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- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
- Child Safe Advocate with Mrs. Sally Croker
- Classroom Support with Mrs. Spackman
- School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
- Performing Arts with Mrs. Picker
- Student Awards
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Trinity Catholic College 2022 Information
- Uniform for Sale
- Wanted
- Community News
Upcoming Events
Friday 5 March |
Hearing Awareness Activities Clean Up Australia Day- please bring gloves & bag NSW Hockey Coaching Workshops continue |
Monday 8 March - Tuesday 9 March | Three-Way Conversations and Interim Reports |
Tuesday 9 March | Kindergarten Art Focus Day |
Wednesday 10 March | Hockey Gala Day Year 5/6 Goulburn |
Thursday 25 March | Try it at Trinity Day |
Friday 26 March | School Athletics Carnival |
Thursday 1 April |
Holy Thursday Service - Details TBC Stage 3 Showcase of Learning - Parents/carers 12.30pm |
Hearing Awareness Week
World Hearing Day, held on 3 March 2021, presents a global call for action to address hearing loss and ear diseases.
The theme of World Hearing Day is Hearing care for ALL! Screen. Rehabilitate. Communicate.
The key messages of World Hearing Day 2021 target:
- The number of people living with unaddressed hearing loss and ear diseases is unacceptable
- Timely action is needed to prevent and address hearing loss across the life course
- Good hearing and communication are important at all stages of life
- Hearing loss (and related ear diseases) can be avoided through preventative actions such as: protection against loud sounds; good ear care practices and immunisation
- People at risk of hearing loss should check their hearing regularly
- People having hearing loss (or related ear diseases) should seek care from a health care provider
Our Year 5 students will hold 'Sound Bites' tabloid activities tomorrow to help raise community awareness of the impact of hearing loss and how implementing simple preventative strategies can protect this valuable sense.
Students are asked to bring a gold coin donation for this important cause.
Three-Way Conversations and Interim Reports
Next Monday and Tuesday you are invited to attend a ten-minute three-way (parent/student/teacher) conversation with your child's classroom teacher. This conversation will provide you with an opportunity to discuss how your child has settled into the new school year, their social development and engagement with learning.
At this meeting, the teacher will also provide you with your child's Interim Report, and Personal Plan, for children accessing additional support programs. The Interim Report gives you an indication of your child's enjoyment and interest in learning new things, ability to ask and answer questions, perseverance with tasks, work habits, ability to avoid distractions, follow school rules and collaborate with others.
If you have not booked a time slot yet, please use the link below. Please be aware that this booking platform closes on Sunday afternoon. If you have trouble booking through the digital Session Keeper please contact Belinda. Likewise, if none of the appointment times suit, please contact Belinda to arrange a more suitable time.
Clean Up Australia Day
Once again, St Mary's School students will be involved in cleaning up our patch of Australia. Students are asked to bring gloves and bags to collect rubbish.
Crookwell Community Fun Run
The St Mary's P&F Association, coordinated by Craig Croker, have organised our first fundraiser for 2021, a Crookwell Community Fun Run. Please show your support fo this event and get involved any way you can.
Registration is via Eventbrite
Our sincerest condolences go to the Anderson, O'Kane and Toole families who are currently grieving the sad loss of Fay. We pray, eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace.
Change of Afternoon Arrangements - Friday 5 March
Our School and current COVID-19 regulations
For additional information please check
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
RESPECT - for our Environment
Tomorrow, St Mary’s will help to ‘Clean Up Australia.’ This annual event reminds us of our responsibility to respect God’s gift of creation. From the beginning of time, human beings have been tasked with being the ‘keepers of creation’.
‘So God created humankind in his image… God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.’ (Book of Genesis, New Testament)
The words subdue and dominion, if taken literally in today’s world, suggest that humans have the right to overpower the earth for their own ends. However, the author of Genesis intended that these words be taken in the context of stewardship. Human beings have come to learn that our planet is fragile and needs to be taken care of.
The two Genesis stories of Creation do not present historical, scientific truth but they present deep religious truths about God, the meaning and purpose of the cosmos and the role of humanity. They are
Sacred Myths. Catholics believe that although the world was not created in six ‘24-hour days’, the creation stories reveal to us these divine and sacred truths:
- All of creation stems from an original act of God
- God intended creation to be GOOD (‘And God saw that it was good’ – this phrase is repeated 6 times in Genesis 1)
- God placed the responsibility of managing it and caring for it on humankind.
Human beings are ‘made in God’s image’; and each one has a spirit, the capacity to love, a conscience and unbound intelligence. The Catholic Church teaches that all humans have a responsibility to the land and all living beings, including fellow humans.
