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Week 9 | TERM FOUR |
Thursday 12 Dec |
Leadership Changeover Mass Carols Night 5.30pm Counsellor visit |
Friday 13 Dec |
LAST TUCKSHOP- Ally, Jenny, Cass SRC pyjama day Awards assembly 9.05am |
Week 10 | |
Monday 16 Dec |
Year 6 Farewell Mass and Dinner- 6.00pm at the Church |
Wednesday 18 Dec |
LAST DAY OF TERM Year 6 Final Assembly 1.30pm |
2025 |
Week 1 | TERM ONE |
Friday 31 Jan | Uniform Shop Open |
Monday 3 Feb |
Staff PD Day Uniform Shop Open |
Tuesday 4 Feb | STUDENTS RETURN |
Wednesday 5 Feb | Kinder Rest Day |
Sat 8 & Sun 9 Feb | Crookwell Show- P&F BBQ |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Christmas Concert
This evening, 12 December, we will host our Christmas Concert and family picnic.
The concert will commence after the P&F BBQ at roughly 6.15 pm. Each class will present a song led by our Performing Arts Teacher, Mrs Davis, and accompanied by Chalkie White
We invite you to bring your fold-up seats and Christmas spirit.
Please face your chairs towards the MP Hall when setting up and leave the ramp and MP Hall verandah clear. The student's seating area will be sectioned off under the sails and in front of the boy's toilet.
Year Six Farewell
It is coming very close to the time that we, sadly, farewell our Year Six class. This year our Year Six Graduation events will commence next Monday, 16 December at 6.00pm with the Graduation Mass at St Mary's Catholic Church. This will be followed by dinner, and the Awards Presentation at the Services Club for Year Six students, parents/carers/adult guests and staff.
Year Six Final Assembly
The Year Six class will present their Final Assembly on the last day of school, Wednesday, 18 December, at 1.30 pm. The recipients of Awards will be re-acknowledged at this Assembly.
Leadership Changeover
I would also like to recognise and thank our outgoing Year Six class for the fine leadership they have provided the other students and the assistance and positive attitude they have offered the staff. You can all be very proud of your time as a St Mary’s student - you have been wonderful students and leaders.
Twelve months ago, we announced Sophie and Henry as our School Captains. I thank them for their excellent leadership. I would also like to thank Ollie, Sienna, Hayden and Elkie, for their outstanding job as our Sports Captains. You have all provided fine role models to our Year Five students moving into these positions.
Last week, our Year Five students presented speeches outlining why they wanted to be our 2025 School and House Captains. The quality of speeches the students gave in self-nominating for Captain positions was excellent. They showed insight into what leadership means and represents. The students were able to articulate why they felt they would be suitable candidates, and they also managed to engage their audience.
Thank you to all of the students who volunteered themselves for these positions. I am confident that each of you would make excellent leaders, and you will, regardless of the outcome, have opportunities for this next year.
On Monday this week, each student at St Mary’s voted for the students they would like to see fill our Captain’s roles. These roles are filled solely by the student vote; as usual, the staff did not vote.
Congratulations to the following students who will help lead our school in an official capacity next year.
School Captains- Logan Anderson and Grace McCormack
Lawrence Captains- Riley O'Brien and A'dee Reynolds
Aloysius Captains- Tommy Picker and Imogen Hewitt
We congratulate all the students who ran for roles and congratulate them on their wonderful display of sportsmanship and resilience.
Happy Retirement Mrs Branson and Mrs Romer
It was lovely to have both Mrs Romer and Mrs Branson visit school yesterday to celebrate their retirement after many fine years of being an educator and classroom support in the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn. The staff and students often share memories of both these wonderful ladies and we are sad to see them go. We presented them with a beautiful piece of artwork each symbolising their contributions to St Mary's, created by Jess Plumb.
Enjoy your retirement Mrs Branson and Mrs Romer!
Sporting Achievements

School Sport Australia Cricket Championships
Last week Henry Galland travelled to Adelaide to participate as a member of the NSW U12 Cricket team. Henry had the honour of being named Co-Captain of this team. Unfortunately, the NSW team did not reap many wins at the competition. They lost their first three games in tight contests. Henry bowled well and was proud of his efforts. We are always proud to have St Mary's represented at this level and thank Henry for the opportunity.
Staffing 2025
As we near the end of the term, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the staffing that has been put in place for 2025.
