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Upcoming Events
Thursday 17 October | School Disco -Years 3-6 - 6pm - 7.30pm |
Thursday 24 October | School Counsellor visit - bookings through the Office |
Buy one get one free Book Fair for Parents only | |
Friday 25 October | Boorowa Touch Football Carnival Year 2-6 |
Friday 1 November | Grandparents Day |
P&F Social Function | |
Friday 15 November | Kindergarten Showcase of Learning |
Friday 22 November | Mission Day |
Wednesday 4 December | Christmas Concert Matinee 12pm |
Thursday 5 December | Family BBQ 5.30pm and Christmas Concert 6.30pm |
Thursday 12 December | End of Year Mass and Leadership Changeover Ceremony |
Monday 16 December | Movie Excursion |
Year 6 Farewell Dinner | |
Wednesday 18 December | Year 6 Final Assembly and Awards Presentation |
Last of school for the term |
Welcome Back
Welcome back to the final term of school for the year. I hope everyone managed to enjoy some rest over the spring break.
Today we are thrilled to be able to welcome Fr. Joshy to the St Mary's School Community. Fr. Joshy celebrated Mass with us this morning. We are very much looking forward to getting to know both Fr Joshy and Fr Alex.
This term promises to be action-packed with many fun educational and community-minded events on the horizon.
Our first major event this term is the Boorowa Touch Football Carnival for Years 2-6 held on Friday 25 October. This is a wonderful non-competitive day that allows the children to develop their skills in a supportive and fun environment. We have two teams registered for each class. Remember to pack a hat and plenty of water. Canteen facilities are available.
In Week 3 we have our very special Grandparents Day event. This day will commence with Mass at 9.30am and be followed by classroom visits. At 11.00am we will provide morning tea in the MP Hall for our visitors. If families could please send in a plate of food to share this would be greatly appreciated. Our Year One families are serving the morning tea and selling tickets in a raffle as their fundraising event on this day. If you can assist please contact Rechell Naughton.
After morning tea, at 11.45 am, our students will perform on stage to a collection of movie tunes. The day will conclude at approximately 12.45pm.
Unfortunately, late last term, well after our calendar was set, the compulsory annual Principal Leaders Day Meeting date was changed. I am now unable to attend this wonderful event (my favourite of the year!) so will leave you all in Sally Croker's very capable hands.
Please see a link to the invitation sent home below:
Grandparents Day Invitation 2019
Staff Spirituality Day
On Monday the staff enjoyed a special Spirituality Day led by Sr Maureen McDermott, a Sister of St Joseph from Ardlethan. The day gave time for our souls to catch up with our bodies. In the busyness of our life, it's very easy to forget to take time to breathe, contemplate and reflect but these are very important tools that assist us to keep on top of our hectic lives.
A special thank you to Sr Rosemary and Therese Skelly for organising this special day.
Thank You
I would like to thank Gillian McCann for her generous donation to the school. Gillian teaches singing and guitar to some of our students and uses one of our rooms for her lessons. Gillian's contribution will be put towards improving our hall sound system.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a project of Samaritan’s Purse. It partners with local churches in developing nations to reach out to children by providing gift-filled shoeboxes to children in need.
We are aiming to fill as many shoeboxes as possible. Items can include small toys, hair accessories, hairbrush, toothbrush, skipping rope, marbles, pencils, notepads, textas, handkerchiefs, etc. Alternatively, if you are unable to send in items to place in the box, a monetary contribution to assist with the $10 postage per box would be appreciated.
Term Four Clubs
This term the following clubs will be on offer:
Monday | 11.25am | Art Area | STEM Club |
Tuesday | 11.25am | Library | Chess Club |
3.15pm | Star Room | Maths Club | |
1.40pm | Library | Lego Club | |
Wednesday | 11.25am | Library | Chess Club |
1.40pm | Library | Games & Cards Club | |
Thursday | 11.25am | Peace Garden | Garden Club |
1.40pm | Library | Writing Club | |
Daily | 8.00am | Library | Morning Club |
Students have been asked to sign up to the clubs this week (excluding Morning and Maths Clubs) and they will commence next week.
On Sunday 22 September many of our students and ex-students received the Sacrament of Confirmation in a beautiful ceremony. Congratulations to each of the students involved. Thank you to their families for supporting them through the program and on their journey ahead.
