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Upcoming Events
Term 2 |
11 - 21 May |
Tuesday 18 May |
Art Focus Day- Kindergarten |
Wednesday 19 May |
National Simultaneous Storytime |
Monday 24 May |
Art Focus Day- Year Two |
Tuesday 25 May |
Archdiocesan Cross Country Art Focus Day- Year Six |
Friday 28 May |
Art Focus Day- Year One |
Monday 31 May |
Art Focus Day- Year Five |
Tuesday 1 June |
Art Focus Day- Year Three |
Wednesday 2 June |
Art Focus Day- Year Four |
Friday 11 June |
Northern Region Athletics Carnival |
Monday 14 June |
Queens Birthday Public Holiday |
Friday 25 June |
Stage 2 Showcase of Learning End of term |
Northern Region Cross Country Carnival
I would like to thank carnival coordinator Sally-Anne Croker and our Year One families, led by Reane Strode and Rechelle Naughton, for their outstanding organisation of the Northern Region Cross Country Carnival held last Friday.
Even though the day was cool and drizzly, the event went off without a hitch. I was extremely impressed with all our representative runners and our Year Six helpers.
Congratulations to Sethan Grove (2nd), William Millet (3rd), Chloe Bensley (4th), Sienna Gann (5th), Charlie Tarlinton (5th), Sophia Galland (5th), George Skelly (5th), Sommer-Lee Gann (6th), Archie Foran (6th) and Charlie Cramp (6th) for being selected to represent the Northern Region at the Archdiocesan Carnival on 25 May at Stromlo, Canberra.
Congratulations also to Henry Galland (7th- Reserve) and Bridie Croker (7th Reserve), who are first reserves for their age groups.
St Mary's Team that participated in the Northern Region Cross Country Carnival on Friday 7 May

- Change of details: please let the School Office know if you have recently moved, changed your mailing or postal address or contact details. This will ensure we have the correct information for your family.
- Absence: please notify the school if your child is away from school as close to the absence as possible. This can be done through the Schoolzine or SZAPP eform, email or phone call. This will help us to keep our attendance records up to date.
This week our Year Five and Three students have been participating in NAPLAN testing. It has been great to see the students try their hardest to complete these assessments to the best of their ability.
If your child has been away this week or will be away over the next few days we can reschedule their missed tests for when they return. We have up until Friday 21 May to have submitted all the assessments, apart from Writing which could only be completed on the first two days.
Following is a timetable for our remaining tests.
Friday 14 May |
Year 5 Numeracy (Online) |
Monday 17 May |
Year 3 Numeracy (Online) |
School Fees
The Term Two school fee statements have been emailed out yesterday. Please check your inbox to ensure you have received yours. Term Two fees are due by Friday 11 June, Week 8. Any questions regarding your fee statement, please contact Belinda.
Long Service Leave
I will be taking some Long Service Leave from 19 - 25 May to accompany my daughter, Harriet, to Ballina for the U18 Girls Field State Championships. Sally-Anne Croker will be Acting Principal in my absence.
Enrolling Now
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to to enrol now.
Enrolments packs are available from our School Office.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Peace I leave with you
This coming Sunday is the feast of the Ascension of Jesus into heaven.
Having experienced the pain and sorrow of Jesus’ crucifixion, then the joy and new life of His resurrection, His followers have to face the reality of His departure – again. Jesus knows their confusion, pain and sense of loss. Before he leaves them, he gives two parting gifts; The Holy Spirit and His own Peace.
Jesus doesn’t give them all the answers to the questions they have. He knows that they will have to face difficulties, disagreements and differences. So he prepares them for the road ahead by strengthening and encouraging them with His Holy Spirit and His own inner Peace. He is sending them out to proclaim the Good News, but He does not expect them to do it on their own. His ongoing presence reassures them that they will never be alone or helpless.
Neither will the community of believers today. The Christian's life is not shaped by Jesus' absence but by God's abiding presence. We are asked to face our daily reality and lives not just with optimism but also with faith and hope in the risen Jesus and each other.
As our celebration of the Easter season is coming to an end, we remember that Jesus remains with us through the Holy Spirit, who teaches us everything we need to know, reminds us of all that Jesus taught, and brings us peace.
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”
It is up to every one of us – with the help of the Holy Spirit – to do our best to help others not to suffer, not to be afraid, not to have troubled hearts
Donation of the following items would be greatly appreciated:
- New thick socks
- New gloves/mittens
- Coats and scarves
- Sleeping bags
- Blankets/donnas
We could all make a difference in our world with these goals! Let us all answer Jesus’ call to carry on His mission of love…
Many thanks from St Mary’s Mini Vinnies
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Legends Rugby League Gala Day
We are happy to advise that a new date has been set for the Rugby League Legends Gala Day.