Please help us support the ‘least of our brothers and sisters’ this Lent by sending in money for our Project Compassion Boxes.
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs. Sally Croker
Kids and mental health
Are you concerned about the mental health of your child or a child you know? Or are you a kid looking for help?
Find out what some common mental health issues in kids are, why good mental health is important for children and what can be done to help.
Why kids' mental health is important
Having good mental health is key to the healthy development and well being of every child. Kids need good mental health - not only to be able to deal with challenges and adapt to change, but so they can feel good about themselves, build healthy relationships with others and enjoy life.
A kid’s mental health can be influenced by many things, like family circumstances, school life and life events. While children can experience mental health issues at any age, they are most at risk between the ages of 12 and 16 years.
If your child, or a child you know, is having mental health issues, the best thing you can do is get them some help, before it gets worse - see 'Where to get help' below.
Mental health issues in children
Everyone feels sad, angry or upset sometimes, including children. But if a kid feels like this most of the time, it’s a sign they may need help. Other signs include difficulty coping, getting on with others or staying interested in activities.
Kids can struggle with a range of issues as they grow up. Some of the common mental health-related issues they experience include:
- relationship problems (for example family, peers)
- eating or body-image issues
- feeling sad or depressed
- worry or anxiety
About 1 in 7 children and adolescents aged 4-17 have recently experienced a mental disorder in Australia. The most common disorder is ADHD, followed by anxiety, depression and conduct disorder. If you think your child has a mental health issue, it’s important to reach out for professional help.
Improving kids' mental health
There are plenty of things that can be done to improve mental health and help prevent mental health issues from developing. For example, getting enough sleep, eating well and doing regular physical activity is important for children, just as it is for adults.
Long-lasting and safe and secure relationships, such as with the child’s family (including extended family and carers), are considered the most influential factors in a child’s life. Mental health difficulties in children might present as frequent or intense struggles with their emotions, their thoughts, behaviours, learning or relationships.
As a parent or concerned adult, there are some simple steps you can take to support a child’s mental health. These are things like taking an active interest in the child, encouraging them to talk about what’s happening in their life and being aware of changes in their behaviour. Seek support from your doctor or other health or mental health professional if you are concerned.
Where to get help
If you’d like to find out more, or talk to someone, here are some organisations that can help:
- Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 (telephone and online counselling for ages 5-25)
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Call Parentline in your state or territory for counselling and support for parents and carers
- eheadspace to chat online
- SANE Australia (people living with a mental illness and their carers) — call 1800 18 7263
- (youth mental health service) — visit the website for info or use the online forum
You can also ask your family doctor for advice or consult a psychologist if you would like more information or mental health resources for kids.
Raising Children Network (Pre-teen and teenage mental health), Be You (Resilience), Be You (Anxiety), headspace (Tips to keep good mental health), Be You (Depression), Kids Helpline (Insights into Australian young people - pdf), Kids Helpline (My child struggles with mental health), Emerging Minds (What is child mental health?)
Classroom Support with Mrs. Spackman
A big thank you to Riding for the Disabled in Goulburn for allowing Harley White and Harry Price the wonderful opportunity to ride every fortnight. Their smiles say it all!
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Year 5 and 6 Gala Hockey Day
Notes have been sent home with students this week with final details for the Gala Hockey Day at the Goulburn Hockey Fields on Wednesday 10 March. Students will need to arrive at school, ready for the bus departure at 8:55am sharp. Students will return to school in time for normal afternoon dismissal.
Mr O’Kane and Mrs Walsh will be the teachers in charge on the day.
We wish you all a fabulous day!
Athletics Carnival
We are getting very close to our school Athletics carnival, which is exciting, considering we were unable to hold this last year. Details for the day are as follows:
Date: Friday March 26
Venue: Todkill Park, Crookwell
Times: The carnival will commence at 9:15am and conclude at 2:45pm
Travel: If your child travels by bus, the buses will drop off and pick up at Todkill Park. If your child walks to school or gets dropped off, they will need to be at Todkill Park from 8:40am, when supervision starts.
Canteen: There will be canteen facilities available on the day. Year Two will be coordinating this as their fundraising event for the year.
We need your help….
We are in need of Age Group Managers on the day. The role of the manager is to ensure their group is at the correct activity, and to record lengths or times.
We also require time keepers for our running events.
If you are able to assist with either of these, please email Belinda in the office by Friday March 12.
