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- Acting Principal News with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- Enrolling now for 2024!
- Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- Classroom Support with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Origami Club creations with Mrs. Rie O'Brien
- P & F News
- Student Awards
- Uniform
- Help Support The 2023 Mystery Box Rally- Bundaberg
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Acting Principal News with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
WEEK 3 | |
Friday 4 August |
Jeans for Genes Day - Students wear jeans and bring a gold coin donation for genetic research |
Friday 4 August |
Tuckshop - Georgia, Katherine & volunteer required |
WEEK 4 | |
Monday 7 August |
Tuckshop- Reané & Eleanor |
Tuesday 8 August |
School Public Speaking Competition- Parents Welcome 9:30am Madi Burns- school counsellor available Year 1 Green Art Focus Day Feast Of St Mary of the Cross Prayer 9:15am |
Wednesday 9 August |
Confirmation Enrolment- Yrs. 5 & 6 at 6pm P&F Meeting 7pm |
Friday 18/25 August, 1 September |
The School Explorers 9.30am - 11.00am |
Friday 18 August |
NR Public Speaking Competition |
Monday 21 to Friday 25 August |
Book Week Activities |
Friday 22 September |
Stage One Showcase of Learning Assembly |
19 - 22 September |
Year Six Camp at the Collaroy Centre |
Next Tuesday 8 August we will be celebrating the Feast of St Mary of the Cross with a prayer service at School. This will be held in the School Hall at 9:15am. Following that at 9:30am Yrs 3-6 will remain to listen to the selected Public Speakers. Parents and carers are most welcome to join us for both or either of these events.
We know that every day of attendance at school adds to your child's chances of success and achievement from kindergarten to high school. You play a key role in making sure your child attends school every day, and you do this because you understand that attendance leads to success, not just at school, but later in life. Every day at school counts towards your child’s learning.
We realise some absences are unavoidable due to health issues or other circumstances. However, we also know that when students miss too much school, no matter the reason, it can cause them to fall behind academically. The more absences your child has, the harder it is for them to catch up on missed work and stay connected to their school community. Absences add up quickly. If your child is absent just one day every two weeks over a school year, this will add up to 20 days of lost learning. This is almost half a school term.
Along with many other schools across Australia, we have noticed a large increase in our absenteeism since COVID. We understand that is is partly due to parents being vigilant with keeping sick children at home, and we do appreciate this; however, some absences can be avoided.
The following table indicates the levels of attendance.
Part of my job is to respond to all emerging absenteeism (<90% attendance) with support to improve attendance. This may involve an initial phone call, followed by letters and the creation of a Student Attendance Plan.
We want your child to succeed at school and know that you do as well. Please let us know if you require support in ensuring your child attends school on time each day. Feel free to contact me to discuss this or any other concerns.
Compass app and browser
Adding an attendance note via Compass is straightforward, either on the app or the web browser.
To access the shortcut on the app, look at the bottom of the page and select the blue circle with the plus in the middle and select "Submit attendance note".
If you want to look at your child's attendance via the app, please select "More" at the bottom, then "Open in Browser". This will take you to the browser view (the same one you would see if using Compass on your computer). Select "Profile", which will take you to your child's profile dashboard. From there, you can select "Attendance", which will take you to the summary page. Any squares in red are days when your child has an unexplained absence. You can add a note by going to the "Notes" tab and selecting "Add Attendance Note".
Copies of your child's reports are accessible through the Parent Portal.
All events and excursions information are now on Compass, and any payment required will be made via Compass Pay. This will allow for consent and payment to be made in one transaction. If, for some reason, the consent will not go through, please go back through and ensure all required questions or information is filled out.
School fee payments are recommended via BPAY, as the school is charged a fee when using Compass Pay. However, Compass Pay is still a legitimate way to pay your school fees if needed.
Compass Pay will be used for all school excursions and sporting events.
You can find the "Payments Centre" on the main dashboard of your browser or the app.
Latest News
All communication will be posted here—for example, sporting events, surveys, upcoming events, meetings, fundraising, etc. You can view old listings by selecting "Notifications" at the bottom of the app page.
You will also find the link to the "Changes to Travel Arrangements" form.
Morning Club- Monday to Thursday only
A reminder that our Morning Club is only offered Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 8.40am.
