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Term 3/4 Key Dates
Monday 21 September |
Counsellor visit- please contact the Office for bookings |
Friday 25 September |
End of term |
Monday 12 October |
Staff Development Day - High Impact Teaching Strategy - Explicit Instruction |
Tuesday 13 October |
Student return for Term Four |
Thursday 22 October |
School Photos CODE AN3 WE9 3JZ |
St Mary's Feast Day
Thank you to Mrs Skelly for organising a fantastic St Mary's Feast Day held on the Feast of the Nativity of Mary (Mary's Birthday). Looking striking in their blue clothing, the students participated in a myriad of activities in the middle session. Some of these activities included Mary chalk art, clay statues, bookmarks, cards and party games. The afternoon finished with a special (and noisy) treat - a party bag. Thank you Year Four for making these for each student.

St Mary's Cookbook
Our St Mary's P&F Year Four coordinating team of Daria, Tash and Donna, are currently putting together a new St Mary's Cookbook. This cookbook will be filled with our families favourite 'tried and true' recipes. We encourage every family to contribute their best recipes for this cookbook. Let's make this edition as good as the last, which was produced in the 90's, when some of our parents were students at St Mary's.
Recipes can be emailed to or send in with your child.
Original St Mary's Cookbook Chapter 4 title page by James McCormack- Tara, Marnie, Finn and Bridie's dad.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a project of Samaritan’s Purse. It partners with local churches in developing nations to reach out to children by providing gift-filled shoeboxes to children in need.
As a school, we will aim to fill as many boxes as we can. Items can include small toys, hair accessories, a hairbrush, toothbrush, skipping rope, marbles, pencils, notepads, textas, handkerchiefs etc.
If you would prefer to send in a couple of dollars to go towards the $10 postage per box, rather than send in an item, this would also be appreciated.
Uniform Reminders
- All uniform items must be purchased from our uniform shop. Please do not purchase items from other suppliers as the colour and style do not match. Our uniform items have our school logo on them.
- All boys should be wearing our school socks - grey with a green and gold stripe and the girls should be in black tights.
- Black school shoes are to be worn by all students. If your child is unable to wear their black shoes they will need a note explaining why. If you are shopping for new shoes please remember that the vans or sandshoe style does not fit with our Uniform Policy.
- A bottle-green coat is the only acceptable additional outer item.
- Please remember that no nail polish can be worn to school and hair accessories should only be in our school colours.
As the weather starts to warm up, students will start to take off their winter woollies, so to ensure we can return them to their rightful owner, please name them on the side tag so that it is easy to read.
We have some families who are missing items that are named, so please check what your child brings home to ensure it belongs to them.
Maybe now is the time to start planning for your summer uniform to check it all still fits correctly and you have enough. Place orders through Qkr for distribution on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
A reminder that for the first two weeks of Term Four, students may still wear their full winter uniform if they wish.
School Photos
Our 2020 School Photo day is booked for 22 October in Week 2 of Term 4.
As the weather warms up some of our older students are finding the need to apply deodorant after our play breaks or sport activities. If your child requires this, please ensure that only roll-on deodorant is sent to school.
2021 Enrolments
If you are intending on enrolling your child at St Mary's, but have not yet done so, could you please complete this process as soon as possible.
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to or collect an enrolment form from Belinda in the Office.
For assistance with the application process please contact Belinda.
A reminder that the Term 3 school fees are due.
For those who do not have a current direct debit arrangement in place, please organise payment as soon as possible. Thank you.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
St Mary's School Feast Day – Honouring Mary
What an awesome ‘St Mary’ day we had on Tuesday. We began our feast day activities with a special prayer celebration to honour our patron saint. Then the birthday celebrations began … complete with balloons, steamers, party games, craft and party bags. Our day certainly reflected what a special place Mary holds in our hearts.
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs Sally Croker
Social media age recommendations
R U OK? Day
Today, Thursday 10th of September, is R U OK? Day.
R U OK? is asking all Australians to learn what to say if someone in their life says they are not OK.
‘There’s more to say after R U OK?’, is the message for R U OK?Day 2020 and will focus on building confidence and increased skills for people so they know how to navigate a conversation with someone in their life who might be struggling.
Katherine Newton, CEO, R U OK?, says 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us.
“Time is one of the most valuable things we can share with the people that we care about,” said Ms Newton. “When someone in your life is struggling it’s natural to ask them if they’re OK but it can sometimes be difficult to know what to say next.
“Our free resources include a conversation guide to help people learn what to say after “Are you OK?” and help break down any fears or concerns someone might be feeling when approaching a meaningful conversation with a family member, friend or colleague who might be doing it tough.
