craig Croker & Allison Hewitt |
Term 2 |
29 April |
NR Cross Country Carnival |
Year 2 Coordinators - Reané Strode & Rechell Naughton |
6 May |
Mother’s Day Raffle |
Donna McGeechan |
6 May |
Athletics Carnival BBQ |
Year 1 Coordinators- Reané Strode Daniel Walsh |
17 May |
P&F Meeting |
June Date TBC |
Woodraffle and Street Stall (Wood donations McWilliams & McIntosh) |
Kindergarten Coordinator required |
Term 3 |
9 August |
P&F Meeting |
Date TBC |
Pie Drive |
Rechell Naughton |
Date TBC |
Social Event - Recycled Ball & Auction |
Year 4/5 Jo Grove, Sally Galland, Rechell Naughton & Catherine Culley |
Term 4 |
Sept/Oct Date TBC |
Sheep/Wool Muster |
Sheep & Wool Committee Catherine Culley, Jo Grove, Daniel Tarlinton, Dave Culley |
1 November |
P&F Meeting |
Tuckshop Roster Term 1
Please note all volunteers must be double-vaccinated and will be asked for proof upon signing in.
Please note, there will be no over-the-counter sales to eliminate interaction with students to remain Covid safe.
If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster.
2022 Sacramental Dates
Sacrament enrolment night Wednesday 9 March
Sacramental Program datesParish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Sharon Cashman, via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building. Sharon is available in Crookwell on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 11.30am-3.30pm
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Crookwell Junior Rugby League
DO YOU WANT TO PLAY RUGBY LEAGUE? Crookwell is looking for players aged 4- 11 as well as High School Aged Girls league tag and tackle ??????
Visit:;!!Ax-PnKpllFIIgPxB!0qf-gO0CkDZi2ohMMXoKUTGla3NlkWsV4hwMpi6UgVyAu_L_o2pzph43UQJ722tb3s53JOq5-swfWM4$ to join your local club!