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- Principal Talk with Mrs Lowe
- "SZapp"- Communications app transition
- Family contact details update
- Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
- Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
- Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
- Library News with Mrs Hewitt
- Student Awards
- Term 3 Calendar
- P & F News
- Parish News
- ICAS & Reach Assessments
- School and Community Notices
National Refugee Week
Refugee Week provides a platform where positive images of refugees can be promoted in order to create a culture of welcome throughout the country. The ultimate aim of the celebration is to create a better understanding between different communities and to encourage successful integration enabling refugees to live in safety and to continue making a valuable contribution to Australia.
The aims of Refugee Week are:
- to educate the Australian public about who refugees are and why they have come to Australia;
- to help people understand the many challenges refugees face coming to Australia;
- to celebrate the contribution refugees make to our community;
to focus on how the community can provide a safe and welcoming environment for refugees; - for community groups and individuals to do something positive for refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people, within Australia but also around the world; and
- for service providers to reflect on whether they are providing the best possible services to refugees.
Excerpt from
To find National Refugee Week events visit
School Reports
You will receive your child's Semester One Progress Report and Evidence of Learning Folder next Friday.
Your child’s ELF will contain work samples taken from a variety of learning areas across the semester. There will be a variety of draft and published pieces so that you can see your child’s everyday work standards.
If you have any questions about either of these progress documents please make an appointment to see your child’s classroom teacher.
2019 Recognition Awards
Nominations for the 2019 Recognition Awards are now open. Do you know someone in the Archdiocese who is exceeding expectations in Service, Performance or Mission? The Recognition Awards are an opportunity to showcase and recognise extraordinary 'above and beyond' commitment, innovation and talent in Catholic Education. To nominate, visit our website and complete the Google Form today. Nominations close Friday, 26 July. Contact: Josie Tomas ( or 0414 899 045)
School Photos Reminder
Enrolling Now
Staffing for 2020 will be allocated earlier this year than in previous years, so we encourage families to commence the enrolment process as soon as possible.
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to or collect an enrolment form from Belinda in the Office.
"SZapp"- Communications app transition
We have changed the app that we use for our communication messages and website. We now use "SZapp" which is the app for the platform Schoolzine, that our newsletter is published through. You may have noticed a few messages come through this channel already. SZapp will allow you to do absence notes, changes of travel arrangements, changes to details, as well as read current and past newsletters, access school documents and view the calendar.
Attached below are instructions on how to download the SZapp. If you experience any problems, please see Belinda.
We appreciate your understanding with this change.
Today your child will bring home a family details/contact sheet which lists all the current contact and address details we have on record. Please review and update your details where necessary. All forms, regardless of updates or not, are to be returned to school please.
Thank you.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
This Sunday 23 June - Church feast of CORPUS CHRISTI - the ‘Body and Blood of Jesus Christ’

‘And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you (on the Cross); do this in remembrance of me.” … he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you (on the Cross). Do this in memory of me.”
Catholics believe that the piece of bread (host) that is "taken, blessed, broken and given" by the priest, becomes the life of Jesus which was taken, blessed, broken (on the cross) and given in sacrifice for us.
Although the bread and wine physically remain the same, when it is blessed during the Mass it is transformed beyond human comprehension into Jesus. This is called Transubstantiation (the real presence of Jesus in Holy Communion) and it is the most important act of worship.
We go to Mass to receive Jesus’ in Holy Communion just as he asked us to do. And by doing this we are united with each other and strengthened and nourished by Jesus himself for the journey of our lives.
After we receive Jesus at Mass, we are told by the priest to GO FORTH… This means that the Mass is only the beginning; that we are to take Jesus love and share it with all those we meet outside the Church.
First Holy Communion - this Sunday
Please pray for the children at our school and in our Parish who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion this Sunday June 23.
All are welcome and encouraged to SHARE in this celebration as these children are welcomed more fully into the Faith community – a community to nourish and support them for life. There will be morning tea in St Mary’s School Hall after the Mass. Please bring a plate to share if are able to attend.
St Mary’s Primary School Mini Vinnies
Please remember to support our St Mary’s Mini Vinnies team in their efforts to keep the poor and homeless warm this winter. Many thanks to those who have already donated the following winter warmers:
- New thick socks
- New gloves/mittens/beanies
- Coats and scarves
- Sleeping bags
- Blankets/donnas
(please make sure any used items are in reasonable condition)
Donations may be delivered to St Mary’s Primary School office.
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Auditory Processing Disorder
This is the system which transfers and decodes what we hear and sometimes the brain can’t make sense of the sounds that is hears. It is also known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). One of the biggest struggles is listening with background noise.
