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Upcoming Events
Monday 16 December | Movie Excursion |
Year 6 Farewell Dinner | |
Wednesday 18 December | Year 6 Final Assembly and Awards Presentation |
Last day of school for the term |
2020 Leaders
In Week 7, our Year 5 students presented speeches outlining why they wanted to be our 2020 School and House Captains. The quality of speeches that the students presented was remarkable, they showed insight into what leadership means and represents. The students also were able to articulate clearly why they felt they would be a suitable candidate.
Thank you to the students who nominated themselves for positions. Although there are only six elected positions, there are many other leadership opportunities for each and every one of our Year 6 students next year.
On Monday 2 December, each child at St Mary’s voted for the students they would like to see fill our Captain roles. The staff did not vote and have not done so for many years.
Congratulations to the following students who will help lead our school in an official capacity next year:
School Captains
Sienna Charnock and Jake Cosgrove
Lawrence Captains
Ellie McCormack and Alec McIntosh
Aloysius Captains
Bree Hearne and William Heffernan
We congratulate all the students who ran for roles and congratulate them on their wonderful display of sportspersonship and resilience.
Our new Captains will receive their badges and be inducted into their roles at our Opening Mass on Thursday 6 February 2020.
Thank you to all that attended our performance of The Magical Christmas Jigsaw. Thank you also to the teaching staff for directing their student's scene and Mrs Sally Croker, Mrs Dana White and Mrs Jenny McCarthy for their stage and musical direction. Congratulations to our students who, from all accounts, performed beautifully and looked fabulous in their Christmas colours and costumes.
I would also like to thank Nicola and Andrew Pursell, and all their helpers, for providing a delicious BBQ dinner.
Crazy Hair Day
Last Friday was crazy hair day. We had a fun day showing off our mad hairdos. But it was also a serious day to think about kids with brain cancer. Patrick McRae came to visit us and he told us about the really difficult time he has had recovering from brain surgery to have a tumour removed. Patrick made us think about how tough others have it and how fortunate we are. Patrick’s message to us was: ‘Don’t give up when times are tough, be brave and resilient, try to stay positive, look on the bright side and be thankful for the blessings in our lives'. Patrick is still undergoing treatment and we keep him in our prayers. Thank you to Tash, Patrick, Sam and Yvette for the visit.

School Reports
You will receive your child's Semester Two Progress Report and Evidence of Learning Folder (ELF) tomorrow.
Your child’s ELF will contain work samples taken from a variety of learning areas across the Semester. There will be a variety of draft and published pieces so that you can see your child’s everyday work standards.
If you have any questions about either of these progress documents please make an appointment to see your child’s classroom teacher.
Christmas Cheer!
Thank you to Mrs Suzanne Crowther for working with our students on Tuesday to create gorgeous handmade papercraft Christmas cards. The children thoroughly enjoyed their session and we appreciate your time and generosity!

Appreciation Morning Tea
Thank you to those who attended our Appreciation morning tea this morning and all of our helpers throughout the year. It is your support of St Mary's that makes it such a wonderful place to be!
Movie Excursion
As a special treat to the students for all of their hard work this year, we will go to Goulburn on Monday 16 December, within school hours, to watch a movie and have a picnic lunch and play in Victoria Park.
The children will be watching the new release of “The Addams Family”, an animated comedy.
Please let the school know if your child will not be attending this excursion so that supervision can be arranged at school.
2020 Term Dates for Students
Term 1: Wednesday 29 January (Years 1-6) Thursday 30 January (Kindergarten) to Thursday 9 April
Term 2: Tuesday 28 April to Friday 3 July
Term 3: Tuesday 21 July to Friday 25 September
Term 4: Tuesday 13 October to Wednesday 16 December
Farewell and God Bless
On Monday our Year 6 class, along with their parents, grandparents and staff will share the Year 6 Farewell Dinner at the Crookwell Golf Club. Thank you to Mrs. Sally Croker and all the parents for the organisation of the event.
The final event for Year 6 will the Year 6 Final Assembly and Awards presentation held on Wednesday at 12.00pm.
Year 6 will be missed from our school community and they will always hold a special place in our hearts. We would like all of our leaving students and families to know they are always welcome at St Mary’s.
