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This week marks the end of Term One. I cannot believe how quickly the term has gone!
We have had an action-packed term with many wonderful events for the children to participate in, including Musica Viva, Cricket Coaching, Harmony Day, Shrove Tuesday and our Swimming and Cross Country Carnivals.
This term we have also welcomed many guests into our school. Our Re-registration Panel and our visitors from Catholic Schools New South Wales (Diocesan Directors and Head Office Staff) today have all affirmed the wonderful school environment we have at St Mary's. Today I received remarks about the wonderful 'feel' the school has and on the student's engagement with their learning. I informed the visitors about the consistent parental and community support we receive, which I believe is one of the reasons we have such a positive school culture.
I would like to thank everyone for your contribution to school life at St Mary's this term. Thank you for supporting your child and our teachers, volunteering your time and assisting with our fundraising events, it is very much appreciated!
Term Two will commence for students on Tuesday 30 April.
School Photos
Our school photos will be taken during Week 3 next term. Ordering can be done online by inputting the 9 digit code AN3 WE9 3JZ on the Advanced Life website . Envelopes have been sent home this week.
Congratulations to Naomi, Marli, Saxon, Amelia, William, Finn, Sommer-Lee and Estelle who made the Sacrament of First Reconciliation last Thursday evening.
Thank you to Belinda Cuja and Sr Rosemary for preparing the children.
Showcase of Learning
Congratulations to Year 6, Mrs Croker, Year 5 and Mr Collinge on an entertaining Showcase of Learning. It is wonderful to see the learning that has occurred in Stage 3 this term.
Year 6 Camp
Yesterday Year 6 headed off with Mrs Croker and Mrs Spackman to The Academy of Sport, Narrabeen for a week of fun and adventure. Whilst away they will abseil, rock climb, paddleboard, kayak, participate in initiative games and much more!
Thank you to Trinity Catholic College for the loan of their bus to transport our students. Thanks also to Mrs Tarlinton for driving.
Garden Club
This term around 60 students participated in our weekly Thursday Garden Club. The students are broken up into smaller groups and work on a four-week rotation. The children have planted spinach, lettuce, strawberries, pansies and many other things. They mulch, weed and dig.
Thank you to our dedicated volunteers, including Deirdre, Cheryl, Maree, Shireen and Robyn, for ensuring that this program runs smoothly.

ANZAC Day is during the last week of the school holidays on Thursday 25 April. We invite all students to participate in the ANZAC Day events, commencing with Mass at 9.00am and then followed by the March at 11.00am. The wreath is presented by our Captains and blessed at the Mass.
Students are asked to come along dressed in their full winter uniform. They are to assemble for the March in the RSL car park from 10.40am. The March moves down Goulburn Street to the Memorial Park for the ANZAC Day Commemoration Ceremony. Students remain assembled until this Ceremony concludes.
It would be wonderful to see many of our students at this special ceremony.
Uniform Matters
As the term draws to a close, uniform accidentally gets mixed up between students. Please check all the uniform you have at home to ensure it belongs to your family as we have some students who have items missing which are clearly named.
Please also ensure to have all your children's uniform labelled.
Next term the students are to wear the full winter uniform, however, a two-week leeway is given if the weather is still warm enough for the summer uniform.
In preparation for the cooler months, you might like to order our school coat, which is a warm bottle green parka style coat, from our Uniform Shop. No other coats will be permitted, however, bottle green gloves and beanies may be purchased elsewhere.
Some other reminders about our school uniform- hair accessories must be in the school colours only, earrings must be sleepers and studs and no nail polish is to be worn to school.
Term 2 Dates
School commences for students - 30 April
Northern Region Cross Country - 3 May
Catholic Schools Week - 6 - 10 May
Scholastic Book Fair - 7- 9 May
Open Week Tours - 6 - 9 May
League Shield Gala Day - 7 May
Mothers Day Mass - 9 May
NAPLAN - 14 - 16 May
School Photos - 15 May
Athletics Carnival - 17 May
Dental Check - 30 May
Arch Cross Country - 4 June
School Explorers Program - 31/5, 7/6, 14/6 & 21/6
Stage 2 Showcase of Learning - 5 July
End of term - 5 July
Religious Education with Mrs Skelly
Let us Give Thanks
This Sunday is Palm Sunday and marks the beginning of Holy Week. Holy means "set apart." Christians set apart an entire week (Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday) to recall the greatest tragedy and sorrow and the most important time in our history – the suffering and death of Jesus for our sake.
Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the first joy of the season, as we celebrate Our Lord's triumphant entrance into Jerusalem where he was welcomed by crowds worshipping him and laying down palm leaves before him. But this joyous return to Jerusalem is only one side of the story.
By now many were filled with hate for Jesus, especially after he offered proof of His Divinity during a previous visit to Jerusalem where he announced…
“I told you, and ye believe not: the works that I do in my Father's name, these bear witness of me” (Jn 25) “I and the Father are one” (Jn 30).
Many people did not believe Jesus. They called Him a blasphemer and wanted to see him dead. After His triumphant entry into Jerusalem Jesus retreated to the Mount of Olives nearby and foretold the apostles the events of the next several days, including His impending death.
