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Upcoming Events
Thursday 1 April |
Holy Week Prayer Celebration in the Church at 9.30am Stage 3 Showcase of Learning - Parents/carers assembly 12.30pm Last day of term |
Term 2 |
Monday 19 April |
Staff Development Day |
Tuesday 20 April |
Students resume |
Sunday 25 April |
ANZAC Day Commemorative Service 10.30am RSL Carpark |
Term One Conclusion
This week marks the end of Term One. I cannot believe how quickly the term has gone!
We have had an action-packed term with many wonderful events for the children to participate in, including a Hockey Gala Day, Sound Bites Picnic, Hockey Coaching, Try It At Trinity Excursion, Crookwell Community Fun Run and our Swimming and Athletics Carnivals.
This term we have also welcomed many guests, mainly senior consultants, into our school from the Catholic Education Office. All of the visitors have remarked about the wonderful 'feel' the school has and they have been impressed with our student's engagement with their learning. I believe one of the reasons we have such a positive school culture is due to the consistent parental and community support we receive.
I would like to thank everyone for your contribution to school life at St Mary's this term. Thank you for supporting your child and our teachers, volunteering your time and assisting with our fundraising events, it is very much appreciated!
I would like to wish everyone a happy, holy and safe Easter. Following are the Easter service times for Crookwell, Binda and Taralga.
- Holy Thursday Mass 7pm (Crookwell)
- Good Friday Stations of the Cross 11am & Mass 3pm (Crookwell & Taralga)
- Easter Saturday Vigil 7pm (Crookwell & Taralga)
- Easter Sunday Mass 9am (Crookwell) & 10.30am (Binda)
Term Two will commence for students on Tuesday 20 April.
Showcase of Learning
I would like to congratulate the Stage Three students, Mrs Walsh, Mrs Picker and Mr O'Kane, on the presentation of their Showcase of Learning Assembly yesterday and today. It was fantastic to see some of their Term One learning come alive on stage. I was impressed by the vast array of talent on show.
Crookwell Community Fun Run
What a glorious day we had for the inaugural Crookwell Community Fun Run. The day was a huge success with approximately 140 people coming to enjoy a run, jog or walk.
I would like to thank Craig Croker, Allison and Brendan Hewitt and Daniel Walsh for the coordination of this event. I would also like to thank all of the families who assisted on the day, gave a donation or had their business sponsor the event. The final calculations are still being done however it looks like the event will have made over $1500.
And the winners were:
Open 10km
- Jaemin Frazer
- Keith Muscat
- Rohan Gamble
Open 5km
- Chris Gay
- Mathew Gay
- Kylie O'Brien
Primary School Child 5km
- Charlie Tarlinton
- Henry Galland
- Max'e Reynolds
With special mention to Jaydan Costello who was the first child across the line for the first 5km loop.

This year ANZAC Day falls on the first weekend after the school term resumes, on Sunday 25 April. We invite all students to participate in the ANZAC Day events.
This year we have organised for St Mary's students to March and lay wreaths at both the Crookwell and Taralga ANZAC Day services.
Students participating in the Crookwell events are asked to assemble for the March in the RSL car park from 10.40am. The March will move down Goulburn Street to the Memorial Park for the ANZAC Day Commemoration Ceremony. Students remain assembled until this Ceremony concludes.
Our students who wish to participate in the Taralga March and Commemorative Service are asked to assemble at the Northern end of the Main Street, near Taralga Public School at 2.30pm. The children will March down the street to the cenotaph for the Commemorative Service and wreath-laying. After this point, our assembled group will disperse prior to the Memorial Hall program.
Students are asked to come dressed in their full winter uniform.
It would be wonderful to see many of our students at either of these special ceremonies.
Please note, in NSW Monday 27 April is NOT a public holiday, as previously published.
Uniform Matters
As the term draws to a close, uniform accidentally gets mixed up between students. Please check all the uniform you have at home to ensure it belongs to your family as we have some students who have items missing which are clearly named.
Please also ensure to have all your children's uniform labelled.
Next term the students are to wear the full winter uniform, however, a two-week leeway is given if the weather is still warm enough for the summer uniform.
In preparation for the cooler months, you might like to order our school coat, which is a warm bottle green parka style coat, from our Uniform Shop. No other coats will be permitted, however, bottle green gloves and beanies may be purchased elsewhere.
Some other reminders about our school uniform- hair accessories must be in the school colours only, earrings must be sleepers and studs and no nail polish is to be worn to school.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Athletics Carnival
What a glorious day for our Athletics Carnival it was on Tuesday. I have to say from the start of the day, and right to the very end there was such a positive and harmonious vibe. The students were so excited to be able to be a part of the day and gave every single activity their all. So many of our students came away from the day having achieved new personal bests and were so proud of their efforts and participation.
We were also blessed on Tuesday with the most amazing support from our parents and families. So many parents helped out with timekeeping, team managing, recording, marshalling, infants’ activities, primary rotations and cheering on all of our students. Thank you to all of our volunteers, what a fabulous community we have.
Thank you to our staff who help days like Tuesday to run so smoothly, you are fabulous.
Congratulations go to Aloyious who were the winning house on the day!
Age Champion medals will be presented at our Monday morning assembly, Term 2, Week 2.