We wish all of our departing students a wonderful future ahead full of love, happiness and fulfilment.
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone in our School Community for your support and guidance this year. It has been another wonderful year!
A big thank you to the P & F Association for their consistent support. Once again it has been a year of many physical improvements. These have been achieved through your hard work.
Thank you to our wonderful students for their hard work and kind actions throughout the year. Schools are places where children learn to navigate the world. They work on maintaining and forming relationships, persevering with challenges and solving problems. Each year our students grow and change, it's truly wonderful to see how much they have progressed this year.
Thank you for our dedicated staff for always striving for the best for the students in your care. I would especially like to thank all of my staff for the extra duties they have performed during my absences over the past week.
I would like to thank you all for your prayers and thoughts for my family during our recent challenges. My dad is currently stable and preparing for a long journey of recovery ahead.
I would like to wish everyone a safe, peaceful and joyous Christmas and look forward to a productive and successful New Year!
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Get Ready for Jesus’ Birthday
This Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent and it is traditionally called Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means “rejoice” in Latin. At the beginning of this Sunday’s Mass we say: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! The Lord is near.” (Philippians 4:4,5). And we light the pink candle on our Advent wreath.
During the Christmas season most of us like to rejoice by spending more on presents, food, decorations etc. It is a time for spending, partying and lots of giving. Our God was extremely giving when he gave us the gift of Jesus… but Jesus came in plain wrapping—he was the infant of two poor migrants. (Who very likely would be turned away from Australian shores in this day and age!) There was no designer cot for Jesus; not even the comforts of home. But the gift of that child was so rich and fine, that poor shepherds and educated wise men from far countries, were all drawn to him with tears and joy.
So perhaps this Christmas we should think about giving ourselves in addition to giving ‘stuff.’
What kind of presence am I to those I love? How can I give myself as a present to others? Am I aware of God’s presence in my life? We tend to forget that God’s presence is enough to meet our innermost desires. This Christmas season is a great time to spend more time in God’s peaceful presence; and more time exploring the power and wonder of our own presence with others. What better present can we give to our Lord and each other!
A few suggestions for special gifts:
A warm welcome
Time for a phone conversation
A firm handshake to a shaky soul
A kind word to a lonely person
A warm smile to the disheartened
A sincere concern for someone troubled
Compassion for the neglected
Comforting words for the bereaved
A word of witness to help a seeking soul
A patient and non-judgemental listening ear
O God, we thank you for the message of peace and giving that Christmas brings to our distracted world.
Help us to give of ourselves – willingly, unselfishly, peacefully, joyfully.
Give peace among nations, peace in our land, peace in our homes, and peace in our hearts, as we remember that you gave us yourself when you gave us Jesus the Prince of peace, in Bethlehem
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Many thanks to those who supported our St Vinnies Christmas appeal
In appreciation
St Mary’s School Community wishes to thank Fr Joshy and Sr Rosemary for their wonderful nurturing support and for guiding us on our Faith journey this Semester.
Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
Rep Sport Dates 2020
Please keep an eye on these dates as there will be changes happening regularly. We will endeavour to keep you informed.
