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- Calendar
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- School Photo Ordering
- Yr 6 Special Lunch Order Day
- School Sport with Mr Edwards
- Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- School Awards
- Wool Week Excursion
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Week 7 | |
Friday 14 June |
School Athletics Carnival Todkill Park |
Week 8 | |
Monday 17 June |
Tuckshop- Tennille, Jane, Naydeen PP Meetings |
Wednesday 19 June |
Counsellor visit Indigenous Workshops K-6 Art Day - Yr 4 PP Meetings |
Thursday 20 June |
Whole School Mass at 9.30am in the Church |
Friday 21 June |
Kinder & Yr. 1 Excursion to GPAC Northern Region Athletics Carnival- Goulburn Tuckshop- Bec, Jenny, Cathy |
Week 9 | |
Monday 24 June |
Tuckshop- Tahnee, Jemma, Matt |
Wednesday 26 June |
Counsellor visit Netball Cup- Goulburn |
Thursday 27 June |
Mini Vinnies Crazy Hair Day Year 5 Class Prayer 10.45 |
Friday 28 June |
Year 2 Excursion to Canberra Tuckshop- Eleanor, Kimberley, Nicole |
Week 10 | |
Monday 1 July |
Year 6 Special Lunch Order Day |
Wednesday 3 July |
Counsellor visit |
Friday 5 July |
LAST DAY OF TERM 2 Yr 2 & 3 Showcase of Learning 12.30pm Tuckshop- Ally, Reané, Jodie |
Week 1 Term 3 |
Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 July |
Staff PD |
Wednesday 24 July |
Thursday 25 July |
Counsellor visit- welcome back Maddy |
Friday 26 July |
NAIDOC Mass Goulburn for Yrs 5 and 6 |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Change of Arrangement
Please notify our Office Manager Belinda via a phone call, email or note if there are any changes in routine, such as how your child is travelling home, day-time appointments, etc. This information will be passed on to your child’s teacher and placed in the 'Bus Book'. This notification can also occur via the Compass parent portal.
Crossing/Parking/Drop-off and Pick-up
Unfortunately, we regularly see a misuse of the DROP OFF Zone. It is a zone that is regulated by law and also one that involves courtesy to all other users. Drivers must not leave the vehicle and are only permitted to pull in to drop and pick up. It is not a PARKING ZONE.
Please help us keep our students safe with your diligence to road rules and safe use of the pedestrian crossing. You will notice signs to assist you with the drop-off and pick-up regulations as directed by NSW Government. Please note the PDF attached for clarification of the driver obligations.
THINKUKNOW - Police Youth Command Visit
Snr Constable Joe Fitzgerald and his partner Matt from Goulburn Youth Command presented an informative educational talk and slideshow on keeping ourselves safe while online. Examples were shared of times when students were talking to people they didn't even know. Year 5 and Year 6 were shown examples of how they may communicate information about their location without even realising. Joe and Matt explained that writing hurtful comments about other people leaves a digital footprint and the police are able to locate these comments even after they have been deleted. The students asked very interesting questions and particularly enjoyed Mr Edwards being handcuffed!
-Supervision is essential-
This means knowing what your children are doing online, who they are
interacting with and what platforms, apps or games they are using.
- Have open conversations, often-
The most important tip we can give any parent or carer is to start
talking to your child about their online activities. According to research
commissioned by the ACCCE, only 52 per cent of parents or carers talk
to their children about online safety.
-Check privacy settings-
We recommend parents and carers research and understand app
settings, including privacy settings. This could include turning off location
settings, setting profiles to private, or turning off chat functions.
-Be approachable if your child needs help-
Coming forward isn’t always easy, and children may feel reluctant to tell
you about online issues if they believe they will be punished or have their
devices taken away.
-Know how to report-
If something goes wrong online, it is critical your child is supported.
Parents and carers need to know how to take action
This Term Year Two students, Khloe and Adrian, have joined up with Riding for the Disabled in Goulburn. They attend every second Tuesday and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of bonding with a horse and learning how to communicate and cooperate with the animals and the support team leading them. We are so grateful for this relationship and the opportunities it affords our students
Athletics Carnival
Our carnival will be going ahead tomorrow at Todkill Park. Previous arrangements will be in place for buses to deliver students straight to the venue. Canteen and Coffee facilities will be available. Thanks to our parent volunteers who are still able to assist tomorrow. As we now have a new digital recording system we will be prepared to announce our Age Champions and House winner at the conclusion of our Carnival tomorrow afternoon.
