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Engaging Faith, Minds and Community
‘Send Out Your Light and Your Truth, Let Them Lead Me’ Ps 43:3
Our theme for Catholic Schools Week 2019, ‘Engaging Faith, Minds and Community’, best describes the Catholic school experience. It illustrates our holistic approach to educating children to become adults who personify Catholic values and serve their communities.
The theme highlights the faith-based nature of our Catholic schools while emphasising our inclusiveness – that all are welcome. Catholic Schools are places where we strive for all to be engaged in faith, inspire the mind and build strong communities.
The theme explores what makes our schools unique, in particular, the richness of our Catholic school communities.
Faith – placing Christ at the centre.
Minds – inspiring achievement and the fulfilment of each child’s potential.
Community – to become valuable, caring members of the school and extended community.
Our Schools strive to embody these values every day, so it is fitting that they form the theme for celebrating Catholic education in 2019.
Pope Francis at the World Youth Day 2019 final Mass, reflected on the importance of young people for society. He said their gifts are not reserved only for tomorrow. Young people, he said, “are the today for tomorrow. They are not ‘in the meantime’, but are the ‘today’, the ‘now’, of the Church and the world.” To inspire young people of today Catholic Schools are places that embrace their joyful presence and provide a community where young people can personally encounter God through the nurturing words and actions of others.
As part of a Catholic community, our schools are called to celebrate the gifts and diversity of all its members, inspire the minds and spirit of all those in our midst and help shape the young people to care for and serve those most in need.
This week St Mary's students have served our community through visits and hospitality. Year 6 and Kindergarten visited Crookwell Pre-school, Year 4 the Early Learning Centre, Year 1/2 weeded and raked leaves at the Crookwell Community Gardens, Year 3 served tea and biscuits after our Mother Day Mass and Year 5 cleaned up our town. This week we also welcomed perspective families into St Mary's for guided tours. It is wonderful to share with our community our amazing students and their enthusiasm for our school.

School Photos - Change of Date
Please note that our school photos will now be taken during Week 9 on Monday 24 June. Ordering can be done online by inputting the 9 digit code AN3 WE9 3JZ on the Advanced Life website . Envelopes were sent home last term.
Enrolling Now
Enrolments can now be placed online. Go to to enrol now.
Enrolments packs have been sent home with students who have siblings commencing in 2020. If you did not receive your bag please contact Belinda in the School Office.
Information can also be downloaded from our website
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN
tests in reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
The assessment provides parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests. NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process - it does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance.
NAPLAN also provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are meeting important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy.
The assessment window for NAPLAN Online is extended from three days provided for the paper test to nine days. This is to give schools more flexibility in scheduling and accommodate schools that may have fewer devices.
The NAPLAN Online assessment window starts on Tuesday 14 May and finishes on
Friday 24 May 2019. The online tests must be taken in the following order:
Excerpt from:
Student/Parent/Teacher Conversations
Our Three-Way interviews will be held on Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 May. These conversations are a chance for your child and their teacher to share with your some their achievements and educational goals. Conversations last for ten minutes and will be held in the Multipurpose Hall. Please be mindful of families waiting after you for their interview. If you feel that your conversation is not finished within the allocated ten minutes please arrange another time to meet with your child's teacher. This year bookings will be done online by using the following link.
Student/Parent/Teacher/Conversation Bookings
Our website also has a link to the Three-Way Interviews booking site on the top navigation menu bar.
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
A Prayer for Catholic Schools Week
God, thank you, for the blessing of Catholic Schools.
Help our school to grow in Faith, Hope and Love.
Jesus, thank you, for the blessing of all those who work in Catholic Schools.
Help our school staff to always be your face to those they encounter.
Holy Spirit, thank you for the blessing of the families, children and parents who are part of Catholic Schools.
Help our school families, children and parents to grow in understanding of the world and grant them the strength to make right choices when the world challenges what is right.
This Sunday is Mothers’ Day.
God our Creator, we pray:
for expectant mothers, wondering and waiting;
for new mothers, coming to terms with new responsibility;
for all mothers...
-who are tired, stressed or depressed;
-who struggle to balance the tasks of work and family;
-who are unable to feed their children due to poverty;
-whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities;
-who raise children on their own;
-who have lost a child;
-who care for the children of others;
-whose children have left home;
Bless all mothers, that their love may be deep and tender, and that they may lead their children to know and do what is good. May your loving hand guide them in the special work they do. Amen.
May is also the month for honouring Mary the mother of Jesus.
We thank God for Mary. She was hand-selected by the God of the universe to bring Jesus, our Savior, into the world and to nurture and care for Him until the day of His death on the cross. She faced many challenges and endured hardship and sorrow. She has held a place of highest honour since she said “YES” to God. She is an awesome example of faith, hope, love, courage and compassion to mothers everywhere.
We owe our salvation to Mary’s decision to love and accept the gift God had given her. We owe our lives to our own mothers for making the same decision.
Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
Congratulations to all our runners for the effort and perseverance they all displayed at the Northern Region Carnival on Friday. There were some exceptional results with five St Mary’s students finishing in the top 6. They now progress to the Archdiocesan Cross Country at Mt Stromlo on TUESDAY 4 JUNE as members of the Northern Region Team.
10yrs Girl – CHARLIE CRAMP
11yrs Girl – ELLIE McCORMACK
Their aim will be to become members of the Archdiocesan team to compete at Mackillop Cross Country – Eastern Creek FRIDAY 15 JUNE
Primary Sport- Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocese 
This Friday we have a large group in Canberra trialling for inclusion in Mackillop Hockey and Soccer.
