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Term 4 Key Dates
Monday 30 November |
Counsellor visit- last one for the year |
Monday 30 Nov to Wednesday 2 Dec |
Year 5 Captain Speeches |
Wednesday 2 December |
Year 3 Landcare project |
Thursday 3 December |
Trinity Catholic College Orientation Day |
Friday 4 December |
St Mary's Mini-Olympics 12pm - 2.30pm |
Thursday 10 December |
Leadership Changeover and End of Year Mass Years 3-6 9.30am |
Friday 11 December |
Farewell Concert for Mrs McCarthy 12.00pm (For students only - sorry) |
Monday 14 December |
In-house Movie Day Year Six Graduation Mass, Dinner & Awards Presentation from 5.30pm |
Wednesday 16 December |
Year Six Final Assembly for students 2.00pm End of the school year |
2021 Staffing
I would like to thank our 2020 staff for their hard work and resilience in a year that has provided many challenges. We are very lucky to have dedicated and experienced teachers at St Mary's.
This year we farewell Mrs. Jennifer McCarthy from the role of Specialist Music Teacher. Jenny has been part of the St Mary's staff for twenty-five years and over her time as Music Teacher, she has developed a love of music in our students. Jenny has taken our students to perform at the Goulburn Eisteddfod, Viewhaven, the Senior Citizens Centre and she was the creator of Singfest, a mass Northern Region Choir. Many of our students, past and present, will acclaim Jenny for establishing their musical interests. We are fortunate that Jenny will remain on staff as a casual teacher.
I would like to congratulate Alison Cummins and Linda Walsh on successfully renewing their temporary full-time positions for 2021.
I would also like to thank Tory Simmons for her work as a Classroom Support Assistant at St Mary's over the past two and a half years. Tory and her family have relocated to Goulburn and she will continue to work in a similar capacity at Ss Peter and Pauls. We wish Tory and her family the best of luck.
I am pleased to announce the classroom teachers for 2021:
Kinder— Mrs. Alison Cummins
Year One— Mrs. Sally Croker
Year Two— Mrs. Susan Branson
Year Three – Mrs. Rachael Croker
Year Four – Mrs. Therese Skelly
Year Five– Mrs. Linda Walsh
Year Six— Mr. Larry O’Kane
Library/ICT— Mrs. Dorothea Hewitt
Music/Dance/Drama—Mrs. Ashlee Picker
Executive Release & Teacher RFF— Mrs. Karen O’Keefe
Classroom Support Teacher— Mrs. Nicola Spackman
Classroom Support Assistants - Mrs. Gwenda Romer, Mrs. Shauna Hewitt, Mrs. Rie O'Brien and Mrs. Elizabeth Webber
Office Manager - Mrs. Belinda Tarlinton
Our staff are very excited to be taking on their roles and look forward to building positive relationships and creating engaging learning opportunities for your children next year.
Dion Drummond Performance
Last Thursday our students were immersed in a lively and entertaining Aboriginal Cultural performance by Dion Drummond and his cousin Ronaldo Guivarra. The performers delighted us with music, dance and stories from the Cairns and Torres Strait regions.

Raiders ASPIRE Program
On Tuesday our Year Five and Six children participated in a program related to building respectful relationships with ourselves, our classmates and the broader community.
Raiders players Jarrod Croker, Sam Wentworth and Sam Williams delivered a range of pair-share, small group and whole-class activities that emphasised the theme of respect.
At the ASPIRE session, we also welcomed Senator Jim Molan, Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman, ULSC Mayor John Stafford, ULSC General Manager Colleen Worthy, Raiders staff Don Furner and Andrew Bishop, Police members, Acting Inspector David Cowell and Senior Constable Scott Hunter and representatives from our local rugby league and union clubs.
We would like to thank ex-St Mary's student Sarah Williams for organising this event for us.

The Term 4 school fees are now overdue if you do not have an existing arrangement in place. Please organise payment as soon as possible to ensure you finish the year with a zero balance on your account.
If you would like more information, please contact Belinda.
Religious Education with Mrs. Skelly
Getting our hearts and minds ready to celebrate Jesus at Christmas time
The season of ADVENT, which leads us to Jesus’ birthday at Christmas, begins this Sunday.
Advent is a time for us to stop and reflect on our lives and our relationships (with God and each other). It is a time for us to consider the HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE Jesus can bring to our lives if we invite Him in. Are we in touch with our loving God, who gives us the will and the strength to be the best people we can for each other? Make some time in your day to reflect on these questions:
- Do we give real time to God in order to KNOW this deep love? What about attending Mass?
- Are we aware when and how God blesses our day/our lives? Do we give thanks?
- How do we treat others? Could we listen more carefully, be more tolerant or understanding, more patient, more honest, kinder or less selfish?
- Do we need to say sorry and make things right?
We will be having a whole school Advent prayer in the school hall on Monday morning at 9am
St Mary’s School Values: JUSTICE and SERVICE
A big thankyou to everyone for supporting our MISSION DAY last Friday! We raised much needed funds for those in need.

