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Term 4 Key Dates
Thursday 3 December |
Trinity Catholic College Orientation Day |
Friday 4 December |
St Mary's Mini-Olympics 12pm - 2.30pm |
Thursday 10 December |
Leadership Changeover and End of Year Mass Years 4-6 9.30am. Yr 5 Parents only |
Friday 11 December |
Farewell Concert for Mrs McCarthy 12.00pm (for students only - sorry) |
Monday 14 December |
In-house Movie Day Year Six Graduation Mass, Dinner & Awards Presentation from 5.30pm |
Wednesday 16 December |
Year Six Final Assembly for students 2.00pm End of the school year |
Semester Two Reporting
At the end of next week, you will receive your child’s school report with A-E grading. Below might answer questions you may have about A-E grading.
The A to E grading scale lets teachers report student academic achievements at any point in time using clear standards.
Your child's teacher will make a professional judgement to decide which grade best matches the standards your child has achieved, based on assessment information they have collected. An on-balance judgement does not just focus on a single piece of work. The assessment information gives information about a student up to a given point in time. This information will come from both formal assessment activities and informal observations and will be built up over time and in different situations.
The A to E grade scale summarises the standard (or quality) of achievement associated with each grade. The scale describes:
- the depth of knowledge and understanding and
- the range of skills that students working at that standard typically show.
Grades are given for individual achievement. Teachers are not limited to set numbers of each grade within their class or school.
Grades are one aspect of school reporting to parents. Another important tool is the student ‘Work Samples Portfolio’.
The Common Grade Scale, shown below, can be used to report student achievement in both primary and junior secondary years in all NSW schools.
The Common Grade Scale describes performance at each of five grade levels.
A |
The student has extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations. |
B |
The student has thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations. |
C |
The student has sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills. it would be expected that the majority of students gain a 'sound' knowledge and understanding of content and sit within the 'C' grade range. |
D |
The student has basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills. |
E |
The student has elementary knowledge and understanding in a few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills. |
You will receive your child's Semester Two Progress Report and Evidence of Work Sample Folder on Friday 11 December.
Your child’s Work Sample Folder will contain work samples taken from a variety of learning areas across the Semester. There will be a variety of draft and published pieces so that you can see your child’s everyday work standards.
If you have any questions about either of these progress documents please make an appointment to see your child’s classroom teacher.
End of Year Events
End of Year School Mass and Changeover Ceremony
The voting for our 2021 Captain roles will occur on Monday 7 December with the announcement at our End of Year School Mass and Changeover Ceremony on Thursday 10 December at 9.30am. Due to continuing COVID restrictions only 81 people are permitted to be in the Church at once, so we ask that only Year 5 parents attend, if they desire.
Please note the badges will be blessed and presented at our 2021 Welcome and Leaders Induction Mass at the beginning of Term One on Thursday 4 February (TBC).
Year Six Farewell
This year our Year Six end of year Graduation events will occur off-site to comply with the COVID 4m2 space per person rule.
The format will be as follows:
5.30pm - Graduation Mass at St Mary's Church
6.30pm - Dinner at the Services Club for students, parents/carers and staff
- Year Six Awards Presentation
- Year Six Final Assembly
We have included the Awards Presentation in the evening event as parents and carers are still not permitted to attend School Assemblies.
The Year Six class will also present their Final Assembly to the whole school on the last day of school, Wednesday 16 December at 2 pm. The recipients of Awards will also be acknowledged at this Assembly.
The Term 4 school fees are now overdue if you do not have an existing arrangement in place. Please organise payment as soon as possible to ensure you finish the year with a zero balance on your account.
If you would like more information, please contact Belinda.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
The Crookwell St Vincent de Paul Society has advised that there will be NO GIVING TREE at the IGA this year due to COVID. Donations of presents for children in need can be left beneath the Christmas tree in St Mary’s school foyer. If you would like to wrap a Christmas present, please indicate ‘girl’ or ‘boy’, and ‘appropriate age’.
See below for other items that can be donated.
K |
Cereals |
1 |
Snack foods and sweet treats |
2 |
Toys |
3 |
Tinned goods |
4 |
Rice and pasta |
5 |
Soft drinks, long life juice |
6 |
Christmas items - wrapping paper, decorations, paper plates, serviettes, toys |
Let us do everything we can to help the less fortunate in our community and in the wider world this Christmas
A time of …watchful waiting, preparation, peace and justice. Get ready for the coming of the Lord
This Sunday marks the beginning of the second week of Advent. We light the second candle to represent John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin who proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah and who baptised people and helped them open their hearts to welcome Jesus. As John's message prepared the way for Jesus, we too are called to prepare ourselves for Jesus' coming.
This Sunday we light the second Advent candle – the PEACE candle. . God gives us the gift of peace when we turn to him in faith. At school the students have been focusing on opening their hearts to receive God’s PEACE and share it with others. This is the best present we can give Jesus - and it has the extra benefit of making our world a better place to live in. What have you been doing to prepare for Jesus’ birthday?
Take Time This Advent
Take time to THINK…it is the source of power
Take time to PLAY…it is the secret of perpetual youth
Take time to READ…it is the fountain of wisdom
Take time to PRAY…it is the greatest power on earth
Take time to LOVE…and be LOVED…it is the way to peace
Take time to be FRIENDLY…it is the road to happiness
Take time to LAUGH…it is the music of the soul
Take time to GIVE…it is too short a day to be selfish
Take time to WORK…it is the road to integrity and achievement
Take time for CHARITY…it is the key to heaven.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Revised Athletics Carnival/ Mini Olympics
Due to the current COVID restrictions not allowing us to have parents and helpers attending school events, we have made the decision to revise our Athletics Carnival format to a Mini Olympics program.
