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- Calendar
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Lowe
- Enrolling now for 2024!
- School Photo Ordering
- Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
- School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- Student Awards
- Year Six Fundraising
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
WEEK 9 |
Thursday 14 September |
Confirmation Reflection Day in Goulburn |
Friday 15 September |
Jump Rope for Heart 'Jump-off'. Gold coin donation Tuckshop- LAST ONE- Cass, Kia and Amy |
WEEK 10 |
Monday 18 September |
MacKillop Athletics- Good luck William, Henry, Grace and Flynn S No Tuckshop |
Tuesday 19 September |
Year Six Camp at the Collaroy Centre Madi Burns- School Counsellor available |
Wednesday 20 September |
Year Six Camp at the Collaroy Centre |
Thursday 21 September |
Year Six Camp at the Collaroy Centre |
Friday 22 September |
Year Six Camp at the Collaroy Centre Stage One Showcase of Learning Assembly 12.30pm - Old Hall |
Monday 9 October |
Staff Development Day |
Tuesday 10 October |
Students return |
Saturday 21 October |
St Mary's 120th Anniversary Dinner Dance |
Thursday 2 November |
NR Chess Competition 3-6 |
Friday 3 November |
Grandparents Day |
10/17/24 November |
The School Explorers Program 9.30am - 11.00am |
Monday 27 November |
Kindergarten Orientation Day |
Thursday 7 December |
Leadership Changeover Ceremony and Mass Christmas Carols and BBQ |
Monday 11 December |
Year 6 Farewell Mass, Dinner and Awards |
Friday 15 December |
End of School Year |
St Mary's Feast Day
Last Friday, September 8th, we celebrated our school's feast day with great joy and enthusiasm. The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a special occasion that holds significant meaning in the Catholic faith, and to us at St Mary's Primary School, and our students made sure to honour it in a memorable way.
Our celebration began with a beautiful Mass with Father Joshy guiding us to reflect on the virtues of Mary.
Following the Mass, our students engaged in various Mary-themed fun activities. The students decorated biscuits with images and symbols associated with Mary, sang and played songs dedicated to Mary on the ukuleles and percussion instruments, modelled Mary symbols and created Mary chalk art and bookmarks.
As we celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our students learned about the virtues and qualities that Mary exemplified – kindness, humility, compassion, and faith. These values serve as a guiding light for us all as we strive to be better individuals and members of the St. Mary's School community.
I would like to thank all the teachers and staff, especially Mrs Therese Skelly, our Religious Education Coordinator, who made this celebration possible.
Sharing Best Practice
I am excited to share an enriching experience Mrs Cummins and I had last Saturday at Merici College in Canberra. We had the opportunity to attend 'Sharing Best Practice' Professional Learning Day, centred on exploring evidence-based, high-impact teaching practices that can shape our students' learning journey.
The 'Sharing Best Practice' event was filled with inspiration, collaboration, and valuable insights into innovative teaching methods. It was an opportunity for educators from various schools to come together, share their experiences, and learn from one another to enhance further the educational experiences we provide for our students.
The day focused on evidence-based approaches that have been proven to impact student learning outcomes significantly. One of the event's highlights was connecting with fellow educators as passionate about teaching as we are. We exchanged ideas, strategies, and success stories, which will enrich our teaching practices and benefit your children's education.
At St Mary's, we are excited to continue implementing these evidence-based practices into our teaching methods, ensuring that your child's educational journey continues to be engaging and enriching. We believe that every child deserves the best education possible.
Today, we shared our best practice with six staff from St Mary's Casino and a member of the CECG learning team, Bernadette Rayner. The visitors observed our Explicit Direction Instruction practice for English and Mathematics, viewed our data and listened to our change journey. We welcome back a second team from the same school on 12 October.
Thank you!
Thank you to our Parents & Friends Association for funding the new blinds in the Year 2 classroom. They look terrific and will assist with heating and cooling the room.
Join Us for a Night of Celebration: St Mary's 120th Anniversary Dinner Dance!
Ticket purchase details coming soon!
Event Details:
- Date: Saturday, 21st October
- Time: 6:00 PM
- Location: Crookwell Services Club
- Attire: Cocktail attire
We look forward to seeing you there!
Operation Christmas Child
In order to have boxes packed and ready for collection to be sent overseas, items for the Operation Christmas Child can kindly be returned to school by 23 October.
Below shows ideas for items that can be donated, if you wish.
Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
Our Year 5 and 6 students will receive the Sacrament of CONFIRMATION over the next 2 weekends during Masses in Goulburn and Crookwell. They will be confirmed in their faith.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic faith (the other two being Baptism and the Eucharist, or Holy Communion). The Sacrament of the Eucharist can be received every day, but the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation are only once received once in a lifetime. Confirmation completes (or confirms) the grace given by God in Baptism. During Confirmation Catholics renew their promises to follow Jesus in their lives, and they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen them on their faith journey.
