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- From the Principal's Desk
- Enrolling now for 2024!
- Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Student Awards
- Year Six Fundraising
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Help Support The 2023 Mystery Box Rally- Bundaberg
- Cool Kids Anxiety Program
- Community News
WEEK 4 | |
Friday 11 August |
Tuckshop- Pip, Bec and Tennille |
WEEK 5 | |
Monday 14 August |
Tuckshop - Candice and Nicole |
Tuesday 15 August |
COGLearn Staff Professional Development & Coaching Feast of the Assumption Mass 9.30am School Board Meeting 6.00pm |
Wednesday 16 August |
Year One Gold Art Focus Day Confirmation Class 1 3.30pm |
Friday 18 August |
National Day Against Bullying and Violence The School Explorers School Readiness Program Session 1- 9.30am - 11.00am Northern Region Public Speaking Competition Tuckshop - Maureen, Kelly and Amy |
WEEK 6 |
Monday 21 August |
Tuckshop- Catherine and Tash Angus Taylor visit with Yrs. 5 & 6 at 9.45 |
Tuesday 22 August |
CECG Athletics Year 5 Art Focus Day Madi Burns- School Counsellor Book Week Biscuit Decorating Competition |
Wednesday 23 August |
Confirmation Class 2- 3.30pm |
Thursday 24 August |
Book Week Parade Mrs Lowe at NR Principals meeting |
Friday 25 August |
The School Explorers School Readiness Program Session 2- 9.30am - 11.00am Principal, REC and Clergy Day in Canberra Tuckshop- Elise, Belinda and volunteer needed |
Friday 8 September |
Archdiocesan Public Speaking Competition at Ss Peter & Pauls, Goulburn St Mary's Feast Day |
Friday 15 September |
Jump Rope for Heart 'Jump-off' |
Friday 22 September |
Stage One Showcase of Learning Assembly |
19 - 22 September |
Year Six Camp at the Collaroy Centre |
It's great to be back!
I am delighted to return after an invigorating and enriching experience at the 2023 Australian Primary Principal's Conference in Hobart. The theme, "Refreshing Leadership and Inspiring Futures," allowed me to develop as an educational leader by attending keynote sessions and workshops covering various aspects of leadership, and fostering an inclusive school environment.
Apart from the conference, I also enjoyed exploring the beautiful state of Tasmania with my husband, Michael. The rich cultural heritage, picturesque landscapes, and warm hospitality of the locals made it a memorable experience. We cherished every moment and returned refreshed.
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our Assistant Principal, Mrs Sally-Anne Croker, for stepping up and diligently assuming the acting principal role during my absence. The smooth functioning of the school during this period is a testament to Mrs Croker's dedication, expertise, and commitment to the well-being of our students and staff.
Furthermore, I am immensely proud of our outstanding team of educators and support staff who took on extra responsibilities and ensured the uninterrupted progress of daily activities. Their diligence and hard work are commendable and exemplify the spirit of collaboration that makes St Mary's such a nurturing learning environment.
During my time at the conference, I also had the opportunity to reflect on the strengths and achievements of our school community. Our collective efforts have yielded tremendous results; witnessing our students grow academically, socially, and emotionally is heartening.
It feels great to be back, and I look forward to catching up with you all over the remainder of the term.
Northern Region Public Speaking Competition
Congratulations to the primary students who participated in their class 'speak-off' over the past few weeks; it can certainly be a daunting task. I am sure you would all agree, however, that it is an excellent skill for students to learn and practise. Congratulations to those who gained selection for our School Public Speaking Competition. From all accounts, the speeches were very well structured and delivered.
After staff deliberation, the following students were selected to participate in the Northern Region Public Speaking Competition at St Gregory's in Queanbeyan on Friday, 18 August, at 9.30am.
Year 3 - Max Strode and Harry Frost
Year 4 - Grace McCormack and Jacob Hogan
Year 5 0 Sophie Culley and Lucas PLumb
Year 6 - Chloe Bensley and Addin Grove
Further information will be sent home with these students this week.