Thank you to Sr Rosemary and Belinda Cudaj for preparing the children for this very special Sacrament.
I would like to share another photo of this event, this time with Ashleigh included (sorry Ash!).
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
JUSTICE and SERVICE at St Mary’s
World Mission Month - October 2019
Mission month is a worldwide occasion of thinking about and working for the JUST world that our God desires for us.
Human dignity calls for the recognition that EVERY human being is made in God’s image and is PRECIOUS.
Jesus said “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10).
But not everyone in our world has a ‘full’ life. Personally, I often forget about the poor and marginalised. It’s very easy to get so completely caught up in the busyness of work, home, family and all of the related expenses, that I don’t give much thought to my brothers and sisters who through no fault of their own, don’t even have a job, a home, or enough of anything to take care of themselves or their families. I am always shocked to hear about the homeless families in nearby Goulburn. And what about the terrible effects of drought on our own countrymen!
Thank heavens we have St Vincent De Paul Appeals, Caritas and Catholic Mission Month to jolt our memories and stir our consciences about answering Jesus’ call to ‘Love our neighbour’. And… truly loving means acting.
For me, this mission month is about reminding myself, my family and our children about the fact that we do not live in a just world and that it is up to everybody to work for justice so that ALL may have life to the full.
Our values for Term 4 are JUSTICE and SERVICE. Our students will be learning about the importance of working for justice. They will discover how, as part of the Church, they can engage in her mission to bring about a JUST world; how they can serve others through their prayers and actions (including fundraising, Samaritan Boxes, Mission day etc)
This term St Mary’s aims to raise funds to support the drought relief, the Church in Ghana (working for justice for children with disabilities), Samaritans Purse, and Mini Vinnies Christmas appeal.
If you are able, please help us raise funds for these Just causes.
St MARY’s MISSION DAY is in week 6. Please clean out your cupboards for our White Elephant Stall
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Boorowa Touch Football
The students are excited and using break times and sport sessions to prepare for the Boorowa Touch Football Carnival next Friday, 25 October.
Students have been allocated teams and coaches have been assigned as per below. We are still in need of volunteers for some teams, if you are able to assist please email me at A draw and team lists will be sent to all coaches early next week.
We are still awaiting confirmation on the depart time for the buses. A note regarding all last minute details will be sent home early next week.
Yr 2 BLUE |
Belinda Foley |
Volunteer please |
Mr O’Kane |
Sally Galland |
Chris Skelly | Linda Walsh | Stephen Greenwood |
Philip McCormack |
Kathryn Nagle |
Forfeit |
Buy One Get One Free Book Fair
To show our appreciation to parents for supporting the Scholastic Book Fair earlier this year we would like to offer parents an exclusive event called the Buy One Get One Free Book Fair!
This is solely for parents. It may provide an opportunity to do some early Christmas shopping and what better gift to give than a book.
At a Buy One Get One Free Book Fair, every book purchased enables parents to select another book of equal or lesser value for FREE!
This Book Fair will be on Thursday 24 October from 8.30am – 5.00pm in School Library.
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed some valuable quality time with your children during the holidays.
Morning Club will continue this term each day from 8am-8.40am. All children are very welcome.
Break-time Clubs: This term we will run Lego club on Tuesday during the second break, games/puzzles on Wednesday and a writing club on Thursday.
Children from any class can attend.
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs Sally Croker
I would like to share Part 1 of the following article with you from regarding children and internet usage.
Are they old enough?
How to navigate key online milestones for your child
Parents and carers play a key role in guiding their children as they first encounter the online world and begin to learn through exploration, play and social interaction.
When is your child old enough to take their first online steps and begin to explore on their own? It is a good idea to protect younger children from online risks such as encountering harmful content, contact with strangers or missing out on physical activity. But it is up to you to decide when and how they take these first steps, and how best to support them as they begin their online journey.
eSafety research insights
81% of parents with preschoolers say their children use the internet. Of these parents, 94% report that their child was using the internet by the age of 4.
This might be via a tablet or iPad (92%), a smartphone (85%) or a computer (83%).
Should your preschooler be using online devices?
