Filter Content
- From the P&F President
- Principal Talk with Mrs Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
- School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
- Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
- Library News with Mrs Hewitt
- Student Awards
- P & F News
- Parish News
- Uniform Shop
- Sharepoint
- School and Community Notices
On behalf of the P&F Committee, welcome to 2020. For those who don’t know me, I have a son in Year 5 and another in Year 2 and a daughter to start at St Mary's next year.
I would like to publicly thank those who took on an Executive Role within the P&F for 2019. A big thank you to Mellissa Haynes (Secretary), Allison Hewitt (Treasurer), Craig Croker, Catherine Culley and Rechell Naughton (Vice-Presidents). Mel will not be standing in 2020, so thank you for your time over the last few years.
Thank you also to our sub-committee members.
I would like to thank you all for your support last weekend with our BBQ at the Crookwell Show. It was great to see many of you over the two days. Thanks also to Andrew Kemp, Brendan Hewitt, Craig and Elise Croker, Scott and Sally Gamble, Craig Heffernan, Stan Charnock and Bayden Selmes for assisting with the setup or pack up. Even though the weekend wasn't as profitable as usual we nearly broke even and have lots of supplies ready to go for our next event.
A reminder that our first P&F meeting for 2020 will be held in the Staffroom on Tuesday, 18 February 2020 from 7:00 pm. All are welcome and we encourage parents from Kindergarten to Year 6 to attend.
You might be wondering what the P&F Association does... The St Mary's P&F provides around $25,000 each year to the school for school resources. These funds are raised from the school tuckshop, our cattle fund, and our class and whole school fundraising events. By supporting P&F activities, including volunteering for a termly shift in the tuckshop, running St Mary's cattle, or helping with a class fundraising event, you are helping us raise the funds required each year.
Last year the P&F paid for the new fence along the new sports court, provided $10,000 for resources for each Key Learning Area and donated money to our students who achieved a high representative level in sport and music.
It would be great to see you all next Tuesday at our AGM and Term One General Meeting. At this meeting, the events for 2020 will be finalised, your input is welcomed and encouraged.
Daniel Walsh
Upcoming Events
Friday 14 February | Northern Region Swimming Carnival at Queanbeyan |
Monday 17 February | Personal Planning Meetings this week |
Tuckshop resumes | |
Tuesday 18 February | P&F Meeting 7pm Staffroom - All welcome! |
Wednesday 19 February | Year 5 Art Focus Day |
Thursday 20 February | CG Soccer Trials |
Sacrament of Reconciliation Meeting | |
Friday 21 February | CG Cricket Trials |
Crookwell Show
I would like to thank our Show BBQ coordinators, Craig Croker and Daniel Walsh for all of their hard work before the event and all of our parent volunteers for braving a wet weekend at the Crookwell Show.
Unfortunately, the crowds were down, however, the joy the rain brought counteracted the disappointment in the weekend's takings. The leftover meat has been frozen and will be able to be used at another fundraiser soon. The bread has also been frozen and the P&F Executive will be offering a $2 toastie day on Wednesday 19 February to move this stock. Stay tuned.
Thank you to all of our families for coming along to do your shift with a smile. Once again I am always humbled by the wonderful support our parent body gives the school.
Congratulations to everyone that took part in the pavilion and animal events. We have some budding masterchefs and construction engineers in our midst.

P&F Meeting & AGM
Our Term One Parents and Friends (P&F) Meeting and AGM will be held next Tuesday night at 7pm in the Staffroom. All families are invited to attend. At this meeting, our executive committee will be elected and the 2020 events will be finalised.
Thank you!
A huge thank you to Brian Blowes from BAB Aluminium (and Rosa and Briana's dad) for crafting our new stage steps and lego table. These steps will allow us to have front access to the stage left and right and they can also be pushed together with the inner rails removed to create a centre stairway.
The lego table is proving to be an automatic success - providing students with an alternative outdoor play activity.
Thanks Brian!!

Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
TERM 1 - Focussing on our school value - RESPECT
The dictionary meaning of the word ‘RESPECT’: to take notice of; to regard with honour and special attention; to regard as worthy of special consideration; hence, to care for; to heed.
Every person is made in the image of God.
Every person is the clearest reflection of God among us.