Holy Thursday
Jesus returned to Jerusalem on Thursday, to share the Last Supper with His apostles…
‘Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you” (on the cross) “Do this in remembrance of me.” And he did the same with the cup saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.”’ (His blood poured out in death) (Luke 22:19,20).
We go to mass to remember Jesus’ last supper and his sacrifice.
After supper, whilst praying in the garden, Jesus was arrested and subsequently tried.
Good Friday
Jesus was crucified at Calvary outside the gates of Jerusalem on Friday…
‘Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Having said this, he breathed his last. When the centurion saw what had taken place, he praised God and said, “Certainly this man was innocent.”’ (Luke: 23:46,47)
Jesus was buried the same day, and arose three days later, on EASTER SUNDAY…
'So it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead' (Luke 24:46)
All of this was done by our Lord for the forgiveness of our sins, and for life everlasting with Him. God so loved us, that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us and bring us closer to him. You might like to take some time to attend the beautiful Holy week ceremonies in the Church next week and reflect on their significance.
I asked Jesus… “How much do you love me Lord?”
He stretched out his arms and said… “This much.” And then he died.
Classroom Support with Mrs Spackman
The Power of Play and Experiences
Remember to spend time with your children during the holidays. Encourage them to play board games, card games and complete jigsaw puzzles. Play ‘I Spy’ using letters, numbers and words. These activities all assist in connecting the ‘wires in our brains’. Providing our children with experiences broadens their ability to use vocabulary and builds their communication and writing skills. Children are better able to write about things they have experienced.
Learning musical instruments is another great way for children to also improve the capacity of their brain, once again connecting those pathways. Listening to music is also a great thing to do!
Remember to READ in the holidays! Encourage your children to read but also remember to read to them. Children are never too old to be read to!
Representative Sport with Mrs Sally Croker
Representative Sport- Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocese
Registrations received and Principal approved to date:
HOCKEY 10 May |
SOCCER 10 May |
CRICKET 23/24 Sep |
Isabelle Galland |
Charlie Cramp |
Jake Cosgrove |
Ellie McCormack |
Bella Croker |
Georgina Culley |
Marnie McCormack |
Billie Skelly |
George Skelly |
Ellie McCormack |
William Heffernan |
Isabelle McCormack |
Nate Kemp |
Bree Hearne |
Regan Picker |
As well as Boys Rugby, MacKillop will be having trials for individual students for a Girl’s Rugby 7’s team.
Students who are interested in either BOYS or GIRLS are to register on the CSSS Website under Rugby.
Northern Region Cross Country Team – Braidwood FRIDAY 3 MAY
If you have not done so already, please return your childs note for this event by this Friday. So far we have the following notes:
9Yr Girls |
9Yr Boys |
10Yr Girls |
10Yr Boys |
11Yr Girls |
11Yr Boys |
12 Yr Girls |
12 Yr Boys |
Tahlia |
Finn |
Olivia |
Nathaniel |
Marnie |
William H |
Billie |
Lucy |
William |
Georgina |
Ethan |
Ellie |
Alec |
Ava |
Rosa |
Reece |
Sommer |
Charlie |
Max’e |
Caitlyn |
Archdiocesan Cross Country – Mt Stromlo TUESDAY 4 JUNE
Mackillop Cross Country – Eastern Creek FRIDAY 15 JUNE
St Mary’s is holding a Scholastic Book Fair in the Library from the 7–9 May.
Commission from the Book Fair provides valuable resources for the Library. All welcome!
Last Thursday the students were treated to a wonderful display by Musica Viva performers who showcased "Taikoz", the art of Japanese drumming. The students thoroughly enjoyed the performance, with some even getting the chance to join in!
Parish Office
For Parish and Sacramental matters please forward your enquiries to Parish Secretary, Janet Haynes or Pastoral Associate Sr Rosemary via email or call into the Parish Office at the Old Convent Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Phone: 48321 633
Address: 55 Wade Street (the Old Convent Building)
Sacrament of Eucharist
Have you enrolled your child for the Sacrament of Eucharist yet?
If not, please access the form here
The program commences with the information meeting on Thursday 2 May.
Altar Roster
14 April- Nathaniel Waters & Oliver Gray
21 April- Bella Croker
28 April- Eliza & Chloe Kemp
5 May- Ashleigh Bachta & Olivia Anderson
Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass to help Father prepare.
Ability Links
If you are interested in a Government initiative called "Ability Links", please see below. Belinda has the details of the local Ability Linker. Please note this service is available to all.
Kids On Keyboards
Vacation Care provided by Crookwell Neighbourhood Centre
School Holiday Craft at Crookwell Library
Archdiocesan Marriage Family Relationships
The Archdiocesan Marriage Family Relationships team sees great value in providing opportunities for women, be they teachers, parents or local parishioners, to relax and connect with each other. There are several opportunities currently on offer in the local Archdiocese for women to connect & reflect.
Billeting can be arranged for women from regional areas
For more information see or contact