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- Calendar
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- School Photo Ordering
- Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
- School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Classroom Support with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- Student Awards
- St Mary's Sharepoint
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
- Enrolling now for 2024!
WEEK 2 |
Friday 20 October |
Boorowa Touch Football and Netball Carnival- compulsary for Yrs 3-6 |
WEEK 3 | |
Monday 23 October |
K-2 Excursion to Canberra Tuckshop commences- Belinda, Stacey, Cathy |
Tuesday 24 October | P&F Meeting 7pm in the Staffroom |
Wednesday 25 October |
Fundraiser for the St Mary's Convent Foster Home Project- mufti clothes and treats for sale Finance/Compass/Principals meeting- Mrs Lowe, Mrs Sally Croker and Mrs Tarlinton away |
Thursday 26 October |
Finance/Compass/Principals meeting- Mrs Lowe, Mrs Sally Croker and Mrs Tarlinton away CHS Taster Day |
Friday 27 October |
NR Principal's meeting- Mrs Lowe away Tuckshop- Georgia, Lisa, Eleanor |
Tuesday 31 October |
School Board/Community Council Meeting and AGM 6pm |
Thursday 2 November |
NR Chess Competition 3-6 |
Friday 3 November |
Grandparents & Special Friends Day |
Friday 10 November |
Year 3/4 Excursion to Fitzroy Falls |
10/17/24 November |
The School Explorers Program 9.30am - 11.00am |
Friday 17 November |
Mission Day |
Monday 27 November |
Kindergarten Orientation Day |
Thursday 7 December |
Leadership Changeover Ceremony and Mass Christmas Carols and BBQ |
Friday 8 December |
Kindergarten Showcase of Learning |
Monday 11 December |
Year 6 Farewell Mass, Dinner and Awards |
Friday 15 December |
Year 6 Final Assembly End of School Year |
Hold on to your hats!
Welcome back for the final term of 2023. I hope you all enjoyed some dedicated family time over the holiday break.
We have an action-packed term planned, so please keep a close eye on the calendar and newsletter for information, dates and updates.
Upcoming Events
School Photos
Next Tuesday, 17 October, is our school photo day. Please send your child to school in the FULL SUMMER UNIFORM, with the correct school socks (grey with green and gold stripes for boys and white anklet or long socks for girls), clean shoes and tidy hair. Please ensure your child also brings or wears their school jumper, only wears hair accessories in our school colours and that their jewellery aligns with our school policy (studs or sleeper earrings and/or a simple chain with a religious medallion or cross only). Children do not have to have their hair tied back on school photo day if desired.
If you have not ordered your package yet, please do so as soon as possible.
Boorowa Touch Football and Netball Carnival
The Boorowa Touch Football and Netball Carnival, for ALL students in Years 2 - 6, will be held on Friday 20 October. Please see this newsletter's School Sports section for the latest news and details.St Mary's 120th Anniversary Dinner Dance - Last chance
The St Mary's Dinner Dance is a wonderful opportunity to have a social night out with other parents, staff and community members. The staff have put much time and effort into planning what promises to be a fantastic night. Now is the last chance to purchase your tickets. Please support this event; it would be terrible to have to cancel due to a lack of numbers.
Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2 Excursion
On Monday, 23 October, our Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two students will go ot the National Zoo and Aquarium for their annual excursion. Information has been sent out via the Compass Events. Please complete the online consent form and payment ASAP or contact Belinda for assistance if required. If you need financial support with this, please let me know.
Mufti Day Fundraiser
On Wednesday, 25 October, the students may wear mufti clothing to school for a gold coin (or more) donation. This money will go towards a fantastic cause right on our doorstep. With the support of the Parish, Rob and Cathy Hunt, ex-St Mary's parents, are in the process of renovating the Convent residence to create a short-stop foster home for babies waiting placement. Currently, there is a shortage of home care positions in NSW. Cathy and Rob, along with the help from one of our mums, Tressa Mattox, have registered their charity organisation and need some assistance with some of the costs they are encountering.
On this day, the students can also buy a treat from the tuckshop.
Grandparents Day
On Friday, 3 November, we invite our parents, carers, grandparents and special friends to St Mary's to share our Grandparents Day. The day will commence with Mass at 9.30am. Following Mass, our visitors will move to the MP Hall for morning tea. After morning tea, our students will perform on stage. Given it is 120's years since the roots of St Mary's Primary School were planted, our theme is the 1900's. After assembly, visitors may have a look around our fantastic school facilities and visit classrooms.