“You don’t have to be an expert to keep the conversation going and if you familiarise yourself with what to say after hearing ‘No, I’m not OK’ you can show genuine intent and genuinely help someone access appropriate support long before they’re in crisis.” said Ms Newton.
RUOK? is encouraged by its recent data that demonstrates Australians increasingly understand how important it is for them to reach out to those around them who might be struggling.
“Our latest evaluation measures show that most people feel confident they know how to have a conversation with someone who might be struggling with life but 31% of Australians lack confidence or are unsure how to have a conversation with someone who is not OK,” says Ms Newton. “We want to help them learn what to say after R U OK? because a conversation could change someone’s life.”
“If you feel something’s not quite the same with someone you know - perhaps you’re aware of a significant life event they are experiencing right now or you notice a change in what they’re saying or doing - take the time to genuinely ask them “Are you OK?”
“We want Australians to be confident in having a meaningful conversation and if someone says they’re not OK, make time to listen with an open mind, encourage action and regularly check in.”
‘There’s more to say after R U OK?’ Learn what to say next at
It's lighter when we share the load! That's why R U OK? is encouraging young people everywhere to take the time to comfort their friends when they're feeling...
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Practicing yoga is important for kids for many of the same reasons it is important for adults. Yoga helps kids to relax, relieve stress and anxiety, sleep better, improve emotional regulation, increase empathy, and improve mood and affect. Some of our students are practising Yoga before they come to school and also in the classroom and are commenting how relaxed and refreshed they feel.
There are some great online sites like Cosmic Kids where your child follow along and can practise at home. Why not try some of the poses below.
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
DDA-Disability Discrimination Act
Some of you would be familiar with the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992. As a result of this Act, the Disability Standards for Education were provided in 2005, as a framework to ensure students with a disability are able to ACCESS and PARTICIPATE in education on the same basis as everyone else.
Sometimes the disability is a diagnosed disability, sometimes it is an imputed disability. Students, who struggle with one or more areas of learning, may have an imputed disability. More simply defined a learning difficulty in reading, spelling or maths. This does not mean they always have this difficulty; it may simply take them longer to learn to read.
Teachers are continually making adjustments to their learning programs to ensure students can ALL access the curriculum. An adjustment for one child often benefits many children. An adjustment might include repeating instructions, giving ‘wait’ time before an answer is expected, using visuals, cue cards, voice activated soft-ware, modifying a task, reducing the task, extending the time to complete a task, allowing breaks from the classroom. There are many other adjustments teachers make every day to ensure the differentiation of learning best supports ALL students.
St Mary's Cookbook
Wouldn’t it be great to have an easy to use and refer to cookbook of family favourites?
Well, what if we had our own St Mary’s Cookbook? With anything and everything ranging from quick, simple and easy to throw together meals for those days when you just don’t feel like cooking, to more elaborate dishes when you feel like entertaining and impressing.
The book release is planned towards the end of Term 4, just in time for Christmas.
If you, or anyone you know, are willing to share your favourite recipe(s) that would be fantastic!!! Please email them to Belinda Tarlinton at
Coordinator's Daria Lawson & Tash McCormack
If you would like to volunteer your time to assist on either a Monday or Friday and your name is not down on our list already, please click on "Tuckshop Helpers" link below and fill in the form .
Remember, many hands mean less work!
If you have a date that you can or cannot do for Term 4, please let Rechell Naughton early so we do not have too many changes to the roster.
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are:
Kinder - Donovan Francis, Samantha Fraser and Luca Morning
Year 1 - Spencer Charnock, Billie Garnham and Riley O'Brien
Year 2 - Henry Galland, Olivia Millett and Hayden Tarlinton
Year 3 - Lauren Fraser and Lara McCulloch
Year 4 – Toby Charnock and Marli Selmes
Year 5 - Bridie Croker and Nate Kemp
Year 6 - Madeline Fraser and Bree Hearne
School Spirit Awards
Logan Anderson for always showing compassion
Sacrament Program
First Holy Communion preparation for Year 4 will continue for the next 4 weeks.
Weekend Mass times through September will be at 5pm, including the Mass for First Holy Communion on 19 September.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Crookwell Vacation Care
Waste, Plastic & Bees Wax Wraps
Free School Holiday Landcare Workshop
Find out how you can do your bit to get rid of plastic pollution by making your own bees wax wraps. All materials included!
Learn all about composting and recycling in this interactive online activity.
Tuesday 29th September 11am-12pm
Please register by 22/9/20 to receive your workshop kit.
For ages 6 and up.
To register please contact;
Crookwell: 0447 242 474
Gunning: 0488 027 653
Second Hand Uniform for Sale
Jenny Gay has some second hand girls size 6 & 8 winter uniform for sale. If you are interested, please contact her directly on 0438 321 267.