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Term 4 Key Dates
Thursday 5 November |
InitiaLit Training |
Friday 6 November |
InitiaLit Training The School Explorers Program - 'Make It' 2pm - 3pm |
Wednesday 11 November |
Remembrance Day School Service 11am |
Friday 13 November |
The School Explorers Program - 'Play It' 2pm - 3pm |
Monday 16 November |
Kindergarten Orientation Day 1 - 9.30am - 2.30pm |
Monday 16 - Wednesday 18 November |
Year 6 Camp |
Tuesday 17 November |
Year 5 Leadership Reflection Day - Mufti clothing |
Thursday 19 November |
InitiaLit Training |
Friday 20 November |
InitiaLit Training Mission Day |
Monday 23 November |
Kindergarten Orientation Day 2 - 9.30am - 2.30pm |
COVID Update
- Assemblies to be limited to 15 minutes
- Students and staff with flu-like symptoms must not attend school or will be sent home and tested for COVID-19.
- Where COVID-19 testing has occurred due to flu-like symptoms, and not due to close contact with a positive COVID-19 case, the person being tested must self-isolate until they receive a negative result. If the result is positive, they are required to self-isolate for 14 days. Family members are not required to self-isolate until the test result is received - although we encourage them to do so.
- The school must sight a negative test result before staff/students return to school.
- Staff/students must be symptom-free before returning to school.
- Schools should limit learning activities to year groups where possible (this excludes playgrounds, before school, recess and lunch activities).
- Only external providers of essential curriculum may continue activities (eg. music tutors, Healthy Harold, sport skill development programs etc).
- Day time excursions are permitted within the local area only, subject to appropriate risk assessments.
- Overnight excursions and camps can resume where they are a necessary part of a student’s education program.
- Schools may hold a Year 6 Assembly and Awards to recognise the completion of primary school for Stage 3 Students subject to meeting NSW Health requirements.
- Kindergarten Orientation can be commenced from 1 November subject to meeting NSW Health requirements. This includes:
- parents only being permitted to remain on the school premises for 10 minutes; and
- students being free from COVID-19 like-symptoms and the school following COVID-19 safe practices.
- All face-to-face P&F activities to cease or be conducted remotely.
- No P&F / Community Council social gatherings.
- No parents or carers on site unless the meeting is considered essential and should be by exception.
- Parent and carer attendance not permitted at assemblies and other school events.
- Parent and carer volunteers not permitted – e.g. parent reading helpers (note: canteen volunteers are permitted)
- School-based activities that involve large gathering of adults not permitted. These include parent/community gatherings such as parent functions, working bees, fundraisers, school barbecues, large parent information evenings, and large on-site cultural events.
- All students should be either:
- at school;
- at home because they are currently unwell;
- at home due to self-isolation requirements;
- at home because they have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition (or in limited cases where a family member has an ongoing medical condition).
Mission Day
Sheep Muster
As you will read in the P&F section, if any families have a sheep they are able to donate to raise funds for the P&F to be sold at SELX on Wednesday 11 November, please contact Catherine Culley. We appreciate any assistance you can provide with this fundraiser! P&F funds this term will be contributing to our new Mercy Building furnishings.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Serving Others and Striving for Peace and Justice at St Mary's
Remembrance Day
Next Wednesday we commemorate Remembrance Day. In November 1918, after more than four years of continuous warfare, the Germans called for an armistice (suspension of fighting) in order to secure a peace settlement. At 11am on 11 November the guns on the Western Front fell silent. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month became known as Armistice Day and was universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war. After the end of the Second World War, the Australian and British governments changed the name to Remembrance Day. It is a day to remember those who served and died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts.
For us at St Mary’s, and for all Christians, Remembrance Day is also a day to pray for peace and justice and to think about how we can work for these in our world today.
God of Peace May each of us be instruments of Your peace. Help us be aware of the many opportunities we have to promote peace and justice. May we never underestimate the power of our actions. Help us to know how best to promote peace and justice. Amen.
St Mary's School Mission Day- Friday 20 November
The Lord has told us what is good.
What he requires of us is this:
to do what is just, to show mercy,
and to live humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)
DONATIONS – If you are able, please help us to raise money for those who are much less fortunate than ourselves by sending in money for our poor boxes.
WHITE ELEPHANT STALL –Please send any unwanted items (but in reasonable condition) into school. Items may be left on the stage in the Old Hall. (Items may include things like: toys, kitchenware, clothes, drawing/sketching materials, books etc.)
ICE-CREAM STALL – Year 3 will be running the ice-cream stall. Year 3 families are asked to please send in ice–cream, cones and items for ice-cream decorations. Year 3 students will receive more information about this.
