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Term 3 Key Dates
Fridays in August | School Explorers Program 16/8, 23/8 |
Thursday 15 August | Feast of the Assumption - St Mary's Feast Day - Wear blue |
Tuesday 20 August | Book Week Parade 12.10pm in the Old Hall |
Thursday 22 August | Archdiocesan Athletics Carnival- Lachlan, Bridie, Rosa, Ava, Fynella |
Saturday 24 August | P&F Social Function- Gatsby Night - Postponed - Date TBC |
Thursday 29 August | Fathers Day Gift Stall |
Tuesday 10 September | Cricket Blast School Cup Years 3- 6 |
Friday 13 September | Official Opening of the Multipurpose Sports Court |
Friday 20 September | Archdiocesan Public Speaking Competition Boorowa |
Thursday 26 September | School Disco 6pm - 7.30pm - Years 3-6 |
Friday 27 September | Stage 1 (Year 1and Year 2) Showcase of Learning 12.30pm |
End of term |
St Mary's Feast Day - Feast of the Assumption
Today we celebrated the Assumption of Mary and our St Mary's Primary School Feast Day. Our students looked great wearing predominantly blue, a traditional colour associated with Mary.
The day commenced with Mass at 9.30am and was followed by a variety of creative multi-age 'Mary' activities, including biscuit decorating, bookmark making, Rosary Bead making, graffiti chalk art and more!
A very special thank you to our Religious Education Coordinator for facilitating this event and to all our staff for assisting with the activities.

Public Speaking
A very successful Northern Region Public Speaking competition was held at St Mary's on Wednesday. The competition, attended by students from St Gregory's Queanbeyan, St Bede's Braidwood, Mt Carmel Yass, St Joseph's Goulburn and Ss Peter and Paul's Goulburn, was fierce, making the adjudicator's decision very difficult. Thank you to our adjudicators Mrs Anne Cleary, Miss Jess Penny, Mrs Alexandra Dunwoodie and Mrs Patrice Rowe.
Congratulations to Sophia Galland and Lucy Gamble for both coming Runner-Up in their class sections. Lucy and Sophia now head to the Archdiocesan Public Speaking Competition which will be held on 20 September at St Joseph's in Boorowa.
Our visitors were served a beautiful morning tea prepared and provided by our Year 5 families. Thank you to our helpers Meg, Fraser, Jenifer, Katherine, Tash and Bridie and to all of our parents who sent in delicious treats - it was amazing!
CWA Project Presentation
On Wednesday afternoon our CWA Project winners were presented with their certificates and enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea at the Country Women's Association rooms.
Congratulations to all of our placegetters:
Year 6: 1st place: Paige Croker, 2nd Place: Archie Pursell; 3rd Place: Ashleigh Bachta; Highly Commended: Isabelle Galland
Year 5: 1st Place: Sienna Charnock; 2nd Place: William Heffernan; 3rd Place: Bree Hearne; Highly Commended: Regan Picker and Ellie McCormack
Year 5 Postcards: 1st Place: Jake Cosgrove; 2nd Place: Sienna Charnock; 3rd Place: Alec McIntosh; Highly Commended: Marnie McCormack
Year 4: 1st Place: Georgina Culley
Year 3: 1st Place: Ava Nicholson, 2nd Place: Toby Charnock
Year 2: 1st Place: Phoebe Fannin
Year 1: 1st Place: Sophie Culley; 2nd Place: Sophia Foran; 3rd Place: Alex Storrier; Highly Commended: Hayden Tarlinton, Lucas Plumb, Emmett McIntosh, Leo Knight.
Kindy: 1st Place: Riley O'Brien; 2nd Place: Imogen Hewitt; 3rd Place: Jacob Hogan; Highly Commended: Quade Haynes, Sophie Croker, Grace McCormack, Ruby Pappalardo
These certificates will be presented at our Monday morning assembly.
P&F Meeting
Thank you to the parents who attended the P&F Meeting on Tuesday. The meeting was well attended and very productive. Thank you to our parents and friends who continue to do so much to offer support and raise funds for our wonderful school.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Today - August 15 - we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Assumption means that God takes the individual's body and soul into heaven without him or her suffering death. Images of Mary's assumption depict the Holy Mother in the sky, with saints and believers praying underneath her. These images show that God separated Mary from the rest of the world and assumed her into heaven.
The Assumption is the main celebration of Mary's life and ministry and a fitting feast day to celebrate our school - St Mary’s.
All of Mary's roles - Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, Lady of Sorrows - are tied in with her position in heaven, guiding, watching, and caring for God's children.
As the Holy Mother, Mary's assumption reflects God's promise to all his children. All who obey God and believe, as Mary did, will join God in heaven. All devout Christians live in the hope of new life after death, just as Jesus was raised from the dead on the first Easter.
Catholics hold Mary's assumption as a reminder that God loves them and yearns for them to join Jesus, Mary, and all the saints in heaven.
Prayer for the Assumption of Mary
Father in heaven,
all creation rightly gives You praise,
for all life and all holiness come from You.
In the plan of your wisdom
she who bore Christ in her womb
was raised body and soul in glory
to be with Him in heaven.
May we follow her example
in reflecting your holiness
and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
The Human Brain
The brain is a remarkable organ and science is advancing in such a way that scientists can look closely at learning difficulties in children, developmental delays and other neurological conditions, through the mapping of the brain. Through science, it is also possible to identify the impaired genes of a student and allow for family genetic mapping to explore learning and behavioural difficulties. Re-training of parts of the brain is possible and certainly an area with enormous future development.
