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- Acting Principal News with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- Enrolling now for 2024!
- Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
- School Sport with Mrs Linda Walsh
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Classroom Support with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Student Awards
- Uniform
- Community News
Acting Principal News with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
WEEK 2 | |
Thursday 27 July |
Welcome back Mass 12.00 St Mary's Church |
Friday 28 July |
No tuckshop |
WEEK 3 | |
Monday 31 July |
Tuckshop- Cass & Stacey |
Friday 4 August |
Jeans for Genes Day - Students wear jeans and bring a gold coin donation for genetic research |
Friday 4 August |
Tuckshop - Georgia, Cathy and Katherine |
Tuesday 8 August |
St Mary's Public Speaking Competition Yrs. 3 - 6 |
Friday 18/25 August, 1 September |
The School Explorers 9.30am - 11.00am |
Friday 18 August |
NR Public Speaking Competition |
Friday 22 September |
Stage One Showcase of Learning Assembly |
19 - 22 September |
Year Six Camp at the Collaroy Centre |
Last Thursday Year Six students, along with Year Five students Lucas and Jayden, acknowledged NAIDOC Week with a NAIDOC Mass. All the Northern Region Schools met and celebrated at Ss Peter and Paul Cathedral. The celebration began with a smoking ceremony outside and was completed with three NAIDOC awards for students at our schools.
Year Six student, Kaitlin Francis was recognised as someone who embodies the true essence of a role model, as she gracefully represents her Aboriginal heritage and a profound connection to the land and her culture. With immense pride and respect, Kaitlin shares her knowledge and experiences with her fellow students, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for Aboriginal history and traditions. Her genuine passion for her heritage and the environment shines through her interactions, inspiring others to explore their own cultural roots, embrace diversity and care for the environment. Kaitlin's unwavering determination and dedication have not only enriched the lives of her classmates but also positively impact the entire school. Kaitlin's tireless efforts to share and celebrate her Aboriginal identity serve as a guiding light for others. Kaitlin Francis is an example of resilience, strength, and cultural pride. Her commitment to fostering inclusivity and inspiring others is truly commendable.

NSWPSSA Cross Country
Congratulations to Year Five student William Waldron for his fine effort and result at the PSSA Cross Country last Friday. Many staff and students watched his run via a livestream link and were impressed with his race. Representing St Mary's as a Mackillop team member is a significant achievement and one of which we are very proud. Well done William.
This weekend two Year Five students, Henry Galland and Ollie Croker, will travel to Hobart as members of the NSW U12 team and compete against other Australian States and Territories at the School Sport Australia Championships. The competition kicks off with a State of Origin match on Monday morning. Best of luck to both boys and their families. An outstanding achievement and recognition for their talents. Included is a link to keep up with games, scores etc. We will be watching!!
This week Year Three and Five parents received their child's NAPLAN results. In the envelope they were provided with an individual report for their child with a letter and fact sheet about the new proficiency standards.
While the fact sheet may help with understanding the results, there may questions or a need to seek clarification. Please reach out if you would like to sit with me or your child's class teacher to better understand it.
Overall the results indicate that St Mary's is well on track with understanding and delivery of the NSW Curriculum for Maths and Literacy.
Peer Support
Next Friday we begin our Peer Support program for 2023. The unit focus is called, "Stronger Together" which will incorporate positive relationships amongst students. Year Six leaders will work with a group of approximately fifteen student from K-6 with a supervising teacher. They will follow a script and lesson plan to help them become competent group leaders. Peer Support groups will meet every Friday from 2:00pm - 2:30pm until Week 7.
Jeans for Genes
The School Explorers - School Readiness Program
Is your little one starting school in 2024? Help them embark on an exciting educational adventure with "The School Explorers" commencing in Term 3 on Friday, 18th August.
All preschool-aged children are invited to attend regardless of school choice. Come along to all or as many sessions as suits you. Parents, you are welcome to stay for the session, leave your child in our capable hands, or a combination of both.
To register or for more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with Belinda on 48321 592. We can't wait to welcome your child to St Mary's!
Public Speaking Competition
In Week Three, each student will have the opportunity to present a speech to their class. This allows our students to gain valuable experience in public speaking within a comfortable and familiar setting. It also allows them to engage with their peers, share their ideas, and practice their communication skills.
The speech topics are as follows:
Year 3 - My backyard - 2 minutes
Year 4 - Sport brings us together - 2 minutes
Year 5 - Learning from the past - 3 minutes
Year 6 - Difficult journeys - 3 minutes
Following the class presentations, five representatives from each year group will be chosen to present their speeches to the entire school on Tuesday, 8th August. These finalists will compete to be one of the two chosen speakers for their respective year groups.
The selected speakers from our school will then move on to represent St Mary's at the Northern Region Public Speaking Competition in Queanbeyan on Friday, 18th August. This is an exciting opportunity for our students to showcase their talents and compete with other schools in the region.
Parents and families are welcome to attend the school competition and show their support for our budding speakers. Timing for this event will be communicated next week.
Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
School Value- Compassion
Students and staff at St Mary’s are continuing to reflect on how we can make our world a better place by following in Jesus’ footsteps and living the value of COMPASSION.
Compassion is:-
- Asking others who appear to be in trouble if they need help
- Listening attentively to someone’s problems
- Trying to understand another’s problems
- Comforting others who seem sad or troubled
- Forgiving someone who has done the wrong thing
- Reaching out in friendship to others who are alone
- treating everyone, every day with kindness
We are working to show God’s compassion by:
- Being KIND to EVERYONE every chance we get – in the classrooms, in the hallway, in the playground.
- Being on the lookout for those who are in need and trying to do something about it.

