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- Principal Talk with Mrs. Sarah Lowe
- School Fee Payment Reminder
- Uniform- Lost Property
- Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
- Classroom Support with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Term 2 Art Focus Days
- School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Library News with Mrs. Hewitt
- Child Safe Advocate with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
- Student Awards
- Joke of the Week
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sarah Lowe
Thursday 8 June |
Combined Eucharist Retreat Day for students preparing to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist - Transport Trinity CC Bus |
Friday 9 June |
Tuckshop - Elise, Bec & Tennille |
Saturday 10/Sunday 11 June |
Sacrament of Eucharist (Holy Communion) - 6pm Taralga and 9am Crookwell |
Monday 12 June |
Tuesday 13 June |
NSW CPS Cross Country - Sydney - Good luck, William! |
Thursday 15 June |
Mrs Skelly and Mrs Croker at NSW Curriculum Professional Learning - Goulburn Communication Survey closes |
Friday 16 June |
Northern Region Athletics Carnival - Goulburn 'Partners in Learning' Parent Survey closes Tuckshop - Elizabeth, Carina, Jenny |
Monday 26 June |
Academic Reports and Work Sample Folders home |
Friday 30 June |
Stage Two (Years 3/4) Showcase of Learning Assembly 12.30pm |
Goodbye and good luck!
On behalf of the entire school, we bid Harry Day, along with his wonderful family, Katie and Jakob, farewell and send our warmest wishes for a successful move and a smooth transition.
We wish them all the best as they settle into their new home and embrace the exciting challenges ahead; we do not doubt that Harry will thrive at Ss. Peter and Paul's Primary School in Goulburn.
May this transition be smooth and filled with joy, love, and endless possibilities.
Staff Professional Development - Dyspraxia and Motor Coordination Difficulties
Motor difficulties may affect large movements involving whole limbs or body balance (gross motor skills) or hand function for everyday tasks such as writing, doing up buttons on a shirt (fine motor skills), or both.
Motor difficulties are often called Developmental Dyspraxia, Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) or Motor Coordination Difficulties (MCD). These terms are often used interchangeably in literature aimed at parents and teachers.
The word dyspraxia comes from the Greek word praxis which refers to:
...the ability by which we figure out how to use our hands and body in skilled tasks like playing with toys, using a pencil or fork, building a model, straightening up a room, or carrying out many aptitude that enables a child 'to do' in the world. It is unique among human skills and forms a link between the brain & behaviour. Praxis in the physical world has been likened to speech in the social world. - Sidney Chu 1992
As part of this course, the staff learn how to support the students in our classrooms who demonstrate motor coordination difficulties.
Communication Survey - Last chance!
At St Mary's, we believe that strong communication between school and home is crucial for the success of our students. We want to ensure that you stay well-informed about our school's exciting events, important announcements, and educational initiatives. To achieve this, we need your valuable input!
As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance communication, we are conducting a brief survey to gather your preferences regarding the best platform for us to share school news and updates. We understand that everyone has unique preferences and lifestyles, so we want to ensure that our communication methods cater to your needs.
The survey will focus on three primary communication channels: the school newsletter, Compass messages, and social media. We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete the survey and provide us with your feedback. Your responses will be crucial in shaping our communication strategy moving forward.
To access the survey, please click the following link:
Thank you to the families who have completed this survey. It will remain open until 15 June, so if you have not done so already, please submit your response before then.
Compass app and browser
A kind reminder to please let the school know of any absences as soon as possible. This allows us to ensure our records are current and to plan for the day accordingly.
Adding an attendance note via Compass is straightforward, either on the app or the web browser.
To access the shortcut on the app, look at the bottom of the page and select the blue circle with the plus in the middle. **Please note- ignore the word "close" under this symbol. It does not close the app**. We hope to have this rectified in the coming weeks.
If you want to look at your child's attendance via the app, please select "More" at the bottom, then "Open in Browser". This will take you to the browser view (the same one you would see if using Compass on your computer). Select "Profile", which will take you to your child's profile dashboard. From there, you can select "Attendance", which will take you to the summary page. Any squares in red are days when your child has an unexplained absence. You can add a note by going to the "Notes" tab and selecting "Add Attendance Note".
Reports, Compass and absences
At the end of this term, your child's Semester 1 reports will be available on Compass. Your child's attendance record will be noted on these reports based on the information in Compass. Please check your child's profile to ensure the attendance information is current.
All events and excursions information will now be on Compass, and any payment required will be made via Compass Pay. This will allow for consent and payment to be made in one transaction. If, for some reason, the consent will not go through, please go back through and ensure all required questions or information is filled out.
School fee payments are recommended via BPAY, as the school is charged a fee when using Compass Pay. However, Compass Pay is still a legitimate way to pay your school fees if needed.
Compass Pay will be used for all school excursions and sporting events.
