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Upcoming Events
Thursday 14 November | School Counsellor visit - bookings through the Office |
Friday 15 November | Kindergarten Showcase of Learning |
Friday 22 November | Mission Day |
Wednesday 27 November | Well-being Parent Workshop 2.15pm - 3.00pm |
Wednesday 4 December | Christmas Concert Matinee 12pm |
Thursday 5 December | Family BBQ 5.30pm and Christmas Concert 6.30pm |
School Counsellor visit- bookings through the Office | |
Thursday 12 December | End of Year Mass and Leadership Changeover Ceremony |
Monday 16 December | Movie Excursion |
Year 6 Farewell Dinner | |
Wednesday 18 December | Year 6 Final Assembly and Awards Presentation |
Last day of school for the term |
Grandparents and Special Friends Day
Thank you to all of our visitors who attended our Grandparents and Special Friend Day last Friday. From all accounts it was a wonderful day!
Thank you for the generous donations of delicious food for the morning tea and to our Year One families, coordinated by Rechell Naughton, for serving the morning tea and organising the raffle. This raised $632 for the P&F association - well done!
Thank you to all of the staff, particularly Sally Croker, for preparing the students for the entertaining 'At the Movies' Assembly.
In the busyness of the day we did not get any photographs, if you took some good photos would you please email them to the school. We would also like a video of Gwen O'Brien's birthday song if anyone captured this.
P&F Social Function
Last Friday night, Year Three families, coordinated by Daria Lawson and Donna McGeechan, hosted a social function at the Laggan Hotel. The night was very well supported with the crowd thoroughly enjoying the night. The hotel looked amazing, inside and out, with Daria's decorating.
Thank you to Lachlan Croker for having a Manly Warringah Sea Eagles jersey signed and the Blowes family for the donation of the framing and accommodation. Thank you to Daria for purchasing the decorations and Lost River for the butchering of a lamb for the raffle. Thank you also to the Laggan Hotel for a donated dinner as a raffle prize. Thank you also to families that couldn't attend but donated money.
Ellie McGeechan sold the winning raffle tickets to one of her work colleagues and Sam and Katie Price were the winners of the auction. The Manly jersey will be sold via silent auction. See below.
Silent Auction
The P&F is conducting a silent auction for a beautifully framed signed 2019 Manly Warringah Sea Eagles jersey. It would make a great Christmas present for your favourite Manly supporter! If you would like to make a bid on this item, contact Belinda in the Office. The jersey will also be placed on Facebook and an updated current bid (but not the bid holder) will be advertised weekly. The auction will close on Wednesday 18 December and the prize will be presented at the Year 6 Final Assembly and Awards Ceremony.
You may call into the School Office to view the jersey during office hours.
Audio and Speaker System
Last week Simon and Robert Bill and Dallas Atkins generously spent many hours re-jigging and fixing our audio speaker system in the Hall. I can now say that we have a wonderful system that connects our television, lectern microphone and stage microphones. A big thank you for all of your time spent on this. We certainly appreciate it!
KAOS - In Hot Pursuit
Yesterday afternoon I was lucky enough to take a sneak peek of the upcoming KAOS production, 'In Hot Pursuit', written and directed by Peter Stevens. This entertaining production showcases the talents of many of our current and ex-students. The production opens this Friday 8 November at 7.30 pm, with further shows on Saturday 9 November 7.30pm and Sunday at 2pm.
Congratulations to all of our students who have taken part in this and to their parents for supporting them in their roles.
Break a leg!
Indoor State Hockey
Last weekend William Heffernan, Ellie McCormack, Isabelle Galland and Bella Croker participated in the NSW Indoor State Hockey Carnival in Orange.
William, in his preferred position of goalkeeper, played for Bathurst.
Ellie's team made it to the semi-final and Issy and Bella's team ended up joint winners in the first division.
From this event, Bella has received selection in the NSW Stars team to play in Wollongong in January.