Children often have access to connected devices like tablets and smartphones from a very young age. They might be watching a favourite program through streaming services, using educational apps or simply viewing photos with your family and friends.
If you set some rules, manage access and stay involved, there is no reason why your preschooler should not enjoy the benefits of being online.
How much time should my child spend online?
There is no magic figure. The right amount of time that children should spend online is debated, with recent research suggesting the evidence of harm relating to screen time is overstated. Choosing the right amount of screen time for your preschooler will depend on the individual needs of your child and your family.
When deciding how much time your preschooler should spend online, consider the following factors:
- your child’s age and their maturity level
- their individual learning needs
- your family’s routine
- your level of involvement and interaction with them while they are online
- the quality and nature of what they are doing online
It can be easy to focus only on the amount of time spent online, but the quality of the online media they are engaging with, and your involvement and interaction with them while they are using online media, is just as important.
For example, a five-year-old can get a lot out of spending 30 minutes creating an artwork on a screen together with you. An activity like this, involving the imaginative use of shape and colour, can help them to develop their fine motor and conversational skills.
Our guide to managing time online for parents and carers can help you work out a healthy balance across your child’s online and offline activities. It also includes the signs to watch out for if your child’s online activities may be having a negative impact on them.
How do I choose age-appropriate content?
Good-quality media can support your child’s learning, especially if it ties in with their interests or sparks their imagination.
The following sites can help you make informed decisions about your family’s entertainment choices.
- Check age ratings and consumer advice for apps and games on devices your children use: via the App Store or Google Play, and for movies and games, the Australian Classification Board’s online database
- Raising Children Network has advice about choosing video games, online games and apps
- NetAware (UK)offers a guide to popular social media apps, sites and games, including risks, age recommendations and safety tips
- The Australian Council on the Children and the Media provides reviews of movies, apps and games, including gambling content advice, searchable by age and platform
- Commonsense Media (US)offers a database of apps, games and websites searchable by age
Information sourced from:
Grandparents Day- November 1
Tomorrow a small book of raffle tickets will be sent home to be sold for our Grandparents Day. Tickets are $1.00 each and there is a great selection of prizes to be won. More details on this to follow soon!
Parents are kindly asked to bring a plate to share on Grandparents Day.
Year 1 Parents- are required to assist with serving. If you haven't already replied to Rechell Naughton with your availability, please do so ASAP.
Social Event
The P&F Social Event will be held on 1 November at the Laggan Hotel.
Please remember to bring in your sold raffle tickets if you haven't already.
Year 3 parents if you could please let Daria know if you are able to help with the items listed on the note sent home at the end of Term 3 please.
One of the exciting raffle items available on the night, is a framed signed 2019 Manly Sea Eagles jersey. A Big thank you to the Croker Family for organising obtaining the jersey and having it signed and the Blowes Family for donating the cost of the framing.
More details of the other prizes will come out soon.
Remember more hands means lighter work, so if everyone was able to do one day per term it would reduce the load for others. The children appreciate your time!
A new arrival!
Term 4 will see students in the summer uniform.
Girls Uniform |
Green and white check tunic White socks (not sports anklet) Bottle green wool school jumper with our emblem Black school shoes (not sandshoe vans type) Green and/or white ribbons, scrunchies bands or clips School bucket hat with gold piping No nail polish Sleepers or stud earrings only Hair longer than shoulder length in an up-style |
Boys Uniform |
Grey school shirt with our emblem on the pocket Grey shorts Bottle green wool school jumper with our emblem Grey socks with a green and gold strip School bucket hat with gold piping |
Sports Uniform |
Green and gold sport t-shirt with our emblem on the pocket Green shorts Green and gold tracksuit top Green tracksuit pants Bottle green socks with a gold strip No white sports socks allowed Green and/or gold ribbons, scrunchies bands or clips |
All of these items are available from the Uniform Shop. A price list can also be downloaded here:
PLEASE ensure all items are named clearly so it assists us with returning any misplaced items.
In the case of inclement weather, the students may wear their winter uniform, in entirety, for two weeks into Term Four.
Hobart Hockey Champs!
In the holidays Bella Croker and Harry Skelly both participated in the Under 13's National Hockey Carnival in Hobart. Harry captaining the boys ACT team and Bella Playing for the NSW Lions.
