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WEEK 5 | |
Friday 10 November |
School Explorers Session #4 starting at 9.30am Year 3/4 Excursion to Fitzroy Falls Tuckshop Maureen, Tash and Reané |
WEEK 6 | |
Monday 13 November |
Tuckshop- Jemma and Catherine |
Tuesday 14 November |
RDA Year 3 Art Focus Day |
Wednesday 15 November |
Year 4 Art Focus Day Kindy visit to Crookwell Library |
Thursday 16 November |
Year 5 Leadership Day |
Friday 17 November |
Mission Day No tuckshop School Explorers Session #5 starting at 9.30am |
WEEK 7 | |
Monday 20 November |
Tuckshop- Kimberley and Carina |
Tuesday 21 November |
Year 1 Green Art Focus Day |
Thursday 23 November |
Official opening of the refurbished Mercy building 11am |
Friday 24 November |
School Explorers session #6 starting at 9.30am Year 5 Art Focus Day Tuckshop- Amy, Mary-Ann, Ally |
10/17/24 November |
The School Explorers Program 9.30am - 11.00am |
Monday 27 November |
Kindergarten Orientation Day 9.15am - 3.00pm |
Friday 1 December |
Trinity Orientation Day |
Thursday 7 December |
Christmas Carols and BBQ from 5.30pm |
Friday 8 December |
Kindergarten Showcase of Learning 12.30pm |
Monday 11 December |
Year 6 Farewell Mass, Dinner and Awards from 6.00pm |
Thursday 14 December | Leadership Changeover Ceremony and Mass |
Friday 15 December |
Year 6 Final Assembly End of School Year |
Grandparents and Special Friends Day
We would like to thank all the grandparents, parents and friends who attended, and assisted with, our Grandparents and Special Friends Day last Friday.
The day started off with a beautiful Mass that brought a sense of togetherness and celebration.
After Mass, we enjoyed a delicious Morning Tea, for which we owe a huge thank you to our parent helpers, Reane, Rechell, Elise, Tennille Catherine, Melissa, Kimberly, Jo, Claire and Pip who worked tirelessly to ensure everyone was well-fed and cared for. We appreciate your hard work! We also want to express our gratitude to the parent body for the generous food donations; your contributions were crucial in making the day such a success.
Another highlight was the 1900s-themed historical performances put on by our talented students. It was a joy to see the young ones transport us back in time and share a glimpse of the past. I would like to acknowledge and thank the teachers for their enthusiasm in creating these entertaining performances.
Grandparents and Special Friends Day is an important event which celebrates the bonds between generations. We are grateful to all those who played a part in making it a day to remember.
Guard of Honour
We would like to thank the staff and students who participated in the Guard of Honour for ex-staff member Sally Barratt last week. Our school representation added to the solemnity of the event, and the students' respectful behaviour was a true testament to the values upheld by St. Mary's. We are proud of our students and appreciate the collective effort of everyone who made Mrs. Barratt's final farewell a touching moment.
Change to Travel Arrangements
Our staff have a duty of care for your children until they leave school via the method arranged. If there is a change to their normal arrangement, please notify the Office or submit a 'Change to Travel Arrangements' form on Compass, prior to 2.45 pm. It can cause confusion and distress for students and teachers when your child thinks they should be doing something different from their usual arrangement. If we have not been informed of a change by a parent or carer, we will have to insist your child travel by their usual arrangement.
The School Explorers Program
Tomorrow, The School Explorers transition program re-commences. We look forward to welcoming our pre-school friends back to St Mary's from 9.30 am-11.00 am for a fun 'Make-It!' art, craft and construction session with Year Five.
School Fees
Term Four School Fee statements have been sent out. These can also be viewed on the Compass Parent Portal. Please notify the School Office if you did not receive this. We appreciate your prompt payment of the fees. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require assistance. Fee remission paperwork is available upon request and always treated confidentially.
Follow-up phone calls will start to be made for those whose fees are outstanding.
Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
Saturday 11 November is REMEMBRANCE DAY
You might like to pause and say a prayer for the fallen and for peace.
God of love and peace,
We thank you for the peace and security we enjoy.
We remember those who faithfully served their country in time of war
and we pray for them.
We remember those who are still serving, and we pray for them and their families.
We pray for all men, women and children caught up in today’s terribly conflicts.
We pray for leaders of countries to find peaceful resolutions.
We pray for the day to come soon when there is no war, only peace.
May we who enjoy freedom and peace,
make the most of every opportunity to spread kindness and love.
Let this be our commitment – to strive for peace in our homes and our world.
This we pray in the name of Jesus who gave his life for the sake of the world:
Jesus Christ, our example of peace. Amen.
November – The Month of Holy Souls
We continue to pray for loved ones who have gone before us…
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
Dear God of Mercy, I pray this day for all souls,
both known and unknown to me,
who, although touched by death,
have not yet entered Your Heavenly Kingdom. AMEN
Striving for JUSTICE and SERVICE at St Mary’s
Next Friday is our Catholic Mission Day. Please remember to help us support CATHOLIC MISSION
PRAYER –pray for the poor and marginalised.
DONATIONS –help us to raise money for those who are much less fortunate than ourselves.
WHITE ELEPHANT/LUCKY DIPS – Many thanks for the new and used items donated thus far. If you haven’t cleaned out your cupboards, there is still time: Eg: toys, games, books, kitchenware, clothes/shoes, drawing/sketching materials, jewellery, purses/bags/wallets etc.)
“In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”
On Thursday 2 November, six students travelled to Mount Carmel School in Yass to represent St Mary’s at the inaugural Northern Region Chess Tournament. The player representatives in each division were Jobe Seaman, Owen Moorby, Olivia Millett and Lachlan Kilborn; arbiters were Phoebe Fannin and Angus Foley.
The students were very competitive in some close, hotly contested games, and should be justifiably proud of their efforts and achievements at this level. The arbiters, too, are to be commended for their diligence in carrying out their roles.
Well done, Team St. Mary’s!

Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Well done to our budding cricket stars Jaydan, Henry, Ollie and Jesse who travelled to Queanbeyan last Friday to trial for the Canberra Goulburn Cricket Team. From reports it was a warm day with a lot of quality cricket on display.
Special congratulations to Henry and Ollie who were selected in the Canberra Goulburn team and now go on to trial for the MacKillop team in 2024.
Well done to all 4 boys, we are super proud of you all!
Upcoming trials
- Basketball
CLOSE DATE: Applications for this CSNSW Sport selection Trial (CG Basketball Trials 2024) close on Friday, 24th November 2023
REGISTRATION: In order for your child to be accepted to participate in the selection trial you or your child must accurately complete the following:
DOB: 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2016
School Years: 2 to 6
Gender: Both
Region: MacKillop
Diocese/Associations: Canberra / Goulburn,Sydney,Wagga Wagga
Cost: $20.00
All selection trial and other school and Diocesan fees must be paid before your child can participate in the selection trial. Your child may not participate in the selection trial unless his or her principal has approved of him or her doing so.
- Tennis
CLOSE DATE: Applications for this CSNSW Sport selection Trial (CG Primary Tennis 2024) close on Friday, 24th November 2023
REGISTRATION: In order for your child to be accepted to participate in the selection trial you or your child must accurately complete the following:
DOB: 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2016
School Years: 2 to 6
Gender: Both
Region: MacKillop
Diocese/Associations: Canberra / Goulburn,Sydney,Wagga Wagga
Cost: $15.00
All selection trial and other school and Diocesan fees must be paid before your child can participate in the selection trial. Your child may not participate in the selection trial unless his or her principal has approved of him or her doing so.
The last Book Club for 2023 will be sent home today.
Order are due next Thursday 16 November, via Loop.
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Harvey Kensit
Year 1: Hendrix McWilliam, Bailey Reeves, Jack Wilkinson
Year 2: Riley Plumb, Cooper Sims
Year 3: Jesse Costello, Donovan Francis, Evie Waldron
Year 4: Anna, Riley O'Brien
Year 5: Henry Galland, Emmett McIntosh, Gabby Price
Year 6: Mia Butler, Riley Haynes, Lachlan Kilborn
Japanese: Class of the Week goes to Year 6 . Well done!
School Spirit
Tommy Culley for offering service and showing respect for Clubs
Henry Johns for his generosity and compassion towards others
Lachlan Pascoe for modelling our school values consistently
Bodi Cooper for being welcoming and demonstrating service to the broader school community
The weekly awards are presented at our weekly Friday Assembly at 9.05 a.m. in the Old Hall. Parents and friends are welcome to join us.
Tuckshop Roster
If your date doesn't suit, please work out a replacement/swap date and let Belinda know to update the roster.
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Christmas Carols and BBQ
Christmas Gift Idea
Want to get some early Christmas gifts sorted? Why not buy some of the St Mary's Recipe books? Now only $10 each!!
Books can be paid for using Qkr, under the P&F payment section or cash to the School Office.
Sticky Beak Bag Use
Family Engagement in Faith- Term 4
Parish Office
Welcome to the new Parish secretary, Heather Moss.
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to the Goulburn Parish Office.
Phone: 0403 631 797