We wish them all a good day as they compete against teams from other regions in our Archdiocese.
Yr 6 HOCKEY- Isabelle Galland, Bella Croker, Billie Skelly, Isabelle McCormack, Ashleigh Bachta
Yr 6 SOCCER- Paige Croker, Fynella Parsons
Yr 5 HOCKEY-Ellie McCormack, Bree Hearne, Regan Picker, William Heffernan, Alec McIntosh
Yr 4 HOCKEY - George Skelly, Nate Kemp
Yr 4 SOCCER – Charlie Cramp, Georgina Culley
School Sport with Mrs Rachael Croker
NRL Rugby League Legends
From all reports, a fabulous day was had by all on Tuesday at the NRL Rugby League Legends Gala Day.
All of our players displayed fantastic team spirit and gave 100% effort. Mrs Skelly mentioned that we had many budding rugby league stars across all grades.
Thank you to Phillip McCormack, Kathryn Nagle, Marty Reynolds and Stephen Greenwood for assisting with coaching duties on the day, your support is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks also to Mrs Skelly for supervising and supporting the students.
Athletics Carnival
We will be holding our Annual Athletics Carnival on Friday 17 May (Week 3) at Todkill Park for all students K-6.
Years 2-6 will take part in rotational activities: 100m, 200m, 800m, Shot put, Discus, Long Jump
Years K and 1 will have a 100m race, followed by tabloid activities for the remainder of the day.
The children on buses will be delivered straight to the venue and picked up from there in the afternoon. There will be teacher supervision available from 8:40am.
Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for whatever weather comes our way.
There will be a canteen available on the day, this is a Yr 2 fundraising event.
Thank you to families who have indicated that they are able to assist on the day.
Notes will be going home today which will outline parent roles. We are still looking for some timekeepers to assist with our 100m, 200m and 800m events. If you are able to help with this, please contact the school on the email below.
Any queries, please contact me via the school email
Scholastic Book Fair
Thank you for supporting the Book Fair.
Money raised through commission will go toward new resources for the Library.
Congratulations to the following children for excellent colouring in the Book Week competition: Flynn Reeves, Sophie Culley, Lara McCulloch,
Marli Selmes, Bridie Croker, Elli McCormack and Fynella Parsons. The children received a $10 voucher to spend at the Book Fair.
May is National Family Reading Month.
All children are encouraged to read for 10 minutes every day in May.
A Reading Log was sent home on Tuesday and children are to colour in the pages on the Reading Log each day they read.
Go online to and enter into the prize draw to win 1 of 50 $100 book vouchers.
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
Emotional Intelligence
The emotions of children matter. Focus and learning improve, when children are not anxious or aggressive. Sometimes children can be victims or perpetrators of bullying when their emotions are difficult to control. Bullying can be contributed to a lack of emotional intelligence skills. As teachers and parents, we need to teach these skills.
- We want children to recognise different emotions in themselves and others.
- We want children to understand the cause of emotions and their consequences
- We want children to be able to label different emotions.
- We want children to be able to express their emotions in ways that are socially appropriate
- We want our children to learn to regulate their emotions.
If we are emotionally intelligent we recognise a range of healthy emotions. This helps us to develop stronger, positive relationships, enjoy better health and wellbeing. Emotional intelligence can help protect us from depression, anxiety and aggression.
Children need to be clear about behaviour expectations at home and at school, to ensure they can better regulate their emotions and behaviour. It is helpful to teach them to take a short pause before reacting to others.
Education in emotional intelligence is as important as learning traditional subjects. Our learners then become more effective, more self-aware and more compassionate people.
Year Two Class Fundraiser Event- tuckshop at the Athletics Carnival
The Yr 2 class fundraiser for 2019 is the tuckshop at the Athletics carnival. We are in desperate need for volunteers to coordinate and assist. An eForm is available on Skoolbag or you can contact P&F representative Allison Hewitt.
Please remember that many hands make light work!!
P & F Meeting
The term 2 P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 21 May in the staffroom starting at 7.00pm. Hope to see as many there as possible.
Friday 10 May- Jo Grove, Katherine Fraser, Jodie Charnock
Monday 13 May- Nicola Pursell, Tori Simmons, Daniel Walsh
Friday 17 May- Jayde Costello, Angela Cuskelly, Jenny Skelly- note this is the Athletics carnival
Monday 20 May- Tania Croker, Candice Millett, Tash McCormack
Please arrive at 9.15am.
Class Awards
The Student of the Weeks Award recipients this week are...
Kinder - Spencer Charnock & Samuel White
Year 1 - Leo Knight, Chase Lucock & Thomas Walsh
Year 2 - Lauren Fraser & Charlie Lang
Year 3 - Briana Blowes & Peter Lawson
Year 4 – Reece Allport & Phoebe Selmes
Year 5 - Madeleine Fraser & Marnie McCormack
Year 6 - William Gorman & Darcy Selmes
School Spirit Awards
Ava Hewitt for caring for our environment
Imogen Hewitt for caring for our environment
Reece Allport for caring for our environment
Peter Lawson for caring for our environment
Awards are presented at our Monday morning Assembly in the Old Hall at 9.05am.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Altar Roster
12 May- Nathaniel Waters & Oliver Gray
19 May- Bella Croker
26 May- Eliza & Chloe Kemp
2 June- Lillian & Paige Croker, Regan Picker
9 June- Ashleigh Bachta & Olivia Anderson
16 June- Nathaniel Waters & Oliver Gray
23 June- Bella Croker
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help Father prepare.
We would love it if some more children could join our Altar Serving team. Please contact the Parish Office if your child is interested. Training is provided and new children are rostered on with experienced servers.