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Evidence Forum
It is so wonderful to be back at St Mary's today after my trip away with the Evidence Forum this week. The point of the trip was to visit schools across Australia that have shown high levels of improvement and to examine what they are doing to sustain this. The highlights of the trip included visits to Hilltop Road Primary School in Sydney, Balga and Dawson Park Primary Schools in Perth and the participation in sessions delivered by educational experts in their field, Dr Lorraine Hammond and Professor Bill Louden. Two of the observable high impact teaching strategies included Explicit Instruction and Project Based Learning.
Next Tuesday my learning journey continues with further expert input and a deep discussion about pedagogy in our Archdiocese.
I am truly blessed to have been part of this experience and look forward to sharing many of my learnings with the St Mary's staff. The Evidence Forum has been inspiring and affirming.
I would like to thank Mrs. Croker and Mrs. Tarlinton, and all the staff, for covering my load in my absence.
Clean Up Australia Day
This Friday all of our students will participate in Clean Up Australia Day. The younger students will clean up our playgrounds and along the front of the school, with the older students cleaning some of our adjoining streets. All students will be supervised. Please send in a glove and a plastic bag to put the rubbish in. There will be a small amount available at school as well.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Ash Wednesday – 6 March
Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which begins the Church season of Lent. This is a time to get ourselves ready for Easter, when we remember that God so loved the world that he sent His son Jesus to save us from our sins and bring us to eternal life with him. Jesus suffered and died for love of us. Why not take time out from your busy life next Wednesday and come and join us at Mass (9:30am). Come and feel God’s peaceful, loving presence and use the church’s quiet space to think about yourself, your life and your relationships with others and with God – what will you do this Lent to grow closer to God and to bring His peace to the world?
School Value - Compassion
As followers of Jesus, we are called to serve others with love and compassion just as He did. Who have you reached out to in compassion this week? If the answer is no one, then you have missed out on one of the simplest ways of finding true happiness. The greatest happiness in the world is to make others happy. The good news is that it’s never too late to start. Look for ways during Lent to practise compassion…with a smile and a ‘hello’ for someone who really needs it; a helping hand, running an errand, a kind word, a word of praise. Remember to encourage your children to be compassionate towards others so that they may be rewarded with true happiness. And so that they may come to know the true meaning of God’s commandment ‘Love your neighbour’
Project Compassion
Give Lent 100% by supporting Project Compassion.
Project Compassion is Caritas Australia's annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Millions of Australians come together in solidarity with the world's poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Our Year 6 students will tell us more about this appeal next week

On the 22 February, Year Six students and Mrs. Sally Croker went to Trinity Catholic College for a Social Justice Day and learnt about St Vincent De Paul and what Vinnies can do to help people.
St Peter and Paul, St Bede’s and Mt Carmel went as well. To start off the day we went to Mass and we talked about St Paul. I learnt a lot. We joined Year Seven for Mass and there was millions of them. I enjoyed the Mass.
We got split up with the other primary school kids and went to three workshops.
Workshop One was all about where our clothes come from and what the poorer countries have to do to make our clothes. The most common area was Asia.
Workshop Two was based on the Good Samaritan and what Vinnies do for people in our community who are having serious problems paying bills or feeding their families. The Vinnies people give vouchers to the homeless and sick like food vouchers, places to stay, clothes and heaps more.
Workshop Three was about what problems some people have and how they can’t start a career because they don’t have good enough healthy information to start with. It was all about how unfair some people’s life situation can be and how we can help.
We met up with all the primary kids from schools around us and we all discussed the ways we could help people in need.
I had an amazing time and would love to go back there.
We now have an Action Plan on how Year Six can begin their Mini Vinnie activities for 2019.
Year Six would like to thank Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Selmes, Mrs. Croker and Mrs. Lowe for driving us into Goulburn. Especially Mrs. Lowe who had to go back to work and then come back again for us!