Both teams played exceptionally well, coming in third overall.
Congratulations Harry and Bella!

I would like to share an event recount from Bella.
"During the holidays I travelled to Hobart to play in the U13’s Australian National Hockey Carnival, I was in the NSW Lions team as a striker.
I got off to a rocky start, spending night 1 in the hospital after I was hit in the throat with a ball. I was glad I could play on though.
Over the 8 days we played 12 games, winning 10 of these, our two loses were to the Queensland teams who were fantastic! Our team got better and better with each game and we worked really well together, our coaches and managers really helped us to play our best.
Our NSW Lions team finished the carnival in 3rd place which we were so proud of. I finished 7th for goal scoring for the week, with 6 goals, and 2nd in field goals.
The highlights for me were making a lot of new friends, coming 3rd in the whole of Australia, working with amazing coaches, shopping at Salamanca markets, my first plane trip and my room mates.
Thank you to the St Mary’s community for all of your kind messages, I really appreciate it."
My Overseas Holiday by Charlie Bensley
"On Tuesday I went to my Grandad's in England. I had so so much fun! I went on a boat and on another boat and I went to my mum's mum. I went to a castle in England. I went to the London Eye. I saw Big Ben. I went on a double-decker bus and a train. I went to the beach. My dad and pop came too which was a surprise!"
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Roster
20 October- Regan Picker and Nathaniel Waters
27 October- Oliver Gray, Skyelah Gray and Abagail Gray
3 November- Regan Picker
10 November- Phoebe Selmes & Oliver Gray
17 November- Regan Picker & Olivia Anderson
24 November- Nathaniel Waters
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help Father prepare.
It is important that you contact another server to arrange a swap if you are unable to make it on your rostered day.
We would love it if some more children could join our Altar Serving team. Please contact the Parish Office if your child is interested. Training is provided and new children are rostered on with experienced servers.
Crookwell Junior Touch Football 2019/2020
A registration afternoon for the 2019/20 touch season will be held 23/10/2019 from 4:45pm till 7:00pm at the Crookwell RSL.
The cost will be $50 per child, for families the cost will be $50 for the 1st child, $40 for the 2nd child and every child after that $30.
The structure this year is that children in kindergarten – year 4 (at school) will be put in their teams by the committee, kids in years 5 – year 12 will be given the chance to make their own teams. A maximum of 10 children per team. The teams created by the children will be put into grades by the committee. Please keep the players within each team around the same age. If you have a child that wishes to play but has not got a team to play with please let us know and we will get them into a team.
Each team will be required to nominate a referee that will be available each week.
All games will be played at 5:30 and will commence the 30/10/2019.
If you have any questions please contact Ellie McGeechan 0427896056 or Courtney Locke 0402655021
in 2020, Go4fun will be run during term 2 will be in Goulburn.
Go4fun is a great way for children aged 7-13 and their parents to build knowledge and confidence around creating healthy affordable meals as well as getting active. The program runs for 2 hours once per week for 10 weeks and children receive a range of goodies each week (balls, Frisbees, hats and drink bottles) as well as the Go4fun recipe book for parents.
For those who cannot attend face to face programs, there is G4fun online.
Mums Exercise Group Australia (MEGA)- Goulburn branch
Mums Exercise Group Australia (MEGA) is a volunteer group, run by mums for mums, grand mums and mums to be etc. We aim to motivate, support and encourage each other to get healthy and socially connected to their community. MEGA provides free and low-cost exercise sessions and events across Australia. We also provide a Facebook forum to encourage and inspire each other through our health and fitness journeys alongside motherhood in a non-judgemental and supportive environment. MEGA aims to be involved in the greater community by our involvement and support of causes that are meaningful to our members with a focus on those that promote health, safety and equality for women. We believe with encouragement and friendship we can achieve our goals and be strong and powerful women who can make a difference.
We currently have 2 walks, meditation, mindfulness, Bootcamp and the Parkrun that we are involved with as a group. So come and join us at the link below!
Link to private Goulburn group -
Steampunk Victoria Fair
Hospital Auxiliary Plant Store & Sausage Sizzle
Old Comic Books
If anyone has any old comic books they no longer require, Sharron Waters would love to take them off your hands! Please drop them to the school office if you have any. Thank you!