CAKE STALL – Year 2 will be running the cake stall this year. Year 2 families are asked to please provide cakes/treats for this stall on the day.
“In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Judo Program
All of our students from K-6 are thoroughly enjoying the Judo/ Martial Arts sports program.
On Friday the students took part in highly engaging skills activities based on speed, agility, and movement with an opponent.
If your child has expressed interest in taking part in a program such as this outside of school please contact Craig via details on the website;

Child Safe Advocate with Mrs Sally Croker
Dropping off and picking up at school
Driving and parking near schools
The beginning and end of the school day are busy times for pedestrians and vehicles outside schools. Parking signs are planned with your child's safety in mind.
It is helpful for everyone if you park safely, even if you have to walk further to the school gate. This is a good time to model positive road safety behaviour and physical activity for your child.
Slow down near any crossings around the school. At a supervised crossing, follow the directions of the school crossing supervisor. Crossing supervisors manage traffic to help primary school children use the crossings on roads near and outside of schools.
Drop your child off and pick them up on the school side of the road. Calling out to them from across the road is dangerous – they may run to you without checking for traffic. This will help keep all children as safe as possible during the busiest times of the school day.
You should always:
- park legally
- avoid dangerous manoeuvres such as U-turns and three-point turns
- give way to pedestrians, particularly when entering or exiting driveways
- avoid using the school car park or driveway
- avoid parking in the school bus bay
- make sure your child uses the Safety Door (rear kerb-side door) to get in and out of the car.
Dangerous driving behaviour around schools puts children at risk. Model safe and considerate behaviour for your child – they will learn from you.
Child Safe Standards Information
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Transitioning to high school: A checklist for parents
Before your child starts high school:
- Go to orientation events
- Practice waking up early
- Buy the right uniform and bag
- Make sure they have stationery and books
- Spend time talking about the new school
- Be positive about the transition yourself
- Build excitement for new opportunities - all those extra-curricular activities!
- Encourage them to make friends outside of their existing group
- Practice the trip to school together - apply for a travel pass if needed
- Encourage them to participate in sport programs to meet people
- Discuss emergency and safety issues
- Arrange a chat with an older child who's already been through it
Once your child starts high school:
- Check in regularly to see how they're going
- Establish a proactive relationship with their year advisor
- Explore time management and study techniques
- Make sure they're getting enough sleep
- Connect with another parent from the year
- Make sure they have multiple copies of their timetable at school and at home
(Adapted from
The following links have some great ideas for transitioning children to school.
Sheep Muster- Next Week
The P&F have decided this year to hold a Sheep Muster. This gives our farming families, that do not already run St Mary's cattle, the opportunity to donate a sheep. This could be a sound lamb, old ewe, wether or ram. The stock can be collected or dropped to the Crookwell showground on Tuesday 10 November for sale at SELX (donated by Daniel Tarlinton Elders) on Wednesday 11 November.
If you would like to donate a sheep to support our great school please contact Catherine Culley on 0458 367 251.
Tuckshop Term 4 Roster
There have been a few changes already, so please check below to see if your date doesn't work.
If your name is not there and you can help, please complete the form- Tuckshop Helpers.
Helping in the tuckshop is not scary at all and you won't be left alone without any training or assistance. If you would like to have a look at how it works before actually having a go, please contact Daria.
Remember, many hands mean less work and would reduce the load on the same people who continuously volunteer.
Friday 6 November: Bec Scott, Sally Gamble
Monday 9 November: Reane Strode, Maureen Lucock, Allison Hewitt
Friday 13 November: Mandy Kemp, Jenny Skelly, Daria Lawson
Monday 16 November: Daria Lawson, Allison Hewitt, Maureen Lucock
Friday 20 November: MISSION DAY- change of menu. Sally Galland, Eleanor Fraser, Claire McCormack
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are:
Kinder - Jesse Costello, Sofia Lawson and Flynn Storrier
Year 1 - Spencer Charnock and Imogen Hewitt
Year 2 - Alice Frost, Tahlia Naughton, Elkie Storrier and Hayden Tarlinton
Year 3 - Archie Foran and Ava Hewitt
Year 4 – Naomi Picker and Harry Price
Year 5 - Lucy Gamble and Max'e Reynolds
Year 6 - Bree Hearne and Marnie McCormack
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Mens Health- Lets Blue Up Crookwell!
Australian Government Mobile Service Centre visit to Crookwell
Crookwell Garden Festival Calendar- REDUCED TO $5.00!
Available at the School Office. Cash only please.