Jesus’ apostles were the first to receive this special outpouring of the Holy Spirit when they were gathered together in Jerusalem in fear of being persecuted after Jesus’ death on the cross. Jesus had promised them his Holy Spirit would always be with them. After his resurrection, his Holy Spirit came upon them, enlightening and strengthening them for the task of spreading His message of love, peace, and hope in the promise of the Kingdom of heaven…
26 “I will send you the Helper[a] from the Father. The Helper is the Spirit of truth[b] who comes from the Father. When he comes, he will tell about me. 27 And you will tell people about me too.
We pray that our young people, filled with the Holy Spirit, will have faith, joy, hope, and courage in continuing Jesus’ work of bringing love, peace, and justice to our world. We pray that they will deepen their personal relationship with Jesus through prayer, the Eucharist, a life committed to the moral values of the Gospel, Reconciliation, and a life of service, especially to the poor and needy.
“Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” (Jn 20:21)
“Send your Holy Spirit upon them
to be their Helper and Guide.
Give them the spirit of wisdom
and understanding,
the spirit of right judgment
and courage,
the spirit of knowledge
and reverence.
Fill them with the spirit
of wonder
and awe in your presence.
Remember, the Holy Spirit is there for all of us. God sent His only Son Jesus, who died so that the sins of humanity could be forgiven. Jesus rose to new life and with the help of His Spirit, all people may experience God’s Kingdom of heaven. The gifts of the spirit can help all to follow in Jesus’ footsteps to bring about the Kingdom.

School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
Students have been busy participating in the Jump Rope for Heart Program for fitness and sport in recent weeks. The program can help primary schools meet the mandatory weekly requirements for student participation in sport and physical activity and encourages students to build a positive attitude towards exercise, healthy eating, and heart health. The program will conclude on Friday 19th September with a Skip-a-thon and a gold coin donation for the Heart Foundation.
Parents are welcome to watch down at the Multi-Purpose Court at 12.30 tomorrow.
Boorowa Touch Football and Netball Carnival
Boorowa Touch Football and Netball Carnival – Friday 20th October (Week 2, Term 4). Compulsory for Year 2-6 students. Please fill in the Compass permission note and transport details for your child/children as soon as possible. A bus has been booked, and names are now being added.
There is a choice of netball or touch football for Years 3-6. Year 2 will be playing Touch Football.
Those students wishing to play netball on the day have been invited to attend the Crookwell Clovers netball training sessions after school on Mondays from 3.30-4.30pm. Thank you to Reané Strode and Katie Price for coaching our netball teams!
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
MacKillop Athletics Championships
We have some very excited athletes who will be travelling to AIS in Canberra on Monday 18 September as members of the CECG Athletics Team. This is a wonderful achievement!
Flynn Storrier of Year 3 will compete in the 9yr old 100m and the Junior Boys 200m.
Grace McCormack of Year 4 will compete in the Junior Girls Shot Put
Henry Galland of Year 5 will compete in the 11yr boys Long Jump
Will Waldron of Year 5 will compete in the 1500m.
We wish Flynn, Grace, Henry and Will all the very best.
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Easton Gay, Vida Stephenson
Year 1: Noah, Flynn Pacoe, Pepper Reeves, Jack Wilkinson
Year 2: Denzil Hills, Henry Lowe
Year 3: Mylah Burfitt, Connor Plumb, Jobe Seaman
Year 4: Ruby Pappalardo
Year 5: Lily Coggan, Emmett McIntosh, Gabby Price
Year 6: Mia Butler, Will Croker, Noah Edwards, Lachlan Kilborn
Japanese Award
Congratulations to Year 4 for being the Class of the Week.
Uniform Appreciation Award
Well done to Chloe Bensley, Lachlan Pascoe and Lizzie Walsh for wearing their uniform correctly and with pride.
School Spirit Awards
Patrick Croker for his sports leadership
Olivia Doran for consistently displaying all of the school's values and showing others kindness, encouragement and compassion
Lauren Fraser for her sports leadership
Chelsea Moorby for consistently displaying all of the school's values and showing others kindness, encouragement and compassion.
Tommy Picker for always showing respect and being a fair player
Camac Wilson for always being respectful, being resilient and following school rules.
Country Womens Association Project Awards
Congratulations to the following students whose CWA projects move on to the STL Group, judging against fourteen other CWA Branches.
Year 6: Lara McCulloch
Year 5: Charlotte Bensley
Year 4: Grace McCormack & Faith Riles
Year 3: Aria White
Year 2: Abigail Crosbie
Year 1/2: Bailey Reeves
Kindergarten: Chelsea Moorby

The weekly awards are presented at our weekly Friday Assembly at 9.05 a.m. in the Old Hall. Parents and friends are welcome to join us.
Tuckshop Roster
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Sticky Beak Bag Use
Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Mass
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to the Goulburn Parish Office.
Phone: 0403 631 797