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Week 3 | TERM THREE |
Friday 9 Aug |
Tuckshop- Pip, Eleanor, Cathy Responsible Pet Program Visit- K,1,2 |
Week 4 | |
Monday 12 Aug |
Tuckshop- Tahnee, Catherine, Stacey School Public Speaking Competition 9.45am |
Tuesday 13 Aug |
"My Body, My Life" Yrs 5 and 6 Community Council meeting, 6pm in the staffroom |
Wednesday 14 Aug |
School Photos |
Thursday 15 Aug |
Assumption of Mary mass |
Friday 16 Aug |
Tuckshop- Reané, Maureen, Jackie School Explorers session 1- 9.30am in the library. |
Week 5 | |
Monday 19 Aug |
Tuckshop- Carina, Lana, Casey |
Tuesday 20 Aug |
Book Week begins P&F Working Group meeting,7pm in the staffroom |
Wednesday 21 Aug |
Possum Magic Trip Around Australia Afternoon Tea- items $0.50 |
Thursday 22 Aug |
Kindergarten class liturgy 10.45am |
Friday 23 Aug |
Tuckshop- Ally, Amy, Georgia Northern Region public speaking competition held at St Mary's. |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Public Speaking Competition
Congratulations to all the students from Years 3- 6 who have presented their speeches to their class this week. I have heard reports of confident and clever content that has been delivered to a high standard.
On Monday 12 August at 9:45am parents and carers are welcome to join us as the successful speakers present their speeches to the school. From this event, two students per class will be chosen to represent us at the Northern Region Competition on Friday 23 August.
The speech topics are as follows:
Year 3 - If kids ruled the world - 2 minutes
Year 4 - Australian stories- 2 minutes
Year 5 - Learning from the past - 3 minutes
Year 6 - Our voices- 3 minutes
Mackillop Golf
Congratulations to Ollie, Henry, Jaydan, Jesse, Rorey and Cooper who competed at the NSWCPS Golf Tournament this week in Blackheath. They all represented our school and our Canberra/Goulburn Diocese with pride and are to be commended on their sportsmanship and commitment to their sport.
A team of 12 students were selected in the MacKillop Golf Team to compete at the NSWPSSA Championships in the Hunter Valley from Tuesday 17 - Thursday 19 September. They have a strong team and are looking forward to a great few days of golf and camaraderie.
2024 MacKillop Golf Team:
Jaydan Costello - St Mary's, Crookwell
Police and Community Engagement
Local Police Officers, Sergeant Kissell and Sergeant Lincoln along with Sergeant Fitzgerald from Goulburn PCYC joined us last Friday for a BBQ lunch. They cooked and served sausage sandwiches to lots of hungry students. The Officers then joined the students for games of soccer and league tag. As part of the Hume Police District's Community Engagement Program, officers are attending local schools to speak and answer questions and talk about policing in the local area.
We enjoyed our visit a lot and look forward to it happening again.

My Body, My Life - Years 5/6
On Tuesday 13th August 2024, the Archdiocesan Healthy Relationships Team will be working with the Year 5 and 6 students from St Mary’s Primary School to run the
My Body, My Life puberty and personal development program.
As a Catholic school, St Mary’s Primary School is keen to ensure that parents and carers are fully engaged in this very important aspect of their child’s development. Research also shows that despite any awkwardness you and your child might feel, children prefer to hear this information first from their own parents or carers.
To that end, the Archdiocese has created 60 minutes of online video content and a few activities for you to access at home with your child. You can watch all 6 short videos in one sitting or over a few nights, whichever works best for your family.
Please take the time between now and Tuesday 13th August, to watch the online units that were emailed to you in Week One.
The topics covered in the videos include:
- Changes during puberty: physical, emotional, social
- Personal hygiene: skin, hair, cleanliness
- Reproductive systems: growth, development, changes and experiences
- Human conception
- Mood changes, mental health and wellbeing
- Respecting yourself and others
- Talking to trusted adults
In the classroom follow-up, presenters will recap information from the videos, then move on to a few activities on self-image, respect for others, healthy friendships & dealing with peer pressure.
