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Week 9 | |
Thursday 28 March |
Combined Easter Service/ Year 4/5 Showcase at 12.30pm |
Friday 29 March |
Good Friday |
Week 10 | |
Monday 1 April |
Easter Monday |
Wednesday 3 April |
Try It At Trinity Day- Year 6 Year 4 Art Focus Day |
Friday 5 April |
Tuckshop- Elizabeth, Nikolina, Eleanor |
Week 11 | |
Monday 8 April |
Tuckshop- Tennille, Lisa- LAST ONE FOR TERM |
Friday 12 April |
Last Day of Term |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
St Mary's Parish Easter Services
We wish you a blessed Easter with your family and friends.
School Cross Country Carnival
Thank you to James Edwards, our Sports Coordinator, for organising such a fantastic Cross Country Carnival last Friday. It was a wonderful event showcasing our students' talent and determination.
I would also like to thank the staff for their assistance and for preparing the students for this event.
To all of our students who participated in the event, your enthusiastic involvement and encouragement of your peers was a true testament to the sense of community and support that exists here at our school.
Finally, I want to congratulate Aloysius House for winning the event. It was also pleasing to hear that the result was indeed very close and that both houses had worked hard to have as many students as possible compete and earn points for their team.
Year 4 & 5 Showcase of Learning
Thank you to our Year 4 and Year 5 students and their teachers for their Holy Week Showcase today. It was most appropriate and thought-provoking being Holy Thursday.
Congratulations also to all our School Spirit 'RESPECT' award winners who have been successful this term. There are still two more weeks for more award winners to be announced. Our final Award Assembly will be Friday 12 April at 9:05am.

Uniform Matters
As the term draws to close, uniform pieces accidentally get mixed up between students. Please check all your uniform items at home to ensure they belong to your family. Please ensure you have all your children's uniform items labelled.
Next term, the students are to wear their full winter uniform; however, a two-week leeway is given if the weather is still warm enough for the summer uniform.
In preparation for the cooler months, you might order our school coat, a warm bottle green parka-style coat, from our Uniform Shop. No other coats will be permitted. Bottle green gloves and beanies may be purchased elsewhere.
Some other reminders about our school uniform- hair accessories must be in the school colours only, earrings must be sleepers and studs and no nail polish is to be worn to school.
Year Six Easter Raffle Winners
Congratulations to all Year Six students for their contributions and coordination of their Easter Raffle. They had ten prizes in total and had been selling raffle tickets at break times for the past few weeks.
Yesterday the winners were drawn and some very happy winners took their Easter Eggs home to SAVE for Sunday!
1st prize - Laela
2nd prize - Elsie
3rd prize - Jack M
4th prize - Quinn
5th prize - Sidney
6th prize - Charlie B
7th prize - Sienna
8th prize - Sidney
9th prize - Charlie B
10th prize - Lyla
The School Explorers Program
A kind reminder to ensure your school fee account is up to date as we head to the end of term.
Fees can be paid using the BPAY details on your latest statement, via the Parent Portal in Compass, cash or cheque. Sometimes payments are easier when set up as a regular payment.
If you would like to discuss your school fee account, please do not hesitate to contact Belinda or Sally.
Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Holy Week
Christians believe that the events of Holy week were all a part of God’s plan to save humanity. Jesus lived, suffered, died, and rose again to forgive the sins of humanity and show us the way to eternal life. God so loved us, that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us and bring us closer to him.
Today, Holy Thursday, we remember Jesus’ last meal with his friends. After His Last Supper’, while praying in the garden, He was arrested and put on trial by the Jewish leaders, who did not believe he was the Messiah (God’s only son sent to save humanity). It was against Jewish Law to kill, so they sent Jesus to be tried by the Roman Governor Pontius Pilot. Pilot condemned him to die by crucifixion. He was tortured and made to carry his cross to just outside the gates of Jerusalem. There Jesus was crucified (nailed to a wooden cross)
‘Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Having said this, he breathed his last. When the centurion saw what had taken place, he praised God and said, “Certainly this man was innocent.”’ (Luke: 23:46,47)
God’s answer to the suffering of the world was to enter it as a human being. Jesus did not die on the cross passively any more than he had lived his life passively. His whole life had been a conscious expression of love of God and love of us. His death was part of his life. What’s more, on the cross, that love was great enough to include even those who had brought about his death “Father forgive them” (Luke 23:34).
Jesus died on the cross for you, enduring the worst that the world can throw at him, and yet giving his best in return. He gave all that he was because he loves you.