When: Monday June 7
Where: North Park, Goulburn
Times: 9am-3pm
Who: Years 3 -6
Year 3 and 4 Team |
Year 5 and 6 |
Lachlan Pascoe Patrick Croker Charlie Tarlinton Henry Galland Jaydan Costello Chase Lucock Hayden Tarlinton Andrew Lawson Olivia Millett Lachlan Kilborn Riley Haynes William Croker |
Saxon Greenwood Max’e Reynolds George Skelly Nate Kemp WE WILL FORM A ST MARY’S TEAM IF WE GET SUFFICENT NUMBERS |
Coach: Dan Costello |
Coach: Marty Reynolds |
## Our numbers for the 3/4 team are too small to form two sides for the day. If your child is not on the list and wishes to play, please email me by Friday May 21,
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
Archdiocesan Cross Country
CONGRATULATIONS to our ten St Mary’s students who finished in the top six last Friday and are now members of the Northern Region Team that will compete at the Archdiocesan Carnival at Mt Stromlo on Tues 25 May.
St Mary’s team members:
9 Years | Henry Galland (reserve) | Sienna Gann |
10 Years | Charlie Tarlinton, Archie Foran |
Chloe Bensley |
11 Years | William Millett | Sophia Galland, Sommer-Lee Gann |
12 Years | Seth Grove, George Skelly | Charlie Cramp, Bridie Croker (reserve) |
St Mary's Northern Region Representatives Absent - Sethan Grove and Sommer-Lee Gann
MacKillop Girls Hockey
Best of luck to Sophia and Bridie as they compete next week at the NSWPSSA Hockey Championships in Unanderra. We look forward to hearing about their experience and results.
Their draw includes:
DAY ONE – TUES 18-5-21
10:50am vs Sydney South West
3:50pm vs Polding
DAY TWO – WED 19-5-21
8:30am vs Hunter
10:30am vs South Coast
2:30pm vs North West
Playoffs depending on where they finish in their Pool.
Northern Region Athletics
This will be held at Hudson Park on Friday, 11 June. St Joseph's Goulburn are hosting.
Information letters will be sent home to all team members today.
Please advise me ASAP if your child will NOT be competing in a certain event so that the reserve can be included.
Registrations are still open for:
Please head to the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage for information regarding the trials and the link for registration.
The full 2021 NSW Primary and Secondary Sports Calendar is now available. It includes dates and information or links to further information for Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop, CCC, NSW All Schools, NSWPSSA and School Sport Australia trials and Championships.
Available at:
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Arlee Garnham and Jack Strode
Year 1 - Jesse Costello and Harry Day
Year 2 - Imogen Hewitt, Owen Moorby and Harley White
Year 3 - Eli Cooper, Andrew Lawson and Hayden Tarlinton
Year 4 – Mia Butler and William Croker
Year 5 - Toby Charnock and William Millett
Year 6 - Reece Allport
Performing Arts
Reece Allport
School Spirit Awards
Imogen Hewitt for showing resilience
Flynn Reeves for being an excellent host for a visitor
Logan Anderson for including others
Leo Knight, Alex Storrier and Emmett McIntosh for modelling the St Mary MacKillop values of inclusion and compassion.
Angus Foley for caring for our school environment
Reece Allport, Elisha Marcelino and Phoebe Selmes for offering service at the Northern Region Cross Country
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Street Stall and Wood Raffle
All families will receive Wood Raffle tickets to sell or purchase next week- Reané Strode
Thank you
Thank you to all of the Year 1 families who donated food items for the Northern Region cross country last week, it was really appreciated- Reané Strode
If you haven't collected your food containers, please do so from the School Office.
Tuckshop News
We would like to invite any new or existing families to join us for a shift volunteering in our school tuckshop this year.
If you are able to assist please fill out the eform here: Tuckshop Helpers
Over the counter cash sales of cold packaged items like chips, yoghurt frogs, frozen yoghurts, etc, are available.
Term Two Roster
Friday 14 May: Jackie Blowes, Mary-Ann Kilborn, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Monday 17 May: Tash McCormack, Allison Hewitt, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday 21 May: Elle Reeves, Mandy Kemp, Catherine Fraser
Monday 24 May: Elise Croker, Marguerite Walsh and Kia Scott
Friday 28 May: Sally Galland, Claire McCormack, Maddy Lowe
May is Scholastic National Family Reading Month.
National Family Reading Month is celebrating 25 years of encouraging families to read more together. In the month of May you are encouraged to make reading a priority and a part of your daily routine by taking the challenge at:
How to take the 31 Day Family Reading Challenge:
- Sign up to join the 31 Day Reading Challenge starting 1 May 2021.
- Use the Reading Rocket Log as a fun way for your child to track their reading all month in May. (on the back of Issue 3 Book Club brochure).
- Follow along with Scholastic Australia on Facebook and Instagram for tips, inspiration, motivation and fun giveaways!
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Servers
With the easing of COVID restrictions, we can now have volunteers for altar servers during mass.
If your child would like to volunteer, please contact Sharon Cashman in the Goulburn Parish Office on 6239 9863 or