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- Principal Talk with Mrs Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
- School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
- Art with Mrs O'Keefe
- Music with Mrs Cummins
- Library News with Mrs Hewitt
- Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
- Student Awards
- P & F News
- ICAS Testing
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- School and Community Notices
Term 3 Key Dates
August/Sept | School Explorers Program - Postponed 31/7, 7/8, 14/8, 21/8, other dates to be confirmed |
Tuesday 4 August |
School Board meeting |
Monday 10 August |
School Counsellor visit. Contact the Office for bookings |
Wednesday 12 August |
School Public Speaking Competition Years 3-6 - Live streamed for spectators |
Friday 21 August |
Jump Rope for Heart - Live streamed for spectators |
Monday 24 August | School Counsellor visit. Contact the Office for bookings |
Wednesday 27 August | Northern Region Public Speaking Competition Years 3-6 - Live streamed for spectators |
Monday 7 September |
School Counsellor visit. Contact the Office for bookings |
Tuesday 8 September |
St Mary's Feast Day |
Friday 25 September |
Showcase of Learning 12.30pm (TBC) |
End of term |
Student/Parent/Teacher Conversations
It was wonderful to see our students sharing their achievements and goals with their parents this week. Thank you for taking the time to come in and meet with your child’s teacher. If you missed the Student/Parent/Teacher Conversations this week please contact your child's teacher to arrange a suitable time. Remember that you are welcome to make an appointment to talk to your child's teacher at any time throughout the year.
School Public Speaking Competition
Our Public Speaking Competition will occur for primary classes on Wednesday 12 August with a twist this year. We will be holding a virtual version to accommodate current COVID restrictions, so it will be streamed live through Zoom for any parents wishing to watch. The Northern Region Public Speaking Competition will have this same format so it will also give us a chance to practise the digital format and iron out any issues that may arise. The aim of this competition remains the same; to help students speak more effectively, have better communication and gain more confidence in speaking in front of others.
From our school Public Speaking Competition two students from each year level will be selected to compete virtually at the Northern Region Competition on Thursday 27 August. Following that the Archdiocesan Public Speaking Finals, hosted by St Patrick’s Parish School Cooma, will be held on Thursday 22 October 2020.
Speeches will be judged on the following criteria:
- Delivery
- Suitability and Audience Interest
- Content and Creativity
- Organisation
- Timing
Timing for speeches:
- Stage 2 - 2 minutes; with a warning bell at 1 minute and 30 seconds and at 2 minutes
- Stage 3 - 3 minutes; with a warning bell at 2 minutes and 30 seconds and at 3 minutes
Topics are as follows:
- Year 3 Belonging in school
- Year 4 Kid power!
- Year 5 Words can hurt
- Year 6 Many voices, one land
Students will be working on their speeches in class and may be asked to refine and practise these for homework.
Building Update
Our builders have been hard at work over the holiday break and first week of school. The footings have been laid for our learning support resource room, front verandah and ramp and internally the rendering and electrical work has commenced. The name pavers that were along our front garden bed have been saved and will be relaid.
We are very grateful to Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn and NSW Block Grant Authority for their large commitment of funds for this project.
School Sores
Please be aware that there has been a reported case of school sores (or impetigo) at St Mary's.
Impetigo is a bacterial skin infection caused by streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria. It is commonly known as ‘school sores’ because a majority of cases are in school-aged children. However, it can also affect infants, adults and adolescents.
Uncomplicated impetigo does not cause permanent damage to the skin, but is highly contagious. It is treated with antibiotics.
If your child is presenting with blisters on the skin that crust over please see a doctor for treatment.
While your child has the infection:
- Sores should be kept clean and covered with a waterproof dressing to prevent them being touched or scratched.
- Used dressings should be placed in a sealed bag and put in the garbage bin as soon as they are removed.
- Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and running water for 10 – 15 seconds after sores are touched or redressed.
- Children with impetigo should be kept home from school or other group settings if their wounds cannot be kept covered until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has been started, or until the blisters have dried out.
Counsellor Visits
Sharyn Lynch, our new CatholicCare provider, was at school this week meeting with staff, parents and students. Sharyn comes with lots of experience and can offer a number of different programs. Sharyn is qualified to run the 'Cool Kids' Anxiety Program. This can be done on a one-on-one basis and has been found to be extremely beneficial for children who experience anxiety.
Counselling sessions are a wonderful chance for you or your child/ren to be able to discuss concerns or worries. They can provide strategies to assist with behaviour management, stress, resilience and anxiety.
Sharyn will be visiting each Monday on the even weeks of term. If you would like to make an appointment please contact Belinda via telephone or email
Website, SZapp and Digital Support
We have updated the website and SZapp to now include a "Parent Page". In this section, you will find the Absence form, Change to Travel Arrangements form, Tuckshop Roster and Helper form and Uniform Order form.
If you require any assistance with using or installing SZapp, please contact Belinda.
School Fees
The Term 3 School Fee statements were emailed out yesterday. Please check to ensure you have received yours. Fees are due by Week 6, Friday 28 August.
