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- Principal Talk with Mrs Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
- Japanese with Mrs O'Brien
- School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
- Year Six Camp
- Year Five Leadership Reflection Day
- Child Safe Advocate with Mrs Sally Croker
- Library News with Mrs Hewitt
- Student Awards
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Term 4 Key Dates
Thursday 19 November |
Aboriginal Cultural Performance - Dion Drummond InitiaLit Training - Mrs Spackman |
Friday 20 November |
InitiaLit Training - Mrs Spackman Mission Day |
Monday 23 November |
Kindergarten Orientation Day 2 - 9.30am - 2.30pm Year 3 Art Day |
Tuesday 24 November |
Raiders ASPIRE Program - Year 5/6 12.30pm School Board Meeting 5.30pm Year 6 Art Day |
Wednesday 25 November |
Year 5 Art Day |
Monday 30 November |
Counsellor visit- last one for the year |
Wednesday 2 December |
Year 3 Landcare project |
Thursday 3 December |
Trinity Catholic College Orientation Day |
Friday 4 December |
Mini-Olympics Day (in lieu of the Athletics Carnival) |
Thursday 10 December |
Leadership Changeover and End of Year Mass |
Friday 11 December |
Farewell Concert for Mrs McCarthy |
Monday 14 December |
Year Six Graduation Dinner & Awards Presentation |
Wednesday 16 December |
Year Six Final Assembly |
Mission Day
St Mary’s Mission Day will be held this Friday 20 November.
This is an annual event held at St Mary’s with the emphasis on raising money for the Catholic Mission. The day has a fete style atmosphere. The students participate in a variety of activities for a small donation. Most activities for the day cost around 50 cents to $1 and include colour hairspray, nail painting, a white elephant stall, lolly jar guessing and other novelty activities.
There will also be a cake stall operating during the second break, with students being able to purchase cakes for 50 cents.
For students to be able to participate in events, they will need to purchase a $5 or $10 sheet of paper money. As there will be no cash changing hands this year, these can be pre-purchased on QKR! or you can send cash into the Office in an envelope.
Lunch is to be pre-ordered via the Qkr app. Students will be able to have a sausage sandwich, kindly donated by the P&F Association, popper and Zooper Dooper. Our canteen volunteers will be preparing the lunch for the students.
Students are to wear their SPORTS UNIFORM.
Year Six Farewell - Monday 14 December
This year we have been waiting for the easing for restrictions before planning our Year Six end of year Graduation events. Fortunately now, we are able to have our farewell events with parents or carers offsite, complying with the 4m2 space per person rule.
The format will be as follows:
5.30pm - Graduation Mass at St Mary's Church
6.30pm - Dinner at the Services Club for students, parents/carers and staff
- Year Six Awards Presentation
- Year Six Final Assembly
We have included the awards presentation in the evening event as parents and carers are still not permitted to attend school assemblies.
The Year Six class will also present their final assembly to the whole school on the last day of school, Wednesday 16 December and recipients of awards will be acknowledged.
Year Six families will receive further details about the events soon.
Kinder 2021 Orientation Day
On Monday we welcomed our 2021 Kindergarten class for a near-full day at 'big school'. The students traced, wrote, counted, constructed and shared stories with their Year Five friends, along with many more activities!
It was wonderful to see such a settled and industrious group of students ready to learn. Mrs Cummins is certainly blessed to be their classroom teacher next year.
We look forward to seeing them again next Monday for their final Orientation session.

Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
St Mary's Mission Day
Tomorrow is St Mary’s MISSION DAY. This is a long-standing tradition at our school (going back at least 50 years) to raise awareness and funds for those in the world who do not have enough of what they need to live.
Every year during the months of October and November, our school community joins with students and teachers around the country to take part in Catholic Mission’s Extraordinary Missionary Month. We focus on our collective mission as Christians to reach out and help the poor. We do this by learning about the unjust situation others face; by raising funds to help them; and by praying for them. We have been praying along with hundreds of other Catholic schools, asking our Mother Mary to pray for our brothers and sisters in need.