Rug Up !!
Thank A First Responder Day
My thanks to the SRC who organised and ran a very successful mufti day yesterday. It's always important for us as a community to recognise and show our appreciation for those who are there in our times of greatest need. There were many wonderful First Responders roaming our playground and classrooms!!! Delivery of THANK YOU messages was made by two members of our Term Two SRC. Thank you Mrs R Croker for your support.

Working Bee
At our last P&F Working Party meeting, we discussed the need for some major garden maintenance work to be carried out. It was decided that we would propose a Working Bee for Sunday 23 June. The majority of work to be done involves hedging, trimming trees, removing trees and disposing of garden waste.
Many hands and tools are required for this job and we would appreciate any time you may be able to offer on the day. We also understand life is busy for everyone so if there is another time that suits you, please make contact with me and we can discuss some jobs that are required.
If you can help, please use this link:Working Bee participation request
Enrolling now for 2025 with a closing date of July 31.
Do you know someone interested in enrolling at St Mary's? Please direct them to our updated website for links that will allow them to access all the information they need.
The School Explorers Program
School Athletics Carnival
Please find below an approximate timetable for our athletics carnival tomorrow.
NSW Goulburn Schools Netball Cup
Students in Years 3-6 have been invited to participate in the NSW Goulburn Schools Netball Cup, with a Year 3/4 mixed non-competitive team and a Year 5/6 mixed competitive team entered.
Please respond on Compass with your child's intentions of participating or not.
Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Sacrament of the Eucharist
Congratulations to our Year 4 candidates who recently received the Sacrament of the Eucharist. There were beautiful services held in Taralga, Goulburn and Crookwell for our candidates and their families.
We hope that you will always know the peace of Jesus, the light of His love and the joy of His life within you.

Class Prayer Celebrations
This term we have been blessed with class prayer celebrations. Years 2, 4 and 3 have prepared beautiful celebrations to share with their parents and carers with themes of letting our light shine, looking on the bright side and loving one another.
More prayer celebrations to come next term.

Mini Vinnies Social Justice Crazy Hair Day
Mini Vinnies Social Justice at St Mary’s
‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.’
However, not everyone in the world is as fortunate as us and many people struggle to survive from day to day, while we live in comfort, with three meals a day and a bed to sleep in each night. It can be easy to remain unaware of actual people who are experiencing an injustice like homelessness.
The St Vincent de Paul Society is very active in social justice advocacy. They not only support people who are experiencing hardship but also work to eliminate the problem. They attempt to do this by researching the problems to learn more about them and educating the wider community.
As a way of making a donation to the Vinnies Winter Appeal, the SRC has organised a Crazy Hair Day on Thursday 27th June. Students will come along with a crazy hairstyle, wearing school uniform and a gold coin donation.
Whole School Mass
We invite our St Mary’s community to join us for our whole school mass on Thursday 20th June at 9:30am. The mass will be held in the refurbished St Mary’s church.
Family Engagement in Faith- Term 2
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
NSWPSSA U12 Hockey Championships
5 hockey superstars recently spent a week at Newcastle participating in the NSWPSSA U12 Hockey Championships playing in the boy's MacKillop team.
Tommy Picker of Year 5 played goalkeeper and was outstanding, keeping a clean sheet for all round games and the semi-final. The highlight for Tommy was his fabulous save of a stroke in the grand final.
Sebastian Cummins of Year 6 played a defender and improved so much with each game. He was calm under pressure, strong in tackles and had a mean clearance out of defence.
Emmett McIntosh of Year 6 played a defender and was rock solid all week. His ability to evade players coming out of defence and hard work was him rewarded with the MacKillop Players Player award.
Ollie Croker of Year 6 was co-captain and the team's key striker. His ability to create havoc in the attacking half and score from multiple positions had him come away as the highest goal-scorer for the week.
Henry Galland of Year 6 was also co-captain and played our defensive midfield. Henry controlled our defence, set up our attack and ensured the team played with width and direction of play.
The MacKillop team was undefeated in the round games and beat Far North Coast in the semi-final. With a one-hour turnaround between the semi and the final, meant the MacKillop boys were running on very tired legs and bodies. However, this did not stop them working hard and coming away with a very narrow 2/1 loss in the final to Polding, in what is quite possibly one of the best finals games featured in the past few years. The boys were deservedly rewarded with a silver medal.
Huge congratulations to Henry and Ollie who were selected in the NSWPSSA team. They will now travel to Cairns in August to participate in the Australian All Schools U12 National Championships.