If you would like to discuss your account or different payment options, please contact Belinda.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
School Value- Compassion
Students and staff at St Mary’s are continuing to reflect on how we can make our world a better place through following in Jesus’ footsteps and living the value of COMPASSION. We are working to show God’s compassion by first being on the lookout for those who are in need and then by trying to do something about it, just as Jesus did.
Compassion is:-
- Asking others who appear to be in trouble if they need help
- Listening attentively to someone’s problems
- Trying to understand another’s problems
- Comforting others who seem sad or troubled
- Forgiving someone who has done the wrong thing
- Reaching out in friendship to others who are alone
- Treating everyone with kindness

“To live simply, travel lightly and make room for all”
“Never see a need without doing something about it”
The children are learning about Mary Mackillop at school. They are learning about her life, her love for God, and how she answered Jesus’ call to help everyone who needed help.
What a different world it would be if everyone strove to follow Jesus like Mary Mackillop did!
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Jump Rope for Heart
We have committed to taking part in the Jump Rope for Heart program, raising much needed funds for Heart research.
Friday sport, as well as daily fitness, will see classes focus on skipping skills and creating class choreographed skipping routines.
The culmination of this program will be a Skip Off on Friday of Week 5. Students will wear mufti clothing, bring a gold coin donation and present their class skipping items. There is the possibility that we may be able to live stream this event.
Gala Hockey Day
There are plans, COVID depending, that we will be working with Crookwell Public to hold a Gala Hockey day. This will be on a much smaller scale than in previous years with students from Years 3-6 from both schools participating. Stay tuned for possible date for later this Term.
Cricket NSW Gala Day
We have committed to participating in the Cricket NSW Gala Day on Wednesday 9 September. This will be held at Todkill Park and will involve all students from Years 3-6. The format of the day is still be negotiated, ensuring all COVID restrictions are adhered to.
More details to come closer to the date.
Can all students (Year K-6) please bring in an old wire coat hanger for their Art Focus Day, thank you.
Kindy: Monday 31 August
Year 1: (already been)
Year 2: Monday 17 August
Year 3: Tuesday 11 August
Year 4: Monday 3 August
Year 5: Monday 10 August
Year 6: Monday 24 August
Can every child please bring in a recycled water bottle so that we can make our own shakers for music.
Thank you!
As there is no borrowing from the Library at present, I would encourage the children to use the APP, SORA to provide reading material.
Attached are details on how to download and login to SORA.
There are hundreds of titles available in different formats.
If you need assistance, please ring or come and see me at school with the device.
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Congratulations to Mrs O'Brien
A big congratulations to Mrs Rie O'Brien on her completion of Certificate 4 in Educational Support.
Rie's dedication and commitment to completing this course and getting her assignments done is to be commended.
Volunteer Program- suspended until further notice
Unfortunately, with the evolving COVID-19 situation, we have had to suspend our volunteer-based intervention programs of Reading, Spelling and Maths again until further notice. Thank you to those who had offered their time.
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are:
Kinder - Lucinda Fannin, Harry Frost and Beau Knight
Year 1 - Ruby Pappalardo and Sam White
Year 2 - Charlotte Crosbie and Lucas Plumb
Year 3 - Addin Grove
Year 4 – Sophia Galland and Amelia O'Brien
Year 5 - Max'e Reynolds and George Skelly
Year 6 - Sienna Charnock and Ellie McCormack
School Spirit Awards
Saxon Greenwood for Service to others
Georgina Culley for Service to others
Sethan Grove for Service to others
George Skelly for Service to others
Ned Mallinson for care for the school environment
Flynn Storrier for Compassion and concern towards those in need
Our tuckshop returned this week and will remain as every Monday and Friday in a near-normal capacity, at this stage. The menu will be close to full, however please be aware some items (e.g. zooper doopers, milo, plain milk) may not be available.
We will have 2-3 volunteers on each shift, however, there will be NO window and cash service, therefore limiting contact with the students. The tuckshop area has been measured and complies with the 4 square metre per person requirement. Please only order your items through Qkr
If you would like to volunteer your time to assist on either a Monday or Friday and your name is not down on our list already, please fill in the form below.
Remember, many hands mean less work!
The cut-off date for parents to register for 2020 ICAS has been extended to Sunday, 2 August.
Below is how parents place the order:
Step 1: Parent click on this link:
Step 2: Parent will need the unique access code for our school.
The usual ICAS sitting dates are in Aug/Sep and approaching fast as below:
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Lost Property
Can we please ask that everyone keep an eye out for a pair of missing prescription glasses? The glasses have a navy blue frame and Minnie Mouse on the arms.
Drum Lessons
Goulburn TAFE Semester 2 Courses Available
Interested in doing a TAFE course? Click on the link to find out what is available for Goulburn TAFE. Enrolments are open and courses are updated daily.
TAFE NSW - Goulburn, Semester 2, 2020
For any questions regarding courses on offer, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on 131 601.
Crookwell 200 Years Celebration Calendar-
If you would like to buy the Crookwell 200 Years celebration calendar, you can purchase at the school office for $10, cash only please.