School Sport with Mrs Linda Walsh
School Sport with Mrs. Walsh
Last Friday Years 2-6 started the “Get into Rugby” coaching sessions run by Reinhold Kamilo who is the Rugby Development Officer for Monaro. Ronnie is a talented Rugby coach and ran the students through some fun and engaging skills, drills and games. He instilled in the children the importance of respecting their teammates, coach, and referee. Ronnie will be running these sessions as part of Friday sport until week 4.
We can access these specialist sporting programs and coaches through grant opportunities provided by The Australian Government and Australian Sports Commission. Grants support the delivery of sport-based programs to help students build the confidence and capability to be active for life. Sporting Schools has partnered with more than 35 national sporting organisations (NSOs) and national sporting organisations for people with disability (NSODs) to facilitate delivery of Sporting Schools programs.
Primary schools can apply for three grants per year. This generally includes funding for 4 sessions of 30 students for 4 weeks. Based on numbers this usually allows Years 2- 6 to be involved. Consequently, our infants have not involved so far this year in these programs. It is something we are aware of and have plans for sporting opportunities and coaching for our Infants to enjoy with further access to grants. We have received two grants so far this year and hopefully another next term.

Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
NSWPSSA Cross Country Championships
What an exciting day for William last Friday, running for MacKillop at the NSWPSSA Cross Country Championships at Eastern Creek, Sydney.
William ran in the 11yr boys 3km race, with a race group of around 70 plus runners. Will described the track as being flat at the start and then pretty hilly behind the car racing track.
William finished in 37th position, which is an outstanding achievement! We are very proud of you William, and so pleased that you got to have this opportunity.
School Sport Australia 12 Years and Under Australian Hockey Championships
Next week will be one of great excitement for Henry Galland and Ollie Croker of Year 5. They will be off to Hobart, Tasmania, playing for NSW at the Australian Championships. The boys have headed off to training in Maitland today to prepare with their team.
The draw for next week is as follows:
Monday 31 July:
Game 1 9:45am V QLD
Game 2 2:15pm V TAS
Tuesday 1 August:
Game 3: 11:30am V SA
Wednesday 2 August
Educational Excursion
Thursday 3 August
Game 4: 10:15am V WA
Game 5: 4:15pm V VIC
Friday 4 August
Game 6: 10:00am V ACT
We wish the boys all the very best of luck, and we will hopefully get to watch some of their games via live-stream.

