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- Calendar
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Trinity @ Crookwell Cuppa and Chat and Enrolment Information
- Yr 6 Fundraising- Easter Egg Raffle
- Student Representative Council (SRC)
- Library News with Mrs. Dorothea Hewitt
- Awards
- Year 6 STEM visit to Crookwell High School
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- P & F News
- Second Hand Uniform
- Community News
Week 6 | |
Friday 8 March |
Tuckshop Maureen, Cathy, Bec Yr 6 Journey with Jesus Retreat- Trinity |
Week 7 | |
Monday 11 March |
Tuckshop- Lana McD, Casey H Trinity visit for Yr 6 parents- 10am |
Tuesday 12 March |
Kindy Art Day |
Wednesday 13 March |
NAPLAN commences Reconciliation Meeting #4- 3.30pm |
Friday 15 March |
Tuckshop- Mary-Ann, Kimberley, Amy Project Compassion Mufti Day |
Sunday 17 March |
St Patrick's Family Fun Day- CANCELLED |
Week 8 | |
Monday 18 March |
Three-Way Conversations- book via Compass Portal Tuckshop- Candice, Claire, Kylie |
Tuesday 19 March |
Three-Way Conversations- book via Compass Portal |
Wednesday 20 March |
Reconciliation Retreat for participants at school 9am-12.00pm. |
Friday 22 March |
School Cross Country at Crookwell Showground. NO TUCKSHOP |
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Three-Way Conversations and Interim Reports
You are invited to attend a ten-minute, three-way (parent/student/teacher) conversation on Monday 18th or Tuesday 19th, March. This conversation will allow you to discuss how your child has settled into the new school year, their social development and engagement with learning.
The teacher will also provide you with your child's Interim Report at this meeting. The Interim Report indicates your child's enjoyment and interest in learning new things, ability to ask and answer questions, perseverance with tasks, work habits, ability to avoid distractions, follow school rules and collaborate with others.
Students in Years One to six will attend the meeting with their parents. Kindergarten students are not required to be part of the interview process.
To book a time slot, log into the Compass Parent Portal, where it will show on your dashboard, or call Belinda.
Northern Region & Archdiocesan Swimming
My congratulations to all the students who travelled to Boorowa to compete in the Northern Region Carnival. I was impressed to hear the overall competitive results achieved by our team. My thanks to Mr Edwards for the coordination, management and support of the team.
Special congratulations to our five students who were successful in achieving fine results to enable them to progress on to the Archdiocesan Carnival this week.
Abigail Kennedy - Yr 2- 50m Freestyle
Lucas Charnock - Yr 2- 50m Freestyle.
Tommy Culley - Yr 2- 50m Freestyle
Eli Cooper - Yr 6- 50m Breaststroke
Jaydan Costello - Yr 6- Butterfly
Of course these students don't get to achieve such wonderful results without parent and carer support. Thank you.
Students will be partaking in the nationwide assessment between 13 March - 25 March. A detailed timetable will be communicated to the relevant students and families.
NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake.
and numeracy.
2024 Welcome Function- cancelled
Unfortunately, due to lack of interested families, we have had to cancel our welcome function which was to be held on Sunday 17 March.
Thank you to those who had indicated they could come.
Religious Education with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Project Compassion Mufti Day Friday 15 March
Our SRC has organised a mufti day on Friday 15th March to continue to raise funds for our Project Compassion program. All funds raised will go to Project Compassion to assist those who are less fortunate, to access clean drinking water, education and services.
On Friday classes will wear colours that are found on the flag of their country of focus. For example, Kinder can wear red, blue, white and yellow clothes as their focus country is the Philippines. Students are asked to bring a gold coin donation for wearing mufti. Please see the colours for each class below:
3/4: SAMOA
Project Compassion Tally
What generosity we have seen from our students over the past two weeks. Our SRC set a humble goal of raising $200 over the 6 weeks, and to date, we are sitting at $230.80!! Well done to our entire school community.
Sacrament Program
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Archdiocesan Swimming Carnival
On Monday we had our super swimmers Abbey, Tommy, Lucas, and Eli travel to Boorowa to compete at the Archdiocesan Swimming Carnival as members of the Northern Region Swimming Carnival.
All swimmers put in a massive effort and came away with the following results:
Abbey 50m freestyle; 11th place overall
Lucas 50m freestyle; 3rd place overall
Tommy 50m freestyle; 5th place overall
Eli 50m breaststroke; 7th place overall
Well done to all, we are very proud of your efforts.