Every life is created by – and belongs to – God, and so…
Every life is holy and sacred.
As Christians we are called by Christ to value and respect ourselves and each other.
Jesus Himself said: “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me!” We should not treat everyone with respect as if they were like Jesus. We should treat everyone with respect because they are Jesus.
Your children are learning about what respect looks like….

School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Swimming Carnival- Age Champions
Congratulations to all of our students for their participation! Below are our Age Champions
8 Years: Sienna Gann and Andrew Lawson
9 Years: Chloe Bensley and Addin Grove
10 Years: Sommer Gann and Saxon Greenwood
11 Years: Bridie Croker and Seth Grove
12 Years: Marnie McCormack and Will Heffernan
Tennis Coaching
Years 3,4,5,6 will commence their weekly skills session for tennis on Monday 24 February. These sessions will be run by qualified coach Dave Ridland, and will be held at school at our new court facilities. Students will NOT need to supply their own racquets as we received a fabulous delivery this week of 50 new racquets, stand-alone nets and other equipment.
Mondays will become the weekly sport day for students in Years 3,4,5,6 for Weeks 5,6,7,8 and 9. This will mean that students in Years 3-6 ONLY will wear their sports uniform on MONDAYS for these weeks, and their normal school uniform on Fridays. Years K-2 will still wear their sports uniform on FRIDAYS ONLY.
We are excited to be able to offer this program to the students, and look forward to watching their skills develop during the program.
Peter Lucas Rugby Union
Notes will be going home next week with students who have expressed interest in playing in the Peter Lucas Rugby Union Gala Day on Friday 20 March.
We will be looking for coaches for the day, if you are available please complete the form on the permission note and return to school as soon as convenient.
Save the Date
Term One is especially busy this year with many carnivals, gala days and specialist tennis lessons. Please see the dates below, however please be aware that some dates may change.
Sporting Event | Date/s | Venue | Students |
Tennis Skills Coaching |
Monday 24 February, Monday 2 March, Monday 9 March, Monday 16 March, Monday 23 March |
St Mary’s MP Sports Court | Years Three-Six |
Cross-Country Carnival | Friday 13 March | St Mary’s Bottom Oval | Years K-Six |
Peter Lucas Rugby Union Gala Day | Friday 20 March | Goulburn | Optional Years Three-Six |
Athletics Carnival | Tuesday 7 April | Todkill Park, Crookwell |
Years K-Six |
Gilbert/Croker Rugby League Gala Day | Wednesday 8 April | Goulburn | Optional Years Three-Six |
Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
Northern Region Swimming Team
Congratulations to the following students who are now members of the St Mary’s Swim team. They will be competing at the Northern Region Carnival tomorrow, Friday 14 in Queanbeyan. Mrs Linda Walsh will be Team Manager.
Yr 6:Dylan Greenwood, William Heffernan, Marnie McCormack, Regan Picker, Hayley Francis
Yr 5: Seth Grove, George Skelly, Bridie Croker
Year 4:Saxon Greenwood, Sophia Galland, Sommer Lee Gann, Toby Charnock, Naomi Picker
Year 3: Lachlan Kilborn, Chloe Bensley, Addin Grove
Year 2: Sophie Culley, Jaydan Costello, Andrew Lawson, Elkie Storrier, Sienna Gann
Basketball Trial- Peter Lawson
"On Tuesday I travelled to Canberra to compete at the Canberra/Goulburn Basketball trial. There were 20 boys there trialling.
We played three games. I trialled as number 5 which is a guard position.
I learnt a lot and will definitely trial again next year."
Sport Trials 2020
Registration Instructions for Parents 2020
Registrations are currently open for the following sports:
Primary: Cricket and Football (Soccer)
For more information on Primary Sports visit the Canberra Goulburn Sport Page - and click on the information link.
Registration for ALL Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop and NSWCCC is through the new CSNSW website:
There are closing dates so if you are planning of trial please complete the registration process ASAP!
If you have any queries please email Sherree Bush at
Parent SETTING UP AN ACCOUNT If you had an account on the previous website (, you would have received an email requesting you to go to the new portal to update your details. If you have NOT previously had account, you will need to set one up so you can register your child.
Additional detailed information can be read from the Registrations page.
