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- Calendar
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- Uniform
- Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Sport News
- Child Protection Week
- Balancing Screen Time for a Healthier Childhood
- P & F News
- School Awards
- Library News with Mrs. Dorothea Hewitt
- Enviro Mentors incursion for Years 3 & 4
- Yr 6 Fundraisers- Grand in the Hand! and Special Lunch Order Day
- Goulburn Mission Parish
- Community News
Week 7 | TERM THREE |
Friday 6 Sept |
St Mary's Feast Day- WEAR BLUE! Tuckshop- Tennille, Libbie, Elizabeth |
Week 8 | |
Monday 9 Sept |
Tuckshop- Jenny, Jake, Adam Archdiocesan Public Speaking- good luck Grace! |
Wednesday 11 Sept |
Whole school excursion to Goulburn to attend Arc Event at GPAC |
Thursday 12 Sept |
CWA Poster Presentation |
Friday 13 Sept |
Tuckshop- Bec, Mary-Ann, Kimberley School Explorers- Session 3- Discovery. 9.30-11.00 Careers Expo- CHS. Years 3-6 |
Week 9 | |
Monday 16 Sept |
Tuckshop- Candice, Stacey |
Friday 20 Sept |
Tuckshop- Lisa, Jodie, Nikolina |
Week 10 |
Last week of term |
Monday 23 Sept |
Special tuckshop order- please order by 13 Sept for numbers |
Wednesday 25 Sept |
CHS Taster Day 4 NSWCPS Athletics- Homebush Bay |
Friday 27 Sept |
Last Day of Term Kindy/Yr 1 Showcase of Learning- 12.30pm. All welcome |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Celebrating Success
Last Friday we held a very successful Northern Region Public Speaking event. Many visitors to our school noted our excellent facilities, well-behaved students and generous hospitality. My thanks to Reané and Tash for assisting with serving morning tea to our visitors.
I wish to publicly thank our adjudicators, Mr Stephen Barnard, Mrs Shelley O'Brien, Mr Vero Joseph and Dr Elizabeth Bollen. Their expertise and judgement were well received and we appreciate the time they gave to work with us.
Our Congratulations to Year Five student, Grace McCormack, who was awarded First Place in Year Five. She will now represent the Northern Region at the Archdiocesan event at St Bernard's Batehaven next Monday 9 September.
Year Six student, William Waldron and Year Four Student, Flynn Storrier have also tasted success recently. Both boys have been named in the Archdiocesan Athletics Team to compete at Homebush on Wednesday, Sept 25. William has qualified for Senior Boys 1500m and Flynn for Junior Boys 100m and 200m. Flynn has also achieved an extraordinary result breaking a record held for seven years !!

Please find more details about their results in the School Sport Section
Year Five student, Owen Moorby, has been training several times a week in the lead-up to the Mounted Games at Sydney International Equestrian Centre on Friday 23rd August. He competed in five events and came first in all five in his class. He was awarded junior state champion. His team members also performed highly and were awarded best performing team of the day.
Congratulations Owen!!
2025 Term Dates
Included below are the dates for our 2025 School year.
TERM 1,2025 (31 Jan - 11 Apr)
Friday 31 Jan - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Monday 3 Feb - NSW pupil-free day
Friday 11 April - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
TERM 2, 2025 (28 Apr - 4 Jul)
Monday 28 Apr - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Friday 4 July - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
TERM 3, 2025 (21 Jul - 26 Sep)
Monday 21 July - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Friday 26 Sep - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
TERM FOUR, 2025 (13 Oct - 19 Dec)
Monday 13 Oct - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Friday 19 Dec - CECG system-wide pupil-free day
Last week we farewelled Mrs Nicola Spackman until the end of the year. For the remainder of this term, the role of Year Six teacher will be shared amongst Mrs R Croker and Mrs S Croker along with Mrs Claire McCormack. Mrs McCormack will then work with Year Six full-time in Term Four.
We wish Mrs Spackman well with her leave and family time and look forward to her return in 2025.
Careers Expo
Students from Yrs 3-6 will be attending the CHS Career's Expo next Friday 13th Sept. A sausage sizzle and a bottle of water will be supplied to all students. We will be back at school for the second break canteen orders.
Important TERM THREE dates to note:
Fri 6 Sep - St Mary's Feast Day
Wed 11 Sep - Whole school visit to GPAC for ARC experience
Fri 13 Sep - Yrs 2-6 at CHS Careers Day Expo
Fri 27 Sep - Kinder/Year One Showcase assembly
The School Explorers - School Readiness Program
Is your little one starting school in 2025? Help them embark on an exciting educational adventure with "The School Explorers". Our next session will be on Friday, 13 September.
All preschool-aged children are invited to attend regardless of school choice. Come along to all or as many sessions as suits you. Parents are welcome to stay for the session, leave your child in our capable hands, or a combination of both.
To register or for more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with Belinda on 48321 592. We can't wait to welcome your child to St Mary's!
Addition to the Girls' Uniform
We have an exciting addition to the girls' summer uniform choices, with the addition of a white short sleeve shirt to be worn with bottle green shorts, and white socks.
There will be limited numbers available to start with so we do not have to carry too much excess stock. If you are interested in purchasing, please put the order through on Qkr. Shorts can be distributed straight away, however there will be a delay with the shirts as they are currently in production.
Further information about the St Mary's Uniform Policy, can be found here:
New Prices
To assist families where we can, we have not increased our uniform prices for around 7 years and have mostly absorbed any increases. Unfortunately, the time has come for us to increase the prices slightly to ensure we cover costs. This will be reflected on Qkr next time you visit.
Thank you for your understanding of this.
Lost items, second-hand items and a reminder to name
A kind reminder to please check the uniform items that come home with your child each day. Occasionally items get taken off and accidentally picked up and taken home to another family. We have a few students who are missing jumpers which are named. If you can please check and return anything that has come home accidentally.
Our lost property pile has grown into a mountain again, so please feel free to come and check for any missing items.
The second-hand items are also full to the brim. Remember these items are all FREE! So why not drop in and browse through these.
Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Our Mother Mary's Birthday- St Mary's School Feast Day
Tomorrow we celebrate the Church feast of the birthday of the mother of God, Mary. Mary was the very first saint – the first follower of Jesus - from the moment she said “YES” to God’s request to become his mother on earth. As Jesus was dying on the cross, he made it clear that Mary is also our mother. The Bible records his last words to Mary: “When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” John 19:26–27. Jesus established that Mary is the heavenly mother of all of humanity to whom we can turn for help. How blessed our school is to be named St Mary’s.
On this special feast day, we give thanks for Mary (the patroness of our school and Parish).
We are all called to become saints, and so we ask Mary to pray for us that we may follow her example in better devoting our lives to God.
From MARY we learn to be…
HUMBLE – to listen to God and to surrender to God’s will and say “Yes”.
COURAGEOUS – when faced with tough times and decisions
TRUSTING - when all hope seems gone that God is with us and loves us
COMPASSIONATE - to go out of ourselves and reach out to others just as she did with Elizabeth
FAITHFUL - to love Jesus her Son and have faith that we are unconditionally loved and cherished
Our special Feast Day will begin with Mass at 9:30am. All are welcome to attend. Following Mass, the children will join together in stage groups to participate in a number of special activities to celebrate and honour Mary.
The children are asked to wear BLUE clothing.
Archdiocese Athletics Carnival 2024: A Day of Triumph and Records
On August 27, 2024, the AIS track in Canberra was the ultimate finish line for our talented athletes at the Archdiocese Athletics Carnival. From record-breaking sprints to impressive field events, our students proved they’re not just running for fun—they’re running for glory!
Fast and Furious Highlights:
- Flynn Storrier stole the spotlight with a record-breaking performance in the 10-year-old Boys 200m, clocking in at an electrifying 29.90 seconds and smashing a record that had stood since 2017. Flynn also took gold in the 100m, showing he’s the ultimate speedster of the day. Flynn was then named Runner-Up Age Champion!
- Macie-Lee Charnock darted her way to 3rd place in the 8-year-old Girls 100m, showing she’s a rising star in the sprinting world.
- Lizzie Walsh dashed to 5th place in the 9-year-old Girls 100m, demonstrating her knack for keeping pace with the best.
- Flynn Pascoe raced to 8th place in the 8-year-old Boys 100m, proving he’s got the drive to compete with the top runners.
- William Waldron placed 2nd in the 12-year-old Boys 1500m, showing endurance is his game.
- Rory Bensley hurled his way to 3rd place in the 10-year-old Boys Discus, proving he’s a force to be reckoned with in the field.
- Imogen Hewitt placed 6th in the 11-year-old Girls 1500m, demonstrating grit and determination.
- Sophie Culley sprinted to 7th place in the 12-year-old Girls 100m, showing she’s got the heart and the speed to keep up with the best.
- Riley O'Brien gave it his all, finishing 11th in the 11-year-old Boys 100m.
Congratulations to Will Waldron and Flynn Storrier who have made it through to the NSWCPS carnival on 25th September
Well done to all our athletes for their incredible efforts and enthusiasm. You’ve shown that with a dash of speed and a lot of heart, you can reach the finish line with pride. Here’s to continuing to run towards your goals and breaking more records in the future!
What a great experience our Year 6 students Henry Galland and Ollie Croker had as they set off to Cairns to play hockey as members of the NSW team. The boys played 6 games across 4 days in very hot and humid conditions, competing against WA, QLD, SA, ACT, SA and VIC.
The boys played key roles within the team, Henry taking charge of the midfield and directing play, with Ollie leading up front in attack, scoring 10 goals during the week.
The NSW team came away with a silver medal, one to add to the collection from their previous 3 years of being a part of this team.
We are very proud of both boys and wish them all the best in their future hockey endeavours.
This week is National Child Protection Week (1-7 September 2024)
National Child Protection Week aims to promote a safe and supported life for every child, now and into the future. The 2024 National Child Protection Week message is: ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’; and the theme: ‘Every conversation matters’.
Conversations are powerful tools to keep children and young people safe and well. They can lead to an awareness and understanding of issues, the creation of solutions, and the building of safe social supports and connections for children and young people.
Conversations matter! Conversations between:
…children and their caregivers (from the very earliest days)
…children and their peers
…families with teachers, doctors, and other professionals
…friends or neighbours
Decision-makers and the communities they serve matter. And, of course, conversations in the public realm and media matter.
This National Child Protection Week everyone is invited to speak up – and speak together – about what needs to change for every child in every community to have a fair go.
This theme provides a platform to:
- engage in important conversations,
- promote the value of conversations, and
- equip us to have conversations that keep kids safe
Visit: ‘National Child Protection Week - Get Involved’ for more information
Balancing Screen Time for a Healthier Childhood
Balancing Screen Time for a Healthier Childhood
In an age where digital devices have become central to our daily lives, it's no surprise that our children are spending more time in front of screens. From online learning to entertainment, screens are everywhere, offering both opportunities and challenges. As parents, finding a healthy balance between screen time and other essential activities is more critical than ever.
Dr. Kristy Goodwin, a leading expert in digital wellbeing, recently addressed this pressing issue, urging both schools and parents to be mindful of how much time children spend on digital devices. Rather than resorting to strict bans, Dr. Goodwin advocates for a more measured approach—one that acknowledges the benefits of technology while also recognising the potential risks of overuse.
During her talk, Dr. Goodwin highlighted some startling statistics about our relationship with digital devices. On average, one-eighth of our lives is spent connected to the digital world. She suggested that if current trends continue, individuals may spend up to 17 years of their lives on mobile phones alone. Even more concerning is the fact that 75% of students nationwide admit to being addicted to their phones.
The increasing digitization of childhood has led to significant changes in how children spend their free time. Many now opt for screens instead of traditional outdoor activities like playing outside. While digital devices offer numerous advantages, they also pose challenges to both mental and physical health. Studies have shown that excessive screen time can lead to decreased attention spans, cognitive difficulties, disrupted sleep, behavioural issues, and overall declines in wellbeing. Dr. Goodwin emphasises that children's fundamental developmental needs—including relationships, language, sleep, play, movement, nutrition, and executive function—are being compromised by too much screen time, with sleep and movement being the most affected.
Guiding Your Child's Digital Journey
To help children maintain a healthy balance between screen time and other vital activities, it's essential for parents to set clear and consistent boundaries. Limiting screen time, even when it's met with resistance, is vital for their overall health.
Dr. Goodwin encourages parents to take an active role in managing their children's screen time, particularly when it comes to smartphone use. With the average age of exposure to explicit content now as low as eight years old, it's more important than ever for parents to establish and enforce strong boundaries around digital media.
Daily Screen Time Guidelines
For children aged 5-12, Dr. Goodwin offers the following recommendations to promote digital wellbeing:
- Sleep: Ensure your child gets 9-10 hours of quality sleep each night.
- Screen Time: Limit screen time to a maximum of two hours per day, including all forms of digital media.
- Physical Activity: Encourage at least one hour of exercise daily.
She also recommends no screens for at least 60 minutes before bedtime—to ensure better sleep.
Creating a balanced approach to screen time is about more than just limiting device use; it's about fostering a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle for your children. By setting clear boundaries, modelling good digital behaviour, and encouraging activities that promote wellbeing, you can guide your child toward a more balanced relationship with technology. Together, we can support our children in navigating the digital world in a way that enhances their lives rather than detracts from them.
At St Mary’s we are conscious of using technology as a tool to enhance and support learning, to develop skills that are necessary to help navigate technology and to develop a healthy relationship with the digital world.
Tuckshop Roster Term 3
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form.
Years 3 & 4 Fundraising Raffle- load of wood
On Friday 13 September, the parents of years 3 & 4 will be sitting outside IGA between 8am and 4pm selling tickets in their wood raffle.
Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. Tickets can be purchased on the day at IGA.
There are ticket books in the school office if you would like to purchase beforehand.
If there are any helpers, please contact Reané Strode.
Weeks 7 Awards -
Awards will be presented at the assembly on Friday 13 September, 9:05am.
Kindy- Lexi Handley
Year 1- Chelsea Moorby, Troy Pulis
Year 2- Khloe, Thaddaues Camilleri, Jack McCulloch, Tilda McIntosh
Year 3- Riley Plumb, Elizabeth Walsh
Year 4- Rory Bensley, Donovan Francis, Isobel Tran
Year 5- Logan Anderson, Jacob Hogan, Flynn Reeves
Year 6- Lily Coggan, Chase Lucock, Thomas Walsh
Japanese Award- Kindy
Uniform Appreciation Awards:
Congratulations to the following students for wearing their St Mary's uniform correctly and with pride:
Vincent Moloney, Georgia Proudman, Jobe Seaman
Library News with Mrs. Dorothea Hewitt
The event will be launched with a panel discussion featuring some of Australia’s best-known and popular authors on Friday 13th at 6:00 pm. There is a charge of @20 for canapes and audience Q&A.
Bookings are essential via: or phone 48234999.
On Saturday there will be a variety of adult and children’s authors sessions.
Popular children’s authors Mem Fox and Daniell McDonald with be presenting. The cost is $5:00 and bookings are also essential.
For all the information go to:
Enviro Mentors incursion for Years 3 & 4
Years 3 and 4 were treated to a sustainability presentation on worm farms delivered by Catherine from Enviro Mentors.
Catherine spoke about the importance of composting to avoid landfills and maintaining a clean environment by avoiding pollution and limiting greenhouse gases.
Students learnt about the five types of foods that begin with the letter S that should not be put in our worm farms
- Salty
- Stinky
- Sour
- Sweet
- Spicy
Students participated in a quiz where they passed with flying colours as they all showed respect by listening well to the engaging presentation.
Students viewed a two-tier worm farm which was home to 1000 worms.
Some students opted for a close-up view of the worms rather than holding them.
Fun Worm Facts:
- Worms have five hearts
- They live from 4-8 years
- Worms don’t like the cold or light
- They do not have teeth which is why they need softer food
We are looking forward to embedding sustainable values in students and throughout our school in the near future.

Yr 6 Fundraisers- Grand in the Hand! and Special Lunch Order Day
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Heather works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Berry Interschool Equestrian Competition 5-7 October
For those who are interested in competing for St Mary's at the Berry Interschool Equestrian Competition, we have a small team heading down. For more info please see Catherine Culley or click on this link: Berry Interschool
Invitation to "A Bluey Perspective"
A free family event with ‘Bluey’ creator Joe Brumm will be held at Merici College on Wednesday 11 September. Presented by Catholic School Parents Canberra and Goulburn with the support of Catholic Education Canberra and Goulburn, the event aims to bring families from across the Archdiocese together, to listen to Joe talk about why he thinks Bluey has been such a success and the important role parents play in their child’s learning and development.
Please use the below digital or print flyer to promote the upcoming event to your school communities, and share the posts from CSPACG’s Facebook page.
There is an option for live streaming for parents and carers who are unable to attend in person.
Register here: