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Week 11 | |
Thursday 11 April |
Hockey Trials |
Friday 12 April |
Last Day of Term |
Term 2 Week 1 |
Monday and Tuesday 29/30 April |
Staff PD days |
Wednesday 1 May |
Students return Eucharist enrolment |
Thursday 2 May |
Whole School Mass- Term 2 Welcome School Counsellor available- online referrals to be completed beforehand |
Friday 3 May |
Northern Region Cross Country at Braidwood No tuckshop |
Week 2 | |
Wednesday 8 May |
Counsellor visit Eucharist Session 2 |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
End of Term One
As we end the first term, I want to take a moment to thank each of our staff and students for the hard work you've put in over the past few months. I am so proud of all that we have accomplished together.
To our incredible staff, thank you for your dedication to our students. You have all worked tirelessly to deliver engaging and challenging lessons, and your efforts have not gone unnoticed. You have truly made a positive impact on the lives of our students.
To our amazing students, thank you for your enthusiasm and commitment to learning. You have continued to strive for excellence. Your hard work and positive attitudes are inspiring.
And to our supportive parents, thank you for your partnership and encouragement. Your involvement in your child's education has been invaluable and has contributed to their success.
I would like to wish you all a relaxing autumn break. Please enjoy each other's company and find time to do something that makes you happy !!!
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Edwards!
Our heartfelt congratulations to Mr James Edwards and his new wife, Harriette. By all accounts, it turned out to be a beautiful day in Robertson and James, Harriette and their family and friends enjoyed celebrating their nuptials. We wish them a lifetime of happiness and love.
Thanks to those families who have responded to the Compass request for names of marchers.
Please note the following times and venues for Thursday 25 April
Grabben Gullen
Students participating in the Grabben Gullen event are to assemble at 9:00am within the grounds of the Grabben Gullen Community Hall.
Students participating in the Crookwell events are asked to assemble for the March in the RSL car park from 10.40am. The March will move down Goulburn Street to the Memorial Park for the ANZAC Day Commemoration Ceremony. Students remain assembled until this Ceremony concludes.
Students participating in the Taralga March and Commemorative Service are asked to assemble at the northern end of the main street, near Taralga Public School at 2.30pm. The children will march down the street to the Cenotaph for the Commemorative Service and wreath-laying.
Students are required to come dressed in their full winter uniform.
Seeing many of our students at these special ceremonies would be wonderful regardless of whether you have or have not responded to the Compass request.
Uniform Matters
Next term, the students are to wear their full winter uniform from the beginning of the Term.
The uniform shop will be open Monday 29 April from 12.00pm-3.00pm and Tuesday 30 April 2.00pm-3.00pm
In preparation for the cooler months, you might order our school coat, a warm bottle green parka-style coat, from our Uniform Shop. Bottle green gloves and beanies may be purchased elsewhere.
Some other reminders about our school uniform- hair accessories must be in the school colours only, earrings must be sleepers and studs and no nail polish is to be worn to school.
School shoes must be black. Jogger-type footwear will not be accepted as school uniform.
Enrolling now for 2025
The School Explorers Program
School Counsellor
Next term we welcome Sharman as our Counsellor. She will be coming to Crookwell weekly on Wednesday's starting from week 1 Term 2.
Please complete the referral form if you are interested in your child accessing this valuable service.
Sharman Hampson
My name is Sharman Hampson and I have been part of the Marymead CatholicCare Student and Family Counselling team since August 2020. I have worked in various schools in Canberra as well as some of our regional schools as a student and family counsellor.
For the last 13 years, I have worked extensively in Canberra and Queanbeyan supporting families, children and young people as a Social Worker in a variety of community organisations including Barnardos, Headspace and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
Before joining Marymead CatholicCare I supported women in addiction within a Drug and Alcohol service. Not only was I intensively supporting women to learn new skills to help in their recovery but also supporting their children.
I am excited to be at St Mary’s this year and be part of the school community, I will be here every Wednesday. If you have any questions about school counselling and the service, please do not hesitate to contact me through the school. If you would like to refer your child, please use the link below
Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
SRC Cupcake Day
Our SRC held their final fundraising event for Project Compassion, with the VERY popular cake stall on Wednesday. The SRC and their families are to be congratulated on their efforts in cooking the amazing treats that were on offer.
Well done to our amazing St Mary’s community!!

ANZAC Reflection
Lord God, help us this day to remember
the sacrifice of the first ANZACs, Australian
and New Zealander, and the generations
of men, women and children who have
died in the cause of liberty and peace.
Help us to remember those who still
bear the physical and mental scars and
disabilities of their service.
Help us to remember the widows,
girlfriends, parents and orphans and all
those who waited in vain for the return
of a loved one.
Help us to remember the mateship, agony,
courage and compassion of war service,
but save us from ever glorifying the horror
and tragedy of war.
Lord God, help us to remember.