Sport |
Date |
Location |
Entries Due |
Football (Soccer) |
Thursday 20th Feb |
Southwell Park – Off Mouat Street or Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham ACT |
Friday 14th Feb |
Swimming |
Monday 2nd March |
Narooma Swimming Centre. Bluewater Drive, Narooma |
Friday 21st Feb |
Cricket |
Friday 20th March |
Owen Vincent oval Landen Street Gundagai |
Friday 13th March |
Netball |
Friday 3rd April |
Southwell Park, Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham ACT |
Team Entries - Friday 20th March Individual entries Friday 27th March |
Rugby League |
Friday 3rd April |
Southwell Park, Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham ACT |
Friday 27th March |
Hockey |
TBA if Required |
Friday 20th March |
Touch Football |
Wednesday 8th April |
Southwell Park, Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham ACT |
Wednesday 1st April |
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Sue Larkey Newsletter
Subscribing to the link below has some fabulous ideas for parents on ODD, ASD, Social skills, Anxiety, Motor skills, ADHD and many other areas. Newsletter 53 is well worth a read!
Subscribe at
Positive Partnerships
Remember the Positive Partnership website has an amazing range of resources for children with Autism. Many of their tips and facts are helpful for all children. There are an enormous amount of online learning modules and resources available.
Helpers Needed For Our Intervention Programs
Thank you to the people who have volunteered already. Our intervention programs started this week. If you would like to assist with any of our intervention programs at school, please complete the online form below or contact Belinda at the office.
Grandparents/community members are also welcome to help. We would like to offer intervention programs in Spelling, Reading and Numeracy.
Intervention Program Volunteer Form
Morning Club
No personal devices or screen time during Morning Club.
Thank you for your understanding!
Morning Club is available each day from 8am-8.40am. It is an opportunity for children to arrive at school early when it is difficult for parents who need to be at work early or have appointments. This service is available for all children from K-6 and is held in the library. The children will be required to participate in quiet activities during this time, reading, writing, drawing, colouring, board games, card games, puzzles and/or homework tasks. At 8.40am the children who attend will then go to the playground for morning supervision by a staff member. No student is to be in the playground unsupervised before 8.40am.
Personalised Plan Meetings
Each semester, and sometimes more often depending on student need, we hold scheduled Personalised Plan meetings for students with a disability or an additional need requiring intervention or adjustments. These meetings will occur in Week 4, February 17th and 18th. You will be advised by letter of the date and time next week, if your child requires a PP meeting.
Reading Levels/Home Reading
Learning to Read is just like running, some children are quick but others take longer to reach the finish line! Eventually they all arrive at their destination! Please don’t be alarmed if your child is reading at a level or two behind last year. It is normal for some young children to slip back in their reading over the long holiday break. They forget some of the skills they have learnt in class. With most children it doesn’t take too long and off they go again! It is very important that home readers are easy and fun for children. The instructional level is done at school and the independent level is for home. If your child brings home a book that is too hard for them, please let your child’s teacher know.
Happy children make for happy learning!
Children need guidelines at school and at home. They respond positively to clear boundaries. Children respond well to praise rather than criticism. Children also respond to calm environments. Learning happens best when children are happy and engaged. Learning happens at home as well as at school.
Here’s to a HAPPY term of learning!
Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club will be issued in Terms 1, 2 and 4. Please order using the Loop website:
LOOP enables parents to order and pay for your child’s order online using a credit card or voucher if you have one.
The catalogues are distributed at school.
- Click on ORDER
- OR Register first to save your details for next time
- Select your school and your child's class
- Add your child's first name & last initial (so the school knows who the book is for)
- Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue
- Follow the instructions for payment and submit
- All orders are sent directly to the school for submission to Scholastic.
- Books will still be delivered to your child's classroom if you order by the close date
- Afterwards, there is no need to return paper order forms or payment receipt details back to your school!
Closing date for Issue 1 is Thursday 20th February.
If you have trouble please contact me.
Please return to the office the Acceptable Use by Students Policy Form (children in Years 3-6) as soon as possible.
Library Covering
Volunteers are needed to cover books for the Library. Plastic covering is supplied and you are able to do this at home in your own time. If you are able to assist, please complete the form below and I will contact you. Thank you!
