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End of Term
This is our last newsletter for the term. I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate our dedicated and hardworking students who have put in a huge effort this term developing their skills across many Key Learning Areas. I also thank them all for their help with moving our classes into alternate learning spaces and appreciate their flexibility and resilience.
Thank you also to our supportive and encouraging parent body. Your effort with assisting your children with remote school work, returning to school with changed conditions and keeping unwell children home is truly appreciated.
To the teachers and staff, your enthusiasm and commitment, during a term that brought forth many changes, is inspirational. I am blessed to work with such an amazing team!
Next term we welcome back Mrs Dorothea Hewitt from Long Service Leave. I would like to thank Mrs Claire McCormack for taking our Library classes in Mrs Hewitt's absence.
We are also able to welcome our volunteers back into the school next term. We look forward to commencing our volunteer reading and intervention programs in Week 2.
I hope you have a happy and safe holiday break and I look forward to seeing the students back on Tuesday 21 July.
Term 3 Key Dates
21 July | Term 3 resumes for students |
27/28 July | Student/Parent/Teacher Conversations |
July/August/Sept | School Explorers Program 31/7, 7/8, 14/8, 21/8, 28/8, 4/9, 11/9, 18/9 2.00pm - 3.00pm |
Wednesday 12 August | School Public Speaking Competition Years 3-6 |
Friday 21 August | Year 4/5 Showcase of Learning 12.30pm (TBC) |
Wednesday 27 August | Northern Region Public Speaking Competition Years 3-6 (TBC) |
Tuesday 8 September | St Mary's Feast Day |
Friday 25 September | Year 2/3 Showcase of Learning 12.30pm (TBC) |
End of term |
Staff Professional Development
Next term we will commence our PD journey into Explicit Instruction, a valuable high impact teaching strategy.
The professional learning will incorporate four learning modules, delivered live from Perth by Dr Lorraine Hammond and her associate Brooke Wardana. The modules cover the following topics: Introduction to Explicit Instruction, Engagement Norms, Daily Review and the why and how for Phonemic Awareness and Phonics. The training encompasses Cognitive Load Theory and the science of reading.
For our Staff Development Day in Term Four, we will travel to Temora to have a combined training day with the staff from St Annes. This will then be followed by a visit by Lorraine and Brooke to St Mary's for coaching and feedback.
Building Update
This term the builders have been hard a work renovating the Mercy Building. So far, the storerooms have been removed and the openings to the classrooms have been created. The area is looking large and spacious!
Over the holiday break the server and comms room will be moved to our current photocopy room, near the staffroom.

Semester 1 Reporting
Tomorrow your child will receive their Semester 1 report. In response to the changed learning circumstances in Term 1 and Term 2, Semester 1 2020 reporting processes across our Archdiocese have been modified to provide parents with specific information about their child’s achievement and progress. Changes to reporting have occurred in every NSW education sector due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Semester 1 Report
- Student reports will be sent home tomorrow, Friday 3 July.
- The report covers work completed in both Term 1 and Term 2.
- Student achievement for Years 1 - 6 will be reported as an A-E grade for the three main core areas: Religious Education, English and Mathematics.
- Student achievement for Kindergarten will be reported using a three-point scale for the three main core areas: Religious Education, English and Mathematics.
- Other subjects may receive a grade if the teacher has sufficient evidence of learning. In subjects where a grade is not possible, ‘Not assessed’ will be displayed. This means that, although the learning throughout the semester has been rigorous, it is not possible to make an overall judgement about the student’s achievement in relation to the reporting Outcomes or Achievement Standards against the Grade Descriptors.
- A new section ‘Engagement with Learning’ has been developed to replace the ‘Personal and Social Capabilities’. The new statements are based on the Australian Curriculum: General capabilities, and target four key areas of learning engagement: Thinking, Communication, Responsibility, Collaboration.
- The ‘Engagement with Learning’ statements have replaced the General Comment section of the report this semester; the statements give detailed information on your child’s approach to learning.
Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will be offered in Week 2 Term 3 - 27 and 28 July. Bookings will be done online via our Schoolzine platform. You can find the link on our website or via the SZapp app and these bookings are open now. Interviews will be face-to-face, however, if, due to COVID-19, you feel more comfortable with a phone call, these can be arranged through Belinda. If you require further assistance with this, please contact Belinda in the Office.
Thank you
Thank you to Daria Lawson for keeping our tuckshop running for Friday lunches during the second half of this term.
Next term, from Monday 27 July, tuckshop will resume as normal, with three volunteers. Qkr! transactions are preferred, please.
It is with a heavy heart that we farewell Year 2 student Loralai Ryan, as she moves with her Mum over the holiday break. We wish Loralai the best of luck at her new school. Loralai, her mother, Stephanie, and Grandmother, Jenny, will be missed by our school community.
Counsellor Visits
We met our new CatholicCare provider, Sharyn Lynch, this week. Sharyn comes with lots of experience and can offer a number of different programs. Sharyn is qualified to run the 'Cool Kids' Anxiety Program. This can be done on a one-on-one basis and has been found to be extremely beneficial for children who experience anxiety.
Counselling sessions are a wonderful chance for you or your child/ren to be able to discuss concerns or worries. They can provide strategies to assist with behaviour management, stress, resilience and anxiety.
Sharyn will be visiting each Monday in Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8.
If you would like to make an appointment please contact Belinda via telephone or email
Baby News!
Congratulations to Donovan Francis who has become a big brother to Walker Francis Ross. Congratulations to Casey and Mark, as well!
Southern Health Dentist Checkups Postponed
Dental checks at schools may not continue in 2020 due to COVID-19. All parents and carers are encouraged to arrange a dental check-up for their children. You may want to consider the following options:
- Call the Goulburn Dental Clinic on 1800 450 056. Please note at this stage there is a waiting list
- Contact your family dentist
- Check if you can use your private health insurance with a local private dentist
- Medicare Child Dental Benefits Scheme- your child must be eligible and this may allow for routine treatment at a local private dentist.
School Shoes
Are you needing to buy new school shoes in the holidays? If so, please take note of our school shoe policy.
The expectation is traditional, black, leather or synthetic, lace-up, boots or Maryjane style, polishable school shoes. Suede shoes and black joggers are not acceptable for safety reasons. The sole should be no more than 2 cm high and the heel 3 cm.
Canvas shoes, ballet shoes, cloth shoes and slip-on shoes are NOT permitted.
Enrolling Now
Please spread the word about our School Tours. If you know someone who is interested in learning more about St Mary's or who has a child ready to start Kindergarten in 2021, we welcome their visit. Social distancing regulations will be put in place for our tours.
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to to enrol now.
Enrolments packs are available from our School Office or can be downloaded from our website
The School Explorers Program
Next term our preschool friends will be visiting each Friday afternoon to participate in The School Explorers, our school readiness program.
Attached below is the amended program dates, please share this around!
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Striving for Excellence in the Winter Holidays
The last few months have certainly been a roller coaster for all of us…coping with COVID19 disruptions to school and home life; moving classrooms, and now battling the winter cold and the sniffles that come with it. Even though it seems it wasn’t that long ago that the kids were at home, they have all been working extremely hard to get back on track and into a normal school routine. They have definitely been striving for EXCELLENCE, and are all looking forward to their school holiday downtime. Bring on these Winter Holidays…. and boy oh boy winter is DEFINITELY HERE!
Winter is part of the cycle of life. The dying of the old in preparation for the new (in Spring). A time for rest and renewal. A time of contemplation. During the holidays, take time to reflect on how you can keep striving to live an excellent life for God and encourage your family to do the same.
“And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgement; That you may approve things that are excellent;” Philippians 1:9-11
From the rising of the winter sun to its setting, on these short winter days…
Make me short on mindless activity, long on reflecting on your love for me.
Make me short on being driven, long on paying attention.
Make me short on rushing and tiring, long on walking and wondering.
Make me short on focusing only on myself, long on looking beyond.
Make me short on mean thoughts, long on offers of words of comfort.
Make me short of obsessive lists, long on spontaneous acts of kindness,
Make me short on tradition as a habit, long on rediscovery and re-owning.
Make me short on false jollity, long on stilling and rooted joy.