We thank Mrs Rachael Croker for her excellent organisation of our Athletics Carnival.
Monaro Rugby Union Primary Schools Gala Day
We have had a good response to students wishing to take part in the Gala Day. The teams are listed as below, as well as coaches. We are awaiting further details from organisers about starting times, draws etc.
Final Teams:
YEAR 3/4 | YEAR 5/6 |
Charlie B | Finn McCormack |
Jaydan C | William M |
Henry G | Jack P |
Andrew L | Bryce F |
Chase L | Kiowa M |
Olivia M | Olivia P |
Hayden T | Patrick W |
Thomas W | (7) |
Chloe B | |
Patrick C | |
Will C | |
Angus F | |
Lachlan K | |
Charlie L | |
Charlie T | |
(15) | |
Coach- Ben Foley | Coach: James McCormack |
Save The Dates
- Cross Country Carnival K-6: New Date Wednesday 28 April
- Gilbert/ Croker Rugby League Gala Day: Tuesday, May 4, Years 3-6, North Park Goulburn
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
HAPPY EASTER - Thank You God
Although Easter Sunday is this weekend, the Catholic Church celebrates the Season of Easter for the following six weeks. It is considered the most important time in the year because we remember that God our Father gave us His only son, Jesus…
- to live among us,
- to show us a peaceful and just way to live,
- to suffer and die on the cross for our sins,
- to rise to new life … and …
- to give us the promise of a new and eternal life with Him and each other in heaven.
To say "I believe in Jesus Christ . . . who rose from the dead," is to say “I believe that the Resurrection goes on and on and on forever.” Every time Jesus rises in our own hearts in new ways, the Resurrection happens again. Every time we see Jesus where we did not recognise him before—in the faces of the poor, in the love of the unloved, in the revelatory moments of life, Jesus rises anew. The real proof of the Resurrection lies not in the transformation of Jesus alone but in the transformation awaiting us who accept it.
An Easter Prayer
Jesus, who suffered and died for me,
help me to understand that in every life,
something good fails, something great ends,
something righteous is taken unjustly away,
something looms like an abandonment by God.
Give me the wisdom to know that You rose from the dead as a sign to us
that every one of these “little deaths” is life becoming new all over again.
Be with me in living Your Resurrection over and over again.
Help me to be attentive to Your presence in the signs of my everyday life
where I may come in contact with you.
Praise to you, risen Lord, who keeps on meeting me in the garden of my life,
who keeps on calling my name.
May I be open to hear your voice, allowing me to feel loved, blessed and cherished.
Praise to you, risen Jesus, who walks with me on my life’s journey,
coaxing the ache out of me.
Comfort and strengthen me with Your holy, peaceful presence
And help me to carry your risen presence with me,
wherever I go and to whomever I meet.

Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
Congratulations to Saxon for his Rugby League U/11 team selection on Monday. He now progresses to the next level.
Registrations received to date include:
Bridie Croker
Will Croker
GOLF - 26 July Blackheath
Nate Kemp
Jaydan Costello
Registrations for the following NSW Primary Sports Canberra Goulburn Trials are now OPEN;
Touch Football - Close 27th April
Please head to the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage for information regarding the trials and the link for registration.
The full 2021 NSW Primary and Secondary Sports Calendar is now available. It includes dates and information or links to further information for Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop, CCC, NSW All Schools, NSWPSSA and School Sport Australia trials and Championships.
Available at:
Classroom Support with Mrs. Spackman
Happy Holidays!
- Enjoy the precious time with your children.
- Go for a walk
- Talk to them about when you were a child
- Play a board game
- Play cards
- Watch a movie together and talk about the message behind it
- Model reading
- Read to them every night for enjoyment
- Play a game outside
- Write letters/cards to family who are away
Performing Arts with Mrs. Picker
To make some musical percussion instruments, please send in your washed drink bottles (preferably without labels) to allow us to make them in class.
If you haven't paid your Term 1 School Fees, they are now overdue and letters have been sent home.
Please check your direct debit amount to ensure it is covering the minimum amount required per week. If you haven't updated your amount since last year, now is the time to do so.
Clearing Sale
We have been offered the opportunity to run a fundraising barbeque at a clearing sale to be held on Sunday 2 May. This is a great opportunity for the P&F to raise some funds. If you are able to assist with this sale can you please contact me on 0429 902 375.
Thanks for your support of our events.
---Daniel Walsh
Tuckshop News
We would like to invite any new or existing families to join us for a shift volunteering in our school tuckshop this year.
If you are able to assist please fill out the eform here: Tuckshop Helpers
Term Two Roster
If you have dates you can or cannot do during Term 2, please contact Rechell Naughton so she can complete the roster.
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)