Congratulations Will, Ellie, Issy and Bella!
Year Three visit with the Upper Lachlan Landcare
Last week our Year Three class were invited by the Upper Lachlan Landcare to visit Kiamma Creek. The following is from their Facebook page: "St Marys Primary School did a fantastic job at Kiamma Creek in Crookwell yesterday, planting lomandras, river bottle brush, silver banksia and river tea trees. They left beautiful messages on their tree guards to inspire their plants to grow strong. Other activities of the day included making an insect hotel, seed bombs, hearing from Mark Selmes about habitat and connection, hearing from Barry Murphy about the history of the Creek and activities of Kiamma Creek Landcare, and hearing from Councilor Brian McCormack about how important trees are in our landscape."
A big thank you to Upper Lachlan Landcare for the opportunity!
On Tuesday we were dazzled by some creative and dapper hats in celebration of Melbourne Cup Day. Thank you for your effort with this.
Pictured below are Leo and Elsie who were looking particularly stylish in their chosen head-ware.
On behalf of the St Mary's School Community, I would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to Mrs Ashlee Picker, and her family, on the sad and sudden loss of her brother Jake. Jake was a much-loved ex-student of St Mary's and active member of the Gunning, Crookwell and Ulladulla communities.
Jake's funeral will be held at St Mary's Church on Monday afternoon at 2pm. Buses will be collecting students from Warne Street and students that are picked up are asked to be collected from the Old Hall.
Some of the staff will be attending the funeral with classes combining in the afternoon for supervision purposes.
Parent Well-being Workshop
We would like to invite our parents and friends to a free well-being workshop hosted by Amy Hanger on Wednesday at 2.15pm - 3.00pm.
Amy has spent several years working with many groups, individuals and families to help them improve their general well-being. She has a personalised approach to Food, Movement & Mindset, offering coaching in these areas.
Amy's presentations cover three of the main foundations of good health and well-being - Food, Movement & Mindset. A general presentation will introduce strategies that support good nutrition, discuss how movement counteracts stress and tension and how to cultivate a positive and healthy mindset.
The presentation will include take-home recipe cards, some food tasting options and a take-home healthy mindset checklist. Presentation of essential oils and how they can be used to support a healthy lifestyle is also included.
If you are interested in attending this workshop please RSVP to Belinda 48321 592.
The staff will also have a chance to participate in a workshop with Amy after school.
Expressions of Interest: Junior Basketball Sessions
If anyone is interested in their children participating in some after school junior basketball skills sessions, and assisting with these, please contact Sam Simmons 0436918147.
Save the Date
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
The Lord has told us what is good.
What he requires of us is this:
to do what is just, to show mercy,
and to live humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)
“Never think that you have nothing to offer, or that nobody needs you. Many people need you. Think about it! Each of you, think in your heart: many people need me.” (Pope Francis)
PRAYER –You can join us in praying for the poor and marginalised.
DONATIONS – Please help us to raise money for those who are much less fortunate than ourselves.
WHITE ELEPHANT–Please send any unwanted items (but in reasonable condition) into school. Items may be left in Mrs. Skelly’s office. (Items may include things like: toys, kitchenware, clothes, drawing/sketching materials, books etc.)
“In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”
In the tradition of the Catholic Church, the month of November is set aside for the remembrance of All Souls. We pray for our loved ones who have preceded us in life that they may be at peace in heaven with God. During November our School Prayer Room (the old meeting room) will be open every day for children to go and say a quiet prayer for anyone they know who has passed away. If there are people you would like us to pray for, please write their names on a piece of paper or card and we will place them in the prayer space in our prayer room.
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs Sally Croker
Helping kids handle conflict
Dealing with conflict is not only stressful for kids, but parents too. We’ve got some tips to help you support your child to handle conflict better.
Conflict is a normal part of kids’ lives
Learning to work out troubles is an important life lesson for kids
Kids who know how to manage conflict are happier, have healthy friendships and learn better at school.
