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Week 5 | TERM FOUR |
Thursday 28 Nov |
Counsellor visit |
Friday 29 Nov |
Tuckshop- Pip, Libbie, Cass Awards assembly 9.05am School Explorers- "Play It" 9.30-11.00am |
Week 8 | |
Monday 2 Dec |
Tuckshop- Jenny, Jemma, Eleanor 2025 Kinder Orientation Day |
Tuesday 3 Dec |
CHS Orientation Day |
Wednesday 4 Dec |
Year 5 Captain speeches commence until Friday |
Thursday 5 Dec |
TCC Orientation Day Counsellor visit |
Friday 6 Dec |
Tuckshop- Amy, Lisa, Tennille |
Week 9 | |
Monday 9 Dec |
Tuckshop- Rechell, Reané, Kat 2025 Captain voting |
Thursday 12 Dec |
Leadership Changeover Mass Carols Night 5.30pm Counsellor visit |
Friday 13 Dec |
LAST TUCKSHOP- Ally, Rebecca, Cass SRC pyjama day Awards assembly 9.05am |
Week 10 | |
Monday 16 Dec |
Year 6 Farewell Mass and Dinner |
Wednesday 18 Dec |
LAST DAY OF TERM Year 6 Final Assembly 2.00pm |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
School Fees for 2025
This week I emailed all families to provide you with notice of school fees for 2025.
School fees for 2025 are shown in the table attached. The school fee in 2025 will include the tuition fee and all school-based levies (except for excursions). We have also reviewed and updated the arrangements for family discounts, which are also set out in the attached table.
We are very conscious that cost of living pressures are ongoing and have worked hard to keep fee increases to a minimum. However, 80% of our school income comes from NSW and Australian government funding which will not keep pace with rising education costs next year. In order to provide a reasonable level of resourcing for the coming year, and to ensure our school can continue to deliver excellent learning opportunities, an increase in fees is required.
Our students benefit from a high-quality educational experience and a wide range of learning and co-curricular opportunities. We continue to see improvement in academic achievement of students, particularly in literacy and numeracy. Our approach to high-impact teaching has been commended nationally and internationally. Our commitment to learning, combined with knowing each child, continues to nurture the growth and development of every child.
Your school fees are critical to support the delivery of high-quality education, the funding of all staff and the maintenance and improvement of facilities at our school.
It is a policy of the Archdiocese that no student should be refused enrolment, excluded or disadvantaged because their family is unable to afford fees. If you have any concern that the 2025 fees may cause hardship for you and your family, I encourage you to contact me for a confidential discussion on the assistance available to support your child.
I value your partnership and thank you for your continued support of our school.
NOTE: From 1 January 2025 Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Education Limited (the Company) will assume responsibility for the operation of Catholic systemic schools within the Archdiocese. All your rights and your obligations under current Enrolment Contracts / Parent Commitment Agreements / Enrolment Forms relating to the enrolment of your child or children at the school, as previously agreed between you and the existing proprietor of the school (ABN 47 824 127 996) are assigned to the Company (ABN 60 675 797 734) from this date. Your continuing rights and obligations, including the obligation to pay school fees and school-related expenses, will transfer to the Company from the commencement of the 2025 school year. You do not need to do anything further for this transfer to occur and all school operations will continue as usual. If you require further information about these changes, please contact
School Sport Australia Golf 

Northern Region Chess
Last Thursday Owen, Harley, Connor and Joshua travelled to Yass to participate in the NR Chess Competition hosted by Mt Carmel. All four boys played four rounds with one draw and one win. The competition was very high and all four boys faced the challenge head-on. Congratulations gentlemen!