Kindergarten - Mrs Alison Cummins
Year One - Miss Jayme O'Brien
Year Two - Miss Annie Croker
Year Three Gold - Mrs Therese Skelly
Year Three Green - Mr James Edwards
Year Four - Mrs Dana White
Year Five - Mrs Linda Walsh
Year Six - Mrs Rachael Croker
Performing Arts - Mrs Isabelle Davis (Semester One)
Executive Release - Mrs Karen O'Keefe
Teacher Librarian - Mrs Dorothea Hewitt
Classroom Support Teacher - Mrs Nicola Spackman
Wellbeing Officer - Mrs Stephanie Knight
Classroom Support Assistants - Mrs Shauna Hewitt, Mrs Rie O'Brien, Mrs Stephanie Knight, Miss Molly Skelly, Mrs Meg McIntosh, Mrs Nicole Moloney and Mr Bradley Hayes.
I would like to thank Mrs Rachael Croker for her time and effort in managing the Classroom Support Teacher role this year. Her calm and organised manner has enabled superior plans and support for our students, support staff and teachers. Rachael will continue in her Executive position as Religious Education Coordinator.
We look forward to welcoming back Mrs Nicola Spackman to the Classroom Support Teacher role for three days and thank her for the wonderful job she has done in Year Six for the last two years.
We also want to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Claire McCormack for her commitment to Year Six this year. Claire has filled the role comfortably and has developed wonderful, supportive relationships with her students. We hope to welcome Claire back to St Mary’s in 2025 in a casual teacher role.
Next year, our Year Three classes will sit side-by-side in the Mercy Building and work cooperatively to deliver quality programs aligned with every student’s learning needs. In collaboration with the classroom teachers and executive staff, it was decided that it would be most beneficial for the students to remain in the same class grouping.
Next year, our Year Four class will be in the newly refurbished Parish Meeting Room.
We are excited about 2025 and look forward to a year full of learning and success.
Important TERM FOUR dates to note:
Monday 16 Dec - Year Six Graduation. Mass 6pm. Dinner 7pm
Wednesday 18 Dec - Year Six final Assembly 1:30pm
2025 Term Dates
Included below are the dates for our 2025 School year.
TERM 1,2025 (31 Jan - 11 Apr)
Friday 31 Jan - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Monday 3 Feb - NSW pupil-free day
Tuesday 4 Feb- Students commence
Friday 11 April - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
TERM 2, 2025 (28 Apr - 4 Jul)
Monday 28 Apr - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Friday 4 July - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
TERM 3, 2025 (21 Jul - 26 Sep)
Monday 21 July - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Friday 26 Sep - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
TERM 4, 2025 (13 Oct - 19 Dec)
Monday 13 Oct - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Friday 19 Dec - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
We would like to ensure that all accounts are paid by the end of the school year. We would appreciate your assistance with this.
If you would like to confirm your current balance, you can do this via the Compass app. Select "More" on the bottom right of the screen, and in the bottom centre you will find the tab "School Fees". Here you can see your current balance and you are also able to check out your debit/credit history.
If you have any questions regarding your school fee account, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.
2025 School Fees
Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Advent- Get Ready for Jesus' Birthday
This Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent and it is traditionally called Gaudete Sunday.
Gaudete means “rejoice” in Latin. At the beginning of this Sunday’s Mass we say: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! The Lord is near.” (Philippians 4:4,5).
We light the third candle on the Advent wreath. This candle is pink and is called the Shepherd’s Candle.’ We reflect on the joy the shepherds felt at the birth of Jesus.
"And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them." Luke 2:20
During the Christmas season, most of us like to rejoice by spending more on presents, food, decorations etc. It is a time for spending, partying and lots of giving. Our God was extremely giving when he gave us the gift of Jesus… but Jesus came in plain wrapping—he was the infant of two poor migrants. (Who very likely would be turned away from Australian shores in this day and age!) There was no designer cot for Jesus; not even the comforts of home. But the gift of that child was so rich and fine, that poor shepherds and educated wise men from far countries were all drawn to him with tears of joy. And over the following 2022 years countless others, like Mary Mackillop, have been drawn to His message of peace and love.
So perhaps this Christmas we could think about giving ourselves in addition to giving ‘stuff.’
What kind of presence am I to those I love? How can I give myself as a present to others? Am I aware of God’s presence in my life? We tend to forget that God’s presence is enough to meet our innermost desires. This Christmas season is a great time to spend more time in God’s peaceful presence; and more time exploring the power and wonder of our own presence with others. What better present can we give to our Lord and each other!