Bella Croker
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Sometimes students who struggle with reading and spelling have Dyslexia. The main areas they struggle with are learning sounds, decoding words, fluency and spelling. Dyslexia occurs on a continuum from mild to severe. The Australian Dyslexia Association may have some information on their website that might benefit your child. SPELD also has some great resources for students struggling with reading and spelling.
Students who have dyslexia often have an inquiring mind and are very intelligent. They can problem solve, comprehend new ideas and are creative, analytical thinkers.
In early Term 3, all our teaching staff are participating in an online Dyslexia course. This will benefit many children, not just those with Dyslexia.
Morning Club: 8.00-8.40am Everyone Welcome!
Maths Club: Tuesday 3.10-4.00pm Year 2-6
Representative Sports with Mrs Sally Croker
Winter Trials Information
If you are interested in nominating for any of the Archdiocesan Winter Trials, please see below
Numbers can be picked from the sheet at the School Office.
All fundraising will go towards reducing the overall costs for the 2019 Year 6 Camp at the end of this term. Look out for further events!
Shrove Tuesday
Next Tuesday Year 6 families will be hosting Shrove Tuesday Pancake Fundraiser. Students will be able to purchase a single stack for $1 or double stack for $2. Toppings will include maple syrup, cinnamon, honey, jam and cream, lemon, banana and strawberries.
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Anna Cuskelly & Jacob Hogan
Year 1 - Charlotte Bensley, Alex Storrier & Elkie Storrier
Year 2 - William Croker, Lauren Fraser & Lara McCulloch
Year 3 - Rorey Hearne & Caitlyn Hogan
Year 4 – Georgina Culley & Nate Kemp
Year 5 - Bree Hearne
Year 6 - Adelaide Halse & Lachlan Nagle
School Spirit Awards
The School Spirit Award recipients this week are:
Joe Hayes for compassion, kindness and sharing with others.
Ruby Pappalardo for showing compassion to a friend.
Olivia Pursell for her enthusiastic School Spirit.
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Friday 1 March: Jayde Costello, Tory Simmons & Angela Cuskelly
Monday 4 March: Tania Croker, Belinda Foley, Maureen Lucock
Friday 8 March: Mary-Ann Kilborn, Rebecca Scott, Sally Gamble
Please remember it is your responsibility to find a replacement if you cannot do your allocated shift.
Crookwell Rugby Day BBQ
Our next P&F event is providing the BBQ for the Crookwell Rugby Day on Saturday 30 March. This will involve serving drinks, snacks and barbeque hot food. There is a full afternoon of football with many former wallaby players in attendance. This is a Year 4 fundraising event, however further support from all our families will be required and appreciated. Assistance will be required from 11.30am to 5.00pm. If you are able to help for a 1-hour shift, please complete the attached form or return the slip on the letter being sent home in the next couple of days. Any assistance is welcomed!
Crookwell Show BBQ Profit
Again, a big thank you to all who helped with the BBQ at the Crookwell Show. We are pleased to announce we made a profit of approximately $3,000.00. This money will go towards items to help the school in 2019.
Daniel Walsh
P&F President
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Sacramental Enrolment for 2019
For all children in Catholic and Public Schools
Reconciliation Year 3
Holy Communion Year 4
Confirmation Year 6 and Year 7
Enrolment forms available from or from the Parish Office
These need to be returned ASAP.
Reconciliation Information Evening
The Reconciliation Information Evening will be held tonight in the Church at 6pm. All enrolled children and their parents are required to attend this short meeting.
Altar Roster
3 March- Nathaniel Waters & Oliver Gray
10 March- Ellie & Campbell McCormack
17 March- Bella Croker
24 March- Eliza & Chloe Kemp
31 March- Lillian & Paige Croker, Regan Picker
Youth BBQ
For youth aged 12 years and older, 12pm-2pm at Kiamma Creek Park for a social afternoon of games and activities.