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- Principal Talk with Mrs Lowe
- Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
- Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
- Library News with Mrs Hewitt
- Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
- Student Work
- Student Awards
- Thank you!
- Bus pass information
- Father's Day Stall
- P & F News
- Sharepoint
- Parish News
- School and Community Notices
Term 3 Key Dates
Fridays in August | School Explorers Program 23/8 |
Thursday 22 August | Archdiocesan Athletics Carnival- Lachlan, Bridie, Rosa, Ava, Fynella |
Thursday 29 August | Fathers Day Gift Stall |
Thursday 29 August | Counsellor visit |
Tuesday 10 September | Cricket Blast School Cup Years 3- 6 |
Thursday 12 September | Counsellor visit |
Friday 13 September | Official Opening of the Multipurpose Sports Court |
Friday 20 September | Archdiocesan Public Speaking Competition Boorowa |
Friday 20 September | K/1/2 Excursion to National Zoo and Aquarium |
Thursday 26 September | School Disco 6pm - 7.30pm - Years 3-6 |
Friday 27 September | Stage 1 (Year 1and Year 2) Showcase of Learning 12.30pm |
End of term |
Book Week - Reading is My Secret Power
It was wonderful to see our students dressed up for Book Week on Tuesday. Thank you for your support with preparing your child's costume, we certainly have some creative parents!
The students spent the morning block participating in rotating infants and primary activities focused on some of the shortlisted books.
After lunch the students paraded in the Hall, sharing their book character with our large audience.
Thank you to Mrs Hewitt for organising our Book Week activities and parade and to all of our teachers, students and audience for the enthusiastic response.

Parish Support
I would like to thank St Mary's Parish for their monetary support, over many years. It was brought to my attention at the last School Board meeting that the Parish has now made their final payment for the loan that was taken out to pay for the Library, Computer Laboratory, Year 6, Kindergarten and toilet block extension. This work was completed in 2004.
Thank you!
The School Explorers
Tomorrow our final School Explorers session will take place. Most of our classes and teachers have had the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities with our preschool participants over the past two terms.
This year we have had a wonderful roll-up, with up to twenty-five children taking part in some sessions.
The School Explorers Program gives the preschool-aged children a chance to experience Primary School life. They participate in activities that encompass technology, maths, literacy, art, craft, science and sport in a variety of places around the school, with support of different classes and teachers. It gives them a taste of what is to come and an understanding that St Mary's is an inclusive school.
Each year the Country Women's Association of NSW offers Education Scholarships to assist with secondary schooling and the area of the Arts. Application forms can be collected from the school office and need to be submitted to the CWA State Office by 30 September.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Respecting Each Other
“Encourage one another and build each other up.” (1 Thessalonians 5: 11)
Let us remember to appreciate and encourage others in the everyday ordinariness of our everyday lives…The ordinary really is holy.
Manners Matter
"Make it a habit to tell people thank you; to express your appreciation, sincerely and without expecting anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many other around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it." (Ralph Marston)
Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
Primary Sport- Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocese
Representative Duties
SSA-School Sport Australia 12 years and under Hockey Championship
Bella Croker and Isabelle Galland are currently in Bendigo representing NSW. Bella was appointed as Captain of the Girls NSW Team. A huge honour indeed and well deserved.
Results for NSW Team so far.
MON 19
9:30am QLD 4 def NSW 1
3:30pm NSW 7 def TAS 0
10:15am NSW 7 def VIC 0
4:15pm NSW 3 def ACT 0
WED 21
Educational Excursion to Central Deborah Gold Mine
THU 22
1:00pm NSW vs WA
FRI 23
8:45am NSW vs SA
We eagerly await a full recap upon their return next week.
Well done to all the students for their fantastic efforts with the Book Week Parade yesterday. There certainly were lots of great costumes!
A reminder that the Book Week Quiz is due back by the end of this week
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Helpers Needed For Our Intervention Programs
If you would like to assist with any of our intervention programs at school, please complete the volunteer form link below or contact Belinda, Sarah or myself. Parents/grandparents/community members are welcome to help. They need to have a Working with Children Check and we can help them with this application process. We will train the volunteers in what to do. You may like to come and simply listen to some children read. We currently offer intervention programs in Spelling, Reading and Numeracy.
I had to take the opportunity to share these great promotional poems created by some of our Year 5 students. Thanks girls!
St Mary's Rap
by Hayley and Rosa
Here at St Mary's we're really cool,
We've got a nice Principal at this school.
The Office Lady will meet you with a grin,
She'll put a bandaid on your sore chin.
The size of the classroom is really good,
there's even a rack to hang your hood.