Also, St Mary's is renowned for its incredible morning tea spreads; let us not disappoint this year. We ask families to donate a plate of food to share on this special day. Our Year 4 families, coordinated by Allison, Claire and Elise, are asked to support with the setting up and serving of morning tea.
Please mark this date on your calendar.
CE has brought to attention the emerging absenteeism increase across the Canberra-Goulburn schools, particularly since COVID-19.
St Mary's absenteeism rates are the highest they have ever been. We realise this is partly due to parents' vigilance with keeping sick children home (thank you); however, it is also related to additional days off for family travel and long weekends.
The following information outlines the absenteeism categories and our current rates across each grade.
Year Level Term 3 Kinder 89.80% Year 1 90.10% Year 2 92.00% Year 3 85.30% Year 4 89.80% Year 5 86.40% Year 6 90.50%
The other noteworthy fact is that 17% of student absences for the year remain unexplained. This equals to 365 separate unexplained absences in total!
** Please check your child's status by logging onto the parent portal, looking at the "Attendance" tab, and updating any explained dates **
As of this week, an automatic email will be sent to parents at 10am each day if your child is marked absent without an explanation, asking for the notification to be completed by logging onto the parent portal. This is an easy process once you get the hang of it. Let's work together to improve our statistics this term.
Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn has asked each school to aim to achieve a rating of 90% this term; let's see if we can blitz that!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the Office.
If you make contact with the teacher directly about your child's absence, please include Belinda in the Office as she is the one who enters the information into Compass.
Operation Christmas Child
In order to have boxes packed and ready for collection to be sent overseas, items for Operation Christmas Child can kindly be returned to school by 1 November.
Below are ideas for items that can be donated.
Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
JUSTICE and SERVICE at St Mary’s
Our school values for this term are JUSTICE and SERVICE, and they remind us that we are called to be…
- JESUS’ FEET – walking with others in the spirit of JUSTICE
- JESUS’ HANDS – offering SERVICE to others
World Mission Month - October 2023
All human beings are made in God’s image and are PRECIOUS and deserving of a ‘FULL’ life. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10).
But we do not live in a just world in which ALL have life to the full.
Life these days is very busy for most families – work, family, and all the responsibilities that come with these. It can be a huge effort to juggle everything on our plates let alone think about those in our world who are unable to lead full lives.
This is why the Catholic Church has set aside the month of October as Mission Month, a time to focus our thoughts on our global brothers and sisters who, through no fault of their own, are living in poverty, sickness, or fear.
St Mary’s students will be learning about the importance of working for justice and serving others. They will discover how, as part of the Church, they can engage in her mission to bring about a JUST world; and how they can serve others through their prayers and actions (including helping without being asked, standing up for justice in the classroom and playground, praying the Rosary and Angelus, fundraising, Mission Day, and Mini Vinnies Christmas appeal)

St Mary’s MISSION DAY will be held on Friday, 17 November (WEEK 6). Stayed tuned to hear more. Please clean out your cupboards and send items in for our hugely popular White Elephant Stall.
This Friday, Years 3 – 6 will participate in Mini Vinnies Workshops about social justice led by Canberra's St Vincent De Paul School Engagement Team. Topics will include Social Justice, How to be a Social Justice Superhero, Challenges of Poverty and Poverty Emergency Assistance service, Empathy-building, and How the Vinnies Shops help people in our community See, Think, and Do.
School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
Term Four Sport
The Boorowa Touch/Netball Carnival is next Friday, 20 October, and is compulsory for all students in Years 2-6.
Compass permission notes for Boorowa should now have been completed. If you haven’t done this or need to pay for the bus, please do so by today. Please remember to go back on and pay if you selected bus transport.
If your child is unable to attend, please advise the school ASAP. Please note, there will be no supervision for students in Years 2-6 at school.
Departure time for those travelling on the bus is 7.00am sharp from St Mary's.
Please find the following information in Compass under Events - Boorowa Touch/Netball – Resources.
- Canteen Price Lists (limited EFPTOS available due to rural region connection)
- Boorowa Map
- 2023 Mud Map
- Netball Draws
- Touch Draws (when they have been finalised).
If any parents can assist or manage a team, please email me with your preference. I am also looking for some referees/umpires for our two netball teams and seven touch football teams. If you or you have an older child/sibling who could assist us on the day, please email me. It would be greatly appreciated!
Please ensure your child is wearing their full school sports uniform, hat and sunscreen. The children will also need plenty of water.