All of us are called to be Missionary Disciples who reach out and help others with “Heart, Head, and Hands”:
- know, in our minds that we are all God’s beloved children;
- desire in our hearts to show compassion and
- Work with our hands to seek justice and peace for everyone; (to serve others as Jesus did to bring about God’s Kingdom on earth where all are equal and all HAVE ENOUGH)
- Friday 20 November
- 11.15am – Sausage Sandwiches ($2) poppers ($1) zooper doopers (50c) (pre-order on QKR)
- 11.45pm- Class time
- 12:30pm – 1.00pm – Yr 2 Cake stall (50c)
- 1:00pm – 1.30pm – Liturgy and Guest Speaker
- 1.30pm - Mission Day activities
On Wednesday 2 December in Week 8, Mrs O'Brien will be having a Japanese Taster Day for the last lesson of the year.
Mrs O'Brien will be using packets of curry mix (picture below), with chicken, carrot, potatoes, onions and rice.
If you have any concerns of allergies/reactions with the ingredients, please let the School know beforehand.
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Judo Program
Connor working on his skills of stance and jabbing
Miss Croker gets Vinnie and Luca prepared for the "jab and block" against their opponents.
If your child has expressed interest in taking part in a program such as this outside of school please contact Craig via details on the website;
Revised Athletics Carnival/ Mini Olympics
Due to the current COVID restrictions not allowing us to have parents and helpers attending school events, we have made the decision to revise our Athletics Carnival format to a Mini Olympics program.
This will take place on Friday of Week 8 from 12pm-3pm on the schools bottom oval. Please note the change on week from what was advertised last week.
The Sports Captains and Year 6 will be in charge of organising modified Olympic events such as shot put, discus, hurdles, running events, egg and spoon race and much more.
This will be a program with participation and fun being the emphasis, and a lovely way for our students to finish sport for the year.
More details to come closer to the date.
Blessed with perfect weather, lots of new land and water activities and great company, Year Six have returned from three days at The Sydney Academy of Sport and Rec at Narrabeen.
After a smooth and comfortable trip up with Col Pitt we had lunch, got our rooms sorted and got changed to go to the beach. It was a very hot afternoon and the water at North Narrabeen beach was cool and lots of fun. We stayed there for three hours playing and having fun. That night we had spaghetti bolognese for dinner and played stunts and games with St Peter and Pauls in the courts till 8:30pm. Lights out 9:30.
The next morning most were up early and ready to tackle the day. We had cereal, toast and spaghetti for breakfast and then went to Archery, Low Ropes and Initiatives. There were lots of stars with Archery.....we're pretty good!!
After lunch we got into our wet gear, hats and sunscreen and went kayaking up the river for three hours. We had to raft up and Bree, Ellie and Will H ran across all the kayaks without falling in!
That night after showers we had chicken and rice for dinner and played lots of tabloid activities in the hall till 8:30. Mrs Croker and Mr O'Kane said we slept like angels that night.
In fact, we slept so well we had to be woken up the next morning!!
On our last morning we had to pack everything up (including OUR sleeping bags) get dressed in wet and damp clothes and shoes because we were going sailing after breakfast. It was super tricky because we had to make sure we had another set of dry clothes in our backpack to change into after sailing.
Sailing was awesome because there was a perfect wind and Matt our Instructor said we were the best he's seen for a long time (we're pretty sure he doesn't say that to all the kids??) We had fun mastering the SUP's after that and then we were really wet.
We got changed into dry clothes and went up to have burgers for lunch. They were the best.
Col was ready after that to take us home. He even let us stop at Maccas for an ice cream on the way home. Thanks Col.
Thanks also to Mr O'Kane for coming with us this year, chauffeuring Rosa around in the buggy and venturing into the boy’s dorm. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
My thanks also to all my Yr. 6 students for their 'have a go' attitude, manners, and company. We are always complimented by the instructors on our exceptional students and this year was no different. It was one of the best.

Year Five Leadership Reflection Day
Year 5 Reflection Day by Seth Grove
On Tuesday the 17/11/2020, it was our Year 5 Reflection Day. It was held in the Parish meeting room next to the church.
The day started off with a morning prayer, then we were learning heaps of different types of meditations. For example, we filled up a bottle with water and put glitter in the bottle and watched it. It turned out to look like an amazing snow globe.
We were learning about friendships and how we can learn to work together, and to learn about taking over the role of our Year 6 leaders.
We were doing all different kinds of games, like bed sheet ping pong and games about how we can work together and cooperate.
You won’t believe it, Phoebe’s mum let us have hot chips for 1st break. They were so amazing, we couldn’t get enough of them. There was even room for seconds.
The middle session we were working through booklets. We were looking at ourselves and ticking, circling and other things to work out how we are going and how we can improve to make better leaders for the future. Then for the 2nd break we had Zooper Doopers and we played 44 homes, which turned out really fun.
After that, the final session we got to play games all afternoon. Teamwork games, like balloon up where you have got to keep the balloon off the ground for as long as you can. 1 2 3 look and Wizards, Monsters and Fairies, which is a bit like scissors, paper, rock. There was a game called “traffic lights, toilets and trees” which was pretty funny. Then we got to finish with an awesome game of dodgeball. The dodgeball would have to have been my favourite one of all.
Year 5 Reflection Day by Phoebe Selmes
On Tuesday the 17th of November, it was the Year 5 Leadership Reflection day. Reflection day is a day for Year 5 to focus on how to become good leaders for next year. Year 5 got to wear mufti and we moved into the Parish meeting room for a day.
We started the day with a prayer. Then we played some fun team building games like bed sheet ping pong, balloon up, knots, all over, 1 2 3 look, monsters wizards and fairies and band-aid tag.
In the middle session we did mindfulness meditation and we made a calm jar, using water, glitter and stars.
We got hot chips, poppers and zooper doopers for lunch.
In the afternoon we ended with a special prayer.
It was the best day ever!

Child Safe Advocate with Mrs Sally Croker
The best way to teach boundaries is to set them
Setting boundaries is one of the toughest parts of parenting or working with children. However, it is also one of the most important. When we set boundaries for kids, we teach them how to set boundaries in their own lives. We teach them how to have physically and emotionally safe experiences and relationships. Kids need smarter, wiser, kind people to say no to them.
We need to make sure we set boundaries for three main reasons:
- It is a child’s job to explore and find boundaries and then to push against them. They push in order to figure out how boundaries work and how firm they are. If they are firm, they experience a sense of safety and attachment, even if they do say, “You’re the worst parent in the whole world”.
- If we are inconsistent, we are asking kids to exercise judgement they have not developed yet. Adolescents in particular are going through a period of brain renovation that encourages them to take more risks than they would have previously, with less consideration of consequences. Even the smartest of our young people are predisposed to making some bad decisions.
- The boundaries we set for them at an early age show them how to set and maintain boundaries in relationships with other people. This is ABSOLUTELY vital.
Setting boundaries is hard work
Experiencing boundaries as a child is one thing, learning to set their own boundaries is another, especially when other people’s feelings are involved. It’s not just kids who struggle with boundaries in relationships.
Whether you’re a conscientious student being pressured to share your homework with peers, or a parent guilted into spending money you don’t have on your kids, it’s hard. It is most difficult to say no to someone you love. At the most dangerous end of the continuum, we run into unbalanced and exploitative relationships. So, teaching a child to set boundaries and then coaching them in this skill throughout their adolescence is important.
Teach them to know themselves first
Kristina Morgan is a clinical psychologist at Lourdes Hill College. She explains that if we want kids to respect themselves and other people and learn about setting boundaries, we must first teach them to know about themselves.
“We often ask children to tune into other peoples’ emotional states, wants, and needs but not their own. We encourage kids to heed the feelings of the adults in their lives or their friends. They need to tune into their own emotional, moral, and physical states to connect authentically with themselves.”
Kristina says, if kids are confused about who they are, they become inconsistent and can be easily led. “They give in to others when they don’t want to, and they can accidentally misrepresent who they are and what they want. Their inability to know and name their values gets in the way of their goals and their relationships.”
In short, kids need to learn what they like and don’t like. They need to be able to name and own their values. When we don’t let our children grow into who they are, we accidentally stop them from knowing where their boundaries need to be.
Part of knowing yourself is knowing how you feel and listening to those feelings. When someone is crossing one of your boundaries, you feel uncomfortable. Your heart might go fast, you might feel hot or you might not be able to say the things you want to say… you’re tongue-tied.