Upcoming Trials
- Canberra Goulburn U11’s and U13’s Rugby League Trials 2024
- Date:12 March 2024
- Venue: Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham
- Registrations closed
- Canberra Goulburn Netball Championships and Trials- Boys and Girls
- Date: Tuesday 12th March 2024
- Location: Southwell Park - CNA Netball
- Registrations closed
- Canberra Goulburn Hockey Trials- Boys and Girls
- Date: Trials will be held in Goulburn on 5th April
- Registrations close Friday 15th March
- Canberra Goulburn Soccer Trial- Boys and Girls 2024
- Registrations are now open and close on Tuesday 2nd
- Soccer Trials: Canberra, 9th April
- Northern Region Cross Country: Braidwood, 3rd May
Student Representative Council (SRC)
Hello, our names are Gabby and Charlie and we are the SRC Team Leaders.
Our SRC is made up of students from Years 2,3,4,5 and 6, elected by their classmates. We meet weekly to discuss projects, share ideas about school improvements and help develop our connection with the wider community being the eyes and hands of Jesus.
We have made plans for the following projects for Term One
- Project Compassion Mufti Day March 15th
- Cupcake fundraising day April 11th
Clean Up Australia Day
On Friday, March 1st, St Mary’s went out into the community to take part in Clean Up Australia Day. This annual event reminds us of our responsibility to respect God’s gift of creation. From the beginning of time, human beings have been tasked with being the ‘keepers of creation’.
Thank you to all of the students and teachers who took part and did their bit.

Library News with Mrs. Dorothea Hewitt
Book Club
The latest edition of Book Club has been sent home.
Orders will need to be via LOOP by Thursday 14 March.
The following awards will be presented at our fortnightly morning assembly to held next Friday 15 March at 9.00am
Congratulations to our Award winners for this week:
School Spirit
Sidney Bush- Year 2
Ivy Hewitt- Year 2
Performing Arts Award
Edie Frost for a fantastic start to Performing Arts in 2024
A reminder that this year we have revisited our Award system and are implementing House Awards with a focus on our current School value. This term it is RESPECT.
Individual students will have their points tallied up on Compass and once they reach a target, they earn a School Spirit Certificate that will be presented at a fortnightly Friday morning Assembly. Recipients will be announced in our Newsletter so parents are aware and can be present if they wish.
Year 6 STEM visit to Crookwell High School
In the morning I had to get up really early. Then we drove to the bus stop. It was really exciting because we were getting off at a new stop at the High School.
When everyone had arrived we went into the hall. A nice lady told us what we were doing. Then we had an acknowledgement to country. After that, we were split into groups. The colour groups were Green, Red, Blue, Orange, Yellow and Purple. I was in Purple.
Then we all went off to go into our groups. A year seven was asked to go to each group to help out. Our year seven helper was Chelsea. The task was to design a car. First, we got a piece of paper and drew a car. We were allowed to make it as crazy as we wanted. I will tell you, they were all so crazy. Then we went back to our groups and designed the car. After time was up, we started making the cars using only: milk lids, straws, kebab sticks, a hot glue gun, and a hot stick that burns holes into things. Then time was up and we went outside and had a car race. Everyone did so well (our car lost both rounds).
After that, we were all so hungry. People had brought money to use at the canteen and the canteen was packed with good stuff. There were slushies and zooper doopers and juice and many more things. Overall I think it was a pretty successful day.
- Sophie Kilborn
On the 1st of March, St Mary's Yr 6 and some other schools went to C.H.S at 9:30 - 11:00. I walked there and I saw 2 of my friends, Sam and Levi. We did STEM with Mrs Kemp. We went into groups. I was with Eli, Charlotte, Emmet and McKenzie. We made a car with bottles and some other things like caps, straws, and balloons. We all had different ideas and we struggled to put all the ideas together to design our car. We raced against the other teams. Then we went out to lunch and I got a slushy. We went on the bus and came back to school. It was a great day.
- Alex Storrier
Renovations in the Church- Help Needed
St Mary's Parish and St Mary's School are very excited about the new upcoming renovations to the inside of our Church. It will be repainted and carpeted in April. For this to happen, the pews will need to be removed and some relocated to the school Old Hall for temporary weekend masses.
The Parish is asking for able-bodied members of the community to assist with the removal of the pews on Sunday 17 March.
Please contact the Parish Office (number below) if you are able to assist.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary, Heather Moss. Heather works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
2024 Sacraments
Please see Mrs Rachael Croker's section for information on the sacramental program for 2024.
Family Engagement in Faith
Tuckshop Roster Term 1
If you are keen to help, please click on the following link to complete the form. More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents. Thanks to our new volunteers, we really appreciate you!