Upcoming Trials
- Golf- 9 Hole MacKillop and 18 Hole MacKillop.
CLOSE DATE: Applications for this CSNSW Sport selection Trial (MacKillop 9 Hole Tournament) close on Thursday, 27th July 2023
REGISTRATION: In order for your child to be accepted to participate in the selection trial you or your child must accurately complete the following:
DOB: 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2015
School Years: 2 to 6
Gender: Both
Region: MacKillop
Cost: $35.00 for 9 hole, $45.00 for 18 hole
Term 3 Tuckshop Roster
If you can help and haven't provided your name yet, please click the following link to complete the form. Tuckshop Helpers
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
New oven
A big thank you to Ally Hewitt and the P&F executive for organsing a new, bigger oven for the tuckshop. This will help greatly on those busy Friday's where there are lots of orders!
Thanks to Brendan Hewitt and Shane Gann for fitting it.
Confirmation Enrolment Night- Yr. 5 & 6
The enrolment night for the sacrament of Confirmation will be held at 6.00pm on Wednesday 9 August here at school. This will be for Yr. 5 & 6 students.
Enrolment and payment is now available on Qkr under "St Mary's Crookwell". To access:
Select Goulburn Mission (you may be prompted to add a profile)
Then on the menu Select St Mary’s Parish Crookwell
Then select ‘sacraments’ and then select St Mary’s Crookwell Confirmation 2023 $70.
The meetings will be held Wednesdays 16/23/30 August and 6 September, followed by the retreat on Thursday 14 September, and Confirmation on Sunday 24 September.
Please contact the Parish Office for more information.
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to the Goulburn Parish Office.
Welcome to the new Parish secretary, Kelly Sieverts. Kelly works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Harvey Kensit, Andy Storrier
Yr. 1: Gabby McDonald, Adrian, Hadlèy Reynolds, Lucas Charnock
Yr. 2: Fraser McIntosh, Abby Crosbie
Yr. 3: Luca Morning, Flynn Doran, Harry Frost
Yr. 4: Imogen Hewitt, Tommy Picker
Yr. 5: Jaydan Costello, Sophie Kilborn
Yr. 6: Emilee Salt, Saxon Montgomery
Japanese Class Award - Year 5
Performing Arts Award - Tommy Picker
Uniform Appreciation Award
Congratulations to Hadlèy Reynolds and Joshua Fraser on wearing their uniform correctly and with pride.
School Spirit Awards
Charlie Lang for showing kindness to a classmate.
William Croker for modelling ALL school values every day.
Jack Strode for modelling school values.
Riley O'Brien for showing respect in all classes and on the playground.
Uniform for Sale
One of our recently-departed families has uniform items for sale, which are only 2 terms old.
ALL size 14
Woollen jumper
Long pants x 2
Shirt x 2
Spray jacket
Dress x 2
Sports socks
Sports shorts
Sports t-shirt
Sports long pants
For more information or cost, please contact Belinda for the sellers details.

Please check your child's uniform items
Over the holidays as the daily routine may have slowed a little, you may have had the time to check your child's school uniform and noticed that you were missing things or had gained extra items that didn't belong to your family.
We have a large number of school jumpers and sports jackets, all with no name and some quite new, sitting in our lost property. These items will remain there for the next 2 weeks, after which they will be relocated to our second-hand store for other families to choose from.
To assist us with returning items to the rightful owner as soon as possible, please name all clothing items.
ACT Interschool Equestrian Competition
For those who are interested in representing St Mary's at the ACT Interschool Equestrian Competition, it will be held on 13/14/15 October at the Bungendore Showgrounds. More information or to register your name, please contact Catherine Culley.