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WEEK 5 | |
Friday 18 August |
National Day Against Bullying and Violence The School Explorers School Readiness Program Session 1- 9.30am - 11.00am Northern Region Public Speaking Competition Tuckshop - Maureen, Kelly and volunteer needed |
WEEK 6 |
Monday 21 August |
Tuckshop- Catherine and Tash Angus Taylor visit with Yrs. 5 & 6 at 9.45 K/1/2/ Staff Intialit Coaching and Feedback |
Tuesday 22 August |
CECG Athletics Year 5 Art Focus Day Madi Burns- School Counsellor Book Week Cake Competition Kindergarten visit to Crookwell Library |
Wednesday 23 August |
Confirmation Class 2- 3.30pm NSW Cricket Coaching Sessions - SPORTS UNIFORM |
Thursday 24 August |
Book Week Parade Mrs Lowe at NR Principals meeting |
Friday 25 August |
The School Explorers School Readiness Program Session 2- 9.30am - 11.00am Principal, REC and Clergy Day in Canberra Tuckshop- Elise, Belinda and volunteer needed Sports uniform as normal |
Thursday 31 August |
Father's Day Stall and Special Lunch Order Year 6 Fundraiser |
Friday 8 September |
Archdiocesan Public Speaking Competition at Ss Peter & Pauls, Goulburn St Mary's Feast Day |
Friday 15 September |
Jump Rope for Heart 'Jump-off' |
Friday 22 September |
Stage One Showcase of Learning Assembly |
19 - 22 September |
Year Six Camp at the Collaroy Centre |
Book Week
Next week is Book Week, and we are looking forward to a fantastic week! Our teacher librarian, Mrs Dorothea Hewitt, has organised some fun activities around the theme 'Read, Grow, Inspire'. The students will come to school dressed as book characters and participate in a book parade on Thursday at 12.15pm. The students will also be able to participate in author and illustrator webinars, short-listed book activities and a cake competition. Please see Mrs Hewitt's section in this newsletter for more details.
Staff Professional Development
This week the staff have participated in coaching with our Coglearn coach, Mrs Libby Walker. Libby visited classrooms and spent time with teachers, supporting them with implementing High Impact Teaching Practices.
On Monday, our Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two teachers will engage in InitiaLit Coaching and Feedback sessions with representatives from MultiLit and the Catholic Education Office.
At St Mary's, the staff commit to being life-long learners.
School Board and P&F Meetings
Thank you to the parents who attended Term 3 P & F and School Board Meetings; the meetings were very productive.
The next events include the Sheep and Wool Muster, 120 Year Dinner Dance and Grandparents Day Morning Tea.
Due to a new constitution for all the schools in our Archdiocese, the School Board will now be called the School Community Council. Our P&F, as a Working Party of this council, will continue to run in the same way.
NAPLAN Results
As you may have read in this week's Upper Lachlan Gazette, we are proud of the student's National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) results.
Our Year 3 cohort achieved exceptional results in all areas, well above the NSW, ACT, and National comparative performance levels. Similarly, the Year 5 students achieved above the National average in Numeracy, Writing, Grammar and Punctuation and Reading. This achievement is a testament to the dedicated efforts of the students, teachers, and the entire school community and the effectiveness of evidence-based teaching strategies.
Northern Region Public Speaking Competition
Good luck tomorrow, Max, Harry, Grace, Jacob, Sophie, Lucas, Chloe and Addin, at the NR Public Speaking Competition in Queanbeyan.
The School Explorers - School Readiness Program
Our first School Explorers session will commence tomorrow, Friday 18 August. This year we will be doing morning sessions from 9.30am to 11.00am.
Our first session 'Solve it!" will be supported by Year Five, Mr Edwards and Mrs Lowe in the Multipurpose Hall. All families are asked to sign in and wait at the school library. If you are unsure of where that is, please go to the school office, and you will be directed.
Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
COMPASSION – making a difference in our school, our homes and the world
We are continuing to learn about the value of COMPASSION at St Mary’s.
What is the meaning of Compassion?
- Compassion is MORE than sympathy (more than feeling sorry for someone)
- Compassion is MORE than empathy (more than suffering WITH someone)
ACTION is what separates compassion from empathy, sympathy, pity, concern, condolence, sensitivity, tenderness, and commiseration. Compassion gets involved. When others keep their distance from those who are suffering, compassion prompts us to act on their behalf.
"Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else’s skin. It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too." Fredrick Buechner
Jesus showed us the true meaning of compassion.