Kindness Project
Term Three started with a combined Northern Region Professional Learning Day with Dr Caroline Thompson from Mercy Partners in Brisbane. Caroline spoke particularly about kindness and what we can do to make the world a kinder, more compassionate place. This term, the students have started with a kindness project; each day, they concentrate on spotting and doing kind acts. They are journaling and sharing their experiences. We have also focused on ‘Bullying no Way’, which is also supported in our Peer Support program this term. The day will incorporate the National Day Against Bullying and Violence on 18 August.
Morning Club- Monday to Thursday only
A reminder that our Morning Club is only offered Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 8.40am.
Please do not drop your child off before 8.40am on Fridays as there is no supervision.
The School Explorers - School Readiness Program
Our first School Explorers session will commence next Friday, 18 August. This year we will be doing morning sessions from 9.30am to 11.00am.
Our first session 'Solve it!" will be supported by Year Five, Mr Edwards and Mrs Lowe in the Multipurpose Hall. All families are asked to sign in and wait at the school library. If you are unsure of where that is, please go to the school office, and you will be directed.
God Bless,
Mrs Sarah Lowe
Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
The Assumption of Mary (15 August)

Next Tuesday is the Catholic Church feast of the ASSUMPTION of Mary. (The beautiful images show Mary being assumed body and soul into Heaven where she is welcomed by her Son). Mary is the chosen one; chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus Christ, and the feast of the Assumption is renowned throughout the world. It is a public holiday in many countries. Together with St Mary’s parish, the school will celebrate the Mass of the Assumption next Tuesday at 9.30am. All are welcome to join us.
The Scripture reading for this feast is called the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) coming from the term magnification. Mary magnifies (praises/glorifies) God’s action in her life and so too the life of humankind…
My soul magnifies the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour
Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid;
For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;
Because He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name.
Mary accepted God wholeheartedly into her life and is full of praise. Her grateful heart overflows with thanksgiving. Although she is giving thanks for the honour God has given her by choosing her to be the mother of Jesus, she is praising the Lord for everything he has done for all of his people throughout time.
And His mercy is from generation to generation
on those who fear Him.
He has shown might with His arm,
He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
and has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich He has sent away empty.
He has given help to Israel, his servant, mindful of His mercy
Even as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity forever.
Throughout their history, the people of Israel faced terrible enemies, but God was with them and came to their aid. Even after Jesus, the saviour had come, they seemed to be at the mercy of the Romans, but we still see Jesus stepping and championing the poor and downtrodden.
Mary is a figure of hope for all who journey in faith. Even though she didn’t know where that journey would take her, she trusted that God knew, and all would be made right. She understood that God’s love and mercy are always present…from generation to generation. This may not appear to us to be happening, but we are asked to trust in God, as Mary did, that all will be made right. The whole of history – who is victorious, who is downtrodden, who is exalted, is in the Lord’s hands; and the Lord’s hands are love, compassion, mercy, and justice. The Feast of the Assumption reminds us to live with faith, hope and love like Mary did. It also brings hope that all of humanity may one day share, body and soul, in eternal life in heaven with Mary and her Son.
Book Week
Book Week will be celebrated at St Mary’s in Week 6 from the 21st of August to 25th of August.
The 2023 theme is READ GROW INSPIRE.
Throughout the week, there will be virtual excursions hosted by various authors and illustrators, and other craft activities.
We are having a Book Character/ Theme dress-up day on Thursday 24th August with a parade at 12:15 pm. The children are encouraged to come dressed as a character from a book or use the book week theme to inspire some creative costumes!
To support Year 6 fundraising for camp/graduation there will be two cake making competitions.
The categories are:
- A cake in the form of a flower/flowers (Read Grow Inspire)
- A cake of a book character.
Children may enter individually, as a family or a friendship group.
If participating, please bring cakes to the Library on Tuesday 22nd by 9:00 am for judging.
After judging the cakes will be cut and sold at lunch time, with funds contributing to camp/graduation expenses.
A “Guess the Book Title Using the Emoji Clues” will be distributed on Thursday 17th August via the Newsletter. Families are encouraged to use the clues to find the titles of books on the 2023 Children’s Book Week Council Short List. Please return throughout Book Week.