Make me short on guilt, long on being merciful to myself.
Make me short on being overwhelmed, long on peacefulness
A happy, restful holiday to you all.
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs Sally Croker
The Resilience Project
This shares ways to check-in and support the mental health of everyone in your home: yourself, housemates, family and pets alike!
@HOME activities focus on The Resilience Project’s wellbeing principles; Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM). The research shows regular practise of GEM will increase happiness and resilience. Building a routine and healthy habits that works for you is key!
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
- Enjoy the precious time with your children.
- Go for a walk
- Talk to them about when you were a child
- Play a board game
- Play cards
- Watch a movie together and talk about the message behind it
- Model reading
- Read to them every night for enjoyment
- Play a game outside
- Write letters/cards to family who are away
Yoga and Mindfulness
We all know the benefits of moving for our mental and physical wellbeing. There are many wonderful websites and resources for teaching your child yoga as a calming routine. Yogo can help your child grow in confidence, as they master new poses and create a flow between the body and mind. Regular yoga poses help build, stretch and strengthen coordination, flexibility and balance. Concentration, attention, focus and the behaviour of students improves with the implementation of yoga techniques. Controlled breathing can assist with moments of anxiety and stress. Yoga does not focus on an ability level but allows you to be the best you can be. Kids yoga can include songs, story-telling and word play.
There are many sites available to visit if you want to try yoga at home with your children.
Allow your child opportunities to experience calming activities: yoga, listening to music, playing an instrument, colouring-in, meditating and building with lego. Just like adults, children need time out from over-stimulation and constant activity.
Gonski Institute for Education- Parent & Caregiver Resource
The Gonski Institute for Education is committed to helping every child reach their full potential, educationally and in life. We also recognise that parents and caregivers play a crucial role in a child's learning and development journey.
We have developed a set of parent guides to support parents through a range of issues related to their child’s education.
These resources, developed by Dr Amy Graham (Gonski Institute for Education Research Fellow), are designed to provide quality, up-to-date information for parents and carers. The guides combine translated research with practical tips for parents and carers to use with their own child. Topics range from digital device use, to social and emotional skills, play and transitioning to high school, among others.
Please use the below link to access the information:
Term 2 Year 6 Science Project- Volcanoes
In Week 7 we were all allocated a volcano that we had to design and create a model of for our Science topic.
We had two weeks to design and create our model of our volcano to show our class.
We each got a template of questions to answer about our volcano, and we could make a poster or slide to put our information on.
In Week 9 on the 26th of June we brought in our volcanos to present to the class, Mrs Picker marked our presentations.
Some of our volcanoes erupted and some chose not to make their volcanoes erupt.
We all had a fun experience learning about each other's volcanoes and our own.
By Chloe Salt, Liv Wong and Sienna Charnock.

Thank you to everyone who has supported our tuckshop returning in it's limited format.
At this stage, tuckshop will resume as normal in Term 3, starting Monday 27 July. If you would like to volunteer your time to assist on either a Monday or Friday and your name is not down on our list already, please fill in the form below.
Remember, many hands mean less work!
Latest protocols for NSW Parishes
Mass times have been revised – please read the attachment for updates.
July restrictions at the moment are: 1 person per sq metre. Each Church has been measured and will have a capped number allowed.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Vacation Care in Crookwell
School Holiday Landcare Activity
We have a Landcare School Holiday Activity we are hosting on-line. Anyone can participate from anywhere! (with internet that is, but even without, they can still do the activity)
We will be taking a dive into the Australian bush, seeking out our native plants and learning not only what they are, but why they are important.
We will host the event on Wednesday 15 July with an activity the children can do in their own time in the morning. Then we gather together for a zoom meeting from 11am to 12pm with Petaurus Educator, Caitlin Lawrence, to discuss what interesting things we have found and learn more about our valuable native plants.
RSVP is essential so we can supply participating children with the zoom meeting code and activity details.
Lavendar at Laggan- The Long Luncheon
Crookwell 200 Years Celebration Calendar-
If you would like to buy the Crookwell 200 Years celebration calendar, you can purchase at the school office for $10, cash only please.