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Crookwell Show
It was wonderful to see many of you at the Crookwell Show last weekend.
The St Mary's P&F Barbeque was extremely well supported over the two days. Thank you to our Vice President Craig Croker for coordinating this event. Thank you to all of our families for coming along to do your shift. Whilst the tally is not yet finalised, the event will go a long way to help fund this years P & F contributions.
The Show is a great time for community members to come together to present produce, stock and skills. Many of our families entered exhibits and competed over the weekend. Congratulations to everyone that took part!
We live in a wonderful community!

School Registration
It is that time again where we are preparing for our School Registration. School Registration occurs every five years. It is a check for compliance. In Week 9 of this term, 25-27 March, a panel of six people will visit St Mary's to view our policy documentation, teaching, facilities and programs.
The panel consists of Panel Chair Katrina McGrath, Peer Principals Anne Staines and Nicky Trinder, Performance Improvement Leader Noel Hurley, Curriculum Officer Anne Spence and Catholic Identity Officer Nathan Gallea.
After the three days, the panel makes Commendations, Affirmations and Recommendations. The school is assessed under the National School Improvement Framework.
The staff are looking forward to this process as we feel that feedback helps with school improvement and it is great to share our fantastic school with others.
Trinity Catholic College Visit
On Thursday 21 February at 12.15pm we welcome Principal Gaye McManus and former students of St Mary's to talk to our Year 5 and Year 6 classes about Trinity Catholic College in Goulburn. Parents are welcome to attend this session held in the Old Hall.
Champion Life
Champion Life is a Health, Physical Education and wellbeing engagement program that we are going to trial at St Mary's this year. Students in Kindergarten to Year 6 complete daily Body Sets, which are mini activity breaks set by an inspiring role model and completed in the classroom setting, enabling students to reset their body and mind throughout the school day.
Students in Years 5 and 6 are challenged to participate in enjoyable physical and health activities. Students watch a role model complete an activity and then practice and upload their own version. Students can complete their challenges alone, in pairs, as a class group or even at home. Completing their challenges unlocks positive life messages from real-life role models.
Champion Life is fully aligned to the Australian Curriculum and is designed to supplement and enhance our school's health and physical education curriculum and through our wellbeing monitor, provide teachers with a valuable overview of students self-reported mental health.
All data is encrypted and held securely on Australian servers.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Students and staff at St Mary’s are continuing to reflect on how we can make our world a better place through the value of COMPASSION. We are working to show God’s compassion in the following ways:
- caring and understanding about others in need or in trouble
- listening attentively to someone’s problems
- being thoughtful and considerate towards others who seem sad or troubled
- showing forgiveness
- reaching out in friendship
- treating others with gentleness
- being kind
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Maths Club
This term Maths Club will commence after school on a Tuesday afternoon instead of a Monday. Children from Year 2-6 are welcome to attend. This can be for extension, revision, one-on-one assistance or to complete homework with help. This will be held in the Star Room.
Morning Club
Our Morning Club will run each day from 8am-8.40am.
Morning Club is an opportunity for children to arrive at school early when it is difficult for parents who need to be at work early. This is available for all children from K-6 and will be held in the library.
The children will be required to participate in quiet activities during this time, reading, writing, drawing, colouring, homework tasks and computer tasks. They may bring games to play.
At 8.40am the children who attend will then go to the playground for morning supervision.
Intervention Programs
If you would like to assist with any of our intervention programs at school, please fill in the web form below or contact Belinda or me.
Parents, grandparents and friends of St Mary's are also welcome to help.
At this stage, we would like to offer intervention programs in Spelling, Reading and Numeracy.
Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
Cricket Trial
Congratulations to our Year Five student, Jake Cosgrove, who was successful at the Canberra/Goulburn trial last Thursday.
Following on from this selection he will now move to the next stage, an Inter-Diocesan trial against Wagga, on Thursday 21st February at Owen Vincent Oval, Landon Street, Gundagai.
Great work Jake.
St Mary’s Swim Team 2019
Following on from our School Swimming Carnival the following students are now representing our school at the Northern Region Carnival in Queanbeyan tomorrow.
The Northern Region Swimming Carnival will commence at 9:30am. Please refer to the Information Pack sent home last week for further information. School swimming caps will be supplied at the Carnival. Parent assistance will be required please to fulfil our timekeeping duty as per note.