There will also be a colouring competition at school on the theme READ GROW INSPIRE. Each class winner will receive a voucher to buy a book from ISSUE 6 Book Club.
Book Club
Please have orders finalised by TODAY, 10th August 2023.
School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
Friday Sport
Brumbies “Get into Rugby” Coaching
We have been lucky enough to have the very talented Ronnie and Gabby from the Brumbies Development Squad join us at St Mary’s the past three weeks for our Friday sport sessions. Ronnie and Gabby have been providing our students with some fun rugby skills, drills, and games and the students (and teachers) have been loving it! Sadly, tomorrow will be our last session. We would like to thank Ronnie and Gabby for their time and efforts. We have thoroughly enjoyed it!

Jump Rope for Heart Program.
Save the Date: Boorowa Touch Football and Netball Carnival
Friday 20 October (Week 2, Term 4). Compulsory for Year 2-6 students.
More details, including permission notes and transport information will be sent out in the next few weeks.
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
School sport Australia 12 Years and Under Australian Hockey Championships Hockey Stars
Last week Henry Galland and Ollie Croker of Year 5 travelled to Hobart to play for NSW at the School Sport Australia Australian Hockey Championships. The tournament went for 5 days, with 2 games each day and a rest day in the middle of the week.
Henry played in the midfield and was an absolute powerhouse in defence and attack. His ability to read the play and distribute the ball was well beyond his years. Very rarely did an opponent get past the safe tackling of Henry!
Ollie played an aggressive striker up front and was constantly putting the defence under immense pressure. His role on short corners was deflecting, and he scored a brilliant goal off a superbly timed deflection.
Both of the boys were awarded with player of the match awards, which is an excellent accolade for students in Year 5. They played with passion, with determination and in the spirit of the game. They represented our school and wider community with great pride and were amazing ambassadors for us.
The boys enjoyed touring the sights of Hobart with a trip to Mount Wellington, Cascades Brewery and Salamanca Markets just to name a few. They even managed to squeeze in a dinner with Mr and Mrs Lowe, who were also in Hobart.
Well done boys, making a NSW team in any sport is such an honour and we are so very proud of you both.

MacKillop NSWCPS Golf
Jaydan Costello, Henry Galland, Ollie Croker and Rory Bensley travelled to Blackheath on Monday to trial for the MacKillop golf team. Rory participated on the 9 hole tournament and gained great experience. He said the course was tough and he learnt a lot. Well done Rory!
Jaydan, Henry and Ollie competed in the 18 hole competition to gain selection into the MacKillop team. Jaydan and Henry both gained selection in the MacKillop team and will participate at the NSWPSSA Championships in Batemans Bay in September. Well done to Henry and Jaydan, we are super proud and excited for you both!
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Adam Fraser, Camac Wilson
Yr. 1: Bridie Anderson, Sidney Bush, Jack Lowe, Tilda McIntosh
Yr. 2: Oscar Allport, Henry Lowe
Yr. 3: Beau Knight, Connor Plumb
Yr. 4: Quade Haynes, Jacob Hogan, Grace McCormack
Yr. 5: Charlie Bensley, Alice Frost, Alex Storrier
Yr. 6: Angus Foley, Lara McCulloch
Japanese Class Award
Well done to Year 3 on being the Class of the Week for Japanese.
Performing Arts Award -
Congratulations to Lauren Fraser for the Week 3 Performing Arts Award
School Spirit Awards
Oscar Allport for always showing kindness and compassion
Olivia Doran for always demonstrating all the school values
Josh Fraser for always showing kindness and compassion
Riley Haynes for showing care for a Year Six friend
Term 3 Tuckshop Roster
If you can help and haven't provided your name yet, please click the following link to complete the form. Tuckshop Helpers
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to the Goulburn Parish Office.
Welcome to the new Parish secretary, Kelly Sieverts. Kelly works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Help Support The 2023 Mystery Box Rally- Bundaberg
Two of our parents, Katrina and Josh Proudman, are heading off on an adventure, taking part in the 2023 Mystery Box Rally. They'd appreciate any support you can offer! Good luck with your travels.
Mystery Box Rally is one of the largest community lead fundraising events for the Cancer Council in Australia. The rally though the years has raised over $39 million for the cause. With the money raised going to help fund research into preventing, curing and supporting cancer patients and their families.