An assessment for Auditory Processing can be done by a qualified audiologist. To help children with APD it can be helpful to:
- Break instructions down into small steps
- Sitting close to the person teaching
- Writing instructions down
- Double check with the child for understanding
- Asking the child to repeat the instructions
- Reduce background noise
- A quiet study area at home for homework and reading
- The use of an Assistive Listening Device eg. An FM in the classroom
Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
NSWCPS MacKillop Cross Country
CONGRATULATIONS to Ellie McCormack. She ran a consistent race finishing 32nd out of 56 participants.
MacKillop Girls Hockey
An outstanding result for St Mary’s is the inclusion of six students in the Girls MacKillop Hockey Team. This is a huge achievement and a testament to the strength and popularity of the sport in our community.
Bella Croker, Isabelle Galland, Billie Skelly, Regan Picker, Bree Hearne & Ellie McCormack travel to Newcastle for the PSSA competiton to be played at Newcastle International Hockey Centre next week from Tuesday to Thursday.
Their draw includes:
9.40am Mackillop vs South Coast
11.30am Hunter vs Mackillop
1.20pm Mackillop vs Sydney South West
10.35am Mackillop vs Sydney West
12.25pm Western vs Mackillop
2.15pm CIS vs Mackillop
Northern Region Athletics
The day began a tad on the chilly side but soon warmed up to be an enjoyable and comfortable day. With a team of 37 students, St Mary’s Primary was well represented in all events.
Special mention and congratulations to our five students who excelled and have now gained selection as members of the Northern Region Team who will compete at the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn combined Athletics Championships at the AIS on Thursday 22nd August.
Ava Nicholson – 100m
Bridie Croker – 100m
Isabelle Galland – 100m
Lachlan Nagle – 100m
Fynella Parsons – 100m and 200m
These students must now complete the Google form below please
Congratulations to Patrick and Thomas Walsh, Chloe Bensley and Katyanna Waters who also completed the "Read More in May" challenge. They have entered into the prize draw to win vouchers.
Class Awards
The Student of the Week Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Imogen Hewitt & Ruby Pappalardo
Year 1 - Eli Cooper, Sophie Culley, Sienna Gann & Hayden Tarlinton
Year 2 - Kaitlin Franics & Lara McCulloch
Year 3 - Sommer-Lee Gann
Year 4 – Bryce Foley & George Skelly
Year 5 - Sienna Charnock & Ellie McCormack
Year 6 - Isabelle McCormack & Fynella Parsons
School Spirit Awards
Peter Lawson for demonstrating the School Value of Compassion & Kindness
William Gorman for demonstrating the School Value of Excellence
William Fraser for demonstrating the School Value of Excellence
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Our Term 3 Parent Calendar can now be downloaded here, or print copies may be requested from the Office. The School Counsellor dates are still to be confirmed and added. An updated version will be provided via the newsletter and our website when available.
Friday 21 June- Angela Cuskelly, Rebecca Scott, Belinda Foley
Monday 24 June- Pip Frost, Tori Simmons, Daria Lawson
Friday 28 June- Maureen Lucock, Daria Lawson, VOLUNTEER REQUIRED
Monday 1 July- Maureen Lucock, Jackie Blowes, Daria Lawson
Please arrive at 9.15am.
The Term 3 roster is below. Please take the time to check your dates and if you are unable to do your allocated day, organise a swap. Paper copies with phone numbers will also be sent home.
Year 1 Fundraiser
If any businesses or families would like to donate prizes for our raffles on Grandparents Day, please contact Rechell Naughton, who has kindly taken on coordinating.
Grandparent's Day will be held on 1 November.
Save the Date
Our Term 3 Social Function, coordinated by our Year 3 families, will be held at the Crookwell RSL Club on Saturday 24 August. Details coming soon!
Pie Drive- Change of Delivery Date
Bryants have advised that due to unforeseen circumstances, the pie drive orders will now be delivered on Wednesday 26 June at 10.30am. A online notice will be sent when they have arrived.
Students in Years 6 & 7 who registered last year for Confirmation, the information evening is Thursday 27 June, commencing at 6.00pm, at St Mary's Church.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Roster
23 June- Bella Croker
30 June- Eliza & Chloe Kemp
7 July- Ashleigh Bachta & Olivia Anderson
14 July- Nathaniel Waters & Oliver Gray
21 July- Bella Croker
28 July- Eliza & Chloe Kemp
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help Father prepare.
It is important that you contact another server to arrange a swap if you are unable to make it on your rostered day.
We would love it if some more children could join our Altar Serving team. Please contact the Parish Office if your child is interested. Training is provided and new children are rostered on with experienced servers.
UNSW Global now offer the ICAS assessments and the Reach assessments.
These have now been set up that allows parents to register and pay directly to UNSW. Please go to The school is registered however you will need to contact Belinda for the unique access code.