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Henry Butler and Flynn Storrier
Year 1 - Spencer Charnock and Sam White
Year 2 - Sophie Culley, Henry Galland and Leo Knight
Year 3 - Angus Foley
Year 4 – Sommer Gann and Ava Nicholson
Year 5 - Lucy Gamble and Seth Grove
Year 6 - Rosa Blowes and Darcy Simmons
School Spirit Award
Congratulations to:
Addin Grove for Offering Service to Others
Briana Blowes for Caring for the School Environment
Naomi Picker for Caring for the School Environment
Awards are presented at our Monday morning assembly at 9.05am. All are welcome.
Tuckshop Roster
Monday 17 Feb: Jackie Blowes, Belinda Foley, Alison Hewitt
Friday 21 Feb: Daria Lawson, Claire McCormack, Rebecca Scott
Monday 24 Feb: Elise Croker, Belinda Foley and VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Friday 28 Feb: Maureen Lucock, Sally Gamble, Jenny Skelly
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Roster
16 February: Nathaniel Waters and Abigail Gray
23 February: Oliver Gray and Skyelah Gray
1 March: Phoebe Selmes and Oliver Gray
8 March: Regan Picker and Seth Grove
15 March: Oliver Gray and Skyelah Gray
22 March: Nathaniel Waters and Abigail Gray
29 March: Nathaniel Waters and Abigail Gray
We would love it if some more children could join our Altar Serving team. Please contact the Parish Office if your child is interested. Training is provided and new children are rostered on with experienced servers.
Payment of items
Please ensure if you have received items from the uniform shop, but have not paid for them yet, please do so at your earliest convenience. Thank you
Size 8 Girls Dresses- NOW IN STOCK!
Apologies for the delay, the size 8 dresses are now in stock.
Baby News!
A big congratulations to Ruby Pappalardo in Year 1 who has just become a big sister again. Welcome to the world Alfie Joseph Pappalardo who was born on 4 February. Our best wishes to Sammy and Ross and we look forward to meeting Alfie soon.
We congratulate our ex-student Kirbie Storrier...
The following is an article published in the Lithgow Mercury...
Notre Dame medical student honoured in the National Council of Women of NSW Australia Day Awards
ACADEMICS and administration staff at the University of Notre Dame Lithgow rural clinical campus were delighted to claim Dr. Kirbie Storrier as one of their own when she was one of a select group of female achievers to share in the accolades in the National Council of Women of NSW Australia Day Awards.
It was also a particularly proud moment for Dr. Storrier's family, a bright moment in the traumas of the long drought on their farm at Crookwell.
Dr Storrier is a recent graduate in Medicine who completed her final year of university studies in 2019 at the Lithgow campus of Notre Dame.
So it was with a great deal of pleasure that Lithgow's Professor Michael Brydon (Associate Dean), Professor Dr. John Dearin (Head of Sub School) and Dr. Zelda Doyle (Epidemiologist, Rural Clinical Schools) traveled to Parliament House to share the big day with their student.
"Kirbie certainly was a standout nominee and it was a joy to see her alongside such a prestigious group of women, "Professor Brydon said.
Having grown up on her family farm at Crookwell Dr. Storrier is no stranger to the hardships that go with rural life.
She became acutely aware of the particular challenges which many in country areas experience and became passionate about rural mental health which has been highlighted by the prolonged drought.
Rural mental health has been the focus of her Masters Degree research project which is proceeding very well.
She has regularly engaged with Lithgow Hospital's Mental Health Nurse Specialist and the coordination of the local RAMHP (Rural Adversity Mental Health Program) who are assisting with the research she is undertaking.
HIGH ACHIEVER: Dr Kirbie Storrier, here with Lithgows Professor Dr John Dearin, has been honoured for her ongoing research work in rural mental health. Picture: SUPPLIED
Part-time work available!
Belinda Foley is looking for someone to work part time during school hours (flexible) to help make natural products. The person would have to be willing to travel to their family farm. If you're intersted or would like further information please contact Belinda Foley on 48362 114.
Crookwell Junior Green Devils Registration Open
Kids on Keyboard
Keith Binns comes to St Mary's every Monday to teach keyboard. Below is a copy of his information and enrolment form.