We are continuing to open our hearts to God by striving for justice this Advent, for the less fortunate in our community and in the wider world. Please help us support St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
K |
Cereals |
1 |
Snack foods and sweet treats |
2 |
Toys |
3 |
Tinned goods |
4 |
Rice and pasta |
5 |
Soft drinks, long life juice |
6 |
Christmas items - wrapping paper, decorations, paper plates, serviettes, toys |
Classroom Support with Mrs. Spackman
Emotional Intelligence
The emotions of children matter. Focus and learning improve, when children are not anxious or aggressive. Sometimes children can be victims or perpetrators of bullying when their emotions are difficult to control. Bullying can be contributed to a lack of emotional intelligence skills. As teachers and parents, we need to teach these skills.
- We want children to recognise different emotions in themselves and others.
- We want children to understand the cause of emotions and their consequences
- We want children to be able to label different emotions.
- We want children to be able to express their emotions in ways that are socially appropriate
- We want our children to learn to regulate their emotions.
If we are emotionally intelligent, we recognise a range of healthy emotions. This helps us to develop stronger, positive relationships, enjoy better health and wellbeing. Emotional intelligence can help protect us from depression, anxiety and aggression.
Children need to be clear about behaviour expectations at home and at school, to ensure they can better regulate their emotions and behaviour. It is helpful to teach them to take a short pause before reacting to others.
Education in emotional intelligence is as important as learning traditional subjects. Our learners then become more effective, more self-aware and more compassionate people.
Sue Larkey and Tony Attwood
Sue Larkey and Tony Attwood are well known for their professional development days for parents and teachers. They also offer e-learning and many resources to assist families in managing challenging behaviours. The following e-book has lots of strategies for all students, but especially children with ASD, ADD, ADHD, ODD and developmental delays.
Additional needs/Sensory toys/Social & emotional skills resources
The Elizabeth Richards store has many items for children with additional needs including, social skills games, therapy swings, sensory items, calming items, hearing protectors, timers. We use many of these items at school.
School Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Revised Athletics Carnival/ Mini Olympics
Due to the current COVID restrictions not allowing us to have parents and helpers attending school events, we have made the decision to revise our Athletics Carnival format to a Mini Olympics program.
This will take place on Friday of Week 8 from 12pm-3pm on the schools bottom oval.
The Sports Captains and Year 6 will be in charge of organising modified Olympic events such as shot put, discus, hurdles, running events, egg and spoon race and much more.
This will be a program with participation and fun being the emphasis, and a lovely way for our students to finish sport for the year.
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs. Sally Croker
Year Six Peer Support leaders will be hosting the Talk-and-Walk-a-Thon tomorrow in support of Mental Health Month.
It’s important that our children feel safe, connected and supported at school and within the wider community. The Talk-and-Walk-a-Thon has been designed to strengthen this feeling of connection and sense of belonging, allowing students to get to know other students at school.
Students will be invited to stretch their legs and talk about topics ranging from their favourite music, food, movies, sports and more. These topics will encourage peer engagement, help strengthen bonds and allow students to feel connected with people they see every day but may not necessarily know.
On Wednesday 2 December in Week 8, Mrs O'Brien will be having a Japanese Taster Day for the last lesson of the year.
Mrs O'Brien will be using packets of curry mix (picture below), with chicken, carrot, potatoes, onions and rice.
If you have any concerns of allergies/reactions with the ingredients, please let the School know beforehand.
P&F Cookbook- Order Now
The P&F Cookbook is currently at the printers, so if you would like to order yours so not to miss out, please head to the P&F Payments section of Qkr. Alternatively, please send an envelope with your name, the number required and the correct amount in cash or cheque (made to St Mary's P&F) via the School Office.
The cost is $20 each.
Thank you to our coordinators- Donna McGeechan, Tash McCormack and Daria Lawson.
Tuckshop Term 4 Roster
Friday 27 November: Brooke Wong, Belinda Foley, Pip Frost
Monday 30 November: Daria Lawson, Tash McCormack, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday 4 December: Jackie Blowes, Elise Croker, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday December: VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED. Last one for 2020.
Please note if we cannot get volunteers for the last few tuckshop days, then we won't be able to open. Please contact Daria or Belinda if you can assist.
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are:
Kinder - Donovan Francis, Samantha Fraser and Connor Plumb
Year 1 - Ruby Pappalardo and Tommy Picker
Year 2 - Sienna Gann and Gabby Price
Year 3 - Phoebe Fannin and Lachlan Kilborn
Year 4 – Rorey Hearne and Peter Lawson
Year 5 - Charlie Cramp and Bridie Croker
Year 6 - William Fraser and Chloe Salt
Crookwell Garden Festival Calendar- REDUCED TO $5.00!
Available at the School Office. Cash only please.
Pictures and Popcorn in Goulburn
KAOS Muster
KAOS (Kids Acting On Stage) is putting on a production of "Shrek Jnr" in 2021. If you are interested there will be a muster on 1st and 3rd February at 5pm at the Memorial Hall. The show dates will be 21/22/23 and 28/29/30 May 2021. All welcome from Kindergarten to 16 years of age.
Goulburn Art Gallery School Holiday Fun
When: Tuesdays 12 and 19 jan.
Time: 10am- 12pm both days
Ages: children 6 and older
Cost: $45
When: Thursday 14 jan.
Time: 10am-12pm
Ages: children 6 and older
Cost: $35
Stop Motion Animation
With Sarah Eddowes
When: Thursday 21 and Friday 22 jan.
Time: 10am- 1pm both days
Ages: children 8 and older
Cost: $90
Summer Silhouette Painting
When: Wednesday 20 jan.
Time: 10am - 1pm
Ages: children 6 and older
Cost: $35
Goulburn TAFE Semester 1, 2021 Enrolments Open
Enrolments are open and courses are being updated daily with some exciting NEW courses being offered at TAFE NSW, Goulburn.
Please find below link that will take you directly to what we have on offer at Goulburn campus.
We also have Fee-Free JobTrainer courses available for school leavers job seekers with fee free* and low cost courses to develop new skills in sectors identified as economic growth areas. *Eligibility criteria apply
If you have any questions regarding courses on offer or how to enrol please call the Customer Contact Centre on 131 601.
Children's Cartooning Programs- School Holidays
Laggan Hall Christmas Markets
The DV Alert - Equanimity Project and CWA
Domestic and family violence response training is a free national training program designed for health, allied health and community frontline workers. If you are interested, please see the PDF attachments below for more information.