St Mary's Primary School Crookwell
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Wade St
Crookwell NSW 2583

Phone: 02 4832 1592

P & F News

Term One P&F Meeting

Thank you to our parents and carers who attended our Term One AGM and General Meeting last night. It was a very productive meeting. Our 2022 events and dates are drafted below. 




Term 1 

12/13 February 

Crookwell Show BBQ

Craig & Elise Croker

Brendan & Allison Hewitt

Daniel Walsh

22 February

P&F Meeting & AGM

End T1 

Date TBC

Family Fun Run & BBQ

Year 3

Coordinator - Craig Croker & Allison Hewitt

Term 2

29 April

NR Cross Country Carnival 

Year 2

Coordinators - Reané Strode & Rechell Naughton

6 May

Mother’s Day Raffle 

Donna McGeechan

6 May

Athletics Carnival


Year 1

Coordinators- Reané Strode

Daniel Walsh

17 May

P&F Meeting


Date TBC

Woodraffle and Street Stall

(Wood donations McWilliams & McIntosh)


Coordinator required

Term 3

9 August

P&F Meeting

Date TBC

Pie Drive

Rechell Naughton

Date TBC

Social Event - Recycled Ball & Auction 

Year 4/5

Jo Grove, Sally Galland, Rechell Naughton & Catherine Culley

Term 4 


Date TBC

Sheep/Wool Muster

Sheep & Wool Committee

Catherine Culley, Jo Grove, Daniel Tarlinton, Dave Culley

1 November

P&F Meeting

This year our fundraising will contribute to key learning area resources, twenty new student chromebooks, an interactive panel and possibly a cover for the walkway between the two kindergarten rooms. 
As in the past, Year Six will host their own fundraising activities during the year to offset the expense of their end of year graduation celebration.

Tuckshop Roster Term 1

Please note all volunteers must be double-vaccinated and will be asked for proof upon signing in. 

Please note, there will be no over-the-counter sales to eliminate interaction with students to remain Covid safe.

If you cannot do your date, please organise your replacement yourself and advise Belinda of the update to ensure we have a correct copy of the roster. 

Friday 25 Feb: Eleanor Fraser, Catherine Fraser, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Monday 28 Feb: Elise Croker, Belinda Foley, Tennille McIntosh
Friday 4 Mar: Claire McCormack, Pip Frost, Rebecca Scott
Monday 7 Mar: Reané Strode, Danielle Crosbie, Elizabeth Egan
Friday 11 Mar: Rachael Selmes, Maureen Lucock, Nicole Moloney