For those parents attending, a chair or picnic rug is handy.
Students are to meet their teacher at the St Mary's tent by 8.30am. The first games commence at 9am. It should be a great day!
Friday Sport
This term, we will be having four sessions of netball coaching provided by Netball NSW.
K-2 NRL TAG Carnival (Goulburn)
On Tuesday 14th November, our K-2 students will travel by bus to North Park in Goulburn for a NRL run Tag/Touch Carnival. This will be a compulsory event. Details and compass permission notes will be sent out soon.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Upcoming trials
- Touch Football
CLOSE DATE: Applications for this CSNSW Sport selection Trial (CG Touch 2024) close on Friday, 17th November 2023
REGISTRATION: In order for your child to be accepted to participate in the selection trial you or your child must accurately complete the following:
DOB: 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2016
School Years: 2 to 6
Gender: Both
Region: MacKillop
Diocese/Associations: Canberra / Goulburn,Sydney,Wagga Wagga
Cost: $15.00
All selection trial and other school and Diocesan fees must be paid before your child can participate in the selection trial. Your child may not participate in the selection trial unless his or her principal has approved of him or her doing so.
- Cricket
CLOSE DATE: Applications for this CSNSW Sport selection Trial (CG Cricket 2024) close on Friday, 27th October 2023
REGISTRATION: In order for your child to be accepted to participate in the selection trial you or your child must accurately complete the following:
DOB: 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2016
School Years: 2 to 5
Gender: Both
Region: MacKillop
Diocese/Associations: Canberra / Goulburn,Sydney,Wagga Wagga
Cost: $15.00
All selection trial and other school and Diocesan fees must be paid before your child can participate in the selection trial. Your child may not participate in the selection trial unless his or her principal has approved of him or her doing so.
- Basketball
CLOSE DATE: Applications for this CSNSW Sport selection Trial (CG Basketball Trials 2024) close on Friday, 24th November 2023
REGISTRATION: In order for your child to be accepted to participate in the selection trial you or your child must accurately complete the following:
DOB: 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2016
School Years: 2 to 6
Gender: Both
Region: MacKillop
Diocese/Associations: Canberra / Goulburn,Sydney,Wagga Wagga
Cost: $20.00
All selection trial and other school and Diocesan fees must be paid before your child can participate in the selection trial. Your child may not participate in the selection trial unless his or her principal has approved of him or her doing so.
- Tennis
CLOSE DATE: Applications for this CSNSW Sport selection Trial (CG Primary Tennis 2024) close on Friday, 24th November 2023
REGISTRATION: In order for your child to be accepted to participate in the selection trial you or your child must accurately complete the following:
DOB: 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2016
School Years: 2 to 6
Gender: Both
Region: MacKillop
Diocese/Associations: Canberra / Goulburn,Sydney,Wagga Wagga
Cost: $15.00
All selection trial and other school and Diocesan fees must be paid before your child can participate in the selection trial. Your child may not participate in the selection trial unless his or her principal has approved of him or her doing so.
Classroom Support with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Positive Partnerships Online Parent/ Carer Workshops for Term 4.
The sessions will be 12pm – 1.30pm and are free. Participants will need to register for each session in the series through the website. They are filling fast.
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Paddy Proudman, Lyla Storrier
Year 1: Hadléy Reynolds, Sully Stephenson, Hannah Whittle
Year 2: Bridie McCormack, Fraser McIntosh
Year 3: Bodi Cooper, Connor Plumb, Flynn Storrier
Year 4: Tommy Picker
Year 5: Eli Cooper, Charlotte Crosbie
Year 6: Patrick Croker, Phoebe Fannin
School Spirit Awards
Angus Foley for demonstrating Service to others by running the Coding Club
The weekly awards are presented at our weekly Friday Assembly at 9.05 a.m. in the Old Hall. Parents and friends are welcome to join us.
Congratulations, Culley's!
Congratulations, Catherine Culley, for winning The Centre for Volunteering NSW VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD. Catherine is one of our P&F Vice Presidents and the Sheep Muster/Wool Drive Coordinator. Catherine also volunteers with the Crookwell Pony Club and Crookwell Pups organisations (and possibly others!).
Tuckshop Roster
If your date doesn't suit, please work out a replacement/swap date and let Belinda know to update the roster.
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Sticky Beak Bag Use
Family Engagement in Faith- Term 4
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to the Goulburn Parish Office.
Phone: 0403 631 797