You can find the "Payments Centre" on the main dashboard of your browser or the app.
Latest News
All communication will be posted here—for example, sporting events, surveys, upcoming events, meetings, fundraising, etc. You can view old listings by selecting "Notifications" at the bottom of the app page.
You will also find the link to the "Changes to Travel Arrangements" form.
This a reminder as we head to the end of the term to ensure your Term Two school fees have been paid.
Head Office emailed school fee statements on 17 May and again yesterday. If you have not received yours or cannot find it, please let Belinda know, and she will provide a new copy.
** PLEASE NOTE everyone has a new BPAY number assigned specifically to them. Please ensure you use the new details when making a payment for fees. Remember all pre-existing periodical payments were cancelled, and you must set up a new one with your bank if you wish to continue paying this way **
Please check your child's uniform items
As we approach the end of the term, now is a good time to ensure that all the items coming home with your children belong to them. Sometimes items accidentally get picked up and brought home.
We have a large amount of school jumpers and sports jackets, all with no name and some quite new, sitting in our lost property. Please name all clothing items to ensure we can return items to the rightful owner as soon as possible.
Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
CORPUS CHRISTI - the ‘Body and Blood of Jesus Christ’
This Sunday the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of CORPUS CHRISTI - the ‘Body and Blood of Jesus Christ’ (or Eucharist/Holy Communion).
The word ‘Eucharist’ means thanksgiving. When Catholics go to Mass, they are giving thanks for Jesus’ great sacrifice when he gave up his body to be crucified for humanity. In the Mass they remember Jesus’ Last Supper, his final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. At the meal Jesus shared unleavened bread and wine (the staple food of the time) and he instructed his disciples to continue to do this to remember him. He took, broke, and shared the bread saying:
“Take this and eat. This is my body.
Take this and drink. This is my blood.
Do this in memory of me.”
The Mass is more than a re-enactment of the Last Supper. Catholics believe that the piece of bread (host) that is "taken, blessed, and broken " by the priest becomes the life of Jesus, which was taken, blessed, broken (on the cross) and given in sacrifice for us.
Although the bread and wine physically remain the same (they look, taste, and smell like bread and wine), Catholics believe that it is transformed beyond human comprehension into Jesus when it is blessed during the Mass. This is called Transubstantiation, the most important act of worship.
Catholics attend Mass to receive Jesus in Holy Communion just as He asked at His Last Supper. And by doing this are strengthened and nourished for life’s journey of faith.
It is fitting that our children preparing to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus will make their First Holy Communion at Masses in Taralga and Crookwell this weekend (the Feast of Corpus Christi). We wish Charlie, Hayden, Chase, Quade, Riley, Tommy, Anna, Imogen, Ruby and Scarlett a holy first Eucharist.
Chase Lucock, who was baptised into the Catholic Church last weekend, is one of these students who is very excited to be receiving Jesus. “I felt great when I got Baptised. I felt blessed. I can’t wait to get Holy Communion."
Striving for Excellence- Make A Difference In Our World
Year 6 Social Justice and Mini Vinnies students will be introducing the St Vincent De Paul WINTER APPEAL at tomorrow’s assembly.
Donation of the following items would be greatly appreciated:
- New thick socks
- New gloves/mittens
- Warm coats and scarves
- Sleeping bags
- Blankets/donnas
We could all make a difference in our world with these goals!
Let us all answer Jesus’ call to carry on His mission of love…
(please make sure any used items are in reasonable condition)
Classroom Support with Mrs. Rachael Croker
The attached article is really helpful in developing a pencil grip
Eric Carle
The students have been learning about Author and Illustrator Eric Carle this term. Eric Carle (1929-2021) was an American-born artist. He spent most of his childhood in Germany and attended art school there, studying graphic design.

School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
Friday Sport: Mini Roos Soccer Coaching
This Friday will be our last MiniRoos soccer coaching session. I would like to thank Nick and Bree for providing our students with some fun soccer skills, drills, and games. The students have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions.
Starting next week, the students will benefit from the Brumbies Development Squad coaching Rugby Union. We will have two weeks this term, and two weeks next term.

Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Northern Region Athletics Carnival
All notes regarding student events, payment required and permission to attend have been sent out via Compass. Students who are attending have also been provided with a paper copy of the carnival program, with their events highlighted.
We are asked to provide assistance with time keeping throughout the day. If you are able to volunteer some time to help with this, please contact the school office.
I will be attending the carnival and will be able to assist with students navigating their way between events.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Good luck to Will Waldron who will be competing at the NSWCCC/CPS Cross Country next week. Run well Will!