MacKillop Cross Country
A team of 5 runners travelled to the Sydney Equestrian Centre last week as part of the Canberra Goulburn Cross Country team.
It was perfect running conditions for our athletes, with the rain just holding off.
All of our runners gave it 100% and should be extremely proud of themselves, just as we are of them.
The results are as follows:
Will Waldron placed 8th in the 12/13 year boys.
Ollie Croker placed 23rd in the 12/13 year boys
Cooper Sims placed 30th in the 8/9 year boys
Imogen Hewitt placed 38th in the 11yr girls.
Henry Galland placed 43rd in the 12/13 year boys.
The CECG team won the bronze medal in both the 11 year girls and the 12/13 year boys.
MacKillop Soccer Trials
Congratulations to Eli Cooper and Chase Lucock who trialled for the MacKillop soccer team. Although the boys were not successful in gaining selection, they were able to develop their skills and come away with some new drills and techniques to share with their peers. We are proud of you boys.
NSWCPS Golf Tournament
Weeks 7 Awards -
Awards will be presented at the assembly on Friday 28 June
Kindy- Quinn Haynes
Year 1- Easton Gay, Camac Wilson
Year 2- Tommy Culley, Laela McIntosh
Year 3- Bridie McCormack, Cooper Sims, Jack Towell
Year 4- Donovan Francis, Luca Morning, Max Strode
Year 5- Logan Anderson, Grace McCormack, Harley White
Year 6- Ollie Croker, Charlotte Crosbie, Elsie McIntosh
Japanese Award- Year 4
Uniform Appreciation Awards
A big congratulations to the following students for wearing their St Mary's uniform correctly and with pride:
Edie Frost, Willow Hewitt, Max Strode, Jack Towell, Camac Wilson
Wool Week Excursion- Wednesday 3/6/24
On Wednesday at 9:30 we hopped on the bus and started our journey! After fifteen minutes which felt like fifteen hours, we finally got off the bus and went to this little white tent and started to learn about wool. Straight away they taught us about all these types of sheep and wool like Merino and crossbred sheep! It was cool, we learned about how sheep’s wool is greasy, soft and fluffy!
Recess time 11:15
At Lunch we got such a treat. There were brownies, fairy bread, chocolate and everything you could ever ask for. But anyway, after we were over dreamland we went to another little white tent.
We went to Crocheting next and we were making BFF bracelets out of wool. (We kept them to ourselves) I was struggling to make one. I was struggling so much that I made three loops. People wondered “How in the world did she make THREE loops?!” But after my monstrosity we had lunch.
Lunch 1:30
We had lamb buns.
After Recess 2:00
After some delicious recess, we stayed outside to look at a guy and his dog doing some herding and how it's better to use a whistle instead of your voice. I think it just scares them more because of how high and loud they are. But after we watched him do his herding, he brought out the cutest dogs and PUPPY ever! The puppy's name was Brownie and she/he was so adorable! PS: Very fluffy too, I kept wanting to hug it to heaven.
Shearing 2:30
After the cutest puppies in the world left we went to a shed and saw a man with a sheep called Sassy Susan. We watched him talk about the sheep for about let's say twenty minutes? After that, he shore the sheep and showed us that the belly was the greatest wool out of all the sheep's wool that they had on!! But then after that we had to go home on the dry, nice, warm bus and had a safe trip home.
The End :)
Report by Lily Coggan
Tuckshop Roster Term 2
If your allocated date does not suit you, please take it upon yourself to organise a swap or replacement and let Belinda know so we can update the roster.
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form.
Friday 14 June: Amy Craig, Libbie Storrier, Nikolina Marinovic
Monday 17 June: Tennille McIntosh, Jane Fraser, Naydeen Seaman
Friday 21 June: Bec Scott, Jenny Wye, Cathy Skinner
Monday 24 June: Tahnee Chapple, Jemma Reid, Matt Cummins
Friday 28 June: Eleanor Fraser, Kimberley McIntosh, Nicole Moloney
Friday 5 July- Last tuckshop Ally Hewitt, Reané Strode, Jodie Charnock
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Heather works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Wallabies Classic Tour at Pups Rugby Training - Tuesday 18 June
Crookwell Pups are being joined by 2 ex-Wallaby players and Rugby Australia and Brumbies staff on Tuesday 18th June at their training session at Crookwell Showground (at the cattle lawns). They have offered an invitation for any St Mary's students who would like to join them. The session is from 4:00-5:30pm.