Lachlan Nagle | Bradley Nagle | Taj Cooper |
William Gorman | Isabelle Galland | Fynella Parsons |
Billie Skelly | Isabelle McCormack | Marnie McCormack |
Dylan Greenwood | William Heffernan | Regan Picker |
Hayley Francis | Seth Grove | George Skelly |
Bridie Croker | Saxon Greenwood | Finn McCormack |
Sophia Galland | Sommer Lee Gann | |
Amelia O'Brien | Lachlan Kilborn | |
Chloe Bensley |
Best of luck to all our successful swimmers.
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
Swimming Carnival Report
Contributed by our terrific Sports Captains
On Wednesday 6 February, students from Years 2-6 took part in St Mary’s Swimming Carnival.
It was an early start to our morning, cooking treats and decorating our House areas, we really enjoyed it.
We loved watching and helping with the Year 1 and Kindergarten Novelty events.
The winning House on the day was Aloysius in a very close point score.
We would like to thank our amazing teachers for working hard to make the day so fun and thank you to our parent and family helpers.
As Sports Captains we were so impressed with all of the swimmers, they did their best and really encouraged everyone.
Age Champions from the day were:
12yr Girls- Isabelle Galland
12yr Boys- Lachlan Nagle
11yr Girls- Marnie McCormack
11yr Boys- Dylan Greenwood and William Heffernan
10yr Girls- Hayley Francis
10yr Boys- George Skelly
9yr Girls- Sophia Galland and Naomi Picker
9yr Boys- Finn McCormack
8yr Girls- Chloe Bensley
8yr Boy- Addin Grove
By Billie Skelly, Paige Croker, Bradley Nagle and Taj Cooper
St Mary’s Primary Sports Captains
Cricket Coaching
The students are very excited to begin their coaching sessions with Cricket NSW tomorrow.
All students from Years K-6 will be taking part in a 6-week skills-based program delivered by expert cricket coaching staff. We are looking forward to seeing all of our students skills develop and perhaps finding a new cricketing superstar!
This program has been made possible by the school obtaining a Sporting School grant.
Upcoming Events
Crookwell Soccer season registration. To access a copy of the Registration Form for 2019 please use the links below or go to the Forms and Documents section on the left side of this Newsletter. Alternatively, a copy can be collected from the School Office.
Goulburn Netball
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Oscar Allport and Riley Plumb
Year 1 - Jesse Costello, Charlie Beath and Bodi Cooper
Year 2 - Anna O'Brien, Quade Haynes and Billie Garnham
Year 3 - Charlotte Bensley, Lily Coggan and Thomas Walsh
Year 4 – Charlie Lang and Katyanna Waters
Year 5 -Finn McCormack and Caitlyn Hogan
Year 6 - Bryce Foley
School Spirit Awards
The School Spirit Award recipients this week are:
Joe McCormack, Owen Moorby, Alex Storrier and Leo Knight for demonstrating care for the school environment.
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Crookwell Show Success!
Congratulations to Phoebe Selmes with her great results from Crookwell Show. Well done!
- 1st in jewellery making
- 2nd in plate of arrowroot biscuits 9-12 years
- 2nd in 6 hen eggs
- Most outstanding exhibit for packet cake 9-12 years
- 1st in packet cake 9-12years
- 1st in plate of small cakes 9-12 years
- 2nd in the junior portrait
- Second in a plate of pikelets 9-12 years
Congratulations to Georgina Culley and Kiowa Morning along with two other pony club members, for winning First Place in a "Pair of Fours" Pony Club event.
Congratulations to Oliva and Archie Pursell! Olivia decided at the last minute to enter the Junior Miss Showgirl at the Crookwell Show. She was lucky enough to win and was sashed with a ribbon and won $15.
Archie Pursell entered an original Lego creation and he was lucky enough to win first place.
Regional Event
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Sacramental Enrolment for 2019
For all children in Catholic and Public Schools
Reconciliation Year 3
Holy Communion Year 4
Confirmation Year 6 and Year 7
Enrolment forms available from or from the Parish Office
These need to be returned to the Parish Office by 15 February.
Jubilee Morning Tea
Everyone is invited to our Parish Hall after Mass on Sunday 24 February (approximately 10am) to celebrate with Sr Rosemary her Golden Jubilee. If you are able to attend please bring a plate to share.
Altar Roster
17 February- Eliza & Chloe Kemp
24 February- Ashleigh Bachta & Olivia Anderson
Youth BBQ
For youth aged 12 years and older, 12pm-2pm at Kiamma Creek Park for a social afternoon of games and activities.