Please do not drop your child off prior to 8.40am on Fridays as there is no supervision.
At the time of publication, Henry and Ollie and the NSW U12 Hockey team had recorded two wins and one loss. Both Henry and Ollie had been awarded "Player of the Match" for their games. Updates will be published via our School Facebook and Instagram page.
Bee's Treat for Year 6

Year 6 were lucky enough to have Mrs Belinda Foley from Beelinda’s Beehive educate them about bees and the production of honey. Mrs Foley’s bee business, owned by Angus’ mother, shared her knowledge and skills with Year 6 about the production of honey and the extraction of honey from her bee hives.
Mrs Foley makes home-made products using beeswax and honey and sells them. She makes bee gifts and products including candles, hand-creams, shampoo and toothpaste.
Mrs Foley has won many awards for her amazing honey. She was Champion of making beeswax at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney.
Year 6 were very attentive in learning about this production process and had lots of questions for Mrs Foley. As well as examining the honeycomb formation in a specially presented bee box, they got to enjoy a taste of honey with crunchy honeycomb!
Thank you Mrs Foley for sharing your knowledge with us.
Jeans for Genes
The School Explorers - School Readiness Program
Is your little one starting school in 2024? Help them embark on an exciting educational adventure with "The School Explorers" commencing on Friday, 18th August.
All preschool-aged children are invited to attend regardless of school choice. Come along to all or as many sessions as suits you. Parents, you are welcome to stay for the session, leave your child in our capable hands, or a combination of both.
To register or for more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with Belinda on 48321 592. We can't wait to welcome your child to St Mary's!
Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
Saint Mary Of the Cross Mackillop- Feast Day –August 8
We continue to focus on our school value of COMPASSION and what better role model do we have than our first Australian Saint, St Mary of the Cross whose feast day we celebrate next Tuesday. Mary answered God’s call and clothed herself with the qualities of Jesus.
Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other … Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. (Colossians 3:12-14)
St Mary Mackillop’s daily life reflected compassion for others. She lived by her mottos:
“To live simply, travel lightly and make room for all”
“Never see a need without doing something about it”
Mary’s compassionate way of life inspired others to follow in her footsteps. These women became known as the Sisters of St Joseph’. Today they can be found making a difference all over the world carrying on Jesus’ mission of reaching out to the poor and needy with love, compassion and faith. In Crookwell we have our very own Sister of St Joseph – Sr Rosemary – who reaches out to those in need.
All Christians are called to try to be saintly in their daily lives; to live lives according to God’s commandments to love God and one another. What a beautiful world it would be if everyone was inspired to follow Mary Mackillop’s example by ‘making room for all’ and ‘never see a need without doing something about it.
God, help us to look with 'soft eyes' as Mary MacKillop did,
Upon all who are a part of our days
Allow us to break through the barrier
Of our scrutinising views.
Transform our inner landscape into a peaceful place of acceptance.
Pull back our projections and criticisms.
Replace our mean measurements and our biased expectations
With an openness that allows others to be.
Book Week
Book Week will be celebrated at St Mary’s in Week 6 from the 21st of August to 25th of August.
The 2023 theme is READ GROW INSPIRE.
Throughout the week, there will be virtual excursions hosted by various authors and illustrators, and other craft activities.
We are having a Book Character/ Theme dress-up day on Thursday 24th August with a parade at 12:15 pm. The children are encouraged to come dressed as a character from a book or use the book week theme to inspire some creative costumes!
To support Year 6 fundraising for camp/graduation there will be two cake making competitions.
The categories are:
- A cake in the form of a flower/flowers (Read Grow Inspire)
- A cake of a book character.
Children may enter individually, as a family or a friendship group.
If participating, please bring cakes to the Library on Tuesday 22nd by 9:00 am for judging.
After judging the cakes will be cut and sold at lunch time, with funds contributing to camp/graduation expenses.
A “Guess the Book Title Using the Emoji Clues” will be distributed on Thursday 17th August via the Newsletter. Families are encouraged to use the clues to find the titles of books on the 2023 Children’s Book Week Council Short List. Please return throughout Book Week.
There will also be a colouring competition at school on the theme READ GROW INSPIRE. Each class winner will receive a voucher to buy a book from ISSUE 6 Book Club.