This will take place TOMORROW from 12pm-3pm on the school bottom oval.
The Sports Captains and Year 6 will be in charge of organising modified Olympic events such as shot put, discus, hurdles, running events, egg and spoon race and much more.
This will be a program with participation and fun being the emphasis, and a lovely way for our students to finish sport for the year.

Goulburn Martial Arts Academy
A big thank you to Craig Harmer from the Goulburn Martial Arts Academy for the fantastic Judo/ Taekondo program he ran for our students this Term. This was the first experience our students have had with this program and they thoroughly enjoyed the sessions.
If your child has expressed interest in taking part in sessions outside of school, please contact Craig at
Classroom Support with Mrs. Spackman
Many children struggle with focus in a classroom. They find it difficult to concentrate with so much happening around them. This first image outlines the signs to look out for in your child, identifying children with Auditory Processing Disorder and what you can do to help them.
The second image defines working memory and lists some ways to improve memory.
These are taken
Sue Larkey Catalogue
The most recent Sue Larkey catalogue has some great tips, resources and strategies for coping with the Christmas and holiday season. It is well worth a look, even if your child doesn’t have an ASD diagnosis. There are lovely story books, exploring the regulation of emotions. There are some lovely sensory toys available and ideas to create a calm corner at home.
This week Mrs. O'Brien had a Japanese Taster Day for the last lesson of the year.
Mrs. O'Brien cooked a yummy Japanese curry with chicken, carrot, potatoes, onions and rice.
Thank you Mrs. O'Brien!

Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are:
Kinder - Beau Knight, Max McFadden, Vinnie Moloney and Luca Morning
Year 1 - Billie Garnham and Anna O'Brien
Year 2 - Sophia Foran, Emmett McIntosh and Lucas Plumb
Year 3 - Lauren Fraser and Lachlan Kilborn
Year 4 – Ava Nicholson, Jack Peden and Kaylee Skinner
Year 5 - Kiowa Morning and Patrick Walsh
Year 6 - Darcy Simmons and Nathaniel Waters
P&F Cookbook- Order Now
The P&F Cookbook is currently at the printers, so if you would like to order yours so not to miss out, please head to the P&F Payments section of Qkr. Alternatively, please send an envelope with your name, the number required and the correct amount in cash or cheque (made to St Mary's P&F) via the School Office.
The cost is $20 each.
Thank you to our coordinators- Donna McGeechan, Tash McCormack and Daria Lawson.
Tuckshop Term 4 Roster
- Please note some items may not be available to purchase in order for us to reduce the stock held over the Christmas holidays. Thank you for your understanding.
Friday 4 December: Jackie Blowes, Elise Croker, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Monday 7 November: Cheese Toastie Day. Daria Lawson & VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday December: Last one for 2020. Cheese Toastie Day. Daria Lawson & VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
The last week of tuckshop will be Cheese Toastie days. There will only be cheese toasties and juice for sale.
Ice-cream cones/cups will be available for a gold coin donation as well.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Share R Streets- Badge Making Workshop
Upper Lachlan Shire Council and Southern Tablelands Arts are running a launch celebration and free badge making workshop 10am-12pm, Saturday 05 December 2020, at 99 Goulburn St, Crookwell. This is part of the Share R Streets project (Streets as Shared Spaces, NSW Government program-
Please visit this link for more information:
Crookwell Library News
Crookwell Garden Festival Calendar- REDUCED TO $5.00!
Available at the School Office. Cash only please.
KAOS Muster
KAOS (Kids Acting On Stage) is putting on a production of "Shrek Jnr" in 2021. If you are interested there will be a muster on 1st and 3rd February at 5pm at the Memorial Hall. The show dates will be 21/22/23 and 28/29/30 May 2021. All welcome from Kindergarten to 16 years of age.
Goulburn Art Gallery School Holiday Fun
When: Tuesdays 12 and 19 jan.
Time: 10am- 12pm both days
Ages: children 6 and older
Cost: $45
When: Thursday 14 jan.
Time: 10am-12pm
Ages: children 6 and older
Cost: $35
Stop Motion Animation
With Sarah Eddowes
When: Thursday 21 and Friday 22 jan.
Time: 10am- 1pm both days
Ages: children 8 and older
Cost: $90
Summer Silhouette Painting
When: Wednesday 20 jan.
Time: 10am - 1pm
Ages: children 6 and older
Cost: $35
Goulburn TAFE Semester 1, 2021 Enrolments Open
Enrolments are open and courses are being updated daily with some exciting NEW courses being offered at TAFE NSW, Goulburn.
Please find below link that will take you directly to what we have on offer at Goulburn campus.
We also have Fee-Free JobTrainer courses available for school leavers job seekers with fee free* and low cost courses to develop new skills in sectors identified as economic growth areas. *Eligibility criteria apply
If you have any questions regarding courses on offer or how to enrol please call the Customer Contact Centre on 131 601.
Children's Cartooning Programs- School Holidays
Laggan Hall Christmas Markets
Goulburn Show 2021- Junior Section
More information can be obtained from the School Office or the Goulburn Show Society directly.
The DV Alert - Equanimity Project and CWA
Domestic and family violence response training is a free national training program designed for health, allied health and community frontline workers. If you are interested, please see the PDF attachments below for more information.