- He could not walk past anyone who was suffering without stopping to comfort and help (‘Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him." — Matthew 20:30-34). Do we reach out to help others, especially the poorest of the poor?
- He welcomed little children (who were considered insignificant in Jesus’ time) when the Apostles tried to shoo them away. Do we welcome EVERYONE?
- He had mercy on outcasts who everyone else looked down their noses at and called sinners – in fact, Jesus even ate dinner with them. Do we have mercy rather than judge and condemn?
- Jesus even had compassion for those who crucified him…some of his last words were for them… “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Do we forgive or hold grudges?
- Jesus' very presence in the world is the ultimate act of compassion. We did not deserve His sacrifice, but because of God's great love, we were treated with compassion and mercy. Are we thankful?
We can also look to our Heavenly Mother Mary as an example of compassion. She set out on foot for another town when pregnant with Jesus, to help her cousin Elizabeth. She asked Jesus to perform his first miracle to save friends who were hosting a wedding from being embarrassed and losing face (they had faced the disaster of running out of wine, so Jesus turned water into wine). One of her last known acts of compassion was steadfastly bearing the agony of silently supporting her son as he died on the cross.
At St Mary’s School, we ask Mary to pray for us at every morning assembly… “Mary, mother of Jesus, Pray for us.”
Mary our mother, pray for us
That we may look at one another with kind, loving eyes
And with hearts and minds filled with compassion
That we might let the love of Jesus
Live in our school, our home, our community, and the world
May we all strive to follow the example of Jesus, his mother Mary, and our Australian Saint, Mary Mackillop in “never seeing a need without trying to do something about it.”
"This is what the Lord Almighty said: 'Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other.'" — Zechariah 7:9-10, NIV

Book Week
Next Week is Book Week.
The 2023 theme is READ GROW INSPIRE.
We are having a Book Character/ Theme dress-up day on Thursday, 24th August, with a parade at 12:15 pm. The children are encouraged to come dressed as a character from a book or use the book week theme to inspire some creative costumes!
To support Year 6 fundraising for camp/graduation, there will be two cake-making competitions.
The categories are:
- A cake in the form of a flower/flowers (Read Grow Inspire)
- A cake of a book character.
Children may enter individually, as a family or as a friendship group.
If participating, please bring cakes to the Library on Tuesday 22nd by 9:00 am for judging.
After judging, the cakes will be cut and sold at lunchtime, with funds contributing to camp/graduation expenses.
Throughout the week, virtual excursions will be hosted by various authors and illustrators and other craft activities.
A “Guess the Book Title Using the Emoji Clues” has been distributed via the newsletter today. Families are encouraged to use the clues to find the titles of books on the 2023 Children’s Book Week Council Short List. You can find the list here:
Please return throughout Book Week to the office.
There will also be a colouring competition at school on the theme READ GROW INSPIRE. Each class winner will receive a voucher to buy a book from ISSUE 6 Book Club.
School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
Jump Rope for Heart
While we are sad that our Brumbies Rugby sessions have come to end with Ronnie, we will now be busy participating in the Jump Rope for Heart Program in weeks 5-9. Students will be busy learning how to skip and perform various skills. This will conclude on Friday, 19th September with a Skip-a-thon and a gold coin donation for the Heart Foundation.
Cricket Sampling Program
Next Wednesday 23rd August, St Mary’s will be getting a visit from Cricket NSW. We are delighted to participate in a unique Cricket sampling program, which is part of Cricket NSW's Country Blitz initiative.
The Country Blitz is an exciting program aimed at promoting cricket across all regional areas. It brings together approximately 30 talented players from the prestigious NSW Blues and Breakers Cricket squads and potentially Sydney Thunder W/BBL teams, who will be visiting schools to introduce students to the wonderful world of cricket.
By participating in this program and engaging with these professional players, our students will have an exceptional chance to be inspired and develop their interest and skills in cricket. Kinder to Year 6 will be taking part in the sessions, and students are to wear their full school sports uniform on Wednesday to participate. We can’t wait to see who turns up!
Save the Date: Boorowa Touch Football and Netball Carnival
Friday 20 October (Week 2, Term 4). Compulsory for Year 2-6 students.
Please keep an eye out on Compass for the event details and consent.
The following teams will be entered, and we ask you to select which sport your child wishes to participate in when completing the consent on Compass.
- Year 2 Touch Football
- Year 3/4 Touch Football
- Year 3/4 Netball
- Year 5/6 Touch Football
- Year 5/6 Netball
We will require volunteers to assist with coaching. If you are able to help, please email me,
Families have the choice to transport their child/ren privately, or there will be bus transport available on a first-in, first-served basis. There are 45 seats available and will cost $15.00.