Playground addition
This weekend we had a fun addition to our top playground. In her role as Wellbeing Officer, Mrs Knight had purchased a boat to be used for imaginative play at break times. Scott Butz, father of 2025 Kinder student William, helped with the installation over the weekend. Help is a loose term for "did an amazing job over two big days"!! Scott prepared the space, sourced and collected the wood for the boundary and organised the delivery of sand to place it in. This was his time and effort as a favour and we are extremely grateful for his generosity. Both Steph and Scott receive my thanks and gratitude.
Sheep and Wool Muster
My thanks also to Cat, Dave and Alan for the organisation and coordination of the Sheep and Wool muster last week. Thank you also to the families who supported them with donations of sheep. Your efforts are always noticed and we are grateful for the support.
Carols Evening
Please note Thursday 12 December on your calendar. Our annual Carols night will begin with a BBQ Dinner provided by Yr 2 familes and the P&F at 5:30pm. Following this each class will present a Carol accompanied by Aria and Harley's dad, Chalkie White. Children are asked to come dressed in Christmas colours of red, green and white. This year the event is an alcohol free zone.
St Mary's school community would like to offer our sincerest condolences to the Culley and Naughton families on the loss of their fathers and grandfathers. John Culley and Kevin Naughton will be remembered as true gentlemen of our community
Important TERM FOUR dates to note:
Monday 2 Dec - Kindergarten 2025 Orientation Day
Thursday 12 Dec - Leadership 2025 Mass
Thursday 12 Dec - St Mary's Carols evening
Monday 16 Dec - Year Six Graduation
Wednesday 18 Dec - Year Six final Assembly
2025 Term Dates
Included below are the dates for our 2025 School year.
TERM 1,2025 (31 Jan - 11 Apr)
Friday 31 Jan - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Monday 3 Feb - NSW pupil-free day
Tuesday 4 Feb- Students commence
Friday 11 April - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
TERM 2, 2025 (28 Apr - 4 Jul)
Monday 28 Apr - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Friday 4 July - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
TERM 3, 2025 (21 Jul - 26 Sep)
Monday 21 July - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Friday 26 Sep - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
TERM 4, 2025 (13 Oct - 19 Dec)
Monday 13 Oct - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Friday 19 Dec - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Getting our hearts and minds ready to celebrate Jesus at Christmas time.
The season of ADVENT, which leads us to Jesus’ birthday at Christmas, begins this Sunday.
Advent is a time for us to stop and reflect on our lives and our relationships (with God and each other). It is a time for us to consider the HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE Jesus can bring to our lives if we invite Him in and let Him reign in our hearts. The first of the Advent candles, signifying the first week of Advent, is the candle of HOPE. Are we waiting and preparing with a hopeful heart for Jesus’ birthday and for the time he will ‘come again’? Are we in touch with our loving God, who gives us the will and the strength to be the best people we can be for each other? Make some time in your day to reflect on these questions:
- Do we give real time to God in order to KNOW this deep love? What about attending Mass?
- Are we aware when and how God blesses our day/our lives? Do we give thanks?
- How do we treat others? Could we listen more carefully, be more tolerant or understanding, more patient, more honest, kinder, or less selfish?
- Do we need to say sorry and make things right?
Thank you Plumb Family!
We are beyond grateful to Jess and Simon Plumb for creating the most magnificent cross for our foyer area. Jess was given a very basic brief, and her creation has exceeded our expectations. The cross has the school community together as one in the centre, surrounded by the 5 school values of service, justice respect, excellence and compassion. The cross is a symbol for years to come of what is central to St Mary’s, discipleship and mission, spreading the word and love of Jesus to all.
Thank you Plumb family, we are blown away!
St Vincent de Paul Giving Tree
We are continuing to open our hearts to God by striving for justice and serving others throughout this Advent. Please help us support St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal and bring a little joy and peace to those in need in our community. Items may be placed in baskets in the foyer.
PLEASE NOTE: All donations will be collected by St Vincent De Paul on Friday 13 December.
K |
Cereals |
1 |
Snack foods e.g., biscuits, chips, and sweet treats |
2 GOLD |
Toys |
Sweets and treats |
3 |
Tinned goods with a pull tag (not needing a can opener) |
4 |
Rice and pasta |
5 |
Soft drinks, long-life juice, coffee, tea bags |
6 |
Toiletries e.g., shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothpaste, soap, hand towels, face washes etc |
Mission Day
Last Friday’s Mission Day was a huge success!! Thanks to the hard work and generosity of our school community, we raised just over $1200 for Catholic Mission. A very BIG thank you to our students for organising the fundraising activities, and to everyone for your support of sending in donations and materials.

We would like to ensure that all accounts are paid by the end of the school year. We would appreciate your assistance with this.
If you would like to confirm your current balance, you can do this via the Compass app. Select "More" on the bottom right of the screen, and in the bottom centre you will find the tab "School Fees". Here you can see your current balance and you are also able to check out your debit/credit history.
If you have any questions regarding your school fee account, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.
The 2025 school fees will be advised when confirmed by Head Office.
We would like to express our gratitude to Mascom Sheds owner, Scott Butz, for volunteering his time and expertise to build a new play area on our top playground. What was previously an empty space has been transformed by Scott into a fun play area that will surely inspire endless creative play.
Our students of St Mary’s can enjoy playtime on HMAS-StMarys, a 4-metre boat with oars for years to come. Scott excavated the site and built the area up with sand with the help of his two offsiders, William Butz and Artie Knight. Scott constructed a timber edge of the sandpit to precision as the final touches.
Our warmest appreciation and gratitude to Scott for his professionalism and his selflessness. The speciality of MASCOM Sheds & Garages is creating custom steel sheds that precisely meet your needs. You can count on outstanding quality, longevity, and individualized service catered to your needs when you choose MASCOM Sheds and Garages.
Scott can be contacted on 0417 252 437
Art Focus Days with Mrs O'Keefe
Salvador Dali was born in Spain in 1904 and died in 1989.He is famous for his surrealist art. He was a very eccentric human and his artwork was very weird and wonderful. This might amaze you, he designed the Chupa Chups logo.

Wool and Sheep Muster
Thank you to Cat Culley and Alan McCormack for coordinating the 2024 Wool and Sheep Muster and Elders for handling the sale.
A huge thank you to the families who donated the 16 head which raised $2353.00! A fantastic effort.

Carols Under The Sails- Dinner Ordering
Tuckshop Roster Term 4
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form.
Friday 29 Dec: Pip Frost, Libbie Storrier, Cass Wicks
Monday 2 Dec: Jenny Wye, Jemma Reid, Eleanor Fraser
Friday 6 Dec: Amy Craig, Lisa Barlow, Tennille McIntosh
Monday 9 Dec: Rechell Naughton, Reané Strode, Kat Proudman
Friday 13 Dec: Ally Hewitt, Rebecca Scott, Cass Wicks- LAST TUCKSHOP FOR 2024
Weeks 7 Awards
Awards will be presented at the assembly on Friday 29 November at 9.05am.
K - Piper-Lea Chapple, Harriet McIntosh
1 - Henry Johns, Troy Pulis, Patrick Proudman, Isaac Skinner, Lyla Storrier
2 - Mason Allport, Gracie Hannan, Tilda McIntosh, Hugo Montgomery, Adrian, Pepper Reeves
3 - Henry Butler, Abby Crosbie
4 - Tenisoni Gerathy, Joe McCormack, Evelyn Waldron
5 - Imogen Hewitt, Jacon Hogan, Harper Seaman
6 - Lily Coggan, Jaydan Costello, Sienna Gann
Uniform Awards
Congratulations to the following students for wearing our school uniform correctly and with pride:
Elaine Hannan
Ivy Hewitt
Harley White
Lost items and a reminder to name
A kind reminder to please check the uniform items that come home with your child each day. Occasionally items get taken off and accidentally picked up and taken home to another family. We have a few students who are missing jumpers which are named. If you can please check and return anything that has come home accidentally.
Our lost property pile has grown into a mountain again, so please feel free to come and check for any missing items. Any clothing left over at the end of the year will be placed in the second-hand items.
Second-hand items
The second-hand items are also full to the brim. Remember these items are all FREE! So why not drop in and browse through these to help stock up your supply.
Applications are now open for 2025 School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) travel
Students in the Opal network applying for an Opal card (including a Term Bus Pass) for the first time will receive their School Opal card at their nominated postal address from mid-January 2025.
Students progressing from year 2 to year 3 and from year 6 to year 7 do not need to re-apply if they:
- are continuing at the same school, and
- are residing at the same address, and
- have not been sent an expiry notification from Transport for NSW.
Where a student meets the new distance eligibility, the system will automatically update their entitlement. If they do not meet the new eligibility, they will receive an expiry notification.
Students who change address, school, campus location, have repeated a year or received an expiry notification for their school travel entitlement need to renew or update their details before the end of term 4. This will ensure that schools can endorse applications, so their travel entitlement can remain valid for the start of the 2025 school year.
Students who have an entitlement approved under a medical condition that is due to expire will receive a notification advising them to re-apply.
Term Bus Pass holders will receive a notification to re-apply.
Rural and Regional Students
Students living in rural and regional (R&R) areas should receive their travel pass at the start of the new school year from their nominated transport operator. It may come via the school or be sent directly to them at home. Note: some R&R operators do not issue travel passes. Students/parents should confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass.
Real-time Trip Information
** Please note, GPS information may not always be up-to-date if signal strength is compromised **
Parents and carers can order online at this link -
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Heather works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)