A few suggestions for loving gifts:
A warm welcome
Time for a phone conversation
A firm handshake to a shaky soul
A kind word to a lonely person
A warm smile to the disheartened
A sincere concern for someone troubled
Compassion for the neglected
Comforting words for the bereaved
A word of witness to help a seeking soul
A patient and non-judgemental listening ear
Dear Jesus, may the light of your love always shine in our hearts. As Christmas draws closer, we marvel at your great love for us. Let your love transform every aspect of our lives and touch everyone we encounter. Our hearts are open to you, Jesus. Amen.
Wishing you all joy and peace this Christmas season
St Vincent de Paul Giving Tree
Many thanks to those who supported our St Vinnies Giving Tree appeal. We are overwhelmed by the generosity of St Mary’s School community and the recipients of your kind donations will be blown away.
PLEASE NOTE: All donations will be collected by St Vincent De Paul on Friday 13 December.
In Appreciation
St Mary’s School Community wishes to thank Fr Joshy, Fr Hilary, and Fr Xavier for their wonderful nurturing support and for guiding us on our Faith journey this year. We wish our priests all the best and many blessings in their new postings, they will be greatly missed.
Please return your Library Books
If you have not done so already, please return your borrowed Library books as soon as possible.
Thank you.
A big thank you to our volunteers who have been part of our tuckshop for 2024! The students (and staff!) appreciate your efforts.
Thank you to our Tuckshop coordinators, Ally Hewitt, Pip Frost, Tennille McIntosh, and Rechell Naughton, for coordinating the roster—her last one after being part of the St Mary's family for so many years.
Friday 13 Dec: Ally Hewitt, Cass Wicks, Jenny Wye- LAST TUCKSHOP FOR 2024
Weeks 9 Awards
Awards will be presented at the assembly on Friday 13 December at 9.05am.
K - Artie Knight
1 - Olivia Doran, Georgie Strode
2 - Elaine Hannan, Jack Lowe, Laela McIntosh, Adrian, Bailey Reeves, Sasha Wicks
3 - Henry Elsley-Mattox, Fraser McIntosh
4 - Charles Beath, Vincent Moloney
5 - Grace McCormack, Ruby Pappalardo
6 - Sophie Culley, Henry Galland, Alex Storrier
Japanese Award- congratulations to Year Six for being the class of the week.
Uniform Awards
Congratulations to the following students for wearing our school uniform correctly and with pride:
Grace McCormack
Riley O'Brien
Tommy Picker
A'dee Reynolds
Lost items and a reminder to name
A kind reminder to please check the uniform items that come home with your child each day. Occasionally items get taken off and accidentally picked up and taken home to another family. We have a few students who are missing jumpers which are named. If you can please check and return anything that has come home accidentally.
Our lost property pile has grown into a mountain again, so please feel free to come and check for any missing items. Any clothing left over at the end of the year will be placed in the second-hand items.
Second-hand items
The second-hand items are also full to the brim. Remember these items are all FREE! So why not drop in and browse through these to help stock up your supply.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Heather works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Applications are now open for 2025 School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) travel
Students in the Opal network applying for an Opal card (including a Term Bus Pass) for the first time will receive their School Opal card at their nominated postal address from mid-January 2025.
Students progressing from year 2 to year 3 and from year 6 to year 7 do not need to re-apply if they:
- are continuing at the same school, and
- are residing at the same address, and
- have not been sent an expiry notification from Transport for NSW.
Where a student meets the new distance eligibility, the system will automatically update their entitlement. If they do not meet the new eligibility, they will receive an expiry notification.
Students who change address, school, campus location, have repeated a year or received an expiry notification for their school travel entitlement need to renew or update their details before the end of term 4. This will ensure that schools can endorse applications, so their travel entitlement can remain valid for the start of the 2025 school year.
Students who have an entitlement approved under a medical condition that is due to expire will receive a notification advising them to re-apply.
Term Bus Pass holders will receive a notification to re-apply.
Rural and Regional Students
Students living in rural and regional (R&R) areas should receive their travel pass at the start of the new school year from their nominated transport operator. It may come via the school or be sent directly to them at home. Note: some R&R operators do not issue travel passes. Students/parents should confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass.
Real-time Trip Information
** Please note, GPS information may not always be up-to-date if signal strength is compromised **
Community Service During the Holidays
If we have any students or families who can help water the plants outside of the Presbytery fairly regularly over the holidays, the Parish members would be extremely grateful!
Goulburn Urgent Care Service
This is a great service available 24 hours a day!