NSWPSSA Primary Boys Hockey Championships
Emmett, Henry and Ollie travelled to Tamworth last week to play for MacKillop at the NSW PSSA Hockey Championships over 4 days. The boys had a tough pool, with 2 wins, 1 draw and a loss, but managed to sneak in to the semi finals. MacKillop played South Coast in the semi in what was a brilliant game of hockey. Unfortunately a short corner was awarded in the last 20 seconds of the game, and South Coast scored off this. The boys were rewarded for their hard work and finished with a the bronze medal.
Emmett played a defender and really grew over the week. It will be great to have him back in 2024.
Henry and Ollie played some mature and impressive hockey and were justly rewarded with selection in the NSW PSSA Hockey Team. They will travel to Hobart at the end of July to participate at the Australian School Sports U12s Nationals Hockey Championships.
Well done to all 3 boys, we are so very proud of you!
Upcoming Trials
- Golf- 9 Hole MacKillop and 18 Hole MacKillop.
CLOSE DATE: Applications for this CSNSW Sport selection Trial (MacKillop 9 Hole Tournament) close on Thursday, 27th July 2023
REGISTRATION: In order for your child to be accepted to participate in the selection trial you or your child must accurately complete the following:
DOB: 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2015
School Years: 2 to 6
Gender: Both
Region: MacKillop
Cost: $35.00 for 9 hole, $45.00 for 18 hole
Book Club
Book club was distributed last week
Please order through LOOP by TODAY, Thursday 8th June 2023
The web address is:
Please contact me if you experience any difficulties.
Child Safe Advocate with Mrs. Sally-Anne Croker
Student of the Week Awards
The Student of the Week Awards go to...
Kindergarten: Lyla Storrier, Vida Stephenson
Yr. 1: Thaddaeus Camilleri, Adeline Millett, Hugo Montgomery, Evelyn Pappalardo
Yr. 2: Mia Croker, Bridie McCormack
Yr. 3: Harry Day, Donovan Francis
Yr. 4: Spencer Charnock, Quade Haynes, Faith Riles
Yr. 5: Lily Coggan, Camryn Rogers, Hayden Tarlinton
Yr. 6: Chloe Bensley, Addin Grove
Japanese Class of the Week goes to Year Four
Appreciation Award
Well done to the following students for wearing their school uniform correctly and with pride: Charles Beath, Harry Day, Angus Foley
School Spirit Awards
Harry Frost, Sophie Culley and Elkie Storrier for demonstrating the School Value of Service.
Sophie Croker for demonstrating the School Value of Excellence.
Thursday Funny
Q/. Can a match box?
A/. No, but a tin can.
Submitted by Joe McCormack Year 3
Tuckshop Roster
If you can help and aren't on the roster, please click the following link to complete the form. Tuckshop Helpers
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Friday 9 June: Elise Croker, Bec Scott, Tennille McIntosh
Monday 12 June: Public Holiday
Friday 16 June: Elizabeth Egan, Carina Doran, Jenny Wye
Monday 19 June: Amber McWilliam, Cass Wicks, Jemma Reid
Friday 23 June: Katherine Fraser, Mary-Ann Kilborn, Kimberley McIntosh
Monday 26 June: Rechell Naughton, Maureen Lucock, Kelly Seaman- LAST TUCKSHOP FOR TERM 2.
Kindy Street Stall & Wood Auction
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to the Goulburn Parish Office. The volunteer secretary works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Crookwell Kids Disco
PCYC Activities
Goulburn Regional Art Gallery- Holiday Workshops
Painting Farm Animals with Sally
When: Wednesday 5th July 2023
Time: 10am - 12pm
Age: For participants 6+
Cost: $30
Join Sally to create a painting of your favourite farm animal!
In this two hour class, Sally will lead you in creating your own painting of a farm animal learning about colour, shape and line and form and developing technical painting skills. Sally Dunne is a local artist working in painting and drawing and takes commissions in portraits and pet portraits.
Canvas and paints are included in the fee. Please bring a photo of your favourite farm animal if you have one.
Make your own cushion cover!
When: Wednesday 12 July
Time: 1 - 3.30pm
Age: For participants 6+
Cost: $35
Create your own bold design for a cushion cover!
Learn how to make your original design by cutting out fabrics then stitching or ironing them onto the cushion cover and adding decoration. All materials supplied.
Stop Motion Animation inspired by Jenny Bell.
When: Thursday 13 July
Time: 9.30 -11.30am
Age: For participants 8+
Cost: $30
Learn how to create a Stop Motion Animation. Inspired by Jenny Bell's Buttermoths, make your own flying digital animation. All materials and equipment supplied.
Afternoon Art Club
When: Wednesdays 19 July - 13 September OR Thursdays 20 July - 14 September
Time: 3:45-4:45pm
Ages: Primary school aged children
Cost: $100 per participant
Bookings: via email or phone (02) 4823 4494
Afternoon Art Club is a nine week program of creative fun and learning. Projects expand children's skills in expressing ideas through making, encourage enjoyment in the process of creating and develop and refine art making skills.