HAPPY EASTER - Thank You God
Although Easter Sunday is this weekend, the Catholic Church celebrates the Season of Easter for the following six weeks. This is a time of reflecting on God our Father giving us His only son, Jesus…
- to live among us,
- to show us a peaceful and just way to live,
- to suffer and die on the cross for our sins,
- to rise to new life … and …
- to give us the promise of a new and eternal life with Him and each other in heaven.
Lord Jesus,
Help me to receive your tender love this Easter season. Remove from me all negative thoughts so that I may be able to truly receive your love. Help me to serve others as you did in love and humility, without expecting anything in return.
Sacrament Program
School Sport with Mr. James Edwards
St Mary's School Cross Country Carnival: Racing Towards Success!
What a glorious day it was at the Crookwell Showground as the sun beamed down upon us, blessing our Cross Country Carnival with its radiant glow! St Mary's School was filled with excitement and anticipation as our talented athletes laced up their running shoes and took on the challenge of the great outdoors.
In an epic showdown of speed and stamina, Aloysius House emerged as the triumphant victors, leaving a trail of determination in their wake. A round of applause to Lawrence House for their outstanding efforts - you ran your hearts out!
But let's not forget the true stars of the day – our incredible runners! Each step they took was a testament to their resilience and strength, proving that cross country is not just about physical endurance but also mental fortitude. Remember, in the words of a wise runner, "You don't stop when you're tired; you stop when the race is done... or when there's pizza at the finish line!"
A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated teachers for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout the carnival. Your guidance and enthusiasm truly helped our students run to new heights.
We are ready to cheer on our champions who will be representing St Mary's at the NR Cross Country Carnival! Lace up those shoes, and show them what you're made of!
As we wrap up this fantastic day of running, let's remember: "Life is a race, and sometimes you have to pace yourself, but always keep your eye on the prize!"
Here is to more sunny days, endless miles, and victories ahead!
Cross Country Age Champions:
- Under 6 girls – Piper-Lee Chapple
- Under 6 boys – Liam Hunter
- Under 7 girls – Harry Reid
- Under 7 boys – Lyla Storrier
- Under 8 girls – Bridie Anderson
- Under 8 boys – Archer Moloney
- Under 9 girls – Lizzie Walsh
- Under 9 boys – Cooper Sims
- Under 10 girls – Tenisoni Gerathy
- Under 10 boys – Flynn Storrier
- Under 11 girls – Imogen Hewitt
- Under 11 boys – Tommy Picker
- Under 12 girls – Alice Frost
- Under 12 boys – Will Waldron

Swimming Age Champions:
- Under 8 girls - Bridie McCormack
- Under 8 boys – Tommy Culley
- Under 9 girls – Lizzie Walsh
- Under 9 boys – Cooper Sims
- Under 10 girls – Aria White
- Under 10 boys – Flynn Storrier
- Under 11 girls – Grace McCormack
- Under 11 boys – Tommy Picker
- Under 12 girls – Sophie Culley
- Under 12 boys – Henry Galland and Hayden Tarlinton
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Upcoming Trials
- Canberra Goulburn Hockey Trials- Boys and Girls
- Date: Trials will be held in Goulburn on 5th April
- Canberra Goulburn Soccer Trial- Boys and Girls 2024
- Date: 9th April in Canberra
- Registrations are now open and close on Tuesday 2 April.
- Northern Region Cross Country: Braidwood, 3rd May
The following awards will be presented at our fortnightly morning assembly to held at our next fortnightly assembly.
Congratulations to our Award winners for this week:
School Spirit
Lily Coggan- Yr 6
Sebastian Cummins- Yr 6
Sienna Gann- Yr 6
Easton Gay- Yr 1
Elsie McIntosh - Yr 6
Vinnie Moloney- Yr 4
Oscar Montgomery- Yr 4
Olivia Millett- Yr 6
Tommy Picker- Yr 5
Gabby Price- Yr 6
Alexander Storrier- Yr 6
Maddie Strode- Yr 6
Max Strode- Yr 4
William Waldron- Yr 6
Performing Arts Award
Sidney Bush for Excellence in Performing Arts.
Tuckshop Roster Term 1
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form. More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents. Thanks to our new volunteers, we really appreciate you!
Tuckshop Roster Term 2
Please find attached the Tuckshop Roster for Term 2.
If your allocated date does not suit you, please take it upon yourself to organise a swap or replacement and let Belinda know so we can update the roster.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Heather works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
2024 Sacraments
Please see Mrs Rachael Croker's section for information on the sacramental program for 2024.