Book Club
Book Club was distributed today. Please have orders finalised by 10th August 2023.
Term 3 Tuckshop Roster
If you can help and haven't provided your name yet, please click the following link to complete the form. Tuckshop Helpers
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Term 3 P&F Meeting
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Lincoln Cummins, Chelsea Moorby
Yr. 1: Abby Kennedy, Laela McIntosh, Archer Moloney, Bailey Reeves
Yr. 2: Henry Butler, Henry Elsley-Mattox
Yr. 3: Jesse Costello, Vinnie Moloney, Max Strode
Yr. 4: Sophie Croker, Harper Seaman
Yr. 5: Sophie Culley, Sienna Gann, Will Waldron
Yr. 6: Lauren Fraser, Charlie Lang
Japanese Class Award
Well done to Year 2 on being the Class of the Week for Japanese.
Performing Arts Award -
Congratulations to Tahlia Naughton for the Week 3 Performing Arts Award
Uniform Appreciation Award
Congratulations to Addin Grove and Grace McCormack on wearing their uniform correctly and with pride.
School Spirit Awards
Mia Butler for modelling the school values daily
Lucas Charnock for demonstrating compassion
Bodi Cooper for Service to others
Donovan Francis for Service to others
Ava Hewitt for Service to the school community daily
Max Strode for caring for our environment
Uniform for Sale
One of our recently-departed families has uniform items for sale, which are only 2 terms old.
ALL size 14
Woollen jumper
Long pants x 2
Shirt x 2
Spray jacket
Dress x 2
Sports socks
Sports shorts
Sports t-shirt
Sports long pants
For more information or cost, please contact Belinda for the sellers details.

Help Support The 2023 Mystery Box Rally- Bundaberg
Two of our parents, Katrina and Josh Proudman, are heading off on an adventure, taking part in the 2023 Mystery Box Rally. They'd appreciate any support you can offer! Good luck with your travels.
Mystery Box Rally is one of the largest community lead fundraising events for the Cancer Council in Australia. The rally though the years has raised over $39 million for the cause. With the money raised going to help fund research into preventing, curing and supporting cancer patients and their families.
This rally will have us driving a car that is 25 years or older along outback roads, leaving in mid August. We will travel over 2,500kms over 5 days Bundaberg to Bundaberg, with over 120 other cars from across Australia and a team from NZ, on off road tracks that most 4wds would struggle on.
Our Car is NIKKAS – a 1995 Ford ute. She survived the rally through Port Lincoln last year. Our fingers crossed she will be as reliable and resistant to the conditions this year in QLD.
uNICorn Squad joined the rally community in 2022, in memory of my sister Nicole, who we lost to a rare cancer in January 2020.
We also remember the many more that we know, who are fighting each day & the survivors. So, for us it is important to raise awareness and funds for our kids and future generations, so that they can have more hope & options when it comes to treatments and cures for cancer.
If you would like to donate to our cause then please scan the QR Code and donate at our ‘we give’ page as every little cent helps.
All donations made through our team uNICorn Squad means so much and we are forever grateful in helping us deliver our goal, and help raise money and awareness for this amazing cause.
Thank you- Josh & Kat Proudman
Confirmation Enrolment Night- Yr. 5 & 6
The enrolment night for the sacrament of Confirmation will be held at 6.00pm on Wednesday 9 August here at school. This will be for Yr. 5 & 6 students.
Enrolment and payment is now available on Qkr under "St Mary's Crookwell". To access:
Select Goulburn Mission (you may be prompted to add a profile)
Then on the menu Select St Mary’s Parish Crookwell
Then select ‘sacraments’ and then select St Mary’s Crookwell Confirmation 2023 $70.
The meetings will be held Wednesdays 16/23/30 August and 6 September, followed by the retreat on Thursday 14 September, and Confirmation on Sunday 24 September.
Please contact the Parish Office for more information.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to the Goulburn Parish Office.
Welcome to the new Parish secretary, Kelly Sieverts. Kelly works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
ACT Interschool Equestrian Competition
For those who are interested in representing St Mary's at the ACT Interschool Equestrian Competition, it will be held on 13/14/15 October at the Bungendore Showgrounds. More information or to register your name, please contact Catherine Culley.