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- Calendar
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- Mother's Day Stall- Wednesday 8 May
- Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Library News with Mrs Hewitt
- Year 6 Science - Special Guest Speaker
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Week 1 |
Friday 3 May |
Northern Region Cross Country at Braidwood No tuckshop |
Week 2 | |
Monday 6 May |
No tuckshop |
Wednesday 8 May |
Counsellor visit Eucharist Session #2 Mother's Day Stall |
Thursday 9 May |
Mother's Day Mass |
Friday 10 May |
No tuckshop |
Sunday 12 May |
Mother's Day |
Week 3 | |
Monday 13 May |
Tuckshop- Sarah and Kylie |
Wednesday 15 May |
Counsellor visit Eucharist Session # 3 Trinity Musical Dress Rehearsal - Yrs 5/6 School Registration/Compliance visit |
Thursday 16 May |
Gilbert/Croker League Legends Day |
Friday 17 May |
Tuckshop- Mary-Anne, Nicole, Kimberley CECG Cross Country at Mt Stromlo |
Week 4 | |
Monday 20 May |
Tuckshop- Tash, Stacey, Catherine F Mrs S Croker & Mrs. R Croker away |
Tuesday 21 May |
Mrs. S Croker & Mrs. R Croker away P&F Working Group Meeting in staffroom at 7.00pm |
Wednesday 22 May |
Counsellor visit Eucharist session #4 SES Shed visit for WOW Day - Yr 2 |
Thursday 23 May |
Yr 4 Class Liturgy 10:45am |
Friday 24 May |
Tuckshop- Pip, Bec, Maureen Mrs. S Croker at Siloam |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Welcome back!
Welcome back to Term 2! We hope this message finds you well and that you had a restful and enjoyable break.
We are excited to start this new term with our students and continue to provide a safe and engaging learning environment. Our dedicated teachers and staff are committed to supporting your child's growth and academic success.
We have planned various student activities and events this term, including excursions, guest speakers, and sporting events. We encourage you to stay up-to-date with our school newsletter and calendar so you know when these events are on.
St Mary's school newsletter will now be published every SECOND Thursday. We understand life is busy and we don't want to make lives busier. Important dates and upcoming events will be communicated via email and our social media sites on the off week. Please make it your job to stay informed of what is happening at your child's school.
We understand that some students struggle to transition back to school after a break. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, our Classroom Support Teacher Rachael Croker, or me.
We look forward to working with you this term to ensure your child has a successful and fulfilling experience.
Special Welcome
This week we welcomed Isobel and her family to the St Mary's school community. Isobel has begun to settle into Year 4 with Mrs White and her new friends. We wish the Tran family a happy and productive time with us.
Last term we trialled a different student award system based on accumulated points for each student. This term we are returning to our previous award system where each class will be nominating students for individual progress. Award Assemblies will be every second Friday beginning Week Two.
Term Two Lunchtime Clubs
This term we have some interesting choices for our students. They are planned and organised by Staff and Senior students.
Coding Club
Drama Club
Indigenous Art Club
Model Plane Club
Board Games Club
Curiosity Club
Origami Club
Compass App
A reminder that we are utilising the Compass App for communication, absence notifications as well as excursion and sporting consents. There is a link to the 'Change to Travel Arrangements' there as well.
Please note we are required to include a cut off time and date for our organisational purposes. Your cooperation with this will help us immensely.
If you are having any problems with the app, please see Belinda.
ANZAC Day 2024
Thank you and congratulations to all of our students who participated in the 2024 ANZAC Day Commemorative Services.
St Mary's had a large contingent at the Crookwell, Taralga, and Grabben Gullen services.
By marching and participating in the commemorative services, our students demonstrated a deep respect for the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women.
I want to thank all of you who participated, you have made our school and community proud, and we are grateful for your contributions.

Winter Uniform
As you are aware, this term the students are now required to wear their full winter uniform.
Some other reminders about our school uniform- hair accessories must be in the school colours only, earrings must be sleepers and studs, no nail polish is to be worn to school, and shoulder-length hair, or longer, must be tied back.
School Counsellor
We welcome Sharman as our new Counsellor. She will be coming to Crookwell weekly on Wednesdays.
Please complete the referral form if you are interested in your child accessing this valuable service.
School Fees
The term 2 school fees will be processed by CE this week and statements will be sent to your emails between 6 & 7 May.
Please note the due date for Term 2 fees is 24 May.
If you would like help to set-up a regular periodical payment via your bank account, please contact Belinda.