Save The Dates
- Monaro Rugby Union Primary Schools Gala Day: Friday April 23, Years 3-6, Carr Confoy Fields, Goulburn
- Cross Country Carnival K-6: Friday 30 April, Years K-6, Crookwell Showground
- Gilbert/ Croker Rugby League Gala Day: Tuesday May 4, Years 3-6, North Park Goulburn
Representative Sport with Mrs. Sally Croker
The month of March is a busy one for Representative Sport Trials.
Registrations received to date include:
Best wishes for those trialling for Soccer next Friday.
SOCCER - 12 March Southwell Park
Saxon Greenwood
Charlie Cramp
Kiowa Morning
Ava Nicholson
CRICKET - 19 March Gundagai
Saxon Greenwood
Sophia Galland
Max’e Reynolds
Nate Kemp
Toby Charnock
Ava Nicholson
HOCKEY - 29 March- Venue TBA
Henry Galland
Sophia Galland
Nate Kemp
George Skelly
Bridie Croker
Will Croker
RUGBY LEAGUE - 29 March Queanbeyan
Saxon Greenwood
Bridie Croker
Will Croker
GOLF - 26 July Blackheath
Nate Kemp
Registrations for the following NSW Primary Sports Canberra Goulburn Trials are now OPEN;
Football (Soccer) - Close 5th March
Hockey - Close 15th March
Cricket - Close 15th March
Rugby League - Close 23rd March
Touch Football - Close 27th April
Please head to the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage for information regarding the trials and the link for registration.
The full 2021 NSW Primary and Secondary Sports Calendar is now available. It includes dates and information or links to further information for Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop, CCC, NSW All Schools, NSWPSSA and School Sport Australia trials and Championships.
Available at:
Performing Arts with Mrs. Picker
During Term One, students have been exploring their Performing Arts talents in Drama, Dance and Music. In Drama, students have been able to practice and showcase their acting skills in both class and ensemble groups.
During weeks five to seven, students will learn about Dance and then for the remainder of the term, Music will be the focus.
The students have been showcasing some fabulous, creative talents during Performing Arts classes and I’m excited to see the future stars of St Mary’s taking on the stage.

Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Fraser McIntosh and Digby Price
Year 1 - Max Strode and Aria White
Year 2 - Tommy Picker, Flynn Reeves and Harper Seaman
Year 3 - Jaydan Costello, Sophia Foran and Elkie Storrier
Year 4 – Chloe Bensley and Mia Butler
Year 5 - Amelia O'Brien and Will Millett
Year 6 - Kiowa Morning and Max'e Reynolds
Performing Arts Award
Josh Fraser in Kindergarten
School Spirit Awards
Riley Plumb for respecting our school environment
Flynn Doran for respecting our school environment
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Tuckshop News
We would like to invite our new and existing families to join us for a shift volunteering in our school tuckshop this year.
If you are able to assist please fill out the eform here: Tuckshop Helpers
Term One Roster
Please try to organise changes with other parents before contacting the School Office. It is your responsbility to find a replacement if you cannot do your date.
A full copy of the roster is on the St Mary's website in the Parent Page
Reconciliation meetings have commenced on Thursdays at 6.30pm at school. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Easter Masses
Scam Message
Please be aware there is a Scam message circulating through WhatsApp. They may also try other methods.
Fr Joshy would never contact people on Social media requesting money or cards to be sent or purchased on his behalf. Fr Joshy would only ever ask face to face for any assistance within the parish
If you ever receive any request like this please contact the office or police if you are concerned.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Jenny Gay has some girls uniform is great condition, for sale. Please contact her if you are interested.
Please send in any unwanted magazines (eg. Women’s Weekly) and empty match boxes for craft activities. Thank you!
Crookwell Streetscape Festival
Calling all buskers and table tennis stars!
Crookwell Junior Soccer
Registrations are NOW OPEN.
JUNIOR SOCCER - A Registration day will be held at the Soccer Canteen on Saturday 6th March 9-11am. You can also print off the attached Registration Form and drop to Rebecca George at D & R Tyres with payment/ printed Active Kids Voucher.
PLEASE NOTE - Registrations CLOSE on the 20th MARCH
Rugby League
Crookwell Library
Wellbeing Programs in Goulburn
Guitar Supplies
Goulburn Netball
Netball is back and better than ever in 2021, and we want to see you on the court.
- The first game of our Senior Competition is only 2 weeks away (15 March) and our Junior Competition is just over 2 weeks (20 March).
So far we have received very few team nominations for all divisions.
- If you intend to submit a team we ask that you do this within the next 2 days to allow the committee to assist new players to find teams and to set the draw.
Team Sheet can be found here:
- If you do not have a team and would like to be placed on one, please register and email the division coordinator below.
Any queries can be directed to either the senior or junior coordinators: