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Week 5 | TERM THREE |
Thursday 22 Aug |
Kindergarten class liturgy 10.30am in the Church Last day of Book Fair- 8am to 4pm |
Friday 23 Aug |
Tuckshop- Ally, Amy, Georgia Northern Region public speaking competition held at St Mary's. |
Week 6 | |
Monday 26 Aug |
Tuckshop- Elise and Tash Counsellor visit (changed for this week only) |
Tuesday 27 Aug |
CECG Athletics- good luck! |
Wednesday 28 Aug |
Years 3 & 4 Excursion to Canberra |
Thursday 29 Aug |
Father's Day Stall Mrs S Croker at Northern Region Principal's meeting |
Friday 30 Aug |
School Explorer's Sessions 2- "Say It" 9.30am-11.00am Tuckshop- Matt, Nicole, Kimberley Mrs S Croker at Northern Region Principal's meeting |
Week 7 | |
Monday 2 Sept |
Tuckshop- Casey, Tahnee |
Thursday 5 Sept |
Year 6 Class Liturgy |
Friday 6 Sept |
St Mary's Feast Day Tuckshop- Tennille, Libbie, Elizabeth |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Book Week
Our Teacher/Librarian, Mrs Hewitt, has organised and coordinated another successful Book Week for St Mary's. The Scholastic Book Fair was very well supported by families and students purchasing books to feed their reading appetites. Every class had webinars with authors and illustrators to attend every day as well as a daily quiz based on lots of books and characters they know.
On Wednesday we focused on the Australian Mem Fox classic, "POSSUM MAGIC". Every class read the book and completed activities based on the story. Year Six added to the day by hosting an Afternoon Tea with snacks found in the book. We had Lamingtons from Hobart, Anzac Biscuits from Adelaide, Pavlova in Perth, Vegemite sandwiches from North Australia and Chocolate Crackles from Crookwell !!

As part of Book Week, we had Mrs Barbara Doyle attend our Assembly on Wednesday. Mrs Doyle is a member of the Crookwell Evening VIEW club and she presented a prize and book voucher to Year Three student, Henry Butler for being a 'switched-on reader'. This award is part of the 'Learning for Life' program. Henry was chosen by staff as he has shown that he is a 'switched-on reader' who has made commendable and considerable progress in his reading this year.
Northern Region Public Speaking Competition
Congratulations to our NR representatives. They have been chosen to represent us at the Northern Region Competition tomorrow, Friday 23 August.
Year 3 - JACK STRODE & BRIDIE McCORMACK - If Kids Ruled the World - 2 mins
Year 4 - HARRY FROST & JOE McCORMACK - Australian Stories- 2 mins
Year 5 - GRACE McCORMACK & RUBY PAPPALARDO - Learning from the Past - 3 mins
The day begins with a morning tea hosted by the P&F at 9:30am with speeches beginning at 10:00am. Speakers are required to be present in their Winter uniform and may then change into Sport if they wish.
We wish them all the best of luck and are very proud of their efforts and success.
Picker Baby News
We offer our heartfelt Congratulations to Mrs Picker on the arrival of her beautiful baby boy. Ashlee, Ben, Claire and Issy welcomed Jack Jacob Picker on 10 August. We are eagerly awaiting a visit and a cuddle!!
Lunchtime Clubs
This Term we have begun with a new Lunchtime Club roster. We are blessed with a combination of willing Staff and Year 6 leaders who are generously giving their time to coordinate and run these special interest clubs for our students.
On offer is Cooking Club, Crochet Club, Origami Club, Indigenous Art Club, Board games/Chess Club and Sport Club.

George the Farmer
During the winter holidays Year One student, Camac Wilson and his family entered a competition to win a complete set of "George the Farmer " books. They won and have generously donated the set to St Mary's for our students to enjoy.
Thank you Wilson family !!!
RDA - Mounted Games
NSWPSSA Boys Netball Report
Last week I went to Penrith Regional Netball Centre to play for the Western Plains Boys Netball Team. We all played very well and we got 2 wins,1 against North Coast and the other against Southern Inland. There were really tall and fit people there. Our hardest game was against Mid North Coast. After all the games they announced "possible" and "probables" which 2 players from our team made it to, Billie and Beau. Unfortunately, they both didn’t make the NSW team. There were 12 boys that got selected. I scored around 15 as a GS. We had an Aussie Kelpies player who was our manager from Hornsby and our coach was from Dubbo. Overall, I really enjoyed my experience over there and will definitely trial again next year. Harley Year 5
Tell Them From Me
The 'Partners in Learning' Parent Survey is based on a comprehensive questionnaire covering several aspects of parents' perceptions of their children's experiences at home and school. It is based primarily on Joyce Epstein's framework for fostering positive school and community relations. Successful schools foster greater communication with parents, encourage parental involvement in their child's
schoolwork, and enlist parents to volunteer at the school and participate in school governance. The survey also provides feedback to schools about how parents feel the school supports learning and positive behaviour and promotes a safe and inclusive environment.
The survey includes seven separate measures, scored on a ten-point scale. A score of 0 indicates strong disagreement; 10 indicates strong agreement; 5 is a neutral position (neither agree nor disagree).
The data gathered from this survey helps us form our Annual Improvement and Strategic Plans. Of course, we welcome a conversation at any point in time about concerns so that we can address these immediately.
The data is also provided to the Catholic Education Office, and we would love them to hear about the wonderful things happening at St Mary's. Hence, we encourage all parents and carers to participate. The more responses we receive, the more accurate our data is.
The survey closes tomorrow, 23 August.
Important dates to note:
Fri 23 Aug - Northern Region Public Speaking
Fri 23 Aug - CWA Projects due
Tues 26 Aug - CECG Athletics at the AIS
Wed 28 Aug - Stage Two Canberra Excursion
Fri 6 Sep - St Mary's Feast Day
Wed 11 Sep - Whole school visit to GPAC for ARC experience
Fri 13 Sep - Yrs 3-6 at CHS Careers Day Expo
Fri 27 Sep - Kinder/Year One Showcase assembly
The School Explorers - School Readiness Program
Is your little one starting school in 2025? Help them embark on an exciting educational adventure with "The School Explorers". Our next session will be with Kindergarten on Friday, 30th August.
All preschool-aged children are invited to attend regardless of school choice. Come along to all or as many sessions as suits you. Parents are welcome to stay for the session, leave your child in our capable hands, or a combination of both.
To register or for more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with Belinda on 48321 592. We can't wait to welcome your child to St Mary's!
Book Week
Thank you to our families who supported our Book Week Fair this week.
Congratulations to our Literature Quiz winners:
K: Elyssia Camilleri
Yr. 1: Camac Wilson
Yr. 2: Tommy Culley, Thaddaeus Camilleri, Hugo Montgomery, Pepper Reeves
Yr. 3: Riley Plumb
Yr. 4: Connor Plumb
Yr. 5: Grace McCormack
Yr. 6: Sophie Kilborn
The Colouring competition winners were:
K: Arlo Allport
Yr. 1: Camac Wilson
Yr.2: Adeline Millett, Archer Moloney
Yr. 3: Digby Price
Yr. 4: Isobel Tran
Yr. 5: Owen Moorby
Yr. 6: Leo Knight
Have you returned your Family Emoji Book Title Quiz?? If not, please return to the School Office when completed. Thank you to all who have supported this. Certificates will be handed out at our awards assembly next Friday.
MS Readathon
For those interested, why not register for the MS Readathon for the month of August?
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Archdiocesan Athletics
Next Tuesday 27 August, we will have 8 students head to the AIS in Canberra to compete at the Archdiocesan Athletics carnival.
Best of luck to Elizabeth Walsh, Riley O'Brien, Flynn Pascoe, Flynn Storrier, Ollie Croker, Rory Bensley, Macie-Lee Charnock and Sophie Culley!
Tuckshop Roster Term 3
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form.
Weeks 5 Awards -
Awards will be presented at the assembly on Friday 30 July, 9:05am.
Kindy- Liam Hunter
Year 1- Olivia Doran
Year 2- Jack Lowe, Hugo Montgomery, Adrian, Pepper Reeves,
Year 3- Denzil Hills, Henry Lowe
Year 4- Jesse Costello, Beau Knight, Joe McCormack,
Year 5- Quade Haynes, Imogen Hewitt, A'dee Reynolds
Year 6- Charlie Bensley, Sophie Culley, Maddie Strode, Lucas Plumb
Japanese Award- Year 3 and Year 6
Uniform Appreciation Awards:
Congratulations to the following students for wearing their St Mary's uniform correctly and with pride:
Leo Knight, Anna O'Brien, Piper Ragen, Isabel Tran, Nicholas Wye,
Yr 6 Fundraisers- Grand in the Hand! and Special Lunch Order Day
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Heather works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Kids Cross Fit
(From the Rising Sun Health facebook page)
"Rising Sun Health is so proud of our junior athletes who are currently competing in the @jnrpremierleague.
The kids have been training super hard and turning up every week consistently and it is showing on the leaderboard. Well done kids, keep up the great work."
Well done to Tommy Picker, Spencer Charnock, Ivy Hewitt, Pepper Reeves, Gabriella McDonald and Macie-Lee Charnock who are currently sitting in the top 4 positions for their age groups in the competition.
Berry Interschool Equestrian Competition 5-7 October
For those who are interested in competing for St Mary's at the Berry Interschool Equestrian Competition, we have a small team heading down. For more info please see Catherine Culley or click on this link: Berry Interschool
Invitation to "A Bluey Perspective"
A free family event with ‘Bluey’ creator Joe Brumm will be held at Merici College on Wednesday 11 September. Presented by Catholic School Parents Canberra and Goulburn with the support of Catholic Education Canberra and Goulburn, the event aims to bring families from across the Archdiocese together, to listen to Joe talk about why he thinks Bluey has been such a success and the important role parents play in their child’s learning and development.
Please use the below digital or print flyer to promote the upcoming event to your school communities, and share the posts from CSPACG’s Facebook page.
There is an option for live streaming for parents and carers who are unable to attend in person.
Register here:
For Sale- Trinity Catholic College Blazers
4 x Male Blazers
1 x Female Blazer
Used, but still good condition. Have been well cared for and stored.
Various sizes - unable to specify sizing due to there being no intact tags on the blazers.
$80 each!
Please contact Rechell Naughton - 0448564764