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Term 4 Key Dates
Friday 13 November |
The School Explorers Program - 'Play It' 2pm - 3pm |
Monday 16 November |
Kindergarten Orientation Day 1 - 9.30am - 2.30pm InitiaLit training Mrs Lowe, Mrs Romer and Mrs Webber |
Monday 16 - Wednesday 18 November |
Year 6 Camp |
Tuesday 17 November |
Year 5 Leadership Reflection Day - Mufti clothing InitiaLit training Mrs Lowe, Mrs Romer and Mrs Webber |
Thursday 19 November |
Aboriginal Performance - Dion Drummond InitiaLit Training - Mrs Spackman |
Friday 20 November |
InitiaLit Training - Mrs Spackman Mission Day |
Monday 23 November |
Kindergarten Orientation Day 2 - 9.30am - 2.30pm |
Friday 11 December |
Farewell Concert for Mrs McCarthy |
Monday 14 December |
Year Six Graduation Dinner & Awards Presentation |
Wednesday 16 December |
Year Six Final Assembly |
NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each year to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity for the students at St Mary's to participate in a range of activities and to acknowledge our Aboriginal students.
This week our students have experienced a variety of learning activities. On Tuesday our Aboriginal students shared information about NAIDOC week with the school and Hayley explained some traditional artwork symbols that she was wearing. Jayden and Jesse shared with the school their didgeridoo, a gift from their grandmother, and Jayden even managed to play it in front of the whole school! Hayley visited each class to describe what NAIDOC Week means to her and her family. She shared video footage and engaged the students with her interesting commentary. Hayley also handed out a colouring competition to each student, which will be judged on Friday by our Aboriginal students.
Today in music each class has been exposed to traditional Aboriginal music and had the chance to make some of their own music.
As a conclusion to NAIDOC Week, next week we look forward to a visit from performer Dion Drummond (whose Aboriginal name is Moogera - meaning “storm”). Dion is of Torres Strait Islands descent on his mother’s side and Aboriginal from his father’s family. Dion was born in Mossman (Kukuyalangi) 80 km north of Cairns, Queensland. He has spent most of his life in the area and, having lived along the coast, he classes himself as one of the “saltwater people”.
Dion communicates through dance and music. In the first part of his program Dion will share with us playful Islander music including various Island dances and singing. For this section of the show, he wears traditional headdress and grass skirt.
The second part of Dion's performance is devoted to Aboriginal dance, indigenous to Far North Queensland (Cape York), the didgeridoo, clapping sticks, stories and explanations of various artefacts.
The school will cover the cost of the performance.
Remembrance Day
Yesterday, our Captains led us in a service commemorating Remembrance Day. Sienna and Jake explained Remembrance Day to the students and shared why we celebrate it each year on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour. The service finished with The Last Post and we observed one minute silence.
COVID Update - Easing Restrictions
As you know, the situation in NSW remains very positive and as a result NSW Health has announced further easing of restrictions while some restrictions remain in place. The key points are listed below.
- From 12 November, P&F meetings, not community social events or functions, can proceed on school sites after school hours to a maximum of 20 persons and in accordance with social distancing requirements
- From 12 November, face-to-face Professional Learning for staff can proceed following relevant guidelines and to a maximum of 100 staff and NSW Health requirements for COVID-safe professional learning activities are met.
- Whole of school assemblies can recommence from 12 November. Where possible, students should remain within their relevant cohort to limit the mixing of students between cohort groups. Parents and carers are not permitted to attend school assemblies.
- Year 7 orientation can proceed from 12 November following the conclusion of the HSC.
- From 12 November, schools can proceed with end of year performances, productions, plays and concerts provided they comply with relevant guidelines and NSW Health requirements for COVID-safe events.
- Carols by candlelight events remain on hold. NSW Health is currently developing specific advice for Carols and other singing events. Further advice will be made available once NSW Health advice is published.
- School-based activities that involve large gathering of adults are still on hold. These include parent/community gatherings such as parent functions, working bees, fundraisers, school barbeques, large parent information evenings, and large on-site cultural events.
- Schools may organise an end-of-year event for students such as a picnic at a local park or a visit to a recreational venue.
End of Year Graduation Events
- From 12 November schools can now proceed with end of year awards ceremonies, speech, presentations and graduation events. Events may be held on school grounds or at external venues. Schools must have a COVID Safety Plan in place prior to these events and comply with the Plan when conducting the event. Schools must include the following in their Plans:
- A strategy to ensure that all attendees, including students, staff and visitors, including parents and carers, are well, and free of any flu-like symptoms.
- The one person per 4 square metre rule for all people participating. Schools will need to invite guests based on the total number of people (this includes staff, students, parents and carers and visitors) who are able to be accommodated under the minimum of 4 square metre rule.
- For seating arrangements ensure there is enough space for distancing of 1.5 metre between non- household members, ensure there is a maximum of 30 attendees per table if seated. This has changed from the previous requirement of 10 persons per table.