We've got little 'School Explorer' buddies on Friday,
So come on down and have a nice play.
And that's our rap coming to an end,
So come to St Mary's and make some friends.
St Mary's School
by Sienna and Chloe
Christian teaching with Mrs Skelly
More Catholic knowledge in our mind
The teachers are always helpful
The Principal is nice
Everyone's treated fairly
All the students are kind and trustworthy
Rubbish in the bin to help the environment
We have heaps of helpers around the school
Most importantly we have good manners
Come on, come in, we will set you up at this lovely school.
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Tommy Picker and A'dee Reynolds
Year 1 - Eli Cooper, Elkie Storrier and Hayden Tarlinton
Year 2 - Addin Grove, Joe Hayes and Charlie Lang
Year 3 - Saxon Greenwood
Year 4 – Bridie Croker and Olivia Pursell
Year 5 - Sienna Charnock, Will Fraser and Ellie McCormack
Year 6 - Isabelle McCormack and Billie Skelly
School Spirit Awards
Nathaniel Waters for Service to our Parish Community
Ashleigh Bachta for Service to our Parish Community
Marli Selmes for demonstrating the School Value of Respect
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
A big thank you to Bayden Selmes for fixing our beloved bell, which was gifted to us from the 2013 Year 6 graduates.
Please refer to the attached PDF flyer for information on how to apply or amend your bus pass.
On Thursday 29 August, Year 6 will be hosting a Father's Day stall. Presents will be available to purchase ranging in price from $3.00 to $5.00.
Friday 23 August- Mary-Ann Kilborn, Sally Gamble, Pip Frost
Monday 26 August- Tash McCormack, Elizabeth Egan, Tania Croker
Friday 30 August- Nicola Pursell, Rebecca Scott, Sally Galland
Monday 2 September- SPECIAL LUNCH ORDER DAY- Claire McCormack, Marguerite Walsh, Maureen Lucock
Friday 6 September - Mandy Kemp, Katherine Fraser, Daria Lawson. Please note: this is the last tuckshop for the term.
Menu Adjustment
You might have noticed that Chicken Chippees are no longer available on the recess menu. It has been decided that rather than supply two different types of chicken nugget-type products, that the Chicken Chippees will be replaced with Chicken Dinos. Chicken Dinos come in packs of 3 and are now available both 1st and 2nd breaks. Chicken Dinos are the healthier option of the two and fit within the NSW Healthy Canteen Guidelines.
Social Function- Friday 1 November
As you would have read in last week's newsletter, unfortunately the P&F Social Event "Gatsby Night", set for this coming Saturday night, has been postponed.
If you have already purchased tickets for the evening, please hold onto these. The raffle has also been extended and will be drawn on the new date.
A new date and location has been set. Put in your diaries Friday 1 November at Laggan Pub. More details about the night will be provided in the coming weeks.
A P&F survey has been sent home earlier this week. It would be appreciated if you are able to take the time to complete this and return so that the organisers can create events that are of interest to all.
Our Sharepoint page has been quiet the last few weeks so we would love for you to send in some information about your child's activities or achievements out of school, so we can share the exciting news with everyone!
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Roster
25 August- Bella Croker & Nathaniel Waters
1 September- Olivia Anderson
8 September- Phoebe Selmes & Oliver Gray
15 September- Olivia Anderson
22 September- Nathaniel Waters
29 September- Regan Picker
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help Father prepare.
It is important that you contact another server to arrange a swap if you are unable to make it on your rostered day.
We would love it if some more children could join our Altar Serving team. Please contact the Parish Office if your child is interested. Training is provided and new children are rostered on with experienced servers.
Crookwell Mary Gilmour Festival
The Crookwell Mary Gilmour Festival Performing Youth Showcase competition will be held on Saturday 26 October from 1.30pm in the Dome Pavillion at the Crookwell Showground. Categories are: band, musical instrument, vocal and poetry. More details are in the attachment.
NAB AFL Auskick Burst
Coming to Crookwell commencing Sunday 25 August for 6 weeks. Price is $40.00 per student. See the attachment for more details.
KAOS (Kids Acting on Stage) is looking for ‘stars’ for their 2019 Production
Any child from Kinder to High School who is interested in acting, singing, dancing, or just wants to know more about what we are doing this year then come along to Auditions/ Muster on Wednesday 21 August 2019 or Monday 26 August 2019 from 5.00pm to 6.00pm at the Crookwell Memorial Hall. Meet the production crew and ask questions.
The Production will be staged tentatively 8/9/10 November 2019 and there is always something for everyone in this team.
For more information Contact Rechell Naughton on 0248 322369 or Sandra Bill on 0248 321685