How well kids are able to resolve conflict is related to their age, stage of development and life experiences.
We’ve got some tips to help you support your child at any age to become better at managing and resolving conflicts with others.
While it’s easy to jump in and fix the problem, coaching kids on their conflict resolution skills can have longer-term future benefits for everyone! - Sky, Parentline Counsellor
Ideas to assist your child to deal with conflict
Here’s how you can help your child handle conflict better:
Be a positive role model – Kids learn about resolving conflict by observing others.
Create a safe environment – Allow them to express themselves openly and honestly without fear of a negative or emotional reaction.
Teach them strategies to calm down – Such as deep breathing, relaxation, exercise, writing, drawing, painting or other expressive activities.
Work out how they feel – Talk it over to help them identify and process their feelings.
Help them manage their feelings – Help your child find ways to manage their feelings in the moment such as counting to 10 or walking away.
Work out what they want – Help them to understand their own needs or motivations.
Encourage empathy – Help them to figure out what the other child wants and how they might be feeling.
Teaching effective communication skills
Here are some skills that can help your child communicate more effectively during a conflict:
Using "I" statements to express feelings - “I feel ____ when ______”
Avoiding name calling, hurtful words or acting on emotions
Talking about the problem openly and directly with the other person
Listening carefully to others – making eye contact, no interrupting
Understanding others - repeating back what the other person has said
Being kind - it's hard to fight in the face of kindness
Building problem solving skills
Once kids have expressed and understood what the problem is, you can support them to work it out. Together with your child:
- Brainstorm a big list of solutions
- Help them think of different ways to solve the problem
- Talk about being flexible and making room for compromise
- Aim for a win-win solution – something that is fair for everyone
- Help them agree on a solution and be willing to give it a go
- Support them to think of possible consequences of solution
- Put the solution into action and see how it works
Excerpt from -
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Getting Ready for School
The following links have some great ideas for transitioning children to school.
The Gift of Saying No to your child!
Although American the following article is a very interesting read!
The Gift Of No By Helene McGlauflin
The title of this piece may startle or surprise you. After all, few enjoy the limits and finality the word “no” implies. Could such a thing ever be considered a way to show favor toward someone, or to offer assistance, as the dictionary suggests a gift should be? In my twenty years as a parent, counselor, and public educator I have come to see that saying “no,” when done judiciously and appropriately, is a gift all children deserve, for it enables them to grow into the responsible, balanced adults we wish them to become.
Fundamentally, the world is not limitless. No matter what a family’s resources or philosophy, there are societal rules that cannot be ignored, unsafe acts that should be avoided, chores that must ultimately be faced, life events that are out of our control. Everyone, even reluctantly, must learn to cope with these natural limits life brings. This gift of “no” teaches children they cannot have everything they want, when they want it. It says,” you must consider the environment and other people before you act.” It implies that many decisions are not up to children, and that sometimes children must do things they do not wish to do. “No” helps to keep children safe. And, most humbly, this gift gives children a realistic view of life by saying “you are not in charge of, or the center of, the world.”
Yet saying “no” to our children and consistently following through on limits may be one of the hardest parenting skills to recognize, learn and master. It is an art to use “no” wisely, consciously avoiding the dangers of being overly restrictive and punitive, while being willing to discipline when necessary. In studying the challenge of limit setting within myself as a parent, and with the parents I counsel, I see an increasing confusion about the importance of discipline, and a consequent reluctance to provide children with the instruction they need in accepting limits. The gift of “no” is becoming more difficult to give, for various reasons.
Culturally, we live at a time in the United States when choices are highly valued and apparent everywhere, from the supermarket to national politics, creating the illusion of limitless bounty and acquisition. Even limit-setting families who diligently protect their children from exposure to the media and commercialism must contend with this powerful cultural dynamic present in every American community.