- Ensure all visitors sign the external visitors’ form.
- Ensure people remain seated as much as possible to minimise mingling outside of household or close friend groups.
- Ensure there is no self-serve or buffet-style food service. If hospitality staff are engaged to serve food or take orders, it is recommended that these staff wear a mask.
- Reduce crowding where possible and promote physical distancing with markers on the floor in areas where people are asked to queue e.g. where students are waiting to come on stage.
- Plan for how awards and certificates are distributed or handed to the recipients in a COVID-safe way.
- Special guests such as the Local Member of Parliament, one videographer or photographer may attend events. Special guests must be kept to a minimum and be included in the maximum number of participants for the 4 square metre rule.
- Singing and musical activities at the event must adhere to the guidelines
- If students are likely to want yearbooks or other items signed by their classmates, encourage them to bring their own pen to avoid sharing pens.
- Schools are required to maintain a record of names and contact details for all attendees including school staff and visitors, for at least 28 days after the event. This record must only be used for the purposes of contact tracing for COVID-19 infections and be stored confidentially and securely. If possible, create and maintain a record of the seating plan to support contact tracing.
The School Explorers - 'Make It!'
Last Friday afternoon we welcomed our Kindergarten 2021 students to St Mary's to participate in an afternoon dedicated to arts, crafts and construction.
The children met our Year 5 students and worked with them to create some lovely pasta necklaces, patterned hand fish, painted wooden apples and playdough sculptures. They also practised their cutting and manipulation skills.
We look forward to welcoming the children back tomorrow for some sport and games, if the weather is clear, and mathematics and science activities if it is raining.

Sheep Muster
It was wonderful to see 21 sheep under the name of St Mary's P&F at the recent sale at SELX Yass. Thank you to the following families for donating sheep - Alan & Claire McCormack Family (Grace and Joe), Doran Family (Flynn), Skelly Family (George), McCallum/Morning Family (Kiowa and Luca), Tarlinton Family (Charlie and Hayden), Frost Family (Alice and Harry), Culley Family (Georgina and Sophie), Mattox/Elsley-Mattox Family (Henry) and Jodie Bains.
Thank you also to Daniel Tarlinton from Elders for arranging the sale.
So the prices are in and we received $260 each for three very large lambs, $175 each for 9 lambs, $180each for 2 rams, $170 each for 4 wethers and the remaining 2 wethers at $190 each.
A total of $3775.00 with a small amount for yards fees to be taken out.
I would like to thank Catherine Culley for coordinating this very successful event!

You will all be very pleased to hear, I am sure, that our beautiful new classroom furniture has arrived today and we are looking forward to being about to move back into our Mercy Building classrooms next week.
Mission Day
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
St Mary's Mission Day
Striving for Justice by serving others
Next Friday is St Mary’s MISSION DAY. This is a long-standing tradition at our school (going back at least 50 years) to raise awareness and funds for those in the world who do not have enough of what they need to live.
Every year in the month of October (and extending into November), our school community joins with students and teachers around the country to take part in Catholic Mission’s Extraordinary Missionary Month. We focus on our collective mission as Christians to reach out and help the poor. We do this by learning about the unjust situation others face; by raising funds to help them; and by praying for them.
We are all called to be Missionary Disciples who reach out and help others with “Heart, Head, and Hands”.
- know, in our minds that we are all God’s beloved children;
- desire in our hearts to show compassion
- Work with our hands to seek justice and peace for everyone; (to serve others as Jesus did to bring about God’s Kingdom on earth where all are equal and all HAVE ENOUGH)
Pope Francis says:
“Never think that you have nothing to offer, or that nobody needs you. Many people need you. Think about it! Each of you, think in your heart: many people need me.”
The Lord has told us what is good.
What he requires of us is this:
to do what is just, to show mercy,
and to live humbly with our God.
(Micah 6:8)
Please help us in our mission by:
- Joining us in praying daily for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering
- Donating money for our classroom Project Compassion Boxes
- Sending in items ASAP for our White Elephant Stall (Thank you to those who have already brought in items)
Click the link below for other ways to help
This week we are celebrating NAIDOC Week.
NAIDOC stands for National Aborigine and Islander Day Observance Committee.
In NAIDOC week all Australians celebrate the spirituality, identity, culture, survival and achievements of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
St Mary’s students have been celebrating NAIDOC week through prayer and a range of learning activities (with the help of our Aboriginal students – Hayley and Kaitlin Francis, Lucas and Connor Plumb, Jaydan and Jesse Costello, and Harry Day).
Hayley Francis provided some interesting and informative background about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Jaydan entertained us with some didgeridoo playing.
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Judo Program
If your child has expressed interest in taking part in a program such as this outside of school please contact Craig via details on the website;
Revised Athletics Carnival/ Mini Olympics
Due to the current COVID restrictions not allowing us to have parents and helpers attending school events, we have made the decision to revise our Athletics Carnival format to a Mini Olympics program.