Please note the Archdiocese has also created a ‘For the Parents’ page with videos and resources on how to talk to your child about online dangers (content and interactions). This page is permanently available at:
Tell Them From Me
The 'Partners in Learning' Parent Survey is based on a comprehensive questionnaire covering several aspects of parents' perceptions of their children's experiences at home and school. It is based primarily on Joyce Epstein's framework for fostering positive school and community relations. Successful schools foster greater communication with parents, encourage parental involvement in their child's
schoolwork, and enlist parents to volunteer at the school and participate in school governance. The survey also provides feedback to schools about how parents feel the school supports learning and positive behaviour and promotes a safe and inclusive environment.
The survey includes seven separate measures, scored on a ten-point scale. A score of 0 indicates strong disagreement; 10 indicates strong agreement; 5 is a neutral position (neither agree nor disagree).
The data gathered from this survey helps us form our Annual Improvement and Strategic Plans. Of course, we welcome a conversation at any point in time about concerns so that we can address these immediately.
The data is also provided to the Catholic Education Office, and we would love them to hear about the wonderful things happening at St Mary's. Hence, we encourage all parents and carers to participate. The more responses we receive, the more accurate our data is.
A link to the survey will be emailed to you this afternoon. The survey closes on 23 August.
NSW PSSA Boys Netball
Next week, Year Five student, Harley White will participate as a member of the Western Plains team and compete at the PSSA Netball Comp in Cambridge Park.
Thank You
A big thank you to Sabey and Sidney Bush, with their family, for the kind donation of a new special Olympic and Australian flag.
Important dates to note:
Mon 12 Aug - School Public Speaking 9:45am
Tues 13 Aug - School Community Council Mtg 6pm
Wed 14 Aug - School Photos
Tues 20 Aug - P&F Working Party Mtg 7pm
Tues 20-Thurs 22 Aug - Book Fair (coinciding with Book Week 2024). Yr 6 will host an afternoon tea on Wednesday 21 in the Possum Magic theme
Fri 23 Aug - Northern Region Public Speaking
Fri 23 Aug - CWA Projects due
Tues 26 Aug - CECG Athletics at the AIS
Wed 28 Aug - Stage Two Canberra Excursion
Fri 6 Sep - St Mary's Feast Day
Wed 11 Sep - Whole school visit to GPAC for ARC experience
Fri 13 Sep - Yrs 3-6 at CHS Careers Day Expo
Fri 27 Sep - Kinder/Year One Showcase assembly
The School Explorers - School Readiness Program
Is your little one starting school in 2025? Help them embark on an exciting educational adventure with "The School Explorers" commencing this term on Friday, 16th August.
"The School Explorers" is a comprehensive school readiness program designed to familiarise children commencing school in 2025 with our caring staff, friendly students, state-of-the-art facilities, and the exciting world of the NSW curriculum key learning areas. This program aims to make the transition to primary school smooth, enjoyable, and filled with confidence!
All preschool-aged children are invited to attend regardless of school choice. Come along to all or as many sessions as suits you. Parents are welcome to stay for the session, leave your child in our capable hands, or a combination of both.
To register or for more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with Belinda on 48321 592. We can't wait to welcome your child to St Mary's!
School Photo Ordering - PHOTO DAY IS NEXT WEEK
School Photography Date: 14/08/2024
Dear Parents,
School photography day is coming up soon. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link below or by returning the order envelope with your payment to our photographer on school photo day.
Two easy ways to purchase:
- Visa, MasterCard or PayPal
- Cash – complete the envelope that will be supplied and return it to our photographer on photo day
Or visit:
And enter online order code: AN3 WE9 3JZ
School photography information:
- Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school
- Sibling Photos - Don’t forget to pre-order your sibling photos online up to 24 hours before photo day. We provide your school with a list of sibling orders right up to the day of photography, so no one misses out. If you miss the online order deadline, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope first thing in the morning of the day of photography, so your school is aware you want the photo taken and can bring your children together in time for it. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at your school. Please note not all schools offer sibling photos
- Late fees - a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately
- Package delivery - School photographs will be returned approximately 6 weeks after the day of photography. Please note this delivery timeframe is dependent on proofing and additional photography days at your school.
- Previous Years’ photos - Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the “previous years or group photo” tabs at your school’s advancedorder site when you click on the “Order School Photos Here” button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9 digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past
advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to St Mary's Primary School for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at:
Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop- Feast Day- August 8
We continue to focus on our school value of COMPASSION and what better role model do we have than our first Australian Saint, St Mary of the Cross, whose feast day we celebrate today. Mary answered God’s call and clothed herself with the qualities of Jesus.
Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other … Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. (Colossians 3:12-14)
St Mary Mackillop’s daily life reflected compassion for others. She lived by her mottos:
“To live simply, travel lightly and make room for all”
“Never see a need without doing something about it”
Mary’s compassionate way of life inspired others to follow in her footsteps. These women became known as the 'Sisters of St Joseph’. Today they can be found making a difference all over the world carrying on Jesus’ mission of reaching out to the poor and needy with love, compassion and faith.
All Christians are called to try to be saintly in their daily lives; to live lives according to God’s commandments to love God and one another. What a beautiful world it would be if everyone was inspired to follow Mary Mackillop’s example by ‘making room for all’ and ‘never see a need without doing something about it.
God, help us to look with 'soft eyes' as Mary MacKillop did,
Upon all who are a part of our days
Allow us to break through the barrier
Of our scrutinising views.
Transform our inner landscape into a peaceful place of acceptance.
Pull back our projections and criticisms.
Replace our mean measurements and our biased expectations
With an openness that allows others to be.
Term 3 Student Representative Council
We warmly welcome our Term 3 SRC leaders. Our elected students will work alongside our school Executive team to develop projects to assist those in need. Mission month, ‘Socktober’ will be a key focus for the SRC.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
MacKillop Golf Trials
On Monday of this week Jaydan, Ollie, Henry, Rory, Jesse and Cooper travelled to Blackheath to compete at the MacKillop golf trials. The boys played a very hilly 18-hole course in great golf weather conditions. The competition was very tough and of a standard higher than previous years. Big congratulations to Jaydan and Henry who have been selected as part of the MacKillop golf team. The boys will now travel to the Hunter Valley to compete at the NSWPSSA Golf Championships.
Extra special mention goes to Jayden Costello, who finished 2nd overall on the day, and took out the MacKillop Medal on the day for being the best performing MacKillop golfer!
Book Week
St Mary’s will be celebrating Book Week in Week 5, from August 19th to 23rd. This year's theme is "Reading is Magic." Throughout the week, children will participate in various learning activities to celebrate. Webinars featuring well-known authors and illustrators are planned for all classes.
** Please note, we are not holding a parade or dress-up this year **
Families will receive an Emoji Quiz to solve, based on the 2024 Children’s Book Council Short List.
A Scholastic Book Fair in the library will be available from Tuesday, August 20th to Thursday, August 22nd, offering a wide range of affordable books. You and your child can explore the selection, and the school will receive a commission from all sales, benefiting our library resources. Eftpos facilities will be available.
In keeping with the theme, on Wednesday, August 21st, all classes will read "Possum Magic" and complete age-appropriate tasks. There will also be a special recess themed around the book.
MS Readathon
For those interested, why not register for the MS Readathon for the month of August?
Weeks 3 Awards -
Awards will be presented at the assembly on Friday 16 July, 9:05am.
Kindy- Ava Lowe
Year 1- Paddy Proudman, Isaac Skinner
Year 2- Mason Allport, Bailey Reeves, Hadléy Reynolds
Year 3- Digby Price
Year 4- Flynn Doran, Harry Frost, Flynn Storrier
Year 5- Grace McCormack, Harper Seaman
Year 6- Alice Frost, Sophie Kilborn, Tahlia Naughton, William Waldron
Japanese Award- Year 4
P&F Working Group Meeting
The Working Group meeting has been moved to Tuesday 20 August, at 7pm in the staffroom.
Tuckshop Roster Term 3
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Heather works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Invitation to "A Bluey Perspective"
A free family event with ‘Bluey’ creator Joe Brumm will be held at Merici College on Wednesday 11 September. Presented by Catholic School Parents Canberra and Goulburn with the support of Catholic Education Canberra and Goulburn, the event aims to bring families from across the Archdiocese together, to listen to Joe talk about why he thinks Bluey has been such a success and the important role parents play in their child’s learning and development.
Please use the below digital or print flyer to promote the upcoming event to your school communities, and share the posts from CSPACG’s Facebook page.
There is an option for live streaming for parents and carers who are unable to attend in person.
Register here:
Crookwell Library Science Week
For Sale- Trinity Catholic College Blazers
4 x Male Blazers
1 x Female Blazer
Used, but still good condition. Have been well cared for and stored.
Various sizes - unable to specify sizing due to there being no intact tags on the blazers.
$80 each!
Please contact Rechell Naughton - 0448564764