Filter Content
- Principal Talk with Mrs. Sarah Lowe
- Uniform Matters
- Mother's Day Stall Thursday 11 May
- Cool Kids Anxiety Program
- Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
- School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
- Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
- Child Safe Advocate
- St Mary's Sharepoint
- P & F News
- Goulburn Mission Parish News
- Community News
Principal Talk with Mrs. Sarah Lowe
Friday 28 April |
Mini-Roos Sporting Schools Soccer Coaching Commences for Years 2-6 No tuckshop |
Monday 1 May |
No tuckshop |
Tuesday 2 May |
School Counsellor Madi Burns resumes |
Wednesday 3 May |
Eucharist (First Communion) Sacrament Enrolment Night in the Church 6pm SDN School Transition Talk 7.00pm |
Thursday 4 May |
Term Two Opening School Mass 9.30am Gilbert Croker Legends Day - League and Touch Football Carnival |
Friday 5 May |
MacKillop Hockey Trials Mini-Roos Sporting Schools Soccer Coaching No tuckshop |
Wednesday 10 May |
School Board Meeting 6.00pm |
Thursday 11 May |
Schools Police Safety Talk Mother's Day Stall - Gifts all $5 and under |
Friday 12 May |
Northern Region Cross Country Carnival |
Wednesday 17 May |
Parents & Friends Association Meeting 7.00pm |
Friday 19 May |
CG Cross Country Stromlo ACT |
Tuesday 23 May |
Year Five/Six Canberra Excursion - please complete the online Compass consent forms |
Thursday 25 May |
School Athletics Carnival |
Monday 29 May |
Reconciliation Week |
Thursday 8 June |
Combine Eucharist Retreat Day - Year 4 - TCC |
Friday 16 June |
Northern Region Athletics - Goulburn |
Monday 26 June |
Academic Reports and Work Sample Folders home |
Friday 30 June |
Stage Two (Years 3/4) Showcase of Learning Assembly 12.30pm |
Welcome back!
Welcome back to Term 2! We hope this message finds you well and that you had a restful and enjoyable break.
We are excited to start this new term with our students and continue to provide a safe and engaging learning environment. Our dedicated teachers and staff are committed to supporting your child's growth and academic success.
We have planned various student activities and events this term, including excursions, guest speakers, and sporting events. We encourage you to stay up-to-date with our school newsletter and calendar so you know when these events are on.
We understand that some students struggle to transition back to school after a break. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher, our Classroom Support Teacher Rachael Croker, or me.
We look forward to working with you this term to ensure your child has a successful and fulfilling experience.
Finance Transformation: Notice of Finance System Changes
In partnership with Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn (CECG), St Mary's is migrating to a new finance system that will integrate with the Compass Parent Portal and Compass App. We are expected to begin to use this system from next Monday, 1 May 2023.
The move to the new system will increase the integration of the school finances into Compass, with parents/caregivers also having visibility of financial transactions within Compass.
There will be changes to the design of fee statements, including a newly assigned BPAY Biller Code and Customer Reference Number (CRN) that will be issued to you once the system has migrated next week. This information will also be provided on your Term 2 fee statements.
The payment of school fees directly into a school bank account will no longer be possible in the new system, and the school bank account is being centralised across CECG. If you make regular payments of school fees via Direct Debit, please note that these will be cancelled on 28th April 2023, and you will need to ensure that you move to an alternative payment option.
From 1 May 2023, BPAY will be the preferred payment method for student tuition fees and levies. Most banks allow for a regular recurring payment to be made via BPAY. For more information on how to enable ongoing payments using BPAY, please speak to your bank.
Payments can also be made online using CompassPay or cash at the school office. The following payment methods are no longer able to be accepted:
· Direct debit
· Direct bank deposit
· Qkr! (except for tuckshop and uniform shop payments)
To assist with a smooth transition to the new system, please ensure that the school is aware of any updated contact details for your family.
We appreciate your support during this transition. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Compass App
A reminder that we are now utilising the Compass App for communication, absence notifications as well excursion and sporting consents. There is a link to the 'Change to Travel Arrangements' there as well.
If you are having any problems with the app, please see Belinda.
Thank you and congratulations to all of our students who participated in the 2023 ANZAC Day Commemorative Services.
St Mary's had a large contingent at the Crookwell, Taralga, and Grabben Gullen services. I estimate that over half of our school participated in some way.
By marching and participating in the commemorative services, our students demonstrated a deep respect for the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women.
I want to thank all of you who participated, you have made our school and community proud, and we are grateful for your contributions.

School Police Liason Talk
On Thursday, 11 May, our School Police Liason Office, Senior Constable Barbara Beard, will visit St Mary's to talk with the students. The Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two students will have a session on Community Safety, and Years 3/4 and Years 5/6 will each have a session on Cyber Safety. After the Year 5/6 session, Year 6 students will stay behind and be provided with additional content about the laws related to sending inappropriate images. Please let me know if you do not wish your child to participate in this additional session.
Toys at School
Yesterday, some Year 3 boys enjoyed unpacking the new farm toys available for all students. There is now a dedicated farm corner on the playground, suitable for imaginative digging, construction, carting, mustering and much more!
Winter Uniform
As you are aware, this term the students are to wear their full winter uniform; however, a two-week leeway is given if the weather is still warm enough for the summer uniform.
In preparation for the cooler months, you might order our school coat, a warm bottle green parka-style coat, from our Uniform Shop. No other coats will be permitted. Bottle green gloves and beanies may be purchased elsewhere.
Some other reminders about our school uniform- hair accessories must be in the school colours only, earrings must be sleepers and studs, no nail polish is to be worn to school, and shoulder-length hair, or longer, must be tied back.
Cool Kids Anxiety Program
Limited places are available in the Year 5/6 program beginning Week 3 of Term 2.
Get your application in asap.
Expressions of interest for Terms 3 & 4 also being accepted for children in Years 3/4 & 5/6.
Following the interest received in our pilot online Cool Kids program for term two, Catholic Care Canberra & Goulburn will offer places in three more groups that will be run during terms three & four. This is only available to students enrolled in regional Catholic Education schools and their parents. We welcome applications from students from years 3-4 and 5-6. The program will be run after school hours with the child and parent logging in from home or another private and quiet location. One parent is required at each session, and two are welcome.
The following information explains what the Cool Kids program involves and who may find the program helpful.
About the Cool Kids Program
Cool Kids is a structured program that teaches children and their parents how to manage a child’s anxiety better. The program is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), involves the participation of children and parents, and focuses on teaching practical skills. Topics covered in the program include:
- Learning about anxiety
- Learning to think realistically
- Parenting an anxious child
- Facing fears using stepladders and
- Learning coping skills such as relaxation or problem solving.
Macquarie University developed the Cool Kids program over the past 25 years, has been translated into several languages and is used in clinics, schools and hospitals worldwide. The program has undergone continual scientific evaluation and development to include the latest understanding of anxiety and its treatment. Current results indicate that most young people who complete the program show significant improvement. Following treatment, there are marked increases in school attendance, confidence, number of friends and involvement in extra-curricular activities and decreases in worry, shyness, fear and family distress.
How is the Cool Kids Program Delivered?
Cool Kids sessions will be run online by a clinical counsellor accredited to deliver the program.
The group program runs over ten weeks. Groups will include eight students and their parent/s.
Between sessions, children will be asked to practice skills at home and at school and parental encouragement is a proven contributor to success.
Would my child benefit from Cool Kids?
The Cool Kids program is offered to children whose main struggle is anxiety. Cool Kids covers a broad range of fears and worries, including:
Social fears: Kids who are shy and worry about what others think of them. They avoid social situations, performing and often have difficulty making friends.
Specific fears: Fears of particular objects or situations like dogs, heights or water. The fear is so bad that they avoid situations where they might come across that fear.
Generalised anxiety: These kids are worriers. They worry about many different areas, including schoolwork, competition, family, and anything new. They ask for reassurance and may feel sick, get headaches or have trouble sleeping.
Separation fears: Kids who worry that something bad will happen when separated from mum or dad. They often refuse to separate e.g. won’t go to school, sleepover at friends’ houses, or be left at home with a sitter.
Cool Kids is not suitable for children whose main problem is low mood, aggression, hyperactivity, oppositional behaviour or if they are autistic.
What else is involved?
You will be asked to complete a brief assessment for your child to participate in Cool Kids. This will gather information about the concerns that you have for your child and will also include questionnaires for you and your child about thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The assessment will be used to determine if your child is likely to find Cool Kids beneficial. Additionally, after the program is complete, you will be asked to complete the same assessment a second time so that we can track your child’s progress.
How to nominate your child
If, after reading this information, you would like your child to be considered for the program, please complete and return the attached Cool Kids Expression of Interest Form.
What Should I do if I Have Questions?
If you would like to discuss Cool Kids or whether your child may benefit from the program, please email Cool Kids facilitator Donna Spillman at
Religious Education with Mrs. Therese Skelly
EASTER – the Season of new life (April - May)
We continue to celebrate the most important Church season of Easter for the next four weeks. We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection – and the NEW LIFE in heaven Jesus won for us by dying on the cross. To say "I believe in Jesus Christ ... who rose from the dead," is to say I believe that the Resurrection goes on and on forever. Just as death could not hold Jesus, we can live in the hope that death will not be the end for us.
During this Easter season, we remember that Jesus was God living among us as one of us – fully human – and that he came to show us a better way to live… with love, hope, mercy, compassion, peace and justice - even amid pain, death and sorrow. There are many recent YouTube clips of hundreds of Ukrainian Christians gathering to celebrate Easter Mass in the shadow of war. A particularly moving hymn was sung by a choir gathered to celebrate their faith in Jesus’ resurrection and a God who brings love, joy and peace even in the worst circumstances. Their faces radiated inner joy and peace as they sang ‘Alleluia. You are Lord, God Almighty’
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 38 I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans)
An Easter Prayer
Jesus, you suffered and died for me,
May I know that your rising from the dead is a sign to us
that there is life after death.
Risen Lord, you are always with me and keep calling my name,
May I hear your voice, allowing me to feel loved, blessed and cherished?
Comfort, nurture, and strengthen me.
Help me to carry your risen presence with me,
wherever I go and to whomever I meet.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is an annual celebration of Catholic education. St Mary’s joins 1755 Catholic schools nationwide to celebrate over 200 years of Catholic education in Australia.
The core purpose of Catholic education is to form our students spiritually, academically, physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially, to enable them to make a meaningful contribution to the world. Catholic schools strive to empower students to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and actively strive to create a better world.
All are welcome to join us for Mass next Thursday in St Mary’s Church at 9.30am to celebrate Catholic Schools’ Week.
OUR SCHOOL MOTTO, MISSION and VALUES sum up our purpose…
Jesus Christ calls us as an inclusive community to live our faith, engage in quality learning and enrich our world for the future.
Following in the footsteps of our founders, the Sisters of Mercy, Together As One in Truth and Knowledge, we are:
Jesus’ hands - offering SERVICE to others
Jesus’ eyes - seeing the needs of others with COMPASSION
Jesus’ heart - sharing RESPECT for everyone
Jesus’ feet - walking the road of JUSTICE
Jesus’ mind - persevering and striving for EXCELLENCE
Christ Has No Body
Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks with compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
School Sport with Mrs. Linda Walsh
Croker/Gilbert NRL Legends Gala Day 2023
The Croker/Gilbert Legends Gala Day will be held in Goulburn at North Park on Thursday 4th May.
Please note this year’s event will be participation based (non-competitive) with mixed 7 a-side tackle and mixed tag teams. Scores will not be kept and there is no cost to attend this gala day.
We have been able to enter a Year 3 / 4 Tag and Tackle Team, and a Year 5 / 6 Tag and Tackle Team. Teams are listed below.
Students are to meet Mr Edwards at North Park Goulburn at 9.30am. First game is at 10am. The day is expected to conclude by 2.10pm.
Tag teams are to wear their full school sports uniform. Tackle teams can change into school rugby tops and socks or wear their Crookwell Green Devils uniform if there are sufficient uniforms.
Students must bring their school hats, water bottle and lunch. A canteen will be available on the day.
Thank you to those parents who have so kindly offered to coach and assist on the day!
Year 3 / 4 Tag Team
+ rotation of subs from Tackle Team
Coach: Mr Edwards |
Year 5 /6 Tag
Coach: Kayla Gann Assistants: Pip Frost and Kassandra Rowe |
Year 3 / 4 Tackle
Coach: Dan and Jayde Costello Assistants: Claire McCormack and Kelly Seaman |
Year 5 / 6 Tackle
Coach: Cole Davis |
NSW Netball Cup 2023
Notes have been sent home yesterday with students interested in representing St Mary’s as a school team in the NSW Netball Cup held in Bowral on Tuesday 9th May. It is a non-competitive friendly competition for Year 3/4 and 5/6 students. The cost is $40 per team ($5 per student if enough for a team) and travel is by private transport.
Notes and money must be returned by this Friday 28th April.
School Sport
This term St Mary’s will be receiving some qualified Mini Roos soccer coaching from Football Australia. We will also begin practicing and preparing for our Athletics Carnival in Week 5. We will conclude this term and begin next term with qualified rugby coaching sessions from the Brumbies Development Squad. Looking forward to a great term of sport!
Representative Sport with Mrs. Rachael Croker
Northern Region Cross Country
Please ensure that the online permission slip is completed ASAP.
Details for the NR carnival are as follows:
Venue: Crookwell Showground
Date: Friday 12 May 2023
Time: 9:20am Team Manager meeting
9.30am Walk the course
10.00am First event
Division/Distances/Approx run times
10:00am 9 years girl [2013] 2000m
10:20am 9 years boy [2013] 2000m
10:40am 10 years girl [2012] 2000m
11:00am 10 years boy [2012] 2000m
11:20am 11 years girl [2011] 3000m
11:45pm 11 years boy [2011] 3000m
12:15pm 12/13 years girl [2010/2009] 3000m
12:40pm 12/13 years boy [2010/2009] 3000m
Children will compete in their school sports uniform.
Cost: $7:50 paid via Qkr App.
Archdiocesan Carnival: 6 competitors from each age group will progress to the Archdiocesan Carnival, held at Stromlo Park on FRIDAY, 19 MAY.
Winter Trials
We wish the following students all the best at their respective Winter trials on Friday, 5th May:
U11’s Rugby League;
Jaydan Costello
Chase Lucock
Seb Cummins, Ollie Croker, Henry Galland, Tommy Picker, Emmett McIntosh
Upcoming Trials
SW Canberra Goulburn students in Years 5 and 6 are eligible to trial for the Canberra Goulburn team to compete at the MacKillop trials.
Date: Monday 15th May 2023
Location: Southwell Park
Address: Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham, 2603, ACT
Time: 10:o0am - 2:00pm
Cost: $20
Please advise Sherree Bush if your child will no longer be attending the trials - this assists greatly when allocating players to gameplay during the trials.
Registration link:

Over the holiday break, many of our staff and students had great success in various fields.
Tommy Culley
Tommy presented the ‘Tom Culley Award for the Supreme Junior Exhibit at Sydney Royal Easter Show 2023. Tommy is the great-great nephew of Mr Culley, who was a very well-known stud master.
Winner of Non-ASC Paraders Heat 1 at the Sydney Royal Easter Show 2023.
Mrs Tarlinton
Selected in NSW Polocrosse Masters Team to compete in Warwick QLD in May.
We want to hear from you!
We would love to hear about, and share, your child's achievements. Please send through a photo for next week's newsletter.
Thermomix Raffle
Tuckshop Roster
We will need more helpers for Term 2. If you can help, please click the following link to complete the form. Tuckshop Helpers
More hands mean less work! Tuckshop is a great way to meet other parents.
Term Two Meeting
Our Term Two P&F Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 17 May at 7pm in the Staffroom. All welcome!
2023 Sacraments
To register your child (Year group 4+) for First Holy Communion, please complete the online enrolment form:
You are also required to attend the enrolment, and all of the sessions, dates are listed on the form. If you have any queries, do please contact the parish office: (
Payment is to be made into either the Goulburn or Crookwell Catholic church bank account via EFT, depending on where you want your child to receive the Sacrament. Please see the payment details below.
Goulburn EFT
BSB: 062 786
Acc: 000014927
Ref: FHC – Surname
Crookwell EFT
BSB: 062 786
Acc: 000014901
Ref: FHC – Surname
Please email the receipt to
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters, please forward your enquiries to Goulburn Parish Secretary. The volunteer secretary works Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1pm in Goulburn.
Phone: 0403 631 797
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Australian Agricultural Centre Courses
Cystic Fibrosis 65 Roses Charity Dinner
Date: Saturday 13th May 2023
Where: Goulburn Workers Club
Time: 6.30 pm
Tickets: $60 includes Dinner and Entertainment
For info : Phone Sylvana 0447 655 194
Whilst treatments are improving, there is still NO CURE for CF.
CYSTIC FIBROSIS or as it is also known, 65 ROSES, IS THE MOST COMMON LIFE SHORTENING GENETIC CONDITION that affects the respiratory and digestive systems.
Most CF sufferers need to take endless medications and undergo daily physiotherapy to help clear their airways. They also have lengthy hospital admissions with ongoing treatments, often incurring financial difficulty.
Cystic Fibrosis Goulburn and District is a not-for-profit charity offering support to families affected by Cystic Fibrosis in the Goulburn area since 1971. We also contribute annually to much-needed medical research.