Enrolling now for 2025
The School Explorers Program
Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Our value focus for term two is Excellence. Jesus always strived for excellence. He always tried to do his best during his time on earth. Jesus modelled excellence by:
- Trying his best to love God
- Trying his best to be a good friend
- Trying his best to include everyone
- Trying his best to listen patiently to others
- Trying his best to teach people the right way to act
- Trying his best to share
- Trying his best to help the sick and needy
- Trying his best to stand up for what was right
- Trying his best to forgive those who hurt him
Help others to ‘do their Best’
One of the greatest responsibilities we have is to support ourselves and others in living at our highest and best just as Jesus Christ did. Whatever the relationship we have with others – parent, child, sibling, friend, in-law, boss, acquaintance - it is our responsibility to help others be the best they can.
How can we be EXCELLENT in our lives for Jesus?
- love God
- be a good friend
- include everyone
- listen
- teach people the right thing to do
- share
- help someone who is hurt or sick
- Help the poor
- stand up for what was right
- keep trying when it is hard
- forgive others
Sacrament Program
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
MacKillop Hockey Success
A big congratulations to our students Henry Galland, Seb Cummins, Emmett McIntosh, Ollie Croker and Tommy Picker who have gained selection into the Mackillop Boys Hockey team.
The boys will travel to Newcastle at the end of May and compete at the NSW PSSA State Hockey Championships over 4 days.
Well done boys, what a HUGE achievement!
Northern Region Cross Country
This Friday, 3rd May, we have a team of approximately 30 students who will travel to Braidwood and compete at the Northern Region Cross Country Carnival. Details are as follows:
Venue: Braidwood Showground - 2 km north of Braidwood on Kings Highway
Date: Friday 3rd May 2024
Time: 9:20am Team Manager meeting
9.30am Walk the course
9:50am Prayer and Announcements
10.00am First event
Cost: $7.50 via Compass
Program of Events- subject to change
Times are approximate
10:00am 9 years girls 2000m
10:20am 9 years boys 2000m
10:40am 10 years girls 2000m
11:00am 10 years boys 2000m
11:20am 11 years girls 3000m
11:45am 11 years boys 3000m
12:15pm 12/13 years girls 3000m
12:40pm 12/13 years boys 3000m
2000m = 2 laps
3000m = 3 laps
We will have a 1000m loop with competitors running the appropriate number of laps.
Uniform: Children compete in their school sport uniform.
NO MacKillop representative gear
Officials: Checkpoints will be manned by volunteers.
Canteen Facilities: Will be available. Menu/pricing to follow.
Archdiocesan Carnival: 6 competitors from each age group will progress to the Archdiocesan Carnival, which will be held at Stromlo Park, ACT on Friday 17th May 2024.
Please bring clothing appropriate to the weather forecast. The carnival will go ahead even if it is raining. It is suggested competitors bring extra shoes and socks as the Showground track may be wet if there is rain leading up to or on the day.
Please contact me if there are any queries or if your child IS NOT able to attend.
NSWCPS Rugby Girls
Term 2 Library Class Visits
Wednesday: Year 2, Year 4, Year 5.
Thursday: Kindergarten, Year 1, Year3, Year 6
Please ensure your child has a library bag to borrow.
Book Club
Scholastic Book Club will be distributed twice this term.
Issue Three is due next Thursday 9th May 2024.
Scholastic Book Club will need to be ordered online through LOOP.
We are unable to accept cash payments.
The web address is:
Please contact me if you experience any difficulties.
Year 6 Science - Special Guest Speaker
Throughout Term 1, Year 6 have been enthusiastically learning about the Living World. They started the term looking at living animals in their different environments and finished the term with a mini-unit called Living Off The Land.
As part of the unit, we looked at how people sustainably live off the land and focused particularly on our local district - exploring what food, fibre and energy we produce in this area and why. This created great cross-curriculum conversations among the students where we discussed local weather patterns, temperatures, rainfall, altitude and more. We realised that in Crookwell, we are not very well suited to growing Mangoes and Pineapples!
What we did learn was that the fibre of wool is produced in huge quantities in the Crookwell region and is actually one of the biggest wool-producing districts in Australia. We were very fortunate to have Kristen Frost, the NSW Industry Relations Officer for Australian Wool Innovation come in to educate the students about wool properties and wool production. Krisi guided the students through a range of information and came well prepared with pieces of fleece for students to touch and smell, different woollen fabrics with detailed information to demonstrate the range of production uses, as well as a range of everyday woollen items such as bedroom decorations, blankets, hats and clothes for students to wear and touch.
Students learnt much about the superior qualities of wool as a fibre produced off the land and the range of products it can be turned in to.
We are extremely grateful to Kristen Frost for giving up her time to provide the students with such a hands-on learning experience here at school.

Pie Drive
Don't forget our P&F Pie Drive!
Orders should be received back at school by 10 May with the money.
Tuckshop Roster Term 2
Please find attached the Tuckshop Roster for Term 2.
If your allocated date does not suit you, please take it upon yourself to organise a swap or replacement and let Belinda know so we can update the roster.
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Heather works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
2024 Sacraments
Please see Mrs Rachael Croker's section for information on the sacramental program for 2024.