As mentioned before, I enjoy reading articles from the following newsletter.
Information for parents
The Victorian Government have a useful page for parents with information for students with additional needs. There are links to good information on Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, ADHD and other learning support areas.
The NSW Education site offers practical advice for parents below. There are learning resources for English and Maths for all students.
A-Z homework help is available in English and Maths. See the links below.
Another great resource for parent information is AUSPELD. There is a link to explaining the difference between learning disabilities and learning difficulties. There is an article on identifying and diagnosing specific learning disabilities and another link to information about interventions. There is information on Assistive Technology to help your child.
If you would like to assist with any of our intervention programs at school, please complete the volunteer form link below or contact Belinda, Sarah or myself. Parents/grandparents/community members are welcome to help. They need to have a Working with Children Check and we can help them with this application process. We will train the volunteers in what to do. You may like to come and simply listen to some children read. We currently offer intervention programs in Spelling, Reading and Numeracy.
Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
Primary Sport- Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocese
Archdiocesan Athletics
Next Thursday, we have five students competing at the AIS as members of the Northern Region Athletics Team.
Lachlan Nagle - 12 yr Boys 100m & Senior Long Jump.
Rosa Blowes - Intermediate Shot Put
Bridie Croker- 10 yr Girls 100m
Ava Nicholson - 9yr Girls 100m.
They will be required to wear Sports Uniform and will receive a Northern Region team shirt to compete in for the day.
Team members are to check in with Team Manager Mrs McCarthy (St Peter & Pauls) upon arrival.
We wish them all the best of luck!
Representative Duties
SSA-School Sport Australia 12 years and under Hockey Championship
This week both Isabelle and Bella attended training sessions at Maitland in preparation for their Representative duties next week.
As members of the NSW U12 team they will compete against other National Teams from Sunday 18th to Friday 23rd August at Hockey Central Victoria, Bendigo.
This huge achievement is sure to be a wonderful experience for both the girls and their families and one they will not easily forget.
We eagerly await results and possible livestream opportunities next week. Best of luck.
The draw for NSW Team is as follows.
MON 19 - 9:30am vs QLD
3:30pm vs TAS
TUES 20 - 10:15am vs VIC
4:15pm vs ACT
WED 21 – Educational Excursion/rest day
THU 22 - 1:00pm vs WA
FRI 23 - 8:45am vs SA
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Our Infants classes enjoyed inside sport last week with the bitterly cold weather.
K/1/2 had a yoga session, performing yoga moves whilst moving through a space mission story.
Students learnt the greeting Namaste, basic yoga poses and stretched their bodies in new ways.
Well done infants classes.
The “Book Character Parade” will be on Tuesday 20 August at 12.10pm in the old hall. Children are encouraged to participate and come dressed in costume as a book character.
To encourage involvement in ‘Book Week’ a family quiz about Literature will go home Thursday 15 August. Please ensure this is returned by Thursday 22 August.
Participating families will be given a participation certificate.
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Logan Anderson and Harper Seaman
Year 1 - Alice Frost, Elsie McIntosh and Andrew Lawson
Year 2 - Lachlan Kilborn and Lachlan Pascoe
Year 3 - Amelia O'Brien
Year 4 – Reece Allport and Bryce Foley
Year 5 - Rosa Blowes, Nathaniel Waters and Ethan Whittle
Year 6 - Adelaide Halse and Lachlan Nagle
School Spirit Awards
Ashleigh Bachta for consistently modelling the School Values
Billie Garnham for caring for our environment
Phoebe Fannin for choosing kindness at all times
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Available on Monday 19 August for $4.00. Can be ordered by Qkr or cash.
Friday 16 August- Mandy Kemp, Jenny Skelly & VOLUNTEER NEEDED
Monday 19 August SPECIAL LUNCH ORDER DAY- Allison Hewitt, Maureen Lucock, Elise Croker
Friday 23 August- Mary-Ann Kilborn, Pip Frost, Sally Gamble
Monday 26 August- Tash McCormack, Elizabeth Egan, Tania Croker
Friday 30 August- Nicola Pursell, Rebecca Scott, Sally Galland
Social Function- POSTPONED
Unfortunately, the P&F Social Event "Gatsby Night", has had to be postponed until further notice due to circumstances beyond our control.
If you have already purchased tickets, please hold onto these as the function will still go ahead at a later date, which will be advised.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Roster
18 August- Nathaniel Waters & Oliver Gray
25 August- Bella Croker & Nathaniel Waters
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help Father prepare.
It is important that you contact another server to arrange a swap if you are unable to make it on your rostered day.
We would love it if some more children could join our Altar Serving team. Please contact the Parish Office if your child is interested. Training is provided and new children are rostered on with experienced servers.
KAOS (Kids Acting on Stage) is looking for ‘stars’ for their 2019 Production
Any child from Kinder to High School who is interested in acting, singing, dancing, or just wants to know more about what we are doing this year then come along to Auditions/ Muster on Wednesday 21 August 2019 or Monday 26 August 2019 from 5.00pm to 6.00pm at the Crookwell Memorial Hall. Meet the production crew and ask questions.
The Production will be staged tentatively 8/9/10 November 2019 and there is always something for everyone in this team.
For more information Contact Rechell Naughton on 0248 322369 or Sandra Bill on 0248 321685