This will take place on Friday of Week 9 from 12pm-3pm on the schools bottom oval.
The Sports Captains and Year 6 will be in charge of organising modified Olympic events such as shot put, discus, hurdles, running events, egg and spoon race and much more.
This will be a program with participation and fun being the emphasis, and a lovely way for our students to finish sport for the year.
More details to come closer to the date.
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Saying No to your child!
REMEMBER, saying ‘no’ to your child enables them to grow into responsible teenagers and adults with a balanced perspective of life. Children need to learn to live with limits. Saying ‘no’ is okay! It teaches them they can’t have everything they want when they want it. It teaches our children about respect for others and the environment.
Sometimes we all must do things we don’t want to do and saying ‘no’ helps teach our children that. Saying ‘no’ helps keep our children safe. It gives children a realistic view of the world, teaching them ‘they are not in charge, or the centre of the universe’. They are of course, the centre of our universe. We need to consistently tell them how much we love them.
Saying ‘no’ is one of the hardest parenting skills. We have to balance being too restrictive and punitive, while still disciplining. Disciplining our children doesn’t mean we are taking choice away from them. It is very hard to say ‘no’ to our children and find a firm voice, when we are exhausted and don’t want to cause confrontation, however it does help them to make good choices as they grow older.
Parenting Programs
The website above provides a range of education and support programs to parents and carers who find themselves in situations testing your endurance and strength. They offer a variety of programs for students to participate in and parent webinars empowering parents and carers with information and practical strategies to best support the children in their care.
Anxiety and Teenagers
The following site has useful information for parents about anxiety in children, especially teenagers.
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs Sally Croker
Keep your child safe
Your primary aged child is still developing an understanding of danger and safety. While they are often keen to do things for themselves, an adult must always be responsible for your child in the traffic environment.
Your child is a vulnerable road user. They are still developing the skills that help them to judge the direction of sound and the speed and distance of vehicles. Your child is physically small, making it harder for drivers to see them. They may be easily distracted and tend to only be able to focus on one thing at a time. This means that they find it difficult to deal with sudden changes in the traffic environment.
Your child may be able to tell you the rules and how to keep safe near in and around vehicles, but in reality, will not always be able to apply them.
Read the road safety information below about how to help keep your child safe. Share the information with all of the adults who care for your child.
Also take some time to explore and talk about the Safety Town activities with your child.
Share what they learn at school
At school, your child learns about road safety as part of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE). Help them practise the road safety messages they learn at school by using and sharing them whenever you are out and about.
Follow the link below for a comprehensive set of activities and videos to help you keep your family safe.
Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club is due next Thursday 19 November.
This is the last issue for the year.
Please order using the Loop website:
- Click on ORDER
- OR Register first to save your details for next time
- Select your school and your child's class
- Add your child's first name & last initial (so the school knows who the book is for)
- Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue
- Follow the instructions for payment and submit
- All orders are sent directly to the school for submission to Scholastic.
- Books will still be delivered to your child's classroom if you order by the close date
- Afterwards, there is no need to return paper order forms or payment receipt details back to your school!
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are:
Kinder - Harry Day, Joe McCormack and Jobe Seaman
Year 1 - Sophie Croker, Grace McCormack and Harper Seaman
Year 2 - Jaydan Costello, Sophie Culley and Chase Lucock
Year 3 - Mia Butler and Joe Hayes
Year 4 – Tahlia Anderson and William Millett
Year 5 - Nate Kemp and George Skelly
Year 6 - Rosa Blowes, Jake Cosgrove and Olivia Wong
School Spirit Awards
The School Spirit Award recipients this week are:
Georgina Culley for showing compassion and demonstrating service
Hayley Francis for being a proud ambassador during NAIDOC week
Lachlan Kilborn for outstanding dedication to community service
Tommy Picker for being a fantastic role model to class mates
Phoebe Selmes for showing compassion and demonstrating service
Congratulations to William Heffernan and Dylan Greenwood on their outstanding achievements for the 2020 ICAS Assessments. William achieved a Credit for Science and Dylan a Credit for Spelling and Mathematics.
Well done boys!
Sheep Muster
A big thank you to Catherine Culley and family for their coordination of our Sheep Muster, to all those who donated a sheep for the sale and Daniel Tarlinton from Elders.
Tuckshop Term 4 Roster
Friday 13 November: Mandy Kemp, Jenny Skelly, Daria Lawson
Monday 16 November: Daria Lawson, Allison Hewitt, Maureen Lucock
Friday 20 November: MISSION DAY- change of menu. Sally Galland, Eleanor Fraser, Claire McCormack
Monday 23 November: Rechell Naughton, Pip Frost, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday 27 November: Marguerite Walsh, Brooke Wong, Belinda Foley
Monday 30 November: Daria Lawson, Tash McCormack, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday 4 December: Jackie Blowes, Elise Croker, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
CADS Performance- The Vicar of Dibley
Crookwell Garden Festival Calendar- REDUCED TO $5.00!
Available at the School Office. Cash only please.