Sacrament Program
The following awards will be presented at our fortnightly morning assembly to held at our next assembly on Friday 12 April at 9.05am
Congratulations to our Award winners for this week:
School Spirit
Rory Bensley- Year 4
Mylah Burfitt- Year 4
Eli Cooper- Year 6
Ollie Croker- Year 6
Lincoln Cummins- Year 1
Thomas Culley- Year 1
Harry Frost- Year 4
Jack Gerathy- Year 1
Elaine Hannan- Year 2
Gracie Hannan- Year 2
Claudia Hills- Year 2
Abigail Kennedy- Year 2
Joe McCormack- Year 4
Patrick Proudman- Year 1
Harry Reid- Year 1
Hadley Reynolds- Year 2
Pepper Reeves- Year 2
Flynn Storrier- Year 4
Lyla Storrier- Year 1
Georgie Strode- Year 1
Hayden Tarlinton- Year 6
Weekly House Awards
Tomorrow Mrs Croker will host a HOUSE party for this term's winning house...LAWRENCE !!!!
It will be at 10:45am in the MP HALL/Art Room.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Canberra Goulburn Hockey Trials
Best of luck to our students Henry Galland, Seb Cummins, Emmett McIntosh, Ollie Croker and Tommy Picker, who will trial for selection today into the MacKillop Hockey team.
- Canberra Goulburn Soccer Trial- Boys and Girls
Trials were held on Tuesday on what could be best described as a balmy Crookwell winters day!!! 16 of our students braved the elements to try for a position in the Canberra Goulburn boys team and girls team. Congratulations to all who trialled, we hear you all performed very well.
The trial consisted of drills sessions, modified games and concluded with a possibles v probables game.
From this St Mary’s had 4 students who were selected in the boys Canberra Goulburn soccer team. Congratulations Eli Cooper, Ollie Croker, Henry Galland and Chase Lucock. The boys will now attend MacKillop trials to be held in Term 2.
Special mention goes to Elkie Storrier, who was our only female trialling for the girls. Well done Elkie!
Upcoming Events…
- Northern Region Cross Country: Braidwood, 3 May
Have you completed your Compass form yet??
Pie Drive
Don't forget our P&F Pie Drive!
Orders should be received back at school by 10 May with the money.
Tuckshop Roster Term 2
Please find attached the Tuckshop Roster for Term 2.
If your allocated date does not suit you, please take it upon yourself to organise a swap or replacement and let Belinda know so we can update the roster.
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form.
In the morning after assembly, we got our bags and walked to the front gate where we waited for the bus. The bus was number 15. When we got on we sat in the second row at the back. Up the back there was GUM EVERYWHERE, it was so gross it was on every seat except the ones up the front.
When we arrived at Trinity we hopped off the bus and walked up the steep hill. Then we put our bags down and went and sat down with all the other schools. There were a lot of kids. We got put into groups. I was in group 3 with Charlotte and Ollie. We also had group leaders.
The first class we did was History where we played a game called survivor. You had a folder with information in it and 3 hearts to survive in the sahara desert. Our team was slow writing the ideas down. Then Mrs Robinson the teacher said you have to take off the last 5 items so all our teams had was a power generator. We lost the game.
Then we all walked down to the great hall to have morning tea. It was all lined up and you got to get a piece of fruit, a muffin and a juicebox. We all sat and ate. After we were finished we lined up in our groups and went to the next class.
The next class was Drama with Mr Sykes. We played 3 games. The first one was called knife and fork. You have to walk around and then he would call out a number of people and an object they had to make with their bodies. The second game was where there are beanbags everyone sits on one then there is one spare. One person is in and tries to sit on the empty beanbag but all the people can run to another one to try and stop them. We played another game called Bang. You stand in a circle and the person that is in points at you and says bang so than you have to duck down while the people either side of you shoot each other the last person to say bang is out.
The next class was science. We got to put on goggles and white lab coats then we went with a group leader and put different chemicals and stuff onto other liquids. Then we played with this laser machine. We all sat down and someone put water and bubbles on their hands than someone got a lighter and lit the bubbles on fire! You could feel the heat at the back of the room. It was so cool! Then we made purple and yellow fire.
The next thing was lunch, they ordered domino's pizza. We all got 2 slices with a packet of chips and a water. It was yummy.
We lined up again and went to the next class which was sport. We played a game called multisport. You have two teams and you line up both side. Then the sports teacher yells out either soccer or endzone then he chooses a number of people to run out and play it. We also did a basketball game.
It was very fun and I hope to do it again.
By Maddie Strode

Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Heather works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
2024 Sacraments
Please see Mrs Rachael Croker's section for information on the sacramental program for 2024.
4 x Male Blazers ,
1 x Female BlazerUsed, but still good condition. Have been well cared for and stored.
Various sizes - unable to specify sizing due to there being no intact tags on the blazers.
$80 each!
Please contact Rechell Naughton - 0448564764