Some parents are philosophically opposed to the idea that saying “no” to children is instructive or healthy. They may believe children deserve unlimited choices, or that children will learn how to make choices in the world without guidance. They may wish to protect their children, for as long as possible, from the limits of a harsh world. Or they may adamantly believe saying “no” is “mean”, based on a child’s understandable upset in reaction to limits.
Other parents intuitively sense saying “no” is in the best interest of children, but find it difficult, if not impossible, to do. Those with gentle personalities usually struggle to find a firm voice. Some are exhausted by modern life and cannot muster the stamina limit setting demands. Others wrangle with guilt over not having enough time with their children, and are reluctant to face the struggles inherent in the process of limit setting. Some are wrought by the anxiety many new parents face concerning whether it is the “right” thing to do.
Comic books wanted!
If anyone has any old comic books they would like to donate to our weekly reading intervention program, it would be greatly appreciated!
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Basketball Coaching
St Mary’s was lucky to receive a Sporting Schools grant for Term 4. The school made bookings and had weeks and sessions allocated, however we were informed this week that coaches were no longer available to run the Basketball program.
This is unfortunate for our students as they were thoroughly looking forward to this.
Friday sport will continue to run for all classes in Stage groupings, completing rotations of cricket and basketball run by the staff.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Roster
10 November- Phoebe Selmes & Oliver Gray
17 November- Regan Picker & Olivia Anderson
24 November- Nathaniel Waters
1 December- Regan Picker
8 December- Phoebe Selmes & Oliver Gray
15 December- Regan Picker & Nathaniel Waters
22 December- Oliver Gray, Skyelah Gray & Abigail Gray
29 December- Regan Picker
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help Father prepare.
It is important that you contact another server to arrange a swap if you are unable to make it on your rostered day.
We would love it if some more children could join our Altar Serving team. Please contact the Parish Office if your child is interested. Training is provided and new children are rostered on with experienced servers.
Grandparents Day
A big thank you to Rechell Naughton for coordinating the Year 1 raffle and serving team, a big thank you to the parents who assisted over the day and everyone who provided a plate for everyone to nibble on.
Congratulations to our raffle winners: Anne McIntosh, Cathy McDonald, P Duncombe, Leonie Loveday, Julie Halse, D Allport, Garry Skelly, Kimberley McIntosh, Tahlia Naughton, John Lowe and Leanne Hearn
Social Event
Thank you to everyone who helped, supported, donated, and came to the social function held at Laggan Hotel last Friday. It was a fantastic night, with even the weather putting on its best for us. Plenty of food, drinks, music, raffles and prizes won.
A special thank you to Donna McGeechan and Daria Lawson for helping to coordinate this event, and Katie Price for helping to set up for the night.
We raised approximately $1,600.00 on the night.

Tuckshop Roster
Remember more hands means lighter work, so if everyone was able to do one day per term it would reduce the load for others. The children appreciate your time!
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Quade Haynes and Harper Seaman
Year 1 - Leo Knight and Elkie Storrier
Year 2 - Patrick Croker and Archie Foran
Year 3 - Ava Nicholson
Year 4 – Lucy Gamble and Aylish Parsons
Year 5 - Sienna Charnock and Ethan Whittle
Year 6 - Isabelle McCormack and Bradley Nagle
School Spirit Awards
Nate Kemp, Eli Cooper, Max'e Reynolds, Patrick Walsh, Reece Allport and Bryce Foley for Caring for Our Environment.
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
KAOS- Kids Acting On Stage
The 2020 Kaos production is titled "In Hot Pursuit" and will be at the Crookwell Memorial Hall on the 8, 9, 10 November.
There are 43 young people involved in this production aged 6 years to 16 years and the script was written and direvted by local playwright Mr Peter Stephens.
Make sure you head and see it!
Music in the Park
The Kiamma Creek Landcare Group presents "Music in the Park" at the Pat Cullen Reserve on 16 November 11am until 4pm. Lots of things exciting things are planned for the day, so ensure to get down and check it out!