When kids do get the concept of boundaries, they really get it. They will be able to give you examples of incidents when their boundaries have been crossed because they felt it so viscerally.
Helpful tips for parents teaching kids about boundaries
When it comes to teaching boundaries, Kristina says, “We need to turn up for kids and show them how it is done. It involves a lot of modelling and coaching.” She offers the following tips:
- Be confident saying no to your children. They need to hear how to say no and the words to use. This sort of modelling also allows them a chance to see when it is appropriate to say no. For this reason, never just say no to exercise power.
- Set your own boundaries. Simple things like asking children to wait while you speak to another person instead of cutting in. Teach them to attempt age-appropriate tasks for themselves. If you stop everything the moment they want your help, you teach them that you have no boundaries and your time is not important.
- Give kids structure and be consistent. By making boundaries very clear, you show your child that boundaries make life more comfortable. There is less conflict and negotiation over every decision, they don’t have to keep pushing to find the edges.
- Help your child practise with little boundaries. Everyone should have and complete household jobs, everyone maintains contact with relatives, everyone contributes. Kristina sees in her work with families how this makes managing bigger issues like curfews, behaviour at parties, or romantic relationships easier in the long run.
- Give kids the right to say no on decisions about their personal space. You or a relative may really want a hug but forcing a child to show affection teaches them to be alright with intimacy they don’t want. Maintaining that boundary should not cost them love or respect.
- Make sure having a different opinion is okay in your home. It is possible to hold different opinions and still be friends. We can disagree and both still be important awesome human beings. This extends to people of other cultures and those who hold different values.
It’s unreasonable to expect that things will always run so smoothly. They won’t…but let’s face it, smooth isn’t the end goal.
Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club is due Thursday 19 November.
This is the last issue for the year.
Please order using the Loop website:
- Click on ORDER
- OR Register first to save your details for next time
- Select your school and your child's class
- Add your child's first name & last initial (so the school knows who the book is for)
- Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue
- Follow the instructions for payment and submit
- All orders are sent directly to the school for submission to Scholastic.
- Books will still be delivered to your child's classroom if you order by the close date
- Afterwards, there is no need to return paper order forms or payment receipt details back to your school!
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are:
Kinder - Flynn Doran, Henry Elsley-Mattox and Georgia Proudman
Year 1 - Logan Anderson and A'dee Reynolds
Year 2 - Henry Galland, Andrew Lawson and Elsie McIntosh
Year 3 - Pat Croker and Lara McCulloch
Year 4 – Briana Blowes and Finn McCormack
Year 5 - Seth Grove and Aylish Parsons
Year 6 - William Heffernan, Madeline Fraser and Alec McIntosh
Sheep Muster
A further thank you to the Bensley Family (Chloe, Charlie and Rory) for their donation to our Sheep Muster.
Tuckshop Term 4 Roster
Friday 20 November: MISSION DAY- change of menu. Sally Galland, Eleanor Fraser, Claire McCormack
Monday 23 November: Rechell Naughton, Marguerite Walsh, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday 27 November: Brooke Wong, Belinda Foley, Pip Frost
Monday 30 November: Daria Lawson, Tash McCormack, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday 4 December: Jackie Blowes, Elise Croker, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday December: VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED. Last one for 2020.
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
CADS Performance- The Vicar of Dibley LAST WEEK
Crookwell Garden Festival Calendar- REDUCED TO $5.00!
Available at the School Office. Cash only please.
Pictures and Popcorn in Goulburn
Goulburn Art Gallery School Holiday Fun
When: Tuesdays 12 and 19 jan.
Time: 10am- 12pm both days
Ages: children 6 and older
Cost: $45
When: Thursday 14 jan.
Time: 10am-12pm
Ages: children 6 and older
Cost: $35
Stop Motion Animation
With Sarah Eddowes
When: Thursday 21 and Friday 22 jan.
Time: 10am- 1pm both days
Ages: children 8 and older
Cost: $90
Summer Silhouette Painting
When: Wednesday 20 jan.
Time: 10am - 1pm
Ages: children 6 and older
Cost: $35