***Please note change of dates***
Canberra /Goulburn CRICKET |
Friday 7 February *** |
Gundagai |
Canberra/Goulburn/Wagga Cricket |
Friday 21 February |
Gundagai |
Mackillop Cricket Trials |
Friday 4 September |
Wagga |
Canberra/Goulburn Tennis/Basketball Trials |
Tuesday 11 February*** |
Canberra |
Mackillop Tennis/Basketball Trials |
Friday 28 February |
Wollongong |
Canberra/Goulburn Soccer |
Thursday 20 February |
Lyneham |
Mackillop Soccer Trials |
Friday 27 March |
Goulburn |
NSWPSSA Girls Soccer |
18-21 May |
Rooty Hill |
NSWPSSA Boys Soccer |
25-28 May |
Griffith |
Canberra/Goulburn Hockey and League Trials |
Friday 3 April |
Canberra |
Mackillop Hockey and League Trials |
Friday 2 May |
Canberra |
NSWPSSA Girls Hockey |
26-28 May |
Unanderra |
NSWPSSA Boys Hockey |
2-4 June |
NSWPSSA 11’s League |
16-18 June |
Kiama |
NSWPSSA Opens League |
23-25 June |
Tamworth |
Canberra/Goulburn Touch Trials |
Wednesday 8 April *** |
Lyneham |
Canberra/ Goulburn Rugby Union Trials |
Friday 4 May** |
Canberra |
Mackillop Rugby Union Trials |
Monday 29 July |
Forbes |
School Swimming Carnival |
Tuesday 4 February |
Crookwell |
NR Swimming |
Friday 14 February |
Queanbeyan |
Canberra/Goulburn Swimming |
Monday 2 March |
Narooma |
NSWCPS Swimming |
Wednesday 25 March |
School Cross Country |
Friday 13 March*** |
Crookwell |
NR Cross Country |
Friday 1 May |
Braidwood |
Canberra/Goulburn Cross Country |
Monday 25 May |
Stromlo |
NSWCPS Cross Country |
Friday 12 June |
Eastern Creek |
School Athletics Carnival |
Tuesday 7 April *** |
Crookwell |
NR Athletics Carnival |
Friday 19 June |
Goulburn |
Canberra/Goulburn Athletics |
Monday 17 or Thursday 20 Aug |
Woden TBC |
Year 3 & 4 Excursion to Fitzroy Falls
It was a blistering hot, windy day but did that stop us year 3 and 4 kids from our adventure? No! we set off for Fitzroy Falls in two buses driven by our two trusty drivers – Mrs Tarlinton and Mrs Walsh.
We went for a walk and learnt about bush tucker and bush medicine. Did you know that one leaf is more powerful than vitamin C when you eat it; another plant can be rubbed to create soap lather to wash yourself; and another plant can be used as a hair brush.
We learnt about native and feral animals and how much feral animals wreck our environment.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t much water falling over the cliff because of the drought.
We had an awesome day and can’t believe how much we learnt… AND… how much walking we did.

Tuckshop Roster
Silent Auction
The P&F is conducting a silent auction for a beautifully framed signed 2019 Manly Warringah Sea Eagles jersey. It would make a great Christmas present for your favourite Manly supporter! If you would like to make a bid on this item, contact Belinda in the Office. The jersey will also be placed on Facebook and an updated current bid (but not the bid holder) will be advertised weekly. The current bid is $500. The auction will close on Wednesday 18 December and the prize will be presented at the Year 6 Final Assembly and Awards Ceremony.
You may call into the School Office to view the jersey during office hours.
Opening Days
The uniform shop will be open for appointments only on Wednesday 22 January from 10am-2pm, however bookings must be made via:
It will also be open on Tuesday 28 January from 12.00pm to 3.00pm. No appointments are necessary.
Size 8 Girls Summer Dresses
Please be advised there will be a small delay with size 8 girls summer dresses. Once they are available, they will again be visible on Qkr. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.
A SZApp update has been released for iPhones which have recently updated their software to iOS 13 or above. This update will resolve an issue of some devices intermittedly receviing push notifications. Please see the attachment for more information.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Roster
15 December- Regan Picker, Nathaniel Waters & Seth Grove
22 December- Oliver Gray, Skyelah Gray & Abigail Gray
24 December- Nathaniel Waters, Abigail Gray
25 December- Seth Grove, Oliver Gray, Skyelah Gray
29 December- Nathaniel Waters
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help Father prepare.
It is important that you contact another server to arrange a swap if you are unable to make it on your rostered day.
We would love it if some more children could join our Altar Serving team. Please contact the Parish Office if your child is interested. Training is provided and new children are rostered on with experienced servers.
Christmas Masses
Christmas in Crookwell- Late Night Shopping
The Crookwell Progress Association invites everyone to join in the festivities on Thursday, December 12.
Local businesses will stay open until 7pm.
Santa will be in Gouburn Street from 5.30 to 6.30pm
Face painting at the amenities block from 5.00 to 7pm
Lions Raffle with multiple prize draws from 5pm to 7pm
Christmas Carols in the Uniting Church forecourt from 5.30pm
Photos with Santa at the Services Club from 6.30pm - gold coin donation
Crookwell Golf Club Kids Clinic
Crookwell Junior Touch
Please be advised that there is NO touch football next week. Games will recommence on 5 February 2020.