The school will cover the team registration costs.
A full canteen is available. Please ensure your child has a water bottle, hat and sunscreen. The students are to wear their full sports uniform.
The order slips were sent home last week. These can be returned to the Office at any time.
Tickets will be sent home today.
Term 3 Tuckshop Roster
If you can help and haven't provided your name yet, please click the following link to complete the form. Tuckshop Helpers
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Troy Pulis, Lyla Storrier
Yr. 1: Mason Allport, Thomas Culley, Hugo Montgomery, Evelyn Pappalardo
Yr. 2: Mia Croker, Lizzie Walsh
Yr. 3: Beau Knight, Oscar Montgomery
Yr. 4: Anna, A'dee Reynolds
Yr. 5: Chase Lucock, Olivia Millett, Elkie Storrier
Yr. 6: Phoebe Fannin, Charlie Tarlinton
Japanese Class Award
Well done to Year 6 on being the Class of the Week for Japanese.
Performing Arts Award -
Congratulations to Olivia Doran for the Week 5 Performing Arts Award
School Spirit Awards
Joe Hayes for his maturity and kindness to others
Khloe Pickett for showing great care of the school environment
Emilee Salt for being a great leader to younger students in Peer Support
Nicholas Wye for showing great care of the school environment
The cool Kids Anxiety Program will begin Wednesday, week 1 of term 4. Expressions of interest for term 4 are now being accepted for children in years 3 - 6.
The program will be run on-line over 10 consecutive weeks on Wednesday afternoons from 4pm. One parent is required to attend with their child at each session, two are welcome.
The following information explains what the Cool Kids program involves and who may find the program helpful.
About the Cool Kids Program
Cool Kids is a structured program that teaches children and their parents how to better manage a child’s anxiety. The program is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), involves the participation of children and parents, and focuses on teaching practical skills. Topics covered in the program include:
- Learning about anxiety
- Learning to think realistically
- Parenting an anxious child
- Facing fears using stepladders and
- Learning coping skills such as relaxation or problem solving.
The Cool Kids program was developed by Macquarie University over the past 25 years, has been translated into several languages and is used in clinics, schools and hospitals around the world. The program has undergone continual scientific evaluation and development to include the latest understanding of anxiety and its treatment. Current results indicate that most young people who complete the program show significant improvement. Following treatment, there are marked increases in school attendance, confidence, number of friends and involvement in extra-curricular activities and decreases in worry, shyness, fear and family distress.
How is the Cool Kids Program Delivered?
Cool Kids sessions will be run online by a clinical counsellor accredited to deliver the program.
The group program runs over ten weeks. Groups will include eight students and their parent/s.
Between sessions children will be asked to practice skills at home and at school and parental encouragement is a proven contributor to success.
Would my child benefit from Cool Kids?
The Cool Kids program is being offered to children whose main struggle is with anxiety. Cool Kids covers a broad range of fears and worries including:
Social fears: Kids who are shy and who worry about what others think of them. They avoid social situations, performing and often have difficulty making friends.
Specific fears: Fears of particular objects or situations like dogs, heights or water. The fear is so bad that they avoid situations where they might come across that fear.
Generalised anxiety: These kids are worriers. They worry about many different areas including schoolwork, competition, family, and anything new. They ask for reassurance and may feel sick, get headaches or have trouble sleeping.
Separation fears. Kids who worry that something bad will happen when separated from mum or dad. They often refuse to separate e.g. won’t go to school, sleep over at friends’ houses, or be left at home with a sitter.
Cool Kids is not suitable for children whose main problem is low mood, aggression, hyperactivity, oppositional behavior or if they are autistic.
What else is involved?
For your child to participate in Cool Kids you will be asked to complete a brief assessment. This will gather information about the concerns that you have for your child and will also include questionnaires for yourself and your child about thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The assessment will be used to determine if your child is likely to find Cool Kids beneficial. Additionally, after the program is complete you would be asked to complete the same assessment a second time so that we can track your child’s progress.
How to nominate your child
If after reading this information you would like your child to be considered for the program, please complete and return the attached Cool Kids Expression of Interest.
What Should I do if I Have Questions?
If you would like to discuss Cool Kids and whether your child would benefit from the program please email Cool Kids facilitator, Donna Spillman at or text/call 0498 460 086
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Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to the Goulburn Parish Office.
Phone: 0403 631 797