This rally will have us driving a car that is 25 years or older along outback roads, leaving in mid August. We will travel over 2,500kms over 5 days Bundaberg to Bundaberg, with over 120 other cars from across Australia and a team from NZ, on off road tracks that most 4wds would struggle on.
Our Car is NIKKAS – a 1995 Ford ute. She survived the rally through Port Lincoln last year. Our fingers crossed she will be as reliable and resistant to the conditions this year in QLD.
uNICorn Squad joined the rally community in 2022, in memory of my sister Nicole, who we lost to a rare cancer in January 2020.
We also remember the many more that we know, who are fighting each day & the survivors. So, for us it is important to raise awareness and funds for our kids and future generations, so that they can have more hope & options when it comes to treatments and cures for cancer.
If you would like to donate to our cause then please scan the QR Code and donate at our ‘we give’ page as every little cent helps.
All donations made through our team uNICorn Squad means so much and we are forever grateful in helping us deliver our goal, and help raise money and awareness for this amazing cause.
Thank you- Josh & Kat Proudman
The cool Kids Anxiety Program will begin Wednesday, week 1 of term 4. Expressions of interest for term 4 are now being accepted for children in years 3 - 6.
The program will be run on-line over 10 consecutive weeks on Wednesday afternoons from 4pm. One parent is required to attend with their child at each session, two are welcome.
The following information explains what the Cool Kids program involves and who may find the program helpful.
About the Cool Kids Program
Cool Kids is a structured program that teaches children and their parents how to better manage a child’s anxiety. The program is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), involves the participation of children and parents, and focuses on teaching practical skills. Topics covered in the program include:
- Learning about anxiety
- Learning to think realistically
- Parenting an anxious child
- Facing fears using stepladders and
- Learning coping skills such as relaxation or problem solving.
The Cool Kids program was developed by Macquarie University over the past 25 years, has been translated into several languages and is used in clinics, schools and hospitals around the world. The program has undergone continual scientific evaluation and development to include the latest understanding of anxiety and its treatment. Current results indicate that most young people who complete the program show significant improvement. Following treatment, there are marked increases in school attendance, confidence, number of friends and involvement in extra-curricular activities and decreases in worry, shyness, fear and family distress.
How is the Cool Kids Program Delivered?
Cool Kids sessions will be run online by a clinical counsellor accredited to deliver the program.
The group program runs over ten weeks. Groups will include eight students and their parent/s.
Between sessions children will be asked to practice skills at home and at school and parental encouragement is a proven contributor to success.
Would my child benefit from Cool Kids?
The Cool Kids program is being offered to children whose main struggle is with anxiety. Cool Kids covers a broad range of fears and worries including:
Social fears: Kids who are shy and who worry about what others think of them. They avoid social situations, performing and often have difficulty making friends.
Specific fears: Fears of particular objects or situations like dogs, heights or water. The fear is so bad that they avoid situations where they might come across that fear.
Generalised anxiety: These kids are worriers. They worry about many different areas including schoolwork, competition, family, and anything new. They ask for reassurance and may feel sick, get headaches or have trouble sleeping.
Separation fears. Kids who worry that something bad will happen when separated from mum or dad. They often refuse to separate e.g. won’t go to school, sleep over at friends’ houses, or be left at home with a sitter.
Cool Kids is not suitable for children whose main problem is low mood, aggression, hyperactivity, oppositional behavior or if they are autistic.
What else is involved?
For your child to participate in Cool Kids you will be asked to complete a brief assessment. This will gather information about the concerns that you have for your child and will also include questionnaires for yourself and your child about thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The assessment will be used to determine if your child is likely to find Cool Kids beneficial. Additionally, after the program is complete you would be asked to complete the same assessment a second time so that we can track your child’s progress.
How to nominate your child
If after reading this information you would like your child to be considered for the program, please complete and return the attached Cool Kids Expression of Interest.
What Should I do if I Have Questions?
If you would like to discuss Cool Kids and whether your child would benefit from the program please email Cool